258966 r, - : � . • � � 2�896s � COUNCIL FILE N0. FINAL ORDER - � By � _ In the Matter of _ , � Cnnstructing and reconstructing sidewalks and by doing all other tiork which is ' necessary and incidental to complete said improvement, except where it is determined that good and sufficient poured sidewalks now exist: � Finance Preliminary Approved Description File No. Order S9596 -��LL 257954 April 7, 1972 Stewart Ave. , south side from Madison St. to Rankin St. S9597 �3 257952 April 7, 1972 Davern Ave. , west side from Norfolk Ave. to Munster Ave. 59598 ��1 257951 April 7, 1972 Otis Ave. , south side from Exeter P1. to Otis Lane. ' 59599 �1� 257950 April 7, 1972 Otis Ave. , north side from Exeter P1. to Riverwood P1. � � 59600 �,`� 257957 April 7, 1972 Lincoln Ave. , both sides on the south side � from the East line of Lot 4, Blk. 5, Stinson'sl � Blvd. Add. to Syndicate St. and on the north side from the east line of Lot 19, Blk. 4, � Stinson's Blvd. Add, to Syndicate St. S9601 �t�' 257958 April 7, 1972 Limaood Ave. , south side from Grotto St. ' to Avon St. S9597 257952 April 7, 1972 Davern Ave. , west siae rrom no����R n„�. .... Munster Ave. � S9598 257951 April 7, 1972 Otis Ave. , south side from Exeter P1. to Otis Lane, S9599 257950 April 7, 1972 Otis Ave. , narth side from Exeter P1. to Riverwood P1. S9600 257957 April 7, 1972 Lincoln Ave. , both sides on the south side • from the East line of Lot 4, Blk. 5, Stinson's Blvd. Add. to Syndicate St. and on the north side from the east line of Lot 19, Blk. 4, _ Stinson's Blvd. Add. to Syndicate 5t. 59601 257958 April 7, 197� Lirnaood Ave. , south side from Grotto St. I • to Avon St. ,_ _ - - - � - -. _ _ _ E�:, , rr�e, Preside.��,� Aro�t 1 P(16LFSNED JUN 17191'2 , ,' , , •� � . Dist. N����/� 1 ' . � � S.S. Stewart Ave. - Madison St. to Rankin St. �� • '�a�8 � 9�� OFFICE OF THE COA'I�IISSIONER GF PUBLIC WGRKS S, ! �S fG G 7 REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE . ,l�p."�.-.].�►t�i. 19 7.2 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 257954 approved Apr�l 7th. 19 72 relative to reconstructing the sidewalk on the south side of Stewart Ave. from Madison St. to Rankin St. and � doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 4.90 1. The estimated cost thereof is $� per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 5 f t. 5.85 wide and $� per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide. 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a � part thereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works g � 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition �� ��,�q'1021�27,�2��s 1 `�6' � � � N C�p O .-� � � � � « C ssioner of Public Works �� O � � � �� � 't' V � �� o ! ��P� `'u � �`6B L 9 5'��' , .... ' . . . , • Dist. No. 2 ^'� W.S. Davern Ave. - Norfolk Ave. to Munster Ave. OFFICE GF THE CONI�IISSIONER OF pUBLIC WGRKS REPORT TO COI�IISSIONER OF FINANCE S q���7 April ,�4th. 19 72 . To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Worlcs, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 257952 approved �3� 7rh_ 19�_ relative t0 reconstructint� the sidewalk OII the j�est slde of Davc�2-n AvP_ frnm Nnrfnllr Ave. to Munster Ave. and by doing al,. other work�hich is neceac�� and inriAwntal to complete said imvrovement. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 4.90 � 1. The estimated cost thereof is �per lin. f t. f or standard sidewalk 5 ft. 5.85 wide and ��per 1 in. f t. f or s tandard s idewa lk 6 f t. wicle o r�� ����/ 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a ` part thereof. L"�� 3. Initiated by the Cocmnissioner of Public Works x � ���g �2 ��r�OVement is asked for upon petition �`/v' ��1 ��,�s � �'���'�c,0 � � �Q _��� o� � �— ;�.," N 'C• �,� co o ' sioner of Public Works � -.FQ ,pC, Ow O �c�, 68�9 517��'� ,, . . . , • Dist. No. 2 . � L � S.S. Otis Ave. — Exeter Place to Otis Lane OFFICE OF THE COr•i�4ISSI0NER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO CONIMISSIONER aF FINANCE � l �S�� April 14th. 1972 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order . of the Council known as Council File No. 257951 approved_�ril 7th. �9��_ relative to reconatrLCting h aid rua k on the aouth aide of Ot,js Ave. fr.om Exeter Place to Otia j,ane and bs doing all other ruork which ia nececaarv and incidental to cnmplete aaid inmroYe�nt. r and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 4.90 1. The estimated cost thereof is $�j� per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 5 f t. 5.85 � wide and $�{j�Qgper 1 in. f t. f or s tandard s idewalk 6 f t. wide o 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a �� part thereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works g .��� 4 rovement is asked for upon petition �i ��,�,���1g 2D21���,�� h �' � � �Q�����0 ^' - � � N N `�� OF '1 ssioner of Public Works o pEQ�PN�� �� s� F�N `�,o 195��Z� -�," ' _ • Dis t. No. 2 N.S. Otis Ave. - Exeter Place to Riverwood Place ��� ' OFFICE GF THE COP�I�IISSIONER OF PUBLIC WGRKS � / J / / REPORT TO COMr1ISSI0NER OF FINANCE April 14th. 19 72 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Worlcs, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 257950 approved April 7th. 1972 relative to reconstructinpL the sidewalk on the north side of Otis ve. from Exeter Place to Riverwood Place and by doinQ all othe� work which is necessarv and incidental to complete said improvement. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 4.90 � 1. The estimated cost thereof is $� per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 5 f t. 5.85 � wide and �per 1 in, f t. f or s tandard s idewalk 6 f t. wicle. 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a � part thereof. � 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works g Improvement is asked for upon petition �1�/T h��,� 1819 02j��� �� �� ��� � � N QP����1�-� � - O ��G ^' Q.�_�� � issioner of Public Works �6�8 ���1PNG Ocv`° �9S��Z��,� _ '� , Dist. No. 2 :. � � . ��k. 5 � B.S. Lincoln Ave. - S.S. Lot 4"to Sqndicate �� , N.S. Lot 19, to " v • 8;�� s .�96 �l' o OFFICE GF THE COrI�1ISSICNER OF PUBLIC WGRKS REPC�RT TO CONI�IISSIONER OF FINANCE April 14th. 19 72 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St, Paul: The Commissioner of Public Worlcs, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 257957 approved Anril 7th. 19 72 relative to reconstructingL the sidewalk on both sides of Lincoln Ave. on the south (�be1� 5 side from the east line of Lot 4, Stinson's Blvd. Addn. to �ndica�g, Sf. and on the �lo e1c�/ north side from the east line of Lot 19; Stinson's Blvd i Addn to Syndicate St. and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to comnlete said improve- ment. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 4.90 1. The estimated cost thereof is $�j� per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 5 ft.O 5.85 wide and $�� per lin, ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide. 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a a part thereof. � 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works x 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition � �h�61118192�����' �� �� � �� , � '�.PR•19v ED � � �,-, C ssioner of Public Works � :,�T pF � � , ,,N�E ,ti� �o l9���� � `�p�, I ./ `� . � Dist• N�• 2 J S.S. Linwood Ave. - Grotto St. to Avon St. OFFICE OF THE COpI�1ISSI0N�R GF PUBLIC WGRKS � ��l� d� REPORT TO C0�3�1ISSI(3NER OF FINANCE ABrij. 14th. 19��_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul.: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No. ��58 approved�pril 7th. 19�_ relative to reconstructin� the sidewalk on the sout�l side of L�nws�od Ave. from (:rnttp • St. to Avon St. and by doin� all other work which is necess�rn and �.cidental to com- plete said improvement. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 4.90 1. The estimated cost thereof is $�{per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 5 ft. 5.85 wide and $� per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide. 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a � part thereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X `/ 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition � ti��1�151'��8��� w AP ``�'� � ° 1� R �� � � 6'`��IVE� � issioner of Public Wor �1/y � r C-�r � � S rON'�� '�v' �`��� t£0�6Z�� 4' � � . _ � ' 1+{a 1 ��..,r.�.,-.-..�-� . - -��-��� �� 3���6 r � � �d-�,...,,�, Z 3. t 9 Z ( . ��c��� �-�—�. s� ,��- � �:�.:�L.� y� G;� �_�. U-� s� 9� � v � �,¢,a.... �►'�. ��. �� ,��.a- :�-�;�, �����. .:�����. �� ��'�J ��_�.�k-��,� ,�,.�,,;,� ` � :� .C►;st :;�.e�a-��( �u.`'��, � � _ 9 V .¢ �� .iv+�'�i �� � �'Ss.dClsc-�J^+��' �'"°� '�n,'0'v.�C 11 �/ , ��'�',,— • � 1 Y � .ls..ts-a1. " � " ��.�.�,,s-�L ['� �' ,�v1 Q��� .^'._Q.- ii��v�- .� ` ��„� �'�-ti.P . � ,� ) ,�t,r�.ti.4� � ..i.t.�.w-c�.sJ�rz�, tl � ��x..�i.�i t sc.c3.e ,..�i-y Z r.t�K9�ti � n �� � V � �-�,�,;6 •�`-e�� e-�1� � � � �`r+.�" u.y"� � ,�.� .w..�e+-�( �t� "�`�. �.2 , U . /�� �� %� - ]�� lY��2~ . �� ��N�I'\i ✓� � � Y �■ :�'�A'� 1� � �... �;(�w`�i.M. �.�!l�rL� ��ti1/�`�.(� L�/ / il��'i� • V,}�v'_�`/�-.�"P/b4/ '� V . U '' �"�..erv�.s��Q_ �'Vl .�ct��vv�,�s'-tu • r � � � ��� � � e , 1�+01 Davern St. ' f , , • St. Paul, Minn. 55116 ' June 23, 1971 . �'��`��_g�� .,: — � /1��� To the members of the City Council � � � St. Paul, Minn. Re; File S 9�+28 Page 1 Notice of public hearing regarding the proposed construction and�or reconstruction of a sidewalk on the west side of Davern St. from Norfolk Ave. to Munster Ave. was recently received. As my wife and I will be out o town on July 2, when the hearing is scheduled to take p]�ace, I am writing this letter to you to give you our views. We have lived at the southwest corner of Da.vern and Graham for 22 years and have never had a sidewalk and have never felt the need��of one because we, and �iracti- cally all others who c�e to our house, come in throu�h our driveway which enters on Graham Ave., and which is very close to our rear door. We do have a good solid path along Davern St. in front of our property and keep it quite well shovelled for the mailman and for any pedestrians who may pass, but pedestrians are not very numerous because as you go south on Davern St., �here are no residences beyond Norfolk Ave. We further cannot understand the need for sidewalks in areas such as this in these days when cars are used so much. We are sure that you must knaw that many of the newer developments are designed without any public sidewalks for good reasons,and it does not seem fair that we should be burdened with this extra expense for some- thing which we do not want and for which there is no real need. If the members of the �iouncil still feel, after due consideration, that a sidewalk must be installed, we would then make a plea that the matter be postponed for at least two years. Our reason for this is that I am 6�+ years old and must retire at age 65 (in October, tnis year) at considerably reduced income. We hope to move to a smaller place and it seems only fair and logical that the one who buys my property should be the one that should pay for the sidewalk, is he wants one. I have paid real estate taxes in St. Paul for more than 35 years and the 73i�o increase which I was charged this year was paid without protest although it was a hard pill to swallow. I do appreciate the courteous consideration given me by Mr. Carl Skoglun of the Public Works Department and Mr. Paul �esch of the Department of Finance with whom I consulted since I will not be able to attend the hearing. I surely hope that each member of the Council will show the same consideration and reject the proposal for a new sidewalk here. Yours respectfully, ��o-r�.cJ"�_ �Y�. l�.,cc.,w-rti.�;,,._ Ronald DQ. Canner ' .. .__ _. .. . .. .. . . '.,�. . � _.. . . r � � . I .. . Q , � . � . .� . FINA�,L� flRDER �OUNCIL FILE NO. _• , By File No. S!�'� 1? � � In the Matter of ����� ,��' svf�oais�tia� tbi �2l�t�a � t��t �st+i� at asws�a ioMwt lsa�r �s�►lt �ow�w� t�s li�at�c � +rd b� i� a�.l � rstk Mai,elr i�t �r !�i'f.�e�t tf � !�d ��pt�t, �, .�a � � ', under Preliminary Order Y� approv� ��I �i� �?1 Intermediary Order approved , , A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations reIative thereto, and having fully considered . . the same; therefore, be it FtESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is t,o e�et aed�a� r�re+eo*lsoct tlMe sl�i+w�3t oo t1r +rrt s�.+ir ot �a fiw� !r� �o�c#ollc l�r■u�t bo ll�rasp�' � �d b� $ia�, �1 od�r �aa1� � !,s �reMaMt�r a�rd iaci�st Ls �►l�r�r atf.� i�ee+�1��, � �er �o�si a�d asifiei�rat ptna'rd � sl�siics �rov iod�, �, � , � � . � ,, � *X Y.� 5 1 � and the Council hereby ordera sa.id improvement to be made. 'l R.ESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commiasioner of Public Works be and is ereby instructed and d�irected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit sa�e to the Council for approval; tha.t upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized ahd directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Y� BUTLER Nays CA R LSQAf Approved LEVINE M�R E D I TH _^In Favor S F'Ri°�FK A Mayor TED�_;;�0 Mc�kF�_!_Y b�.;rat �� � ��,� . , ;;� _ - . • � ,� ", : � ' CQUNCIL p'iI.E 1�F0. �- F1t���. ��RE�ER . . _ - _. �' - • ' gy . �__ ' File No � ' - In the �atter of ��,�;� �,�� �1t M�t �Mn � ��t � s� �e's �Ari t11i� il�l�t i11�1�M�' •#!�11f�11� i�IM� +M�i �j!� +� � +�l�' wMRk lil�i " �s � iri is��� �� i� ��, under Preliminary Order � approv� � �� � Intermediary Order approvprt ,_ � ` A public hea�ring havia� been had upon the above imprrovement upon d8e notice, and the Counc� , having heard a�l persona, objections and r�dations relative f,hereto,and°,having fully considered -. ,�. :� _ -the s�me; therefore, be it RFSOL�EDr By the Councii of the City of 5t. Paul that the p�ecise nature, e�tent aad lan� of im- . prc�vement ta be made by the said City is �► �t a� s�r�rt +�M s� r� +dr r�t �ii� a! � ��r ;a �ie�#a i�rs ir Mr�r1'�r ��r��rt � ��, � �r�irrr �!� �r �� a�t �w�i�+s+�Ml■�� +�'�wyMr�. �Mlt rM�r #�i �,�#°� !�t ai+�#� �r�►�r�drr�E„ , _. aad the Council hereby orders said impraa►�ment to be made. �tESO�rV�D:�FI3RTHER, That #,he.Comt�issioner of Public Works be and is hereby iastnucted and . directed to 1�F�'e pla�s and specifications'for said improvernent, a�d s�bmit s�me�to the Coun,Gil for approval; that upon.said approval, the�proper city officials are.hereby autthorized �nd directed to pro- ceed-with the making of said improvernent in accordance therewith. COUNCII.MEN Adopted hy the Counci� Yeas BUTLER NAys CARLSON ADPro�� LEVINE MEREDITFfi SRF�A-FKA _ - Tn Favor ' TEDESCO _ _ _ �y°r McCARTY : �.►�r.t s� July 2, 197]. �or�. ��� C�'t�Y, � �c�n3.seioaier o� Public i�Tqr2�. Dea�r Sir: Tha City Cauncil tod�y �.t�dr� ��+e Fin�sl. Ord,�:• iu the matter c�� cAn�tx�t�.ng ,�nd/rnr ac�ecan�tructing the �ic�waJ.k on the ��t �id� oS A�rn Ave. fram Nortolk A�r�e. tn Mun,stGr A'voe.� ��� P. 0. 2�382�� .ap�axcr�cl A�aa^�]. 29' 1'97].. Ve�►' �� �'�� Gity Clerk � �Ct J Cj �'� . � i. ,� .TUI1t' �' 1.�72 Depar�tment oP Pqblic Works 234 Ci�y Rall Gentlemen: The City Covacil tod�y ado�ted e. Fi.nal Order 258966 ealling for the re�eon�truction of sidexalk� iri various areas. The Courici]. agreed to reconatru.ct ��dewalk on Davern St. w�est side �om Rorfolk ta Mun�'ter� under P.O. 25795�, with the uuclerstanding the�t na new sidewalka would be constructed 3� axea,g where sidewalk does not present� 6Xi8t. Yery truly yours� City Clerk AO/n8