258960 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK ��l���I,� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �`� � ' OF ICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+�E NO. COU I RE UTI —G ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF WHF�ZEAS, Ordinance No. 325� authorizes axyd provides for payraent for overtime, and WIiEI�AS, The Ca�r,maissioner of Parks and Recreation and Pablic Bizildings has authorized. ove�time wark in his department d�ring the period .from May 13, 1972 tl�ough May 26, 1972: therefore, be it ftE60LVED, That the pa�oper city officers are hereb�y authorized to pay the employees who performed such overtim� w�ork in accordance with the provi.sions of Ordinances No. f�.6 and No. 3250, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� ��N ? �97�19— Yeas Naya �� �t JU N ? 1972 �,��� Konopatzki prove� 19— Levine �In Favor Meredith . ) Sprafka �� ayor A gainat �d� Tedesco �VI�. President, 1�fcGart9- Butler �� ���:����d JUN 101972