258955 �` ORIGiNAL TO CITY CL6RK �iSUg�� - � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� i FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL OLUTIO —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BT COMMISSiONE DATF Northwestem Bell Telephone Company District Engineer 223 Plato Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55107 J.O. or Est. 6236 Resolved that permission be and is hereby granted to the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company to make necessary excavations for and to place and here- after ma.intain an underground conduit on Sherburne Avenue from Milton to Kent Street, and on Kent Street from Sherburne to University Avenue. All work to be in accordance with the attached plans as approved. The Telephone Company to pay cost of publication incident hereto. S�o�'. � C/r�iy�s � n o�-e��..�.t Jecs an p���5 W��t✓ O.T�. �� FORM AP � ���.. ti o n el Asst. CP�i���! � � ��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ��N 7 19�9— Yeas `� Nays JUN ? 1972 eve 19� Levine �n Favor , Meredith Sprafka � Mayor A gainst ` Tedesco /�,���""" " -�14�.—President, � �' Rt16LISHED JUN 10 1972 �'�