D00999C J _ - City Clerk No. _ - Finance Dept. Date - Dept. Accounting (Civic Center) Q _ - Engineer (HGA) _ � 4 ! � � - Contractor _ - Project Manager (CPMn CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. C4.01-A-5 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Building Construction Multiscope - Parking Ramg known as Contract L Project No.015117 M.A. Mortenson, is composed of the following: Provide revisions to parking ramp elevations per Contractor Proposal 4.9. This change imolved several items and pricing is separated as follows: 4.96 Elevated Slab P2 Revisions 4.9c Elevated Slabs P3 to P6 Revisions Part 4.9a is not included in this change order. Reason: Design Changa • IQ698.00 40"990.00 Total $51,685.00 Total $51,688.00 ORDERED, That the Ciry of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves che fozegoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 51.688.00 . said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, Imown as contract L- 147-76009-0899-68050 �iry of Saint Paul (PED) • /�1��V/"���/�6�A/ nr�hite�t and wluch amount is to be financed from: �' / 191� M A Mortenson atract �_�94� ��/ �9� `�i K ��S Adminisuative Assistant to the Mayor ��u �19� __ �� � OEPARfMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED V � J � ',�� 3 2 9 8 6 �.D % 3 l9G GREEN SH _ iNmno INRIAVDATE CO � PEFiSON 8 PHONE � � DEPARTMEM DIRECTOfl � CIN COUNdI. J�.� Q��, � `��, ��B�� Cff`/ATfOFNEY �'CITYCLEFK UST BE ON UNCIL AGEN BY (DA7E7 pOUfING UDGET DIqECfOq � PIN. 8 MGT. SEFVICES Olq, ORDER pAyOR (OR ASSI5TANT) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALl 0.TIONS FOR SIGNATURE) aC�N REQl1E5iEO: C � q �^ vi /� � 1 y7 �!/�' v— /� G_. . y. 1/. _ J/f LfCP/ (l7�-v/LV-r�w a'va� ri RECOMMENDqTIONS: apprava (A) a Reject (R) pERSONAL SEflVICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION __ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION t Has this personffirm ever worked untler a contract for this tlepartment? _ CIB GOMMI7TEE _ YES NO _ S7qFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTRICT COURT _ 3. �025 dli5 pefSONflf(n SSB55 8 Skill ttOt Mfma po Ih/ possessetl by a�y curreM ciry amplqtee? SUPPoRTS WNICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? , YES NO Explain all yes answeis on separate aheet and ettach to green sheet INITIATINCa PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPoRTUNITY (Who, Whet, NM1ien, Where, Why): "� � �.+N�{�7 � ( ._ �� �. ,�E.Q-8�� �2'i 62 v=-�-r y= �y l-Ti[.a�+�4x-I' ' — O O ...�- A�G 0 2 199 t�AY€��S (3���� ADVANTAGES�FAPPROVED: � � � �ir.1� Gu �°%Q c;,�Y,.�-�� _ - " � .,�/�/�/ � q ��*�'� � � ¢� A�> ,�Fl /GG.. E✓G`" � �� ` �. `� . , /_' ' S/ � pl 1996 ��°������ DISAOVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � l � RECEIVE� AUG 19 3996 CiTY CLERK DISA�VANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: �" .� �7ALAMOUNTOFTHANSACTION $ �� �n � WS7/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACiIVIiY NUMBER ��7 � � a �4� � ' �� J / '- (Sd US� fINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) j i, r 4 �� _, G • PROJECT: Saint Paul Civlc Center Expansion Project Saint Paul, Minnesota CONTRACTOR M.A. Mortenson PO Box 710 Minneapolis, MN 55440 Original ContractAmount: $4,397,090.00 CO No. C4.01-A-1 C4.01-A-2 C4.01-A-3 CA.01-A-4 C4.Q1-A-5 Subtotal Deduct 00 Add � 99, 979.00 30,353.00 17,283.00 21,529.00 51,688.Q0 $320.832.00 DATE ISSUED: CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT TITLE: CONTRACT DATE: 19 July 1996 CP-4.01 Building Construction Multiscope 18 January 1996 Net Amount of Contract including this Change Order: $4,717,922,00 • , � e� • G`QNiT-RACTOR'S PROPOSAL . � Contractor Proposal No.: CP 4 9b Project: ST PAUt CIV1C CENTER CP.4 RECEII/ED APR i 2 : Contract No.: 4.01 A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated 6elow: 3. (t is requested the completion date be ( 1 extended, ( 1 decreased, (X) unchanged by calendar days. The adjusted completion date will be N/A Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicable). Reference RFP No.: 4.9b : FO NO.: Title: Ramp Elevation Changes (Elevated Slab P21 Basis of payment: (Check one) (X) Firm price for performing this change is $ 10.698 Adequate supporting details and information (increased) (Deduct) must be attached to allow Owner to evafuate. () Time and material per contract, but not to exceed () AcYual cost at completion of work Submitted by: M A MORTENSON Contractor FOR CPMt USE Date: l0 �2 Date: Date: Approved by: (Owner) Date: CPMI Inc., c/o Saint Paul Civic Center, i.A. 0`Shaughnessy Piaza, '143 West fourth Street, Saint Pauf, MN 55'102-1299 cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring 3225- Action Recommended: (Check one! ( 1 Change will not be made. Explain: CPMI Job No.: 3225 �1 Proceed on the following basis: �As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. 1 1 Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. () Basis of payment shall be $ () The following modification is recommended: () Change in completion date is accepted. () Change is acceptable with no change in price. () Change is acceptabfe with no change in completion date. ( ) Other Reasonfor Change: �Design Cfiange O Cl+ent Request O Field Condition 'O Suggested by Contractor O Design Omission or Other (explain) 3. ls this a part of the original contract scope? (� YES �O 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? .(�ES () NO 5. A/E consulted. �YES ( ) NO Prepared by: � 1CPMp Approved by 11�0� (HGA) Approved by��,�� IOwner) Date: April 11. 1996 �� � ADDCTIONAL INFORM Contractor Proposal No.: CP 4.9b Date: Aoril 11 1996 Project: ST PAUL CiVIC CENTER CP.4 Contract No.: 4.01 1. Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicablel. Reference RFP No.: 4.9b � FO NO.: Title: Ramo Elevation Changgs (Elevated lab P21 The following information is being presented to assist you in your evaluation of the pricing ofi the afiore mentioned Contractor Proposal. Please Contact us if you have any further questions. The following items are cost issues considered in the pricing of CP 4.9b: 1. 2. 3. 4. • Additional reinforcement at the supported sfab around the 48" columns as requested by Paui Asp, HGA. LeJeune rework of parking ramp stairs and elevators. Addit+onal design and forming rework from Ceco. Additional concrete and finishing at elevation changes at various locations around the P2 slab. . • • • • 4/11/96 St. Paul Civic Center Expansion �"` `' ] Summary Change Proposal ����x ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION ���„ 300EAGLESTREET JOBID:951042 SA/NTPAUL, MN 55/02 PK� 612/293-9J54 FAX: 6I2/293-9557 Oescription: CP 4.96 Title: Ramp Elevation Mortenson Labor: (See aHached) Mortenson Material: (See attached) Mortenson Equipment (Seeattached) Associated Costs (Change Proposal) 5 AmOUnt S 2.809 $ 1,053 $ - $ - Generaf Condilions: $ - (MoRenson Work) SUBTOTAL M. A. Mortenson $ 3,862 $ $ $ $ 5. L.H. Sowles $ F. Cwco $ 21 404 139 5,230 SUBTOTAL SubNend $ 5,794 SUBTOTALFee SUBTOTALTax M. A. Mortenson Company Fee: SubcontractorsNendors Fee 5%: M. A. Mortenson Work 15%: Total Material & Equipment $ M. A. Mortenson Materiai & Equipment Tax: $ 290 $ 579 $ 869 1,053 7% $ 74 $ 74 SUBTOTAL:M.A.MOrtenson+SubNend+p�+Tax $ 70,598 Builders Risk GCL Insurance Costs Payment & Perfortnance Bond SUBTOTAL lnsurance & Bonds 0.0007 ($.72(fhousand) 0.0038 ($3.77/ihousand) 0.0050 ($4.9593/Thousand) $ $ $ 40 $ 53 $ 100 TOTA� CHANGE PROPOSAL S 10,698 Page 1 SUBCONTRACTORSNENDORS �� • `o A m � • h Q m A � N V � � n � z ° � � Q J Q N Y N z '° n 4 m a O � n: ,��, �� � v � 0 � /1� W � � ¢� ��� �m �oN ag N� r 0 � � � w J � p O tfJ tA � n ° o ° o co �o W � N � � � V �(] O� N (O = O p M � < N (O U � U W � ° ° ° � �i ° OWO � M ` p c . � � �Mo 0 a o W= N � � � N m� n �� I�; O N O � l0 N m W Z O � Q � u�i M m U LL K v Z o � o 0 0 0 0 u1 v p o 0 0 0 0 0. � N O O O O O a' O Q U � Z � � � ° m � � � �m m� � ` N � r � � m g oo � � �M� � ° m � g � � �, W o z N �' � � Z � m m Z K K = m g � m O 0 (� J 7 � � � J J � � O Q �F m � � m m� m m m 5 � o � LL �SN N � rn m a � MaYI S7. PAUL CNlC CENTER EXPANS/ON �,�� 11 300EkGLESTREET lOBID95I042 SAIN7'PifUL, MJ1' S5101 PH: 612/293-9/54 FAX� 611/193-9557 C.P, No- 4.96 Reference: Date: 4/77/96 � . Material Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Measure 5000 PSI CONCRETE @ WASH 10.5 CY 54 567,00 5000 PSI CONCf2ETE @ TRP.NSITION 6 CY 54 324.00 5000 PSI CONCRETE @ ELEVATORS 3 CY 54 162.00 0.00 0 00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Subtotal 1053.00 Page 3 03. �G. 96 �5:04 PP: �_�E�� CD PO1 '-�11:1"l�� � Ceco Concrete Constru t' � • � c �on u971 LoKOLU xsl[(Er uE • � MM twi�r;, u¢q�Fbp�n y,� �'IKkiEMtntai-ucir I'AX(M�IN.11t11 i�+U�s �`t�c 2q3-9ss� NUMI3IIR (G12) 434-87ZG r�x covr�t a•ncr•, ��r�: 5- 2C. •� C. sr_x� ro YYI, �.'rna� � � TTLNx= � N: {' S CH � Ll t tJ � SUT3JECT; `� � �.�: :- ���`�'a�;°i �� z :-�.; NUMT3CR �AGLS: � - t (tnch�JL�g Cever i+�ge) �'ROM: 1 �C�C. CF.CO CC)IYC2I?7'r CONSTRUC'7'1pN- �1�INNIirt1'p1,/,S • 5 � • . �J�_ 26. 96 05:04 PP�r7 �CE�Q CD � Geco Goncrete Construction Corp. � �'` ��HGOLN BfREE'f NE • �uM IAKE. MIfiHESQfA �p4 � March 26, 9 996 M. A. Mortenson Company 700 Meadow Lane P. 0. Box 71Q Mlnneapolis, MN. 55440 Attenfion: Todd Schilling SubJect: St. Pau4 Civic Center CP.4 Ceco # 50961 p'f 0 MAM 951042 Re: RFP 4.9 R2 Dear Todd: Ptease aiiow me a few comrtl8nts on the prapased change. FC1� �a�� PNONE(8�27.�-f63� �(6im��+A�ie The drop heads have been fabricated for pours 1 to 4. The proposed Change with thg twcs added elevation(NS) breaks per bay �nrttt mak$ the pfesent Cut materia! useless. "f'he revised drop head pricing w1t1 be identiflied as (A). The revised two way seffit pitch with the added (N-Sj jofnts per bay wi(f require added labor for layout, teveiing asxi plywood }ointing, afong with an added piywopd requtrement, Due ta working frem the existing wa4f in, N we can locate the softit joint within 3 feet of fhe column center�ines the added cast will be (B}_ This revised price appiies to farming on supported slabs thru P6. � � 0�. 26. 96 C1�:04 P���i *CECO CD—FRIDLEY PRlClNG AS FbL1,OWS: {A) Revised dropheads, 52 Dropheads: labor_ 45 MN @ 21.23 � Burden Material & Toofs: 1662 BF x,737 = Engineering CO5t Overhead & i'rofit �5°/u� Added Jobsite Cost (B) If 3' joint (a ' de i5 all4rved: Labor��{ � 20,75 = urden MaYerial: 1536 SF Ply x,1030 = CoS{ Ova�head 8� Profit 15°l P�3 ��� - I s _�-.=-'=-_ $ 955.00 723.00 1226.b0 000 $5904.40 886:fl - '$6,790.0_ A) �„�,F ,, �' $ 9172.00 so80.o0 83.0 $16,835.00 25 .00 $19,360.OQ (B} ftem (A) wif! be an incurred cost ln either case. r1 V i will need 6 days minimum lead tima for detailin� and make u¢ p�ior to anticipated job start after a decisfon is made. Please ca(f Pf you have any questions. Yours truly � Q�� Richard J. Gardne� Oistrict Engineer , X/' `��i i � 5� '�0' �� � L � 01!29/96 FRI 15:52 F.AS 612 861 2724 � � � � f�1\� : s i� a w. so sT. . t�nD.*� AraT.ts. MLV ssaz 9 612l861-3321 G12t867-2724 FAX Mr. Ron Sctueiner To_ M. A. Mortenson Constiuction Co. 700 Meadow Lzne No. Minneapolis, MN 55422-4899 LE-T£UNE STEEL C0. C�j 006 r-��v"I V I CHi4{VGE ESTfMATE Page __.L—_- of _ .L_ Change Estimace No. 7 Dace 03/28196 E-110 �roject ST. PAUL C1VIC C�NI`ER EXPANSZON ST_ PAUL MN- � Revised plans and�or skeLChas da[ed 3- 79 - 96 n.o c_ # 7 We propose to fumish tnaterial a�'dlor labor as indicai�d below for the described project subject to the general terms and conditions as included in the orig�nal contracC, w�1PSS noted: �ESCRIPTION OF CHANG� �2 F P #4gthru4.9(� Review and incorporate revised design elevatioas at Ramp slabs ................................ADA $ zA2a � � y.9 � _ �o`� �f.R � = l�i� Erecuon lucluded SalCS or IJse T� IncJuded • Status of Change Prpceeding � -. Chac�ge Estimat� Amount $ 2 020 Pecfomu�ice Bond InGluded $chedulc Changc: I3one $incCrely, ___ye/«a�=i�- � 71� Mark E. �Iansen, Project Manager RF'P �S ' 9E 12 � 27FM E 12'd"I2E��24 • ������� Page 1 0£ I �m rxopasaz. __... -----._ .._. F'_ 1i1 Vl1l-�Q�.� LH. Sovnes Company 28t3 Bryant Avenue South Minneapoiis. MN 55408-2� 24 Minneapofis 612-872-465"v 672-872-6824(FAX2 BiIII�+gs 106-26fl-S36i dp6-248-8330 (FAX) Spokane 509-922-9121 509-921-5984 (FAJC1 Bid rJate� D7"'. a S— 9.6' Bid Time: �"�%� f�tK �' Project: St Paut Civic Center - - Pzoject Location: St_ Pazil Miori�ota Generai ConYractor: M A Mortenson Comaany -- Address: Phoae Numbez: 293-41>4 Fax Idumbet: 243-95�7 • � Bidders Name: •: �eapolis E�1 Billings ❑ Spokane D Note: 'Ihis proposal is for lahor onty plus equipment(s)ltooljs) uecessary for the installationlerection o£ the tabulated wark belo�v. �� � �• 9 .�.-- ❑ z�r ❑ Sz f�Request £or ohange order R c �Add 6 "' Q Dedvct }� For: i-t #..3 � ' ¢ ��$�� r�� �,� Lo e � � p � �_ _ � .D J�.�/L r,g_,. ��u.s��n � l3.Y�S3.?Ga � 699�•�° � / �� � v� �q �'� r , r \ i / � ���� . � 13°� p ? Pb ' '�� P3 � y ,9 3� C �-`' `7 - - _. . -- - - _ - . �-{ �' • � �i �,,' `=�._�[/ �� `�. t t i y] � `\\\ o �r� ll��'l�i �C;�IJ,\,���'J)ll _ `,�l`. �� �C`�C �C;} [� '" " ��)- C'� /OI Nanq Soco�;d Stfeet - MaqfiadPOl�z_ AAN SSnU� -�E �!; 3J3 ' FqR (E�?� 11H I'R(3PO5Al. [ZE(71��=�I I(1: M_A- MortaASOn []!���1'_ °-/1D/9 iQBNUt'fR(iR: 2595033 3�0 Eagle st, St- pau1, 2SN 55102 jZ� St_ PauL Ci.vic Centez Arr. ,cte,u ��=�acra t.ClCt�tlUN: st_ raui, igr CHANCrE PRgPOSAL Ni]. 11 1�HI$ CHANGH. Add S96_OO Pins TaX `J Ann .2 TaN 12ExuFOxcxxG STEi�: L'11MP SUM 596.00 + ta�c e THG AB6VL" Ti�QR1C WII,L LSQT. PRQCP.SII UR'FSL 4!£ AECEYcrL 8 57RI'�'ER CH�*7GE ORD3R 7.4 x � TO Ot7R CORTRACT. ^' �� n!'O�j = l��j 9.7 �3 pz ' Z I �i9c �'� �� I`iC)� C.= PLI.P-S� CU'.�FLKM TH1S YRS7Pb�V-. BY SiGNti`�G Uvi C'Vi'r nNU �t['IJIt!�[I�7C: IT 7C3 OliK OFF4CL Atti ACK2vOVFlL•L)GL•GCp+�Y `%Ytit. fl� iLrTUR;�i.O �'Q YQiJ Fdn VCUR FFLFS ACCFPlI:ii. F3Y._ AUTI [ORS/.G(� �1GNAT[JRE - . [ iTL6:_... aArE: � - _�._— i.� - �-' -.:...-s�trr..7ei . !-�`( /� DFS� ��ON OF PR()POSyL_F�n ��� +\' � ` '� ` PL.F.FiBE AAD T{7 OIIR CONTRAGT ��sTION�iL ItETNFORC2H6 S7 . II� - TBE .�,Z,rl9 ON F�CH STDE 6F S2iCH SIIPII2 COLFNIt7 AT 1usMP SL88S PSR. SCS�$ ��1CIA A�13ASSA[1OR 5 � EC_i. MINNC / A ' � PQi.iS SALF:S (.)Fi•iCE � Y .A �� � Thomas T_ CYieg'az�is ------°—. Ti�.E: __gale�.Represencat�Q�` _ DAT�: 4� /�96 _ rRUEev+Peiiuic�-^� "^�U�N1.r�s�cn.., stEtniiOhrmPwcrr+GOO ..::,-'�:._ . . - -xx. '(�'-f-.a: - .. . _.r_ ' . :_�.%_�'�%��i`K: �::.. . . : "' :.�"°'J. d " �-> ,...:•n - . -._ _ � - «.FT°- .: - ' �3!' '�x.._ _ . 3. : �-�_�= _. .. " :-�'c` : �=�r�er-�'+ca""s`siG-, ' . _ n'.-::241[��� � ��� ��� ��EC�a APR 1 2 ir-� � �'� CO`NTRk,e70R'S PROP-08AL x i Contractor Proposal No.: CP 4.9c Date: April "I 1."1996 Project: ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER CP.4 Contract No.: 4.01 A change in the scope o5 the work is requested as indicated below; It is requested the completion date be () extended, () decreased, (X� unchanged by calendar days. The adjusted completion date will be N/A 2. Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicabfe). Reference RFP No.: 4.9c : FO NO.: Title: Ramp Elevation Changgs IElevated Slabs P3 - P61 3. Basis of payment: (Check one) (X) Firm price for performing this change is S 40.990 Adequate supporting detai4s and information S�nc�eased) (Deduct) must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. ) Time and material per contract, but not to exceed 1 Actual cost at completion of work Submitted by: M. A. MORTENS�N Contractor \ oL7��LSL.X�L. Contractor � � FOR CPMIUSE 2. 3. 4. Action Recommended: (Check one) () Change will not be made. Explain: S Date: Aoril 11.1996 CPMI Job No.: 3225 �roceed on the following basis: �As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. () Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. () Basis of payment shall be S () The following modification is recommended: () Change in completion date is accepted. (� Change is acceptable with no change in price. () Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. ( ) Other Reasonfor Change: �esiga Change ( 1 Cfient Request ( 1 Field Condition () Suggested by Contractor () Design Omission or Other (explain) 5. A, Prepared Approved Approved by ' Owner) �� ()NO (�NO Date: �' �2- �� Date: Date: Approved by: (Owner) Date: CPMI tnc., c!o Saint Pau( Civic Center, I.A. O'Shaughrtessy Plaza, l43 West Pourth StreeS, Saint Paut, MN 55102-1299 cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring 3225- Is this a part of the original contract scope? () YES Is Contractor's Estimate attached? �YES ���: � t � A6:DITlONL1L INFORMATtON Contractor Proposal No.: CP 4.9c Date: Aoril 1 Project: ST PAUL CIVIC CENTER CP.4 Contract No.: � 1. Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicable). Reference RFP No.: 4.9c : FO NO.: Title: Ramp Elevation Changes (Elevated Slab P3-P6) The following information is being presented to assist you in your evaluation of the pricing of the afore mentioned Contractor Proposal. Please Contact us if you have any further questions. The following items are cost issues considered in the pricing of CP 4.9c: 1. Additional reinforcement at the supported slab around the 48" columns as requested 6y Paul Asp, HGA. 2. LeJeune rework of parking ramp stairs and elevators. 3. Additional design and forming rework from Ceco. 4. Additional concrete and finishing at elevation changes at various locations around the P3 thru P6 siabs. • • � 4/11/96 St. Paul Civic Center Expansion �'St�mmary Change Proposal ���� ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION SAINTPAUL, MN �5l03 PH. 612/293-9154 FAX� b121293A557 Description: CP4.9C Titie: Ramp Elevation Changes 5 Amount Modenson Labor: (See attached) Mortenson Material: (See attachetl) MoRenson Equipment (See attached) AssociaFed Costs (Change Proposap 5 9,784 $ 3,SD7 $ - $ - General Conditions: $ - (Mortenson Work) SISBTOTAL M.A.MOrtenson $ 13,591 SUBCONTRACTORSNENDORS • 1. Ames $ 2. Ambassador $ 3. Amsysco $ 4. LeJeune $ 5. L.N. Sowles $ R C;PCO $ 360 82 '1,616 555 20,820 9. 10. SUBTOTAL SubNend $ 23,533 M. A. Mortenson Company Fee: SubconiractorsNendors Fee 5%: M. A. Mortenson Work 15%: SUBTOTAL Fee Total Material & Equipment $ M. A. Mortenson Material 8 Equipment Tax: Buildefs Risk GCL Insurance Costs Payment & Pertortnance Bond SUBTOTAL Insurence & Bonds 0.0007 ($.72/Thousand) 0.0�38 ($3.77lihousand) 0.0050 ($4.9593/Thousand) $ 29 $ t53 $ 207 $ 384 • TOTAL CHANGE PROPOSAL $ 40,990 SUBTOTALTax $ 1,177 $ 2,039 $ 3,215 3,807 7% $ 266 $ 266 SUB70TAL:M.A.MOrtenson+Sub/Vend+Fee+Tax 5 40,606 Page 1 � • O � N J • h Q h; a N b � k n � r Z N � a J a N Y N 2 � ��i 4 � U rn � v � o � a ° w' -°'• t) K o ���• � � p a� ��� �o � m J � � N F � � � H � � � Q O � � o ° o ° o ° o ° o ° o W N O O O O O o a 0 V � � � o ° o, ° o o N N O iQ- N ° r� ° `° � n� � a � � H N � M Q Z = � m M .�y. h � � W � m pj N ' O W Z O N r � N �� v U LL °' K W Z O � N � � O � n. �` � N � V � � d' O � � � N Q U W � W o O � m � O H n A m�2 r W � N � � O N 3 � 0 m � 3 � fl � W s Z `� LL O � O = m m � � � � m c `o m m m n @ n c F m F K -1 R N a m a N N N� fD m m 5 � o F� ti5� N N N a • Mat'I ST. PAUL CNIC CENTER IXPANSION 11s' 1 300 EAGLE S7REEI JOB ID: 951042 SA/NTPAUL, MN J�l02 PK� 612/393-9154 FAX� 6!2/293-9�57 C.P. No. 4.9C fteference: Date: 4/11/96 • r � L Material Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Measure 5000 PSI CONC42ETE @ WASH 42 CY 54 2268.00 5000 PSI CONCRETE @ TRANSITION 18 CY 54 972.00 SD00 PSl CONCRETE @ ELEVATORS '10.5 CY 54 567.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Subtotal 3807.00 Page 3 � March 7, 1996 /1��� 1 AMES CONSTRUCTI�N, INC. 14420 COUNTY ROAD 5 BURNSVILLE, MINNESOTA 55306 (612) 435-7106 • FAX 435-7142 Mortenson 300 Eagle Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Attention: Subject: Mr. Kolacia: Keith Kolacia ��4� �� IYEht� fl ����d�D ` AR 12 1996 M � P MpR'(�NSON ��' RFP 4.9, RFP 4.9R- Parking Ramp Elevation Revisions Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion - CP-4 F� We have reviewed the referenced modification as it affects our scope of work.. RFP 4.9 revised the • concrete slab elevations. RFP 4.9R made additional changes to the slab on grade and made revisions to Sheet A206 affecting the 60.5' elevation area on the north side of the ramp. We also received a Communication Verification from John Stelten discussing the 2" sand cushion for the slab on grade. RFP 4.4A affects the elevation of the slab on grade which impacts our scope of work. RFP 4.9B and RFP 4.9C revise the slab elevation at other levels. RFP 4.9B and RFP 4.9C do not impact our scope of work since they affect parking ramp levels above the slab on grade. RFP 4.9R also impacts our scope of work since it affects the slab on grade at the 60.5' elevation azea between grids B.2 and B.4. We received RFP 4.9A on 3/1 /96. At that time, we had completed the installation of the under slab drainage system and graded the rock to bottom of slab elevation in preparation for pouring the concrete slab in the west half of the parking ramp. With the changes indicated on sheet A201, additional work had to be done in order to adjust the slab subgrade in the field. The tnaximum fill differential occurs at B.56 near 3.2 where the grade was raised 0.65 feet or about 8". The maximum cut differential is 0.3 feet or 3.6" at B.�/3.4. ��A As agreed, we will raise the subgrade as required with additional rock as indicated in the Communication Verification from John Stelten for $2,600.00. Contrary to the Communication Verification, the revisions downwazd were made on a time and material basis. This work has been completed and is summ.arized below. • Please note that our foreman is include wor . e w vious y a workmg oreman involved in this work and is therefore charged toward this extra work. M £4��a1 OPPo'funiry EmPl%'er OFFICES IN: DENVER, COLORADO • PHOENLY, ARiZONA • SALT LAKE CTCY, UTAA 1!I �II • Page 2 March 7, 1996 RFP 4.9, RFP 4.9R- Parking Ramp Elevation Revisions The other azea of unpact is the 60.5' elevation area on the north side of the ramp as revised by RFP • 4.9R. Minor deviations in the finished grades in the area of B3/3.7 result in additional excavation. The volume involved is 18 cubic yards. At $20 per cubic yard, the cost is $360.00 for these revisions. We are assuming that the curb height revision to 10" from 4" is srill monolithic concrete requiring no additional earthwork. The total additional costs involved ase summarized below. �FP 4.9A Rock Fill Parking Ramp '~ $2,600.00 � RFP 4.9A Slab Adjustments - Parldng'Ramp 3 i'$7,883.18 �FP 4.9R North of Parking Ramp �-___ 360.00 Totai $10,843.18 It is our request that a change order be written for this amount. The schedule impact due to these last minute subgrade adjustments was 4 days delay. Should there be any quesrions, please give me a call. Sincerely, ��� � • Michael Moeller Project Manager. '03. 26. 96 05: �4 PI•:�I ��ECO CD—FRIDLEY _ G�CO GORCI'�t8 CO(iSfCQCtiflil GOCp. • "+>2� LIxGOLN BTREET NE .�mM LAKE. MiNNESQIA 553py � G March 25, 3996 M. A. Mortenson Company 700 Meadow Lane P. d. Box 7'10 Minneapolis, MN. 55440 Attenfion; Todd Schilling Subject: St. Pau( Civic Center CP.4 ceco # �oas�o�a MAM 951442 Re: RFP 4.9 R2 Dear Todd: Ptease aliow me a few commsrlts an the propasad change. PQ2 �'�� pNONElB�$J�3a�p?j �(8tz1�5t$�56 The drop �,eads have been tabricated tor pours 1 to 4. The proposed changa with the fwo acidad eleva{ion(N-S} breaks per bay wiq make the present Cut materia4 usaless. 7he revised drop head pricing wiI! be idetttFfed as (A). Tha revised twa way sa{fit pitch with the added (t�t-S) faEttts per bay wi11 require added labor for layout, leveling and plywaod jointing, along with an added piywopq requlrement. [7ue to working frem the existing wal{ in, 3f we can focate the softit joint within 3 fest o{ the column centerlines the added cost witl 6e (B). This revised price applies to forming on supported S(abs thru P6. • ��3. 2E. 9E 05:04 PT:�I • PRtCJNG qS FOL�QWS: *CECO �D (A) Revlsed dropheads, 52 Dropheads: Zabor_ 45 MN @ 21.23 = Burden Materiai & Tools: 1662 BF x.737 = Engineering Cost Ovefiead & Profit 15°h Added Jobstte Cost (B) I# 3' joint latitude is allowed: Labor; 442 MH � 20.75 = Burden Material: 1536 SF Piy x.1p30 = � 955.00 723.00 1226.Q0 QDO �5904.00 886.00 $6,790.00 Y U J )1�It �!0 SF)Y�¢.6P1� �� � a � ' � $ 9172.6Q 6080.OQ 83.0 $96,835.00 5 .00 $19,360.OQ {B) Cost Overhead 8 Proflt 15°Jo • ftem (A) will be an incurred cosi In either case. i wil! need 6 days minimum lead time for detailing anc! make up prior to anticFpated job start after a decision is made. Please ca(I if you have atty questions. Yours truly �� �Gh..��it_ Richard J. Gardn r District �ngineer . � `��i 0 ��� ��D �' i �� � C � o•sizaiss �xz i5:sz F.0 siz ssr 2�2a �7� � �\\�i i ' 118 W. bOTH S"i. � MITJNEAPOLSS, MN SS119 b72/861-3321 GL'J861-372 FAX Mr. Ron Sctueiner To: M_ A. Mortenson Conshuction Co- 700 Meadow Lane No_ Minneapolis, MN 55422-4899 LEJEIINE STEEL CC1. t�joos _ " I CHAidGE ESTfMATE Pa�e __L..—. of � _�L— Chan�e Estimate No. 7 Daze Q3/28/9b E-I 10 �roject ST. PAC7I. CiVIC CBN�I'ER EXPANSION ST_ PAUL MN- u Revued Qlans andlor sketches daCed 3- 19 - 96 n.o c. # 7 W e propose w fumish material and/or labor as ittdicated below• for the described project subjecc to the geoeral te�ms and coadi[ions as inct�ded in the original contracc, un�e�s noted= QESGRIPTION OF CHANGE R F P #49fhru4.9(R21 Review and incorporate re�ised design elevatioas at Ramp slabs...._ ..........................ADp $ Zj120 , y 9 a = `�°`� �f.9 � = 1��6 • Erection Included Salw or Use Ta� Included Sratus of Change Proceeding _ o:�cefo� Change Estimate Amount $ 2 020 Perfocmance $ond InCluded Schedulc Ctsange I3one S',ncerely, --��l���'�.y� ' Mark E. �Iansen, Pcoject Manager AF'F' b�� '_5 1�: - 27PM 612a72E^o24 '/`� t� 4 � d.HSOi�f Lf5 BTD PROPOSAL Pa3e 1 0£ i BidY?ate: � —. o S — .�' Bid�'ime: �'�f-���� --- Praject: SI Paul Civic Center Project F.ocation: St. Pacil Mianesora General Contractor: M A lt�Xortenson Comqanx Address: ------- ..... F.1/1 L.ti. Sowfes Company 28t3 Sryant Avenue South Minneapo�is. MN 55408-2124 Minneapolis 6f2-872-4656 672-872-6824 (FAXI 87117 s 306-2Cf1-136 i dp6-248-8330 (FAX) Spokane 509-922-952? 509-9&7-5984 {FAX) Phone Numbez: 293-9I�4 Pa�c Nhm6er: 293-95�7 Bidders Name: • Office: Muuieapolis Q Billings � Spokane � NoYe: This proposal is for labor only plus equipment(s)/tooi(s} necrssary for the instal]ationlerection of tha tabulated work belo�v. �RFP # �' � �-- ❑ RFT Q SI }�Request £or change order [� 0 �Add 6 ^ CI17educt Fnr f�-D.ZS.T �_ � � � � � 4/dGf / 9- �GS�DG T J � . �� LO C � � p � �G � � / �,s ��� ,��, �'� rr , \ �/ ���o CW • `�� _ 1 pZ ' � �,�,� �� P ,�,Pb" � _ _ _. _ . .��� . _ • � 1 � . � c�_� o �n�C�t�3���;���<-,� �iCo ;�� ���' �.' ����� �c>>c�%Cc�� Cc� - - :� ; _ (�'�)- c rpl Plonh SaonG S:COet - MiMaapeLS_ �AN SSn[l. -(Etll J'O��'/".'9 - FA%(F��] Dlu.�80; i'Rp�OS�IL [�F:(jl�#=�i t( f: M_A- MOrtOnSOn L�A ( I'.- 4/1�/96 IU� N�JtTF'+E=R: 2�95033 300 Eagla SC_ St- Paul., E4� 55202 R� St_ Pdul Ci.vlc Center qry. icreru I�aLAGtA l.C7CAilUN: st. raui, MR CHANilE PR_�pUSAL 1vi�. 11 �'Ht$CtixNG£. �+aa $96_oa Plu9 Tax • Ann .2 'I'd4f RE2lIEORCZNG STEELz LIIMP SUM $96_00 + tax THTs AB17VL" WORR WLLL NO'A PROC.EEED L7E17'SL WE RECEY�3 8 S7RZTTEfi CHBNGE ORD�i - �+4 x TO Oi7R COiaT12ACT _ 6y� x!-O �I = 7 / 4.S a Pz = �-� - y P3-rc� Sz" �l�)� G: PI.IRSE CU'.`I�'iKM TE'�iS VROPbSAL BY 5tCiNiiVCi UNi C�Ui'Y ANU 3ZFF1312!`7ENC: LT 7i3 07.iA O�F4CL AI�i ACKtSOVIt.LnGtL` �Q+'Y �Itl. Sli_. iL"c_TUR.�.C:O �CO Yni.i �On vCUR FfLES ACCFPlI:"v. F3Y__ _ AUTI [ORS/.GL� �1GNATURE TiTLE: _ Atv16AS5hUUR ST�['i. IvF3NN[ / A � PQi.TS SAi.FiS (.)F3•iCE S� Y _ �( ..J�-�!^�� K • Thomas 2_ Ct�e�azis -'---...—. - 'TiTC.t_ __galas.3t�_p=esentatzX� - DATE: .,_, DATE= Q�-I1��__ _ • -- '_ rpuECV+Peui�['ENPSUPONaac aws� aEU'ttO++st�se+uccr�c-r�o_ _ ._-�_ .._.- . � - r _ _ ��., ';j:�i.. , y� far:- .Y:i:r` rJ.:. _ . -'1L';` . ?. - Ti.�w•i;._ a:i+oc�� . � " ::{- _m _"M- _ _.---:$�N.z:�+i;- " _. " _" ���5�:'Y.'-. . ' - n . ..: �:E ��ln.:r:. //Q nF ��QIV OFP3LOPOSAL �OI'HST �� `Z-(� PLEASE AAD TO O'IIR COPITRAGT �DZTSQNAL REIWPORCZD76 $��i- - IN-THE `.iL139 aN �?C8 SSI7£ OF` EACH SITPIIt C^OL17MN p.T �f1MP `�LSHS PSA KIL'TH FOLAC=A . � The Cons�ructiorz Org¢nization CORPORATE OFFICES P.O. Box 770 Minneapofis, Minnesota 55440-0710 n U April 12, 1996 ��R �REC�tVED APR 1 2� i�^� . C�� Ms. Susan dones CPMLc/o St. Paul Civic Center ] 43 West 4th Street St. Paul, MN 55102-1299 RE: St. Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Building Construction 12FP 4.9 - 4.9R2: Ramp Elevation Changes Dear Susan: 700 Meadow lane North Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422-4899 Telephone: (612) 522-2100 Facsimile: (612) 287-5430 We are submitting a cost proposal for the changes in work defined by Request For Proposals 4.9 through 4.9R2 dated 27 February 1996 - 19 Mazch 1996. The breakdown for RFP's 4.9 - 49R2 aze presented as follows: RFP 4.9A: Slab On GradelLower Level Columns (Price does not inciude the Time & Material work from Ames and Mortenson. These work orders aza being priced up at this time.) RFP 4.9B: Elevated Slab P2 RFP 4.9C: All Other Levels We are requesting a Change Order to increase our Contract Amount by Fifiy-Four Thousand Four Hundred Forly-Four pollazs ($54,444.00) to perform the subject modification as listed below: RFP 4.9A: $2,756A0 (Not including T& M work by Ames or Mortenson} RFP 4.9B: $10,698.00 RFP 4.9C: $4Q990.00 • Minneapolis•Seattle •Denver•Colorado Springs•Milwaukee•Grend Rapids•San Diego•San Francisco•Honolulu•Los Angeles !!��♦ � • • Mortenson reserves the right to submit a proposa( for additiona! costs and time related to the impact of this change on unchanged work or the effect of this change in combination with other changes. We will notify CPMI immediately should any other cost implications resulting from this change occur at a later date which could not be determined at this time. Any expediting measures for approval of this change would be greatly appreciated. Should you have any questions or comments, Qlease contact me. Sincere(y, -�--���,� Todd Schilling, Assistant Project Manager cc: File: RFP 4.9 Minneapolis•Seattle•Denver•ColoradoSprings•Milwaukee•GrandRapids•SanDiego•San Francisco•Nonolulu•LOSAngeles