02-774� � � � I 1 Y � L Council File # � ,.- � � � Green Sheet #��ZZ� + RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 s 6 � s 9 10 11 12 �� The term of this individual will expire May 1, 2004. Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date a�t ��0� Adoption Certified by Council 5ecretaxy By Appx By Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Pau] City Council consents to and approves the appointment, made by the Mayor, of the following individual to serve on the Parks and Recreation Commission. APPOINTMENT Cherton Wa Pha Form Ap oved by City Attorney � by Mayor for Submission to Council /� s �� i w / �a11��F DEPARTMEM/OFFlCElCAUNCIL owrE INmArEn ` r� Office 8-21-02 GREEN SHEET No 202297 CONTACT PERSON q, pFlpryE InN1aUDaM InlilallDffie Kurt Schultz 6-8512 3 - na�nnm�ro.�[crae rnrca„ri MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGQJDA BY (DAT� E�llgllSt Z8 Z002 A851GM � ❑ NUMBERFOR CRYATIORlEY tJlYCLERK ROUTING � nllltiGnLaFnY�CFACYt A1IUICJRLaERVGtciG � Ynvortlart�g8�n111) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) criori �nuESreo Approving the appiontment of Cherton Wa Pha to the Parks and Recreation Co�ission. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SErtVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWE2 THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: i. Has this persoNfirm eNer worked under a cantrad for this departmeM? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever 6em a city employee� CIVILSERVICECAMMISSION , . ves NO 3. Does this personrfirtn possess a sldil not rwimaltypossessetl by any curten[ city emploYee? YES NO 4. Is Mis persoNfirm a tarpeted vendor! YES NO Fiylain alt yes answers on sepaiate she� and attach to green shed INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (WM, What, When, Where, Why) ADVANTAGES�FAPPROVED � (�$s��YG�'3 v91�i2i' A�� � � 2�62 DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVW DISADVAMAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTIONS COST/REVENUEBUDGEfm(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDIN6 SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION (IXPWNj . b �= �'1`i CITY OF SA1NT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, Mayor 390 Ciry Ha11 IS West Kellogg BouZevard Saini Paul, MN 55102 Telephone: 651-166-SS10 Facsimile: 651-266-8513 To: From: Date: f:7�1I Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Kurt Schultz Assistant to the Mayor August 21, 2002 Parks and Recreation Commission Mayor Kelly has recommended the appointment of Cherton Wa Pha to the Parks and Recreation Commission. His term will expire on May 1, 2004. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating this individual as well as his application for appointment. Please remember that certain information on the appiicarion is classified as private and should not be released to the public. Feel free to contact me at 266-8512 if you have any question regarding the appointment. Attachments cc. Mike Rossberg - Staff Person, Parks and Recreation Commission � � _ � '"__-- „" �._ _� rH��� rin � J"r� � 5 uFF I CE 612 206 5513 Application for Committee, Board, or Cammission Please return to Mark Engebretson Mayoz's Off ce, Room 340 City HaI( I S West Ke]Iogg Blvd., S aint Paul, MN 55102 _ Phone:651-266-8533 Faz;451-266-8513 City Conncil Ward TEe Minaeso4 Gorernmeat Data Praetieq dc[ (Minaem[a 6tatulea C6npior 13) �urcrci tEi Citp's ua<oCiho informarioa cmtaiaed ia thia applicatio¢. Some af ehe informutiov soug6t in t6ia npplication is prir�te dnla uodtr th< Act. The requeeted iaS'ormation w�itl 3s uaxd by chs xppoineing euohor�ty io carry oct �he C�ey's offieiat appointmeni reapuani6ilitiey, ypu are ao! raqui[td to providt eny inYormation. Howcvv, failure w uuwer ohe applicntion 4¢mtiona msY ¢>��t the �ppointing au[LO�i:y to rajeee yaue ippiieecion 2'he mnjoriiy of iteme oonniaed in thia eppiinat�oa are publio, ineluding nnme, nddreca, employmant, akills, vaining and aaperience, and are [harefore evailable to anyone requesting i[. Tbe remaining i;smc oo th� applicntioa {orm sn cLss9EisJ .s pri�al�. Th� privats data in �vai7ablo only to you and 10 o�A�r pirsonn Ih �F.f QLY WIf(f� beeav�e of worY n:si8nmente, reasonabty require neeeia so the in(ormatim. Nttm< G/f�1.�w ) .!�' pfff� Home address � Telephonas �(� � Plu.a inelnde d� Cndea E-mail address Plnnning Digtriet Cpuacil Preferred mailiug address Occupation Plac¢ of employmcnt Employmznt sddress P. e12, 03 ��• `. `� 63'/a.� Commit�ee(s) applied for ����� 2 � a ��G' Q � Q What skillsltraining or experiencz do you passess fo[ the committee(s) for whiah you scek eppointment7 page 1 of2 �'��[2 7s.�.. �' — i •� i `%L�� � — . i r ! ^�_ �'-�u'-z ti�.s,.% �T PAUL MA'rbP.'S OFFICE 6_2 266 6513 P.33.'93 Pcraonal Rcferences t L ! Name Q�A/l iS ¢���/ Addxess 1Zbf /�/�10 /�!/$ �� / /hA1 ST11X Telephoncs (� 57 -523 -?8� ��x GS/- 523- 7885 llcxaelac7udeArtaGdea fiome woxk o�hc* � 8iri@ S i n �.is � �1 � w i. f�I� G f�I�'2w 9I .� Addr�ss � rV�on�AnC� /�vE_ E v Tclephones �GSI) 7�b- Plea�eiuClodaAreaCades home work o�her Namc /�lG»�1 LGe. ��XG vL D)✓ET.� �' �iiV� /� Cd+lcllGCl � Address .3Q� /.LlUl 1/ylS/�L Si � i�Lt/V �'!t! ----a� Telep6ones �j �j � � 'yr,_'$—_S 2� ?� _ __ . Please iuclude Area Codca hacae wor"e Rcasoas for youx intcce�t in this por:icutar committee L� a �j� ��/�yq� please the box applicabic to you. This information is strictly voluntary. � White (Caueasian} � Hispanic � Slack (African-Ameriean) � Asian nr Pacifie Lslander (� Amecican Iadian or Alaskan Eskimo �Malc Femsle� Dateofbirth���( Disabled: � Yts No � If special accommodations aTe needed, please specify_ ' y�g� ,�,�,�,y �...r .� � , � : a ., _. �- .�.�., ��r �.. , f AQ 2 Hoa• did yau hcar xbout this opening7 page 2 of2 TOTR! P.03 �/°.��....,�� • Have you had previous contact with the committee for whioh you are making application7 If so, when, and unflcr what circumstances?