258923 : OR161NAL TO CITY CLHRK ��892� . CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL RESOLUTI N—GENERAL FORM � PRESER,J�D BY COMA�ISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, Robert B. Peterson and Leonard Renfro, employees of the Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Police, were injured in a third party accident on May 6, 1966, while engaged in the performance of their duties; and WHEREAS, the City has incurred medical expense in the amounts of �2,282. 30 for Rob�rt B. Peterson and �35.00 for Leonard Renfro therefor, and said employees were disabled from work for a period of time being paid salary in the amounts of �4,680.39 for Robert B. Peterson and �141.90 for Leonard Ren�ro, for which the Gity may claim credit at the rate of �45.00 per week; and WHEREAS, a compromise settlement has been negotiated between said employees and the other party involved in said accident, and further, a compromise settlement has been negotiated between said employees and the City; and WHEREAS, the amount due and owing said employees, their attorneys, Mordaunt, Walstad, Cousineau & McGuire, and the City all are included in one draft in the amount of° �g,000.00, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged; and WI�REAS, separate draf ts for all the parties cancerned are not easily obtainable and because of this, the City has agreed to the disbursing of the funds; now, therefore, be it RESOLVID, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized to endorse the aforementioned draft of �9,000.00, and that �4,712.51 of this amount is to be accepted in full, final and complete settle- ment of the Gity' s claims herein; and that of said sum �1,350.00 is thereby credited to the Police Salary Fund and �3,362. 51 to the Workmen' s Compensation �'und, and the necessary releases executed therefor; and be it FURTHER RESOLVID, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized to remit to Leonard Renfro the sum of �1,143.30, and to Mordaunt, Walstad, Gousineau & McGuire the sum of �3,144.1 . � Ado ted b the Counci� `�uH � 197?�9_ COUNCILMEN p 3' Yeas Nays Butler UN 5 �12 �� prove 19� Levine � Favor Meredith Sprafka U Zayor Tedesco A gainat Mr. President, McCarty r �, atiaa Counsel � �� PUBLISHED JUN 10 �972 � � r 25�923 o��,�n��,� � CITY OF ST. PAUL fl�UNCIL N4 ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRBBI�D 6Y COMNfI�IONER �ATE �BAS, Sobert B. Pet�r�oa and Leonard 1t�tro, �loyse• o! the Degartate�att oi Tciblio Batety, Dar�an ot loli�t�, �rer� itt�nrefl in a third party ao0ldent oa M�ay 6, 1966, ahile �aded ia t�he perior�aaae o! their eluti��� and �BAI�, t�L• City ha� in�urred �dioal ezp�a�� in th� aaonats ot �S,S8�.30 !ar Bobert H. Fst��oa aed �35.00 ior L�onard Rentro., tharelor, amd said e�tployN� xsre di�t�led iro� �►a�r� ior a period oi ti�e bein� pald �alary ia t1►e a�unt• ot ��,68E3.39 tor Robert B. Petei��on smd �141.90 ior LeonarA a�atso, for �ieh tb►e Citp �ssy ol�i� aredit at t�� rate ot �4S.OQ p�r rreel�� �ad WHF�AB, a eo�pro�ise settieuent hsr b�e� ne�ot#ated be�Crr�ea said �p�}oy�es sn8 the othsr party invol�ed ia �aid aoo�d��� a� turther, a coapro�.t,s• settla�nt � b� a�o�ia,ted betxee�t ,raiQ etnploytio and t1�s Cit�r� �d WI�ABr�9, the s�ount dne snd oKin� �sid �loys��, tb�ir •ttora�rs� 1Kordavnt, wal�rt�.ct, Cousia�an & MQG�ui�u, aa� the City ali are 1aQlud�d in one dratt in tbe asouat oi ��i„000.00, �teoeipt oi xhieh 1s Lsteby a�]a�owi e�ed; ani wH�EA3, oeparate dra!ts ior all �he partie� eoneerne� are not ea�ily obt�laabl• na8 because oi thi�, tbs �it�► La• asre�d to the disbtirsinj oi tbe iunds; aox, th�rsior�, b� it RESOLVSD, th�t tbe proper City otiioials sre h�reby autUorisad to •ndorse the sfore�entianid irstt oi �9,OU0.00, �tad that �4,?12.g1 ot thi� �aount io to be ao+o•ptsd in lull� �inal a� oo� lete �ettls- �snt of the City'• alai�s berein; sad that oi �aid saa �1,350.00 is thereby eredited to the Poliee Salsry Fnad snd �3,362.51 to tho Workmea's Cospeneation i�nd, aad �he neo��ssry relew�es szecuied tbereior; and be it FORq�it xESOL'YS1i, tl�t the propur Cit� aiii�ial• asa t�ereby �nthorissd t4 ratit to Leonard Ren�ro the �s o! #1,1�3.30, aad to Mordaunt� Wsl�tad, Conainean h l&�uir+s tbe en� oi �3,1�a.19. COUNCIL�EN Adopted by the Council •�UN r'J 1�7�g_ Yeas Nays But�er ,� 5 �72 � Approv� 19� Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor A►g'AlIlBt. Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty ��