02-773'�.���l�ll'df Council File # �,.� •\�3 Green Sheet # G-�ZZ_�� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By Referred To i a 3 4 s 6 � s 9 10 ii iz 13 14 is Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appointments and reappoinhnents, made by the Mayor, of the following mdividuals to serve on the Human Rights Commission and the Fair Housing Council. APPOINTMENTS �� Ilyas Ali - term expires October 9, 2002 Art Blakey - term expires October 9, 2003 Song Lo Fawcett, Chair of the Human Rights Commission- term expires October 9, 2004 David Glass, Chair of the Fair Housing Council - term expires October 9, 2004 REAPPOINTMENTS 15 Isabel Chanslor - term expires October 9, 2004 i� 1a Susan Kimberly - term expires October 9, 2004 19 Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date �,� �'a Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Byc i _ . �. - � � 1 ��., - '� �. J- -, � by City, Attorney by Mayor for Submission to Council . ^ _ � nz_1�1ri DFPARTMQJT/OFFICElCOUNCIL DAtE1NR1ATED � � � r� Office $-21-°2 GREEN SHEET ivo n conrraci afxsau a awotae mrcwvo�e. m� 0 �� 7 � Rurt Schultz 6-8512 oFr.a�rowara� 3 arvcau'u. M115( BE ON CWNCIL AGENDA BY (DA7� AllgllSY 28� 2��2 �'� xurmecoa �an�nomar anc�nK namwc �� wuxun�amvraso.e. auwca�amviKCrc � rsmalaensnsr� ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) C7tON REQUEST� Approving the appointments of Ilyas Ali, Art Blakey, Song Lo Fawcett, and David Glass to the Human Rights Commission and the Fair Housing Council. Approving the reappointment of Isabel Chanslor and Susan Kimberly to the Human Rights Commission and the Fair Housing Council. RECAMMEN ATION Approve (A) w Rejeet (R) PENSONAL SERVICE CONTRACiS MUSTANSWER iHE FOLLOWING QUESilONS: t. HazthispersoNfirmeverworkedunderacontractforthisaepartment'7 PLANNINGCOMMISSION VES NO CIB CAMMITTEE 2. Has thia persoNfirm ever been a city employee4 � CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION , , � YE5 No . 3. Dces this persoNfirm possecs a sldll nat nwmalN/possessetl hy any curteM city empbyee? YES NO 4. Is tNS per�rm a targeted vendoR YES NO E�lain all es answers on separate sheM antl attech W reen sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, What, When, Whwe, Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED '..��'�.i��'R` r°'�a5:��?P'I' �"„^,;3j�'" _ � � ���A � �k, x �� e�te1ld ��d �i. C DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTAL AR70UNT OF TRANSACTION f COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE � ACTMTYNUMBER FINANCIPL INFORMAiION (E�WN) oi•'1`1� CPTY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, Mayor 390 Ciry Hall I S West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Pau[, MN 55102 Telephone:651-266-8510 Facsimile: 651-266-8513 To: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Hams Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter From: Date: � Kurt Schultz Assistant to the Mayor August 21, 2002 The Human Rights Commission and the Fair Housing Council Mayor Kelly has recommended the appointment of Ilyas Ali, Art Blakey, Song Lo Fawcett, and David Glass to the Human Rights Commission and the Fair Housing Council. Mr. Ali's term will expire on October 9, 2002, Mr. Blakey's term will expire on October 9, 2003 and the terms of Ms. Fawcett and Mr. Glass will expire on October 9, 2004. Mayor Kelly has also recommended the reappointment of Isabel Chanslar and Susan Kimberly to the Human Rights Commission and the Fair Housing Council. The terms of these individuals will expire on October 9, 2004. The Mayor recommends appointment of Ms. Fawcett to chair the Human Rights Commission and Mr. Glass to chair the Fair Housing Council. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating these individuals as well as the applications for the new appoinhnents. Please remember that certain informarion on the application is classified as private and should not be released to the public. Feel free to contact me at 266-8512 if you have any question regarding the appoinhnents and reappointments. Attachments cc. Tyrone Terrill - Staff Person, Human Rights Commission and the Fair Housing Council � 6�.-�1�3 Appiication for Committee, Board, or Commission Please return to Mark Engebretson Mayor's Office, Room 390 CiYy Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone:651-266-8533 Fax:651-266-8513 The Mianesota Govtrnment Data Practices Aet (Minncsota Statuics Chapter L3j gavcrus the City's usc of tbe information contained ia this appti<ation. Some ofthe iafoimation sought ia this app[ication is private data uader the Act. TSe requested informztion mift b� uscd by the appointing authority to carry out ihe City's official appoinimeni responsibilities. You arc not rcquired to provide any iafotmatioa. Howevcx, failure to aasw<r th< application quections may cause thc appointing authority ta rejcct yout applica:ion. The majority of items <on[ained in this applicatioa are pu6lit, including aame, address, employment, skitl:, training and experi<nte, aad are thcrefore available to anyo¢e requestiag it. The remaining items on tbe application form ar< classified as private. The private data is available only to you and io other persons in thc City who, 6ecance of work aseigaments, rcasonab[y tequiro acecss to the information. Name Home Telep ei�.�� E-mail address � Planning District Council Preferred mailing address Ocoupation��nd Place of employment Employment address , Committee(s) applied for page 1 of 2 City Council Ward� ZfliTe'd �9aSb�9SS9 S3QW 5�:60 2902-BZ-�Jfld What skills/trainiag or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? _e•d �dlol PersonalReferences Name �ur� • U< Address oa-'►n3 Telephoc Please inc.a..� „«: �vuca aomc work o�her 23ame L�%/.tma �/7 �` Address Telephoaes 6(Z- ��2 - �Z Ple¢seinclode Area Codes home work uther Name f�qCi/1'/n /1�G/'' Address Telepho� Please iae....c nrea �..oes nomc Reasons for your interest in this particular committee Have you had previous contact with Yhe committee for which you are making apptication? If so, when, and under what circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reftects the makeup of our community, please check the box applicabte to yau. This infarmation is stricYly voluatary, 5o msla � White (Caucasian) � Hispanic � Btack (African-American) � Asian or Pacific Islander � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo �Male Female � Date ofbirth �O'Z(- 32 Disabied: � Yes No Q If special accommodatioos are needed, please specify How did you hear about this opening? ���F ���ij�,/� �yp�, ��."„�f mj/_�� . i �� � a� - _�N- d �F� M� page 2 of 2 Z020'd �90St�9T59 S3QW 9£:60 Z60Z-0Z-�Jfld wark other JUn-11-�bb2 13�20 ..�—' Application for Comm4ttee, Board, or Commission PIease return to Mark Hngebretson Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Hall 15 W est Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phonc:651-266-8533 Fax:651-266-8513 P.02i63 aa-��13 Thc Minncseta CoreYnmtn� Dsta Prscticca Act (1Sieaczota St3lu�e5 Chiptcr 13) gove(n6 tbc Ciry'z u6c oI Lb� fcCormacion conuined in chis applicatie¢_ Somc of thc in(ormation sought in [hia applie�eSoc is yrivate daca undcr thc Aet. Thc teques[cd infoemaiioe will be used by [he appointias nu�hocily te carry c�.t cka Cicy'e effic(al appcintmeut reepons�6ili�ica. Ye� are not required to prov�dc any �ntormation. However. failUle �o answer cl�e npptication questious may en¢sc che appointing authoticy to rcjeac yeur npplicaeina. T6e majotity of i[em6 eoncnined in t61s applicatiou acc yublic, iacludiag nacte, address, cmploymcct, skills, training anQ exper;coee, aad are t4erefore availa6lt �o anyonc rcqucstiag it. The remaiaing iccmB on tho epplic6tlop fo�m aTt c]aeaifie6 ¢a pziv¢ie. Ide privaie da[a ii available oafy to you aad co othcr pernons iu thc City who, because ofvork eeeiSnmcata, rcnsaa�bly rcqnir¢ aeoecs co �he ioformetion. Name Arthur R. Blakev, 3i. FTomc address $46 Concordia A've. St. Paul kSN 55104 :ttae� o a aue :;p 2elephones 651/291-8636 651/917-4800 Pl�oxciu�ludt t¢GCOEef home Votk pY E-mail address Plaaniag District Council Dist �E8 627 Selby City Council Ward 1 Preferrcdmailingaddress 846 Concordia Ave., Sc. Paul, MN 55104 s�rece nty erece z�D Oceupation Deputy Sheriff + P1aee of cmploqment &amsev Countv EmploymentaddreSS 14 W. Kellogg Blvd., St. Paul. Md Committee(a) applied for Human Ri�hts What skills/training or experience do you possess for che committee(s) for wbich you seek appointment? Ramseq Co. Sheriff's Office 31 years Coimnander Minnesoca Gang Strike Force 5 years On the Board LOFT Jimm Lee Cente I've worked with Several Neighborhood Projects . Worked wich Youth G=onvs_ _ I've sat on incerview bosrds State Countv Fed j�] y,�Minn cr,r cr r F 1� for 25 years ss Chief of PoZ3ce page 1 of 2 �UC 1J•G1 Personal References Name John J. Boulger Address 3543 Gunston Lane, Woodbury, MN 55129 Te2ephones 6 51 / 730-881 5 651/917-4802 Pica�c ipelnde Area Codes home work oeber Name Ronald M. Ryan Address 2161 Rose Street, St. Paul, MN 55114 Telephones 651J738-0590 651/917- Flea��includnArurCade� Aomc vorQ other Name Brian Hudalla A ddress 1880 Como Avenue, St_ Paul, MN SS1Q8 Telephones 651/642-220fi Pl�ase inelude Area Ceda� bome �vork o�hec Rcasons for youi intetcst ia this particular committee I feel I am very com�unity oriented and I have alway� had 1 dacirP to give back to my community which has been so a�od to mvaP�f anri my famil.y. I feel th3s would be a Qood wav to ive back Have you had pzevious contaet with the committee for which you are making applicationl If so, whcn, and under what citcumstaaces? NONE aa-'�� In an acccmpt tu easure tfiat eommittee represencatiou reflects �hc makeup of our community, pleasc check the box applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. � W6itc (Cancasian) ❑ Fiispanio QBlack (Afkican-Amcricaa) � Asian or Pacific Isiander � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Qg Male Female � Date of birtfi 1/24/35 Disabled: � Yes No O If syecinl accommodations axe needed, plcast specify How did you hearaboutthisopening7 , From the Mayor's Office/Newspaper page 2 of 2 P.03iO3 TOTRL P.03 AuII-i6-�2 01:58pm From-KELLY AND FAWCETT 6512238019 T-296 P.OI/O1 F-859 � Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Please re[urn to Mark Engebretson Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Hall 15 West Keilogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MId 55102 Phone:651-266-8533 Fax:65I-266-5513 oa�-'1�13 '(hc M�nne>o�a Co�crnmen� D+ta Prac[icc� Act (Mmneso�a Siasusca Ch�p«r 13) go.crns �nc C�[Y�s u>e of ioc .nforma[�on con[sincJ �n ih�� zpplicanou Sumc of ihe �nf�rmanen soughi �n [hia appl��suon is pnuate Gam �uacr the nr�. The reyuesica �nformat�nn .tll bc �>ed oy ��e =ppo.ntin6 �u�hor��y t� carry uuc chc C.[y'> aff�elsi appo�ncm<nt rcapunoib�lih�> Youarcno[[cq��rcatvpro.;dcanyinformas�un Howc�cT,Ya�l�rcco..nswcrch<appuca[,onqucsnono mxy csuo< c�c sppmn�iag au�hurriy [o re7ec[ y.,ur appl�ca[ion Thc ma�on[y of �[ems conta�ncd in [his apyt�canoa are p�bLc, mclueing namc. aa6reas. cmploymem. >k We. �*sm�ng and eapcnence. ana aro rLeret'urc aosi�able to anyone r.qucoung ic The tcmotn�uo nemz on [he sppi.canon fo�m ere clsz.,�fud s, pnva[c Thc prn+t< Gaca �e avl11L612 o111y �0 yoa sna w uLher persons �n �nc Cay who, becau>e of wurk s»�6nmcn[>. fea>anably rcyoirc ne.esg ro ihe �nforma[�on Namc Song Lo Faucett Home addres� 1075 Lombard Avenue St Paul MN 55105 .SS.cI ��� Telcphon<s (651) 224 e�...c u.civa< nrca caa�> E-mail address sfaucetz@kell 3ndfarrcett.com Planning Discric[ Council Summit Hill Association Cicy Connctl W ard Z Kelly & Faucett, P.A_ Preferrcd mailing addres� 2350 US BancorA PiDer Jaffrav Pla2a u�t+� Cedar Stireet. St. Paul >,«« ` P MN 55101 Occupation Attorne Place of employmcnt 1 Employmcni address Same as dbove. Commi[cee(s) appiied for Humaa Rights Commission Wha[ skills/rraining or experience do you possess for thc eommi[[ee(�) for wh�ch you seek sppoincment? Please see a:tached_ page 1 of2 ��•v�w�� riwn niyu rAry6til Personal References O �-�R 3 Name The ri0norable Larrv Conen (reriredl address 2150 Valley Vieu place, St. Paul, MN 55119 Tetephones �651) 730-�+546 Plc.ac Sncludc Arra Cudes nomc woic oc�er Namc Neng Lee/Executive Director Hmong United Tnzeraational Council Addre,S 302 UniVersitv Avenue West SC. Pa�l MN 5510� Telzphones P�essc �ocluac Ares Codo humc Name PatricK Kelly ooitcaou e (-29h P.03/U4 r-aoo (651) 222-5272 worK ochn A ddress 1310 Ford ParkWay, St. Paul, MN 55116 Tclephones � 699-1058 t651} 224-3781 Plesse �n<ludc Area Codes nvme work ooncr Reasons for your interes[ in chis par[icular committee I believe this posicion uould be an effective tne City. for me to give bacK to zhe communizy and to serve Have you had prerious conract wich [he committce for which yon are makin� applicauon? Ii �o, when, and undcr what c�rcums[aaces? No ln an a[[emp[ to ensure [haT commi�iee represencation reflects che makeup of our community, please chcek ihe box applicable to you. This informacion is sitictly rolan[ary. � White (Caucasian) � liispanic � Black (African-American) D Asian or Pacific lslander � r�,merican lndian or r�laskan Eskimo Hmong Q Male Femalc �X Datc of birch �+/02/70 Dis:�6led: � Ycs No QX lfspecial accommodaLions are nc�ded, please specify How diJ you hear abon[ chis opening? Mayor's office pa�c 2 of 2 � �.» r r � � nc�u nvu �AY(�CI I 6eivanuia T-295 P.04/04 F-856 . i� � i / My family and I took refuge in America in 1976 as result of ihe Vietnam Conflict. I have spent the majority of my life appreciating the freedoms of America and yet srruggling with how easily those freedoms can disrupc rhe rich cuitures that come to America. As a young Hmong woman, I have personally experienced discrimination on various leveis. I have watched my community and the community at large suffer the consequences of hatred and i�orance. As a business owner in ihe legal profession, I have had co understand and embrace the meaning of the law, the reasons behind the words that were written, and how difficuit change really is for most of us. Some of my other qualifications and involvement include: - Mcmber of che St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors - Member of the Chamber's Political Action Committee Board of Directors - Member of the Twin Cities Housing Development Board of Direcrors - Member of the Ramsey Counry Bar Associarion Board of Directors - Member of the Ramsey County Bar Ethics Committee - Member of the Hmong Bar Association - Member of the Hmong Chamber of Commerce Member of the Hmong Circle of Peace. 1 practice primarity in the following areas of law: - Business/Corporate - EmploymenVLabor - Real Estate - Public and Municipal_ V�' l'l.� I believe that my personal and professional experience will allow me to serve the City well in this position. Jun 26 02 02:16p 3UN-14-2002 13�d6 ,� Pam and David 651-48 ST PqUL h1RY0F.' S OFF 1 CE t�u2 266 851: i App)icateon for CommYttee, Soard, or Commis ion Pleaseceturato Mark Eagebcetson Mayor'S Office, Room 394 City Halt 15 West Kellogg Bfvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102 PLone:651-266-8533 Fnx:651-266-8513 � TEc Mimes u Go.stnmem UMO Prae[ictS AC[ (MiunGa�u StawiCa Chapt<( U) so.crns thc City' vae e t6e iototm+nooieootaiuCd �n ohi> spplientiun. Some of �bc fofvimuion sought in chis appllc�tioa is ivam dsu u Aa.2he re9uextetl informis�on �vi)i bc us<d by thc �ppoio�in6 aet6eriry �o eurry ou� �Lc Chy's o iciil appoia reepousibil;ue�. Yeu ere �ot requi[CC to yrOVldc nny iu(Or��>iw. HoWCVer� EaJum to �nto'u ch pplieacion mrycsuse�fic+Apo:u�ing�vo4ority�orejwtyour�pplftnioa.'ChtinyaiiqOf�lemscoptainedi Tis�pDlic�l public.lnet�diogname,�ddr<S�,tmploymw�,ekillS.traiaivg�ndezpericnec,nndareiACicFore si}�y��lo+ req�es���g i�_ Yhe rem�iuine iwmc on t6n ap➢��<ntion focm ure efe�eifieA ae pri�a�e.7Ae pnvaec sn is av�ite ynu>ndioo�htrperaonsiotficCi�y.�ho.becvuteof�vorkase�anments,re�coeaDlyteyvirenecca �othc:nfor. N am e I� t'.-�� � C� l-. 1`f d S Home adl ress /'�ir .J �'. S'f' � �rC� � I J ...se rnr .n. TelepLo�es lo� p J (l�.�lo� �,T/ �� 32}� Ple���he'�ieAn� edu t eona werk �e� b-mailaddress (7 �L<U�t'_�/"F GG� . Cc/� Ptannin I Distriec Council �� t� City Cou cil Ward Prcfcrre� mailing addrecs �� o Mf.. � ntat oity aua Occupat ou � Sc ves'� ���•'�'� Ptaec of empSoyment �e��� ��+' �2oSS, � s* Emytoy ent address 3( l a M= !s`^ E' Commitlee(s) applied for �-I ,.,� hl�.� _T� �� /6te�:lC . � �-� W hat skillsltreining or ezperieucc do you possess for thc commiccee(s) appolnlmen[? � G�w' 2 r'�C, c ll�.X xL(r /TC ��iC.. cY- �,<-� /!. -K T�.-1 i . - / / �� � / ��' � ��•�!- � c,w �,-e o � � �r ��� A1 C� o yti � � s� /e ,Je r� L /1. .✓ vJ z,✓C 5e' i. cu/7/��ca/ d,�/l«.�1 �*,��L .ur_�nrs -:f�' Il �GI�C �- /SSC(PJ /-J a. c.ii{y �-�CCr� IS G'�r/��� v � t =.uFcu� �.F J � �v,/� �ie u,J /�1�, .� s� � � � .� h >.. .z� .� �..; �.dr ,.� �� :�-,�,�� Jy pagt�l of2 �' - �.K�.� �t.�.��� � t�/�cr-t.�/ �/,q /u�� A-i•,.(/ /l/n�/,+ .,�_, y � 1JflF�C � �:.�E � -� �i;L � p.2 a.02iO3 ba._��3 er. n< on•y la +•P P r w3�ich ou scek J •�� [ .t�, L\ �E�J f / � � I � rl �S G w �' �.• 2.+ -' c, _u - i � jl i G/j�jZP.� j��er � A �• a. .� �� � `'.�.. ,-_ r c.v . � � �`�+ .n . �.-� e, i ;� ..� ..�. a rN � o��. o��.. ..o�... �.i�' ...'.... �UN-14-200 13�46 ST PRUL MRYOR'S OFFiCE �1�2 266 6`_ I personal Referencea /' J /�� �.. / Nam� I l Ov.�'�c (M.P�al.t-�lJ�-� ��.� G'-lf�-� Address � ��J ���`'` '' 2 � � 8 C I'elephaPeS � � L" �� [le��d i els6e Aru Cedei nome / �vovk I<ame I C�c�o '! c_ /�..' [�'`,c S� Address ��� S �"� / � — Telephdnes �..�(� ��/-- C��e�-� a" `� ���� - pleueiieluAeAreatodn lome Wotk Name i � �KN� Address �7� L�`' ��""`� � � �� Tctephonts a�� ' J O � U 5 0�� pleuc indudc Arn Goda homc "'O� I I / Reason5 for your intcrest in tLis particular commit[ee ��2.1 (� ti-ti�'Y4S��,� � cJ C u t,.t..../ � r.t C' n..� !L f �, I � � ,�� �l' �t. � a C. c �° �7"L`: d �6 d�. k [L �'mljcr % � 7 ''� ° i ^ 1 l'L�ri,.�...-c. � '.1� ��%ti- Hnve yl u had pcevious contact with the comm�ttee io� wbich you aze [f so, �hen, and undec what circumstances? I / � ��a� �e ,�pP,.. 2 OF./v s�-C iv� . ..ze p-��` „ � I hite (Caucasiaa) p r , � Asian or Pacific Istander �American Indian or alaskaa Es imo , �_ � Male Fema{c � Date af birt l�` �.S � r. � ?.03i93 / I cQ, G- l o a`_�� � �� (� � �t��-/ f oihnr /� � / L D V _ � � `2� . �_ ) G� ',� �./�' C�1 �.i—S .--_— / g appl oat'son4 �-'✓�� � / ln an a�tempt to ensure that commi[tee represensation reftects chc makc p of our c mn unity, plcase ichock ehe box applicable to you. This informafioa is strietly �ol tary. � � His aaic Black frican-A encan) Dissbled' � Yes No �. If special accommodations ace needed, plcase specify � How Qid you hear about this opening? �` �� �'ti c� i pagc 2 of 2 TCTAL P.03 �