258920 ORIOINAL TO CITY CLERK ��Uy J� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �' "�"� ' ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. � � N IL OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENT BY COMMI IONE ATF - . � t�j ^ RESOLVED� Tha h ounc i the C ity of Saint Pau 1 do e s hereby adopt as it en a for Jun.e 6, 1972, the fo llowing : � 1. Call to order and c ing of the roll by the Council Recorder. 2. National .An.them. 3. Invocation. 4. Oath of office to all elected officials . 5. Election of President . 6. President assumes chair as presiding officer. 7. Election of Vice President 8. Election of Secretary (If City Clerk, elect City Clerk) . 9. Conf i rmati on of Mayor' s appointment s : (a) City Clerk b) City Attorney c) Fire Chief d) Temporary Head of Department of Parks e ) Temporary Head of Department of Libraries f Temporary Head of Department of Utilities g Temporary Head of Department of Public Works h Temporary Heads of Departm�.�.t of Public Safety i Temporary Head of Department of Finance j Administrative Assistant to the Mayor �k Dire cto r of Publ ic Info rmati on 1 � Secretary to the Mayor 10. Confirmation of appointments by the Counc il : Legislative Aides . 11. Dedication. � 12. Address by the Mayor. �L;��J; �;;�•;-�^���,l�L� 13. Benediction and adjournment . '��r � -� Curr-'� c��.;n���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council J U N a 1972�9_ Yeas Nays B�t�er JUN 5 �972 (�a�C onway , Appr 19� '�°I�� Favor Meredith � Sprafka or Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty PUBLIgHED �UN � Q �Q7� �� o�,�,.�,��,�R 25892� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FCA�UNCIL NO ' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTfON--GENERAL FORM PRFSENTED BY COMMISSIONER °A� BE90LYED� Tha t the Conn�o i 1 oi ths C itp o i Saia� Pan 1 do s s h�rsby adopt a� i�s saenda ior Jnne 6, i97Q, ths to llo�+in� i i. asll to vrdsr and calltn� o! tbs roll by the Consoil B�►oorder. Q. Nationsl Anthe�. 3. in�ooatioa. 4. Oath oi oflia• to all �2eoted oilio ials. �. E2eotion ot Prs�ident. 6. Prrsidant as�a��� vhair s� pre�ridin,� oiiioer. 7. Eleotioa qt Ylae Pr��id�at 8. �leotioa o! 3eoretsY►y (It City Cl�r�� e2eot Qity Clerk). 9. Conii rsati oa o i Mayar�s �►ppo intHnt�t s City Clsrk b City Attorney o Fire Chie t d T���,��ry Hsad oi fi�partar�ut oi Pa�ks � e TN porary Hiad oi Dspar��at o! Lib rari��`�� � Tesporsry H�ad oi D�partunt o! IItiliti�• � T�spo�a�y 8�ad oi 3�partarsnt ai Publ10 wa�rlc• h Ts�porary H�ad� o! D�psrt�i�ti� oi F�bl io Satety 1 Te�por�ry Head o! Dtpart�sat ot �'inanos � Act�islstrative A��istant to the Mayor . „ k Dir+d c to r o! Pnbl lo Into ri sti oa 1 S�orstsry to �he 'r�ttayor !0. Conti r�at i aa oi appo intr nt s by the Cow�o i l: I,��i�rlstive Aides . ii. Dselioation. ig. Addrs�r by thm Mayor. i;. Bonediotion sad ad�oura��nt. �uH a �72 COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Counci'� 19—. Yeae Nays Bu�� ,IU N 5 1972 �Conray Approve� 19— T �'��'° Favar Meredith �daYor Sprafka � A aninat Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty - ��