258910 OR161NAL�TO CITY CL6RK ^�v��� � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . CIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PR65ENTED iY COMMISSIONE ATF WI�REAS, Charter S ction 203.2 provides for budget revisions within the adopted budget; and. tl.;. WI�REAS, In the adoption of the 1972 budget a Contingent Reserve was provided in Charter Fund 35, Activity 0998; and WHEREAS, Employees of Municipal Court are exempt from Civil Service; and WHEREAS, It is the desire of the Chief Judge of Municipal Court to promote certain of his employees to new positions commensurate with the duties they are perform- ing; and WI�REAS, Funds were not provided in the 1972 budget of Municipal Court to fund these promotions; and � WI�REAS„ It is the intention of this Council to adequately provide funds to accomplish the proposal of the Chief Judge of Municipal Court; therefore be it RESQLVED, That Aetivity 0630 - Municipal Court in Charter Fund 14.00 be increased as follows: 14.00 Municipal Court Activity 0630 - Expense Code 122 - Salaries - Exempt Clerical is hereby increased in the amount of $10,000.00, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That� the Contingent fleserve - Activity 0998 in Charter Fund 35 is hereby decreased in the a�ount of $10,000.00, and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, That this resolution shall not be adopted by the Council until after a public hearing has been held, for which five (5) days public notice shall have been given once in the official newspaper of the City, and the a�proval of the Comptroller is endorsed on this resolution. Approved: Approved: ��/ � /.f�1��.1�f �'c.o� . Corporation Counsel c Clemens J. chleck Chief Aacountaat - Comptroller COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� ,U N 2 197219— Yeas Naya �972 sut�er JUN 2 � Conway 19�. -�,t�►ine--- � T*+ Favor Meredith I Sprafka J yor A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � 1���'U4 PUBLI�HEQ .JUN 3 �972 • / �� L ' �589�0 ., , t � �{ � � �� �r ' ' F� ' �; a�� �s.�: l � x" ii` `:� ¢ :''�i 1 �� C Y � I �.�... . :. -�/ R ;b..� e '?��;, ����. , t� .�tl�,, . ;� Dl7*LICA7't TO MtIN'RR �����/ �7+i'� CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRBENTED!Y COMMISSICJNEt DATG WHSRBAB, Chartar SactiQee 203.2 pravides for budgat raviaiona �►ithin the adopted budget; and 1�ABRSA3, In the adoption of the 1972 budget a Contingent 8eurve Maa provided in Charter l�und 3S� Activity 0998; aad W�RBAS, Bmployees of Municipal Court are exanpt from Civil Service; aad i�BR8A8, IC ia the detire of tha Chiet Judge of Municipal Court to promots certain of his employeeo to new poaitione commsn�urate with the duties they are perfosm- ing; and W�il►8, Fuads �rere not provided in ths 1972 budget of Zlunicipal Court to fuad tbeaa promotiona; and W��A3„ It i• the intention of thie Couacil to adequately provide luada to accomplish the proposa of the ef J dge of l�uaicipal Court; tberafo�e be it ua � �91�� � x88a.VBD1 That Ac ivitq 0630 - 1�lunicipal Court ia Chart�r Fund 1�.00 ba incr�aaed a� follaast 14.00 Muni�ipal Court Activity 0630 - Bspease Cods 122 - Silariea - Sxampt Clerical i• tureby increa�ed in the aaaunt of $l0�OQ0.00, an8 ba .it Ft�BT�tt xSBEX.VBD, That the Contiagent flaserva - Activity 0998 in Chartar Fuad 3S � reby d�creased ia the anount of $10,000.00, and ba it FI�ALLY RESQ.VBD, T6at thi. rewlutioa shall aot be sdopt�d bq tlu Council uatil after a public haariag hsa been ruld, for ahiah fiva (S) daya public aotica shal�t hava b�ea given once in th� official neWSpaper o! the City. aad ths approvsl of th� Comptroller is endorted oa this r�aolutioa. Approveds Approvadt � , Cosporation Counsel Clemew �� Schlack Chief Accountaat - Comptroller COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� ��N___�_t97�9_. Y� xa� 197.2 Butser JUN a � Conway APProv°d 19� �' Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka � � ��r Tedeaco AS'��t Mr. President, McCarty ��