258899 ORIGINAL 70 CITY CLBRK �5889�
C MMISS�ONE ATF June l�1972
WHr:RE�S: Proper notice has been received a,s to change of officers an.d stockholders in
the Turf Club, Inc. at 1601 University Avenue, holders of On Sale Liquor
I,icense No. s139. expiring January� 31� 1973, therefore, be it
RESOLVi� : 1h�t with the resignation of Vernon Dockett as President� he is replaced by
�dward Moran as President and the sole stockholder is K. M. C2,rnpion.
On Sale Liquor Establishment
Change Officer and Stockholder
Informally approved by Council
May 25, 1972
JU N 1 1972
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—.
Yeaa Nays
Butler �VN � ���:
�r�� �, prove 19—
L�— �In Favor
Sprafka J Mayo
Tedesco A8'Ainst
Mr. President, McCarty
PUBLISHED �UN 1 O ��72 �°�
♦� J
• . � "� Capital of Minnesota
. �-�g�� q
a1Je aNt�nevct o u��C'c �a et
p �
ro�cs DEAN MER.EDITH,Commisaianer HEALTH
BALPH G.MEBRILI.,DeDaty Commissioaer
DANIEL P.MeLAUGHLIN,Lleenss Inspector
May 25, 1972
Honorable Ma.yor ancl City Council
Sai.�t Paul, Nlinnesota
Gentler�en and Ma,clar:i:
C�arrently the Turf Club, Inc. at 1641 University
Avenue holds On Sale Liquor License No. 8139, and miscell-
aneous licenses, �.11 e�iring Jan.u�a.ry 31, 1973.
Officers of record are Vernon Dockett, President
and K. Ni. Campion is Secreta.ry and Treasurer.
Notice has beer r eceived �,s to a chan�e in officers,
Vernon Dockett has resigned �,s P-resident and is replaced. by
Ld�•�ard AZoran as President.
`lhe sole stockholder is now K. M. Campion.
littached are s upporting papers on the chan�e.
Very �ruly yours,
,. �� � ,
License Inspector
�� �
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, �'�"`h�
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^ � o
c��� f:,-�� si��r;� ���t��
w Li,�i.�:11L.�1'it'.t ti Y 1Ji i V"...y��.L�! I.�:Y�11�Y 1
� ' I,I��;:;�i �3�3T��If�t�
' �ate / 19 ��
1. Applicaticn far ��/P ,� l.�/��j ,.,��(� r �� License
2. Pdanie ox ag�p3i�a��t ���r�/ ar� J�IGI'"<f h ,
3. �usiness acidress �� C/ ��u-t��rilr! Re�ic�ence �l�� J�ti�,l�i�e �'�`"7`��C
4. Trade name� if �.n�* ��ozt� ��--'
5. Retail Eeer Federal. 3'ax itar�p Retail Lic�uor I�'ecier�1 �'�x Stamp�etirill be used.
6. On ��rhat floor located ��y�1���� � ,�,¢�� T.'u�:i�er of rooms used �
7. Between �vhat cross streets�� � �_� ;Vhich side of street�
• J'—
8. Are premises nocv occupi�c� , .{S edh�t busine�s ��1 �� FIotiv long 3,� ,�
9. Are premises noa+r unoccupied_�/7io:�r long vacant �-- Previous Use r--
lOo Are you a nsw oi4ner t fiave you t��en ia� a sir�ilar business before ��
Where _ tillien —
11. Are you going to operate this business personally " s�f�
If not� �vho �vill operate it
12. Are �Tou in any other bus�ness at the �nre�ent time /�o �
13. Have there been any complainits a�ainst yoixr operation of this type of place /S�U
When ,_.._. . Wher� -- -
14. Have you ever had any lice��e revol�ed � G' �roi�at reason and date '—
15. Are you a citizen o� the United States eS Native „ Naturalized
16. Where were you born �. ����e Fq �ls �Da.t� of birth Q' � ��� � J.�
I7, I am_�marri�d. hty (c,�xfe's) (husband's) name and address fs f,�h��� �e
18. (If married female) m.y cnai�en name is ~ - -- -
19. How long hava you lived in a�. ��LIl�. 1j�,L(�
20. Have you ever been arr�st�c?�(J Vialation of i,r�zat crir�inal ]laeti* ar ordinance
21. Arc you a reg�stered v��er in t2�e City o� a*s ��ul I'es � �do
(Ansirer fully and co�ng�e�t�ly. �I�e�e � lica.tions are thorou hl chec&:ed and an
falsification �vill �e ��.��� fox� c�enaal�
22. I�lurnber of 3.2 �Sl�ce� .,�i�;iain t�,:o bloc��s �,Io �7 e " -
23. Closest intoxicatin� lar�uor p�ac�. Qn Sa�e �� 4�� 0�'f Sale �����( � •
24. Pdearest Church ��l��a ��e�rest �chool ��
25. PJum3�er of u��,��I�.N Z Z-- T�.bies � 8' �iz�ii� 1�^ Stools ��
2&. What occupation h�ve �r�zu fb�.To4°�era ior ti:e na:t fiv� ye�ar�. {�ive n�.mes of employers
a.nd aate� so enzp�ay�r�,)
.��� h�- ��� �Ile �sa h � .�
Tr�r C�Lr b.�. �� �l �l-�.«�,' .� ,�,��h
2?. Give names anc', c:c':'re�ses of' �i�y�o p�r�ons� residents of at. Paul� i�iinn.9 �ar2ao ean give
infor���tion co��cernin� you.
Name� '�.-e'��'� ddreus .y� � ]�// 0
_ r� _� /,�'� �� o°�z
"'F 4✓J J-� J�/6�P�f
Name`f���� r�i�,� �ddress � � —r
�ignatur� of �'�pplicant
State of h�iray��uota)
County of �amsey )
���`�'� ��-�� �ein� first duly s�rorn� deposes and say�
u�oaa ozth tkaat he has reac� tlze faregoan� Nt�.�em�n� be�rin� his signature and l�nocas
the con��nt,� td�ereof 9 and t�aat tlle �ur�� is �raa� c�f ):�iN o�Wn knos,rledge except as to
those matter� �laerein s�ated upon information �.nd be2ie� and as to those matters
he bc�liev�s them to be truee
� ignature of Applicant
Subacribed and sworn to before me
this � � _day of "n�vx- 19�
P`�-`t�' � � 1� �
Notary Pub � Ramsey County, 1►4innesota
My Commission ea-g�ires � - d�- 7�
(Notea These statemen� forms are in duplicate. BotP: copies must be fully filled
out, no-tarized� �.nd return�d ta tflae Liccizse �ivisaon. )
�:�F� �..'..'!i �,. i'r�,:,,.. { �
Notary PuGiic, Rsr,� , C:._, ,, 1�._.�>. �
8-23-71 My Commission Expires,Sepi��riu,sr 2, 197f3
1". � �I�1"��JIT �Y �'i�PLICt�P�'�
.. _ �+'0�2
• �.�{;T"��L �+ a;� Q� LIQUC�^ LIC�T;TU�
� Pe: � ,/�i Sale � ( '�vo 2 License
Nac:2e of ag,plac�nt_�lf' lC ��J!-J D �l7 �° ,
�s�zsiness address /6� i �-C�y`e�� ,Cl� `� l_7"�-�-��
Are you the sole ol,�ner r,� tI�is I�u�irae^,�?�. If r�ot� i� i� a partnership?
corporation? � p ot?�er?
�thers interes�ed in bu,ir:e^,�9 anc�.uc�e tixo�e by Zo�_n of Money' property or ot4z�rwise:
T�larae ' �'�cdc�res� f�/7 �� C,�" ss� I�oc; ,��,a�t--
– — ��
If a corporation9 �ive its na�e �G�, ��.1%iG� ��-c
Are you interested in any c�ay in ��n;y* o�:4�er retail beer or lic�uor busine�s? /Y �
As soie ot+�ner? �-- P�r�ner? � Stoc2�L�older? —
Othertvise? (Through loun of f77�rn�^�-9 e+c. £.xplain) �
Acldress of such busines� az�e� na�ure o� i�terest ir. uame
i�nature of applicant
State of Aiinnesota)
�otinty of R�sey )
�Q�a.-�-:�c�l�.� �aeing first duly sworn� deposes and sa�s upon oath
that he has read the fore�oin� affict�vit b��ring his signature and I.nows t4�e contents
thereof; that the same is true o�' hi� oti�n r�noi•��led�e� except as to those r�atters therein
stated upon information und belief anc� as to those matters he believes them to be true.
�AZ�=,r;�Ei C. ?r;:-..-, -T � �i�%�%�
Notary Public, Rar�s;c;• C�r:,�:., �''� �. � ��
ires Se «mucr 2,i�78 "~—
My Commission Exp � �" Signature of applicant
Subscribed and si�orn to be.�ore r,1e
this 1q,'�'� day of 19�a _
� �. (� � �,-�-
Notary Pub i 9 Ramsey Coun�y� A.inn��at�
l�iy commission e�ires �_ � 19�
��w`���t �Q/��� being first duly sworn9 doth depose
and say that he makes this affidavit in connection wfth appli�cation for
rr_��j�j� Sale" liquar license (" Sale" malt be�erage license) in the
�— -
City of Saint Paul' Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the State
of Minnesota and has resided therein for `� � years' months9
and ia now and has been for th� time above mentioned a bona fide r�sident of
said State and that he now resides at _ �f�j � /f�j% �
�f a � Minnesotao
City or Town
Subscribed and sivorn to before me
this j��_ day of (�, 19'7�.
� C�-�L� � , A-�,L�'��
Notary Pub ' Ramsey Countyy P��innesota
A�1y comffiissicsn expires Q- �—��
m?�,;,�:�.. ,>;_; .,. ...,. ..__. :
Notary Pu:,iic, Rar;�a , i;�:.. :l� iv:sr::;.
My Commission Expirest Septernber 2�1978
�Y' �5s 197�
Hon. Dee�r� �d�eredith
Com$r. ca� Publi.c �a.f'ety
�ublie Sa#'ety Bldg.
Dear Sir s A��n: I�r. Daaisl MeLau�s3.in
� City O�unciZ �vday iaPox�sllY apDro�d chaag+� o� a�t`icers
ir► the �ur�' G�.a�t�, Iae. at 1b41 Univer�rity Ave,, b�olcgsrs of
t� �a].e Li.qu�r Lie. lio, $139 an�d miace2lsa�c�s liQa�ee�, sll
e�itia� Jau�, 3i, 19't�.
i�i1], y�cxt pl�te prepe►re � cubtomery reeolutioa aov�sring
t2�3.a m�tter?
VerY � Y�'��
C'�ty �7.�rh