258893 ��
• �. �5�893
. By
File No. 59698
In the Matter of
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r�Matl�MStia� tha sidN►alk on the eas�side nf St Pe�er St abLttine or h�reaterly �
togetber � all areaaa�s, costl•boles, trapdoors, tnnn�ls and otb�r under�roaad
facilities ef; i�►tion aed prwided that all pernits herttofore granted
by said City ef t.��].���or the installation and/or �aintenanae of sach area�ra�s,
coal•holes, trapdoors, tu�els and other undergroaad facilities of e�erq descrip-
tion �ill be aad the sa�e are her�by xn�oked unless said aresvays, coal-holea,
trapdoe�rs, tnm�els and other nmderground faciliti�s of everp description ara
'reconstructed by said permi.ttee an or before a date which is rnne year aftar the
date of fival appraval of this order; and that, fnrthsr, the Departaent of Pnblic
Works, througb its Cidief 8ngineer, is berebq authorized and directed to fill i.n
and reaave such areaaaya, aoal-boles, trapdoors, tuanels and other uadergronnd
facilities of every descriptiou, tbe per�itteea of which areava�:, coal-holea,
trapdoors, tsnnels aad other �nde�rground facilities of every description fail to
reconstruct the same to the satisfactian of the Citp 8ngineer on or beform tha
above mentianed date eucept �ere good and safficient ponred sideAralka nar exi�t.
z. �rr� ur�uRtur�o��Fie unprovement whic�i �Fie �ounc� recommends is
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to reeo.�atrt�t the sid�►slk on the east side o_f St ,Pgrpr St abutti��x�rrt,�.ae*,.rl��
_50 feet of Block 5. fots 7 and 8, Bazille and Gc�erin's Addition
togetLer �►ith all uasMa�s, aoal•boles, trapd�ors, taaaels aad other andergronnd 'i
I� faciliti�s of ever� descrt,ption and provided that ail peraits her�tofora granted
by aaid City of St. Panl for tLe iastallatioa asd/or saintenaac� of suah areswa�s,
coal-boles, �rapdoors, tnnn�ls and other undergroand facilitias of every descrip-
tion vill be aad tl�e ssme are hereby revoked unleas said areavays, coal-holes,
tra�pdoors, tunnels and otber uaderground facilities of every descriptian are
recanatructed by said permittee on or before a date vhich ie one �ear after the
date of final approval of t}�is ord�ar; and that, fnrther, the BeparC�at of Pnblic
Works, through its Chief F,�ngiueer, i� h�reby an�thorized aad directed to �ill i.n
and renove such areaaays, coal-holes, trapdoors, tnnnels and other undergrmnnd
facilities of every description, the pernitteas of vhich area�►ays, coal-holes,
trapdoors, tunnels and other gnderground facilities of every deacriptiva fail to �c
reconstruct the saae to the aatiefactian of the City 8aginaer an or befor� the
abova mentivne�d date eucept Where good and aufficient poured •iden►alks na�► mxist.
June, 1972 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court
HousQ and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of
said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of
hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated.
Adopted by the Councii
Yeas BUTLER Nayg JUH � �7Z
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���RAFKA � Tn Favor
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