258890 � �
File No. � S9669 _
In the Matter of
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� reQML�t1"Mlt�1j t�ie •'�d�Nt�.k t�n hnth stidpr� nf lhtl»th i't�Pt fr Rncl� Ovam�a_1�n
East Seve h Street �
togetber �i�L.L ; araa�raps, coal-hole�s, trapdoor�, tnnn�ls aad otber underaronnd
facilities of ever�r di�ptiou snd prcnrided that all persits her�tofo�Ce arantsd
m' said City of St. Paul for tbe iastallation and/or ssinCenanca of sach arearays,
coal-holes, trapdocnc�, tu�mela and other nndergxonad fitcilities of every deacrip-
tian will b� aad the sme are hereby reroked unlesa said areavays, coal-holes,
Crapdoors, ta�mela sAd other nndergraand facilities of everr deacriptio�n arn
reconstructed by said p�r�itte� an or before a date �hich is 45 d�ys aftar the
date of final approtiral of fihis order; and that, fnrthar, the Departnent of Pablic
ilorks, tihrough its C14ief EAgineer, is bermby authorized and directed to fil'1 in
and reaove auch aresaays, ae�l•bolea, trapdoora, tnnmaels and other andergroani
facilities of every description, the per�itteea o� which areava�s, aoal-holea,
trapdoors, t�nnels aad Qtb�r naderground facilities of every descriptioa fail to
reconstruct thn same to the satisfsction of the Cit� Engineer an or befora tha
amove mentianed date e�acept MLere �ood and sufficient ponred sidevalks noM exiot.
__ -__.. ..__..� ---�
..,I Rna1� ��villy,r �
� to rs�asst��at th� sidwslk ��g„both sides of �alnth St�ree� froa - -
tog�t�' ; ,�. �,�ttaaMa�s, aN►l-holsa. erapd4ors, tam�als aad other e� ,
facilities of e�er� ai�����`!�►idsd that all �r�its harato�or� granted
by aaid City of St. Paul for the iastallatian aad/or �aintenanc� of snah ar�awa�s,
eoal-holea, �xapdoors, tnmaels and other underground facilitias sf aver� descrip-
tian will bn and ti�e sa�e are hereby revokec� n�aless said areaMays, aoal-holes.
tra�pddors, tunnels aad other undergrouAd facilitiea of avery desarirtion are
R reconstructed by said p�r�ittee ea or before a date ahich is 45 daqs �.ftar the
date of final approval of thia ord�r; and that, fnrther, the Department of Pnblic
Horks, through its C'hief Engineer, is hareby a�thoriz�d sud directad to till in '
aad renwwe such areaMays, coal-holes, trapdoors, tnanels and other undergrmnad �eWalk
facilities o� every descriptiaa, the permittees af �6ich araaaays, coal-boles,
. trapdoors, tunnels and otber undergroand facili�ies of e�rery descrittivn fail to
- recanstruct the same to the satisfactivn of the City Bagineer an or before the
H abavs mentioned date eucept Where 800d and aufficient pourad sidewalka na► axist.
S� - . - ----- _„ --... .,..�.,�.,..�, �„a,��n� ��iC �iiiie ana p1aCR OI
hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cast thereof as estimated.
Adopted by the Council
Yeas g U T L E R Nays
��_ � Approv � 1 �972
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SPft�F�KA Tn Favor
McCARTY (� ,
A gainst -
�-1 PUBUSHED �UN 1 O 1972