258886 .
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By .
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Constructing and reconstructing Sidewalks and by doing all other work which is ; �
necessary and incidental to complcate said i_mprovement, except where it is determined ,
that good and sufficient poured sidewaiks n�w exist: I
Finance Preliminary Ag�rnvec� Description
File No. Order
S9670 258346 April ?7, la7^ Farl St. , both sides from E. Fourth St. to
E. Fifth St.
S9671 ?_58345 E�pri.l ?7, 1��7'? Reaney Ave. , north side from Cypress St, to
Forest St, and on the south side of Reaney Ave,
from Cypress St, to the west approximately
100 feet.
59672 258344 Ap�~i.l ?7, !9%2 Parkway Dr, , southeast side from Edgerton St.
to :vebraska Ave, and on the east side of
Ed�erton St, from Nevada Ave, to Parkway Dr,
59673 �
2583t+3 April 27, 1.�;�? :�rlington Ave. , both sides from Creenbrier St . I
t� Edgerton St.
59674 ?_58342 Apri_1 7_7, 1Q72 Frank St. , both sides from Reaney Ave, to E. !
Sev�nth St. � '
S9675 2583!+� ;�ri2 ?7, 1��;?2 �ltlantic St. , b�th sides from Reaney Ave, tc
E. Seventh St.
S9671 258345 April ?7, 1��,^ Reaney Ave. , north side from Cypress St, to
Forest St. and on the south side of Reaney Ave,
from Cypress St. to the west approximately
100 feet.
59672 ?_58344 Apr.il ?7, ? ��i" Parkway Dr. , southeast side from Edgerton St.
to Nebraska Ave, and on the east side of
Edgerton St, from Nevada Ave, to Parkway Dr. ,
59673 2583�+3 Apri1 ?_7, ln:"' Arl�ington Ave. , both sides from Greenbrier St ,
to Edgerton St.
S967�+ 2.583!�2 April �7, l�?;�7. F'ran.k St. , both sides from ReanPy Ave, to E,
Sev�nth St.
S967.5 25$341 �pril ?7, 1�??2 Atlantic St. , both sides from Reaney Ave, tc
E. Seventh St.
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_ Rueisst��� JUN 10 1972