258877 qRIGINAL TO CITY CLQRK r CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� �588'�`� , , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. �,. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATE RESOLVED, That pursuaat to Cha.pter 466, Minnesc#�,Statutes 1963, aad upoa delivery to the Corporation Counsel of a release e,pproved by h3�n, Rnllia Segelstrom he paid $108.45 out of the Tort Liabiiitq Fund 0035--420, in full eettlemeat of claim for damages sustaineg as a result of sa accident oa March 14, 1972 at or near Hudson goad near Earl Street, Saiat Pau1, Minnesota involving a policeman �hi1e in the performance of hie of�icial duties. � z � 0 0 U � z � � ¢ � T � � � v �IIN 1 '�972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Butler �u N 1 �'7a Gaxl�Cn—�._ ov 19r ....---. �;ero��e-� � '�_In Favor Meredith �� / Sprafka �✓ Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED JUN 1 n 1972 � �uruun ro nn�nsR ` 2588�� CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRBEi�ITED�lf COMMISSIONER °A� BS30LVSD, That purswnt to Chaptar 466, Minaaot Statut�s 1963� and upon dalivary to ths Corporation CouaseZ of a raluse approvad by hi', Rollin Sagalatros be paid $108.45 out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-420, in tull settlam�ttt of claia for darsgss sustaianrd as a ruult of m accidarnt on M�rch 14, 1972 at or nsar Hudsrin Road asar Barl Strset, 8aint Panl� Kinnesota involviag a polic�aa N1►ile in the p�rfos�anca of his official dutiea. JUN i 1� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc�l 19_.. Yeas Nays Butler Appro�� �UN 1 1972 19� � � T� Favor � Meredith Sprafka C� Mayor A gaiIISt Tedesco Mr. President, McCaxty �