258871 ..,wi►.-Y-cnri.TO ne�t�u ��j�(J��.
PRBHiTED{Y Rosalie L. E�tler „ M
��V�iD� 'lrhit 1lpOA �'le pltltf0ll O� I'10l1'D�1'-��1�l1'�
t�orporation, �t al, thoae ��etion� of pnblic strNt� and
sll�rys h�s�inaft�s d��crib�d, b� u�d th� saa� ar� vaaatsd
s�d �di.scantiavu�d! u pnblic •tre�ta and allays t
. �yt�l� 11v�a� `�t�+�ar► th� �ra�t�s7.y li� �
o! �'anda].ia flxa�t and tbe �ut�ly lin�
o�' Ea�p�a�a 11v�nus.
M�tb�t�h llvenait b�twen t�� rr�sterly 1�
of 'ii�nd�lia it�n�t aad the ytst.erly lin�
of �alall� �traat•
8�pdrn Av�nnus b�tw�ua th� northerip iini
o! 1lrhssh �i�un� and t1a� �oot�sly iia�
of l�yrtl� J1v�sn�,
__-x- �_ �;-. �U..a aivab�ur� atr��et b.t+� the no��riy .
. li� o! 1�shiM �v+�t�ts a�art' t'�► so�!]Nrly
lia� oi oaaiwrsity �lin�w f
subj•at r�psysslp �o tb• loli�rinq aoadition� aad r�s�urvatioA,r:
1. That tbr vacatioa b� wbj�� to ali th� t�iss
and c�aditl.os�s o!� i�catfo�► ZZB��o� the Lsqia-
._ latiw t�od�, as �nd�d. �
Z. Tl�at a sp�vi�ic a�ruu�t b+�-�a�d ta 8aap-
d�a 71wnw� aAd M�bash ]► ra� to protaat tau
iaplae� faailiti�� o! tl�� �mri�i�t�r 8�11
T�l�pbo�� Ca��uap. .� �
COUNCILMEN A�opted by the Co�m�� 19�
Yeas Nays
� �y Appmved , 19�
Tn Favor
Sprafka J ��r
A gainSt
Tedesco .
Mr. President, McCarty
. -- ,'
, �5���1
� � _
3. That a specific easement be retained to
protect the existing aerial distribution
lines of the Western Union Telegraph
Company located on Northern States Power
Company poles in portions of Hampden
Avenue and Myrtle Avenue. •
4. That specific easements be retained to
protect the inplace water mains and to
provide access for future maintenance on
the following described areas:
a. The north thirty (3Q) feet of the south
one-half of Wabash Avenue fram the east
1�11C vi ��a3i�.G ��i8�� �� �js8 WCj tL. i�Tlc �
of Vandalia Street.
b. The east thirty (30} feet of the west
one-half �f Hampden Avenue from the
centerline of Wabash Avenue to the
south line of Myrtle Avenue.
c. The east thirty (30} feet of the west .
one-half of Pillsbury Street from the
centerline o� Myrtle Avenue to the
south I.ine ot University Avenue. •
d. The south thirty (30) feet of the north
one-half of Myrtle Avenue from the center-
line of Pillsbury Street to 87 feet east
of the east line of Pillsbury Street.
Said easements to be subject to the following restricti�ns:
a. No change in existing street grade
will be permitted within the ease-
ment area.
b. No permanent structures, buildings,
trees, etc. , will be allowed within
the e�sement area.
� - -
, �.E.;
� � s���� 9 .
c. No change in existing surfacing will
be allowed within the easement with-
out written permission from the Water
5. That a specific easement �e be retained in all
of the vacated areas to protect the interests
of Northern States Power Company.
� 6. That specific easements be retained for sewer
purposes in the fo).lowing areas:
An 80 foot wide easement in Eiampden Avenue
from the south line of Myrtle Avenue to the
t�tJr�l� 1 i r�a n f Wa'hagl^: Ac�on�wA an� �n Wa�ac'I�
Avenue from the east line of Hampden Avenue
to the east line oi LaSalle Street. �
A 3D foat wide easPm�nt in Pillsbury Street
centered on the center line of said street
from the south line of University Avenue to
the line 20 feet south of the north line of
Myrtle Avenue.
A 60 foot wide easement in the south 60 feet
of Myrt].e Avenue from the east li�e af Hampden .
Avenue to the west lin� of C7andalia Street .
A 35 foot wide easement in Wabash Avenue from
the east line of Hampden Avenue to the west
line of Vandalia Street centered on the center-
line of Wabash Avenue.
Said sewer easements to provide for the maintenance
of the existing sewers and the construction of pro-
posed new sewers. No surface or building improvements
will be permitted withaut the written permission of
the Department of Public Works including change of
grade, and all costs incurred by the Department in the
granting of such permission shall be paid for by the
petitioner or his assignees.
� � —
�oUrt.ICwtrtyTO lRIN7'SR
CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� N� 2588'��
7. Thst tt�e p�tition�r cloa� all vacat.�d str�ets
to th� satiataation 0! th� Drpart�t oi� �oblio
Nhr'ks by rsconstsuctinq the openinqs as driv�-
r�y op�ainqs th�r�by ali�i.aa�ia4 t]ae id�titi-
cation as dedicated riqhts-of-�ray. All cost,r
incurred in administrat3.oa, enqin�srinq, aad
in�p�tion including signinq shall b� paid by
th� p�titioaer.
6. Tbat easeoa�nts be rstained to prot�et th� �cist-
inq spwr trackaqe Mi.thin the vacat�d ar�as
�qaivaleut to th�ir prss�nt ri�hts in th�s� sr�as.
9. That th� petitionsr, the 8oasnes-1�aldorf Corposa-
tio� aqrsru to ailc�ar the neigbboring property e�+n�rs
th� continn�d right to u�� the strs�ts d�sarib�d
. hersin for ingre�s and �gran� to their prop�rties :
sa a �u�na�c •i,�.lar to thst naM ao joy.d by th.a.
10. That tl�� p�titio�sra p�y to th� City th� oma o!
;131,311.04 ae acm�pensation !or the vacation,
#33,500.00 of aafd co�psnsation to b� cr�ditsd to
ths D�,artsr�rat of P�blia Nb�t9ca Cod� 1213, lavinq
D�si4n �nqi�r 1lbrkinq CsPital znn aad t2ui balsnc�
to b� d�sitad in the t�naral �ev� �urid of the
City o! Saint taul.
11. 1'hat tl�e patition�rs provide ths City with a boad ia
t2�s �� og $�Q0�1304.04 ..fa-- , ..�r�_ .
r�q�uir�anta o� 8s�tian 2Z8 of th� Lsgislatiw Cod�.
JUN l �2
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co+m�� 19—.
Yeas Nays �N � �
� �, Approv�l 19�
� � Tn F&VOP
Sprafka ��
Mr. President, McCarty
Qo$u�r F'ilo 1?0� 258871—$Y R��e L.'
j► lt�so� �'��� t�a cR
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L. � w;��, �t-as
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the I - est�d itr�ets to etEo�1�
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