258864 � DU�LICAT6 TO�RIMI�t � QC� " - CITY OF ST. PAUL �u�c�� N 58�V OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` s COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .ro�i�M�oN� Rosalie L. Butler DATF RESOLVED, That upon the p�tition of Robert L. Railing, et al. , those section. of st�+ssts, hereinaf ttr da�cribad, be and tlu s�mas hh�raby ars vacst�d eu�d discontinwd as public streets: All ttsnt p of Sv�y Slope Lene (formerly Itasca Avemie) wfiich lie� bet�asn th� Fastarlq an�d Waatsrlq li�ee (axtandsd aquth) of Block 3 ofMe�offin a Hill- to AdditMion� and all E,hat of Wh�Ier Stre�t � p a �hich lise bat�en the Saut 1l.n� of said Block 3 an�d tha Sauth lias (axt�erded �ast} of Block 4 ia said Additian; sub ject expreasly to th,e follcwvf�ag co�nditians an�d rss�rnations s 1. Tt�at the vacatio�n bs- subjict to all th4 tQrms and co�aditions v� S�ticyn: 228 of tb�e Iagislativ+� C�da, as gm�d�d. f 2. That the patitia�ra�ra r to dtdicat�e for at,rtat �_ po�es adeqv�ta Leuc� to ,�as�v+s t.he rsaid�ntfa�Cl land� for dav�elopme�t of th�e 'area similar to tl�at rapr�sentad oa Plan B, attachad h�reto. 3. That th� patitio�ssrs pay to t.ha City the sum of $2,30Q.00 as compenaation for tha vacation. 4. That tl� p�titionert provida the City with a boud in , tha a�t of $10,000.00. , Att. �� JUN 11972 COUNCILM�N Adopted by the Coi�cil 18— Yesa Nays ' But,�px �11N ,/ 11�'2 Approv� 18— r.��� Tn FavOr Meredith Sprafka �y°r A g'&irist Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty �Rl�6l{SNED .�� 3 �� �� ---..�„�►, .IllN 319�2 � Council F31e No. 258884-8y Roaalie I.. Butler— iResolved Tiiat upan the �'pi Robert L. '8e e� al etreeta,h the aame �x1nu�!��� '�� ^ti ,; be�� � " �� �.0 4, � d . a11% t '� e � �e ) ot 4 fn asia :: :ts .� � �:�.,:�;, s� «1ee.,:.: dit! rIMMltra��;`, � 1. tp a ` pt. 8�8 ' - .. � 'i 2. ��t * >� Qedi�� to tlyl�i. � � �r� � B, aEt&Ct� 3: �hat the ;-t�;>#he pex aa� m 4. That $' t�e City vvi :t�, t ot �Y0.0�.6d.` . '�; Adopted b� the Co�J!�!1, 1978. Apyroved 7une 1, 19T8. - (duae 3.1979)