258860 ORIOINAL TO CITY CL6RK ,. ' 2588�� CITY OF ST. PAUL �COENCIL NO. . ' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , , ' COUN IL I�S+ UTI j —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE pTF RESOLVED, That Capital City State Bank be and hereby is granted a permit to install and operate a drive-in banking facility on the northeast corner of Rice and Lawsan Streets, more particularly described as follows : Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, and the vaeated alley, Block 3, J. F. Eisenmenger' s Addition; all in accordance with plans dated Received March 28, 1972; subject to the condition that said applicant-permittee, and its successors and assigns, shall make due compliance with all applicable provisions of municipal ordinances, state statutes and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance. C� W � � � 0. a � a AY 31 1972 � M COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— - Yeas Nays Bu�ier JUN 11�172 �`.�Y' e 19� ''�°�' � � Tn Favor Meredith yor Sprafka .�Against Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED JUN 1 01972 °�� . . City Clerk ', BOARD �OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 May 10, 1972 �5���� Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386, City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sir: This is written in response to the application of Capital City State Bank for a permit to install and operate a drive-in banking facility on property located on the northeast corner of Rice and Lawson Streets. This property is further described as lots 13, 14, 15, 16, and the va- cated alley, Block 3, J. F. Eisenmenger's Addition. This matter was heard at the April 20, 1972, Board of Zoning public hearing, at which time the staff report on file was summarized. The summary noted that revised plans dated March 28, 1972, meets the design standards for this type facility and meets with the approval of the Traffic Engineer. A response from the Traffic and Accident Section of the Police Department was read. The Board noted that an extension of co�nercial use into a "B" Resi- dential district was granted by the City Council in the past for this site and the Corporation Counsel has stated that such extensions already granted are valid although the City no longer grants them. The Board heard a motion to recommend approval. The motion was seconded and carried by a vote of 5 to 0. Very truly yours, T i / /,�h, 'j_ / .�j'�r'�/�J�� °Peter �%'Ma etta Secretary, Board of Zoning PLR/br Z. F. 7330 c � �. , , 0 � J � City of Saint Paul, �innesota ' . APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please print or type) TO THE H�NORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL y6 the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing y instali and operate a new (cross one out) � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: Q PAIiKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot To be used in connection witb: � MISCEI.I�ANEOUS: D�'ilihIa H� (indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location . B�ast sldil of Rio! $t7rsft 1�ot' I+o►tan Legal Descriptioa : Lots l� � 1,1 - 15`/G��Q�Block 3 Additioa d. t. lL'is�l�• Applicant's Name . Ca�pital City �tat,� Hanic, A�. Home or Office Address: 1020 Rl.� BtrNt. Phoae Number . � ,.v � � � � FO THB AP , t5 � � MAR 1 4 1972 si u� ca$te CITY PIA�i�tING BOARD Saint Paut, M�nnes�+.� Address . ` Phone No.: Whea completed: file three copies of this application form aad three prints of the preliminary Lay-out plans of the propoaed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of 11�ain St. and First St. 2. South side ot Main St. between First and Second St. �V�,��� ���� �VV "'"� �;� � .� BOARD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION April 20, 1972 Plat Map 24 . Actin�; under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 �}�; , passed Au�;u'st 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. � 7330 1. APPLICANT'S NAME , Capital City StAte Bank 6380 ?. CLASSII'ICATION . � Amendment � Appeal � PermiC � Other 6571 X-1198 3. Pi11tPOS1? : Tnytnll and operate a drive-in banking facility 4, LOCATION : Nortlieast corner Rice and Lawson Streets 5. LEGt1L DESCRIPTION : I.ots 13, 14, 15, 16, and vacated alley, Block 3, J. F. I:isenmenger's Addition 6, PRF,S�NT ZONING: Corrunercial *:j' 7 . PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 60 Section: .OS Paragraph: f - 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & RE�ORT: Date: April 14, 1972 By: ATB A. HTST�RY: A ?_4-car customer parking lot was approved on part of thia property on Auk;��st �, 1967. An exteneion of Commerci&1 uae was granted by the City Council on Marrh 9, 196n, coverin� part of a vacated Alley and one lot fronting on Lawaon �venu��. '1'he Council a19� wraived the 8 ft. buffer requirementa. � . �:�.':.�'Y R. AItt.A '/.OI�ING: The frontoge along Rice 9treet is zoned Commercial, the area east � ! and wesr_ of this frontage is zoned "B" Residence. 'y',' ,:��; ;;; C, DFSIGN STANDARDS: The revised plan dated March 28, 1972, meets the design ` standards for this type facility. D. P'RONTACE �1ND AREA: The property has an irregular shape with a frontage of ,�� ; 134.5 feet along Rice Street and 186.5 ft. along Lawson Avenue with an area of � '' approximately 24,480 sq, ft. ��::': I?, 1'RAFI�IC ENGINEER: The applicant's plan was reviaed to conform with the Traffic `"` I;nf;ineer 's recotmnendationa. The Traffic Engineer has reviewed the reviaed plan and r' recotmnc�nds approval. I�, S7'I7? CONDTTIONS: The site is developed as a bank parking facility. There ia one structuze on the site which is to be removed. G. ARF,A CONDITIONS: West across Rice Street is Rice Street Playground, south across Lawson Avenue is the Capital City State Bank. To the east the area is developed with one and two-family reaidencee. `'� ;�.. ',;x' �`. ,, ;:.,. � 90 ROARD ACTION: To Recommend A roval '' � PP Q Aenial Council Letter "., Da ted: `�'� Moved h , Yeea Na e 5-10-72 y McPartlin Y Amea - �X Date of Seconded by: Benshoof X Cochrane - Ch. Hearing: � X McPartlin 5-17-72 :� Secretary's remarks : Maietta -� Manaur Council Action: X Quast X Benahoof Dooley Date: -- ---- X 5wesey1 �� . - ,..___--__ .__ ._---._..�______.��; r � =�—� - —-- � '�__J " --_`-�a, -, _:..�... � ' � : E � � � l._L—L_1_-1--1- 1�L_1..: M �_ � i �� .T _,.� t R � � ,, , -� i - �,." 1 A —___. ' -- --—�•- � � __^���J -���^ii..' - I v � . � � � ���_ i ;, � � :___ - �_ � _o_______, __ _ �� � , � o�� o � o O �� �� o o � o � � _o o � _.�. � ��� � .: m - o- ---�- Q --c----� ,[ � ( � ,. . A� �� �1 .� � � �' M" — __—__ __._ � - ran .�.�.�.��.�_T�.'^ � �; q � � 4� CI ._ I � _ � ..� �;U I o i F, � t. � _o_. --C�- � -��---� ' • -� i � - iO '�'¢.O O � -�_ O ¢ p O O O � `,.- Q —Q � _�_._., e o _� � \' Q � ; � , s -Q- __.,� �-� _--- .___ ,�- V � � -_r____, - _._ - 4. 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I .�:i i `{' r , -: -�t�� �RoN T---�q-�---t--- ' ' � ' '¢ GIO O O 4 �IO �J �: O'U O O � � � ' , � ���I a � ,�,� i�,,� -�- G (�-- - 1��r�°- �`�'> 1 � � � �J� ; � � � � , � � APPLICANT : �aP�ta� ��ty �tate �ank � LEGEND ��� ��R���� ' Install llrive-in l3anking Facility ���� 1 t�+� VJ f. O ONE-FAMILY � F'RESENT ZONING ' Commercial -Q- TWO-FAMILY PETITION S�GNERS �� THRcE-FAMILY FOUR-FAMILY � MULTI-�AMILY FlLE �lo. : ���o n � CO�lr,��RCiAL N4RTH IielQU.7� �IAL v VACANT St. Pau1 Planr�ing Board, Date: April 20, i9�2 � prop�rty under considarotion � ;�7iiU:il:S f.ji'. `�'l�: z'ti'rif�,�f; �TL:�R:i1;C> "t3�;�C34.tE fiHL II{�A�'a� t7F �S;};u`L�;v • ' Gtd 'rE?URSD�iY? AI'�IL �Q,, �972, AT 2:�0 PmM� Pt�S�NT: ��a y ��ae�=.�ia�,, .dYb� Qu�3� ar.r3 t��as?°a, ticP'�.r��.�nr Be�ahs�af �ra�i S���sey o� the Bu�r.d9 I�i�„ Fvsr9t�er +��d Ba Refr�.e;. cf the staff� CAP�T,�L C�TY STA`P���F3FC {733€}�: An ��a,�iicatxon fAr a pexmit to �.raB�a�.? az�8 c�nerate a dri�re-i�n bael�a€�� f�c:i;ity* c�n teae a�o�l:i�east corner of Rfce flrcd L�erst�� 5treets� �4�0 �ase���Y s�r����e=�z..��.d ��e se.ra�f rcpo��, � paLt o£ L•h� f�.2.�, �y r.u'.:�.z�;; ktza� � 2G��•�i�uz cust��ee� p:r�5.rcg �cr�- �N�a=3 .,��rauecl �;t p�r� of rhz.fl pr�p�ri:y �an Augiz�4 �_ �967� r1x�. cxten- �ion Az C�arr�t�rcac�. use ��� na�r�n��d s�y th� t;i.ty C+��snci3 en t�?:C�y �, ?�f�U, r.�n��eran� pa�� af � v�cat�d ai��� a���3 vn� l�e fr.ar�tit�� oa Lawaan Aveaueo Th� Co��z3ei1 �i�n :�r��.v�� the c�ag4��wf�ao� v�.i�f�-t Ye,.�r.,a.r�ar*E��:�s„ �t�e s:��esent pl�rs da�$ ne� �fze�c�* tt�� e;�,��:w�onr_ bu���:� wrck the ss�� <��-Y�.; r'r9.�� w�,:s e�.�s��d t�y the �atactc�.! .�t traat ti�s�� T�t�- £��r�st:.��e �a�iang Ric� �i�Ye�: �.fb ::tSil@C� �."�7?52311E3:C"C%.9��� i.liF.' �?`C�S1 C���' �L?f� FTeu e. 6}� �f17 5 �L'O�.f:���;? '?S 2r3:l�t� �tYi�� �6t3�^ �7�ncF;.�, ��:� �::;r�:3�:c? p?r��,, d�hi:e� T�wch 2�, 3972, �aeets �t�e de^i.g,:� �����-:d<rds �or LhfF �.,r�e far.ilf.ty„ '.��rR R��pl�.c�.�t's p3an was revisP� t�a crn�fsa�n ti:��rh the �zaffic Eng�tneer's r.ecAmm�Ti:la�it�r�s� xh� i��,faic �n��.�acer h2ss s~�tri��wed the �c�:�ris�d s��.r.,:: �:r.� reca�e�as �p»ruv�'., Tt3� �i�� i� F1��re1.�u�el �� s� bAazk p��king ��ca2i�y,1 1"�ere �s o�� strcac�u�e an ttie s3.�e. ��i��cis is i:� 5e r��:�c�ired� GTe3t ac��ss 1�ic:e 5t�reet a5 It�c�e Stre�Flay�graund, s��st%a ai���s F,�ws�:� �s�•.s��ue �.^ �t�..r: Cr�at�l C�.�y �rr�te Baak, Tc t;ae e�s� �it� �ges �.s G�STC'Z.O�E.'C� 4e"L�:�'k $3isEc n1?G ��:"''J'°�£�Fs3:�.�� TC-'8�,�."'i�IILCCS n �.efeLritn� rc� � �ete:��- �za� ur�i:t�s:�n �', t�� 3jrrps�is, Tr�'Efic �r►�i ���cide�t ;�e:ccfe►se �f the : ��prxrtr.ee:�et c�� P�.b3.3.c 5��ety, i�g,�� gose��e�- �e�d thL f�s1lo��.a�.g: "�cbme t�aff�c g�:,°����u;� ��c� i�e ��s.tic��at�d by !t��.�ui�� rnpve�ie�ts �a�.tEaeL inka vr. �ct� of scch ::� ��:ei?:,.'�y�r �he p?^c�b�.e�w c�z be mi.�s.mizecl �.� �i3e L?eq�.gn r�ovides e��rascces e��.y f_�•e:� Rz.ct �t,:�et �rs� Qxi�s �nly e9_i:he� i�s�c+ l�iz�� a�..l<<�y or ���n a,�wson �0'+7�'i3V�', Tha� �<�cs.?it�� itsei.� sF3gu�.ct t?e uct -f:er enr�ug�z tg:�=�r�is Lt�e rr_�r. r�f t:ic ����tc3 so t.�st e�ar� L+�r33.C�.e�f; �o �.:se rhe f�:,r.�.�,2i�y r,.-e n�i: ��t co l�ac� cc� u.�.d •a:�.erc>ac� fnto zhe £�ica at�:•�E:: r_r��x�c �.�,nes� '±f' t;13F�e �n�t��*�� �re ccr��i:3�rpc: ;r� Ch� des�gza, there ��r��:Id !:� r�c r.c��j��tiGa� i�c� su�� ,.��.F �_r:st��.�.ai:iGi;,," I3�,. �.e����tt�.� �:�in�F�� �;y�� L•���'� C.��;:�ai� .�y�:'�r� �r��i c���: r�ce�.�+ed o�. ir:ce.re� �ite s�.�� plans � ��r �:he �a���x�, T�w ':?~:�e:'�: �;��a.*ze�� ��3� xzi� �������a•�c3���.r��� �M�e::s_ t,�.,,�ng v�e:�se�1 tt?? n iL-� �I�ar�,.. ��.�s, C�c€�gJ���. c�ta��s i:5.:�n��� �.ts.� ��e� ���� cnax ���en� ��.��� +�h� ����� Zi.�y;�?.i;�r��:� �r�t� ��xd 2�Ir_ , :.��rtt��- e��>�.r:�.r�d £::zai� t�as� �?:.s�k:u7�; sticEr� i:hm�: �� ea;.teitsie� a} c:er:t��ac�.a� use w�s ;������ by r_�s� �;;_ty C;�=.�_�cz�., FTe ���d �;��� C�rp��.�t:io�t Cacuase:! at �1c ri�ze ;�t�ttied th�t ex�en��cs�a ct� u�� �ry1a:e�d� �;r�sste�3 e--rra��.d r�;�t be cE��l�.;.mged s3.nc� L•h�y cac:-e �ra:eted �,n {;�a�J fa��h even i:ia��:.��� ��r� ���y �a ��x:a�e� ���C�� exte�tsi�n� Q� t��� �:}> ��p�^�. nucw„ Air� *�IcPc�r�'��r: ��ti=cc., ;:i��x �t�e `.�,��a.a3 �eccs��rad ,�p�rrsv�4. c►� �he �er�z�,: "•�„ �.ecz�l�oaf �ec�r3ed t�c� aso��.�a-a� `3'ts� °ac�i:f.cm w��;ried °�y r� vcste a� 5 to f�,. �uh�ieteci �y: l3�mr;�aed �}v: ���s� L�, ��s�tt�r ��„ �a�rea�y� Cvc�.r�sa�e City Clerk � ' � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Cour► Ho�s� 55102 May 5, 1972 File X1198, page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House at 10;00 a.m. on May 17, 1972 on the application of the Capital City State Bank for a permit to install a drive-in bank facility on the property des- cribed as follows: Lots 13, 14, 15, 16 and vacated alley accruing, Block 3, J. F. Eisenmenger's Addition. The property is located on the Northeast corner of Rice Street and West Lawson Avenue. For further information, contact the Planning Board, Room 1010 Commerce Building, or telephone 223-4151. To comply with the City Charter, the Department of Finance is charged with informing you of this public hearing. If you have any questions, it is recommended that you attend this public hearing to afford you the opportunity to make your views, both pro and con, known to the City Council. ROSALIE L. BUTLER Cosnnissioner of Finance , i t ,. � � City o� Saint Paul, �innesota �� • , ' APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT �^ / � (Please print or type) � � � TO THE I�NORABLE MAYOR AND CITY (:OUN+CIL � qo the City Clerk � City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb made to remodel or reconatruct an existing y install and operate a new (cross one out) � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: � PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot To be used in connection with: � MISCELLANEOUS: Drive-In Bank (ittdicate type sucb as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location . East side of Rice Street nea.r Lawson Legal Description : Lots 13 - l�+ - 15 Block 3 Addition , J. F. Eisenmeriger's Applicant's Name . Capital City State Bank, Addn. Home or Office Address: 1020 Rice Street. Phone Number , FO ftE AP CA1VT, 3 �� �� (Si ture) (date) Addreas : ��0�� ��-�-� Phone No.: ��'8 -. �S`/,6 When completed: file three copies of this application form and three priats oY tbe preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. � R J .• r ` ��� � s"��� ��� � • t- ""^,,.-r - - • `. STATE BANK � � ��� � � � ti . p � � ' � y{ f�S�� ��,jp.: 'Ai�' . �` �I�����a�.s� So:���.;;�'.r ... :�' . � �"* . _ �'� �;,,ae�9 � _� �,..:.-4..��� .L-...:: �--- . -°,��..�' !�_.�;�._�. 1020 RICE STREET • SAINT PAUL 17. MINNESUTA � � . .�" ...� ' _� .. _ , `//foin• �i•ie�zrlld LJn�ej�e�iden! cJJni7k March 9th� 1g72 D�ayor Charles hicCax�Ly and �iembers o� the Saint Paul Cit•,� Council .Court House, ,' Saint Paul� hti.nnesota Subject: Permit fox �. Drive-In b7o tor Bank Dear Council �iembers: The Board of Directors o� the Capital City State Bank hereby requests a perm:i.t to build and operate a I?rive-In ��otor Bank on the north-east corner o� Rice and T,azvson Streets. Our plat dra�ving herewith submitted is already 75� in use I,EGAZLY. Our plan is to remove a small existing structure and replace it �vith a motor bank. The only variance we are awaxe of� is that we are a.sl�.ng for a 422 foot curb opening to exit caxs onto Rice Street. Our proposed va�-i.ance is NOT a hazard to the welfare of the public because all cars will be kept in an ei�t �oot CONCRETE l�.ne� IdOT A PAINTED lane. Therefore while we are as�.ng AND NEED a 422 foot wide curb cut - an exiting car can only use eight �eet of �hat opening. This facility is a necessity because at our busy hours� our exi.sting SIIdGI�E DRIVE-IN wi.ndow is inadequate' and therefore blocks I,aevson Street traffic. �9e are Not aslri.ng for consideration not prev:i.ously �ranted to other banks� in tiie City of Saint Paul. E�amples: The First National Bank on Fi�th Street � has a curb cut of FIFTY Fr'�T� on Rti.nnesota Street FORTY FOUR FEET� the new -° p Northwestern 2dational Ban.k THIR�.' NINE FEET and American National Banl� FORTY SIX FEET. �Ye also ask that we be given "INFOI�7AL" approval at the Council meeting of Fridap It�arch 10� 1972. 4�e ask this so that we can �ive our Architects the • "go ahead" signal on detailed design dra�vings. It is necessary that we get this proposed �acility operational in the fastest possible tine. «e wil]. be grateful for your immediate favorable consideration to our problem which is also a community improvement - a nuch needed commurLity imnrovement, Yours truly� - i � � �� � , � ,/i C` �`��'��---..`i}C.-L�-Cxlr��� . � . T___ T___l_2�� _ TT��La ,-.-----•---- - T-=--.. r� �an..a..._.,. _ n,...,,.-.i„+,. A,..,v;.,,. c,...<.;,,� � w ��ExtrB�� o ` ", BOARD- OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUI., MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 May 10, 1972 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386, City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sir: This is written in reaponae to the application of Capital City State Bank for a permit to inatall and operete a drive-in banking facility on property located on the northeast corner of Rice and Lawson Streets. This property is further described as lots 13, 14, 15, 16, and the va- cated alley, Block 3, J. F. Eisenmenger's Addition. This matter was heard at the April 20, 1972, Board of Zoning public hearing, at which time the steff report on file was sununarized. The summary noted that revised plans dated March 28, 1972, meets the design standards for this type facility and meets with the approval of the Traffic Engineer. A response from the Traffic and Accident Section of the Police Depertment wae read. The Board noted that an exteneion of co�nercial uae into a "B" Reai- dential district was granted by the City Council in the past for this site and the Corporation Counsel has stated that such extensions already granted are valid although the City no longer grants them. The Board heard a motion to reconunend approval. The motion was seconded and carried by a vote of 5 to 0. Very tr�ly yours, ,, � /�' ' / i 4�'�„/; j�� •'�, '""_r2,/�i:-�'� `Peter .'Ma�etta , Secretary, Board of Zoning PLR/br 7.. F. 7330 �, °!� s� _ :�', }�: BOARD OF ZONINC: REPORT AND ACTION April 20, 1972 , , • Plat Ma 24 �` , Actin�; under Le�;i5lati_ve Code Chapter 60 thru 64 p '�;' �;: • passed Aufi�ist 2?, 19?_2, as amended to January 27, 1971. 7330 1 , AP:['I.1CAN'I"S NAMF , Ca�it�31 City State Bank , G380 ?. CLASSIPICATION . � Amendment � Appeal XX Permit � Other 6571 X-1198 3. PURPOSL : Tnstall and operate a drive-in banking facility 4. LOCATION : Northeast corner Rice and Lawson Streets 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, and vacated alley, Block 3, J. F. I:isenmenger's Addition 6, PRESENT ZONING: Cotmnercial ;.; 7 . PURSUANI' TO 7.oning Code Chapter: 60 Section: •�S Paragraph: f H. S'1'AI�'I' INVI.STIGATION & REPORT: Date: April 14, 1972 By: ATB A. IIIS'I'�RY: A ?4-car c��stomer parking lot wae approved on part of this property on Aut;ust 8, 1967. An extenaion of Commercial use was grented by the City Council on Marrl� �), 1968, covering part of a vacated alley and one lot fronting on Lawaon l�venue. `I'tle Council also waived the 8 ft. buffer requirements. R, AREA 7.ONING: The frontage along Rice 9treet is zoned Commercial, the area east and west of ttiis frontage is zoned "B" Residence. +;: �•: >:.�: C. DI?STCN STANDARDS: The revised plan dated M&rch 28, 1972, meets the design �' standarcls for this type facility. ;;,.; D, 1�R(�N'1'l�C1: AI� AREA: 'I'he property has en irregular eh�pe with a frontage of E .y 134.5 ir.et along Rice Street And 186.5 ft. along Laweon Avenue with an area of approximately 24,480 sq, ft. F. TRAFI�IC ENGINEER: The applicant's plan was revised to conform with the Traffic '�� 1?n�ineer's recommendations. The Treffic Engineer has reviewed the revised plan and �;:'r rcconunc�nds approval. F. ST'1'I? CONDITIONS: The site is developed as a bank parking facility. There ia ;J otle strncture on the site which is to be removed. `?;� l,. ARI?t1 CONDITTONS: West across Rice Street is Rice Street Playground, south across T.a�ason Avenue is the Capital City State I3enk. To the east the area is <levelopc�d witil one and two-family residences. :,,a ,,`� ,�z.'. ':�' �; 9a BOARD ACTiON: To Recommend �X Approval � Denial Council Letter ,�� Dated: "' Moved by . McPartlin Yeas NeyB 5-10-72 Amea - �X Date of Seconded by: F3enshoof X Cochrane - Ch. Hearing: X McPartlin �� Secretary's rem�rks ; 5-��-�2 t Maietta � Manaur Council Action: " X Quast X Benehoof Dooley Date: _. p � - -- X 5weeeyl �- - ; -------- - __ ------------1` r c,� y:— _ _- o_ � _;.r__J '� ._.i'.�.__!, _�'' „i I ' i ' I I I 1 ------- - -- --_ - -- � �, � � ' 1 l L L 1 1 1 LL - �` - - ___ J r� ;;. - �{- � _ _--1 i. _.__ " _'�-� l� '�� __.��!� �''� 4�1. _T r- n –�— --�- `� --o � ---- '�� '� � ��.{ �_ � p�;Q p�c� o o � G O O ¢ 0 4 � � o . o �' . - I ��_� :._ � - --- Q �'- � ;� -�-- __ ___ ,� � ; � o � � ���_. _.r' �� �� ��� i�� �- --- -__� _ ,�,..: ,.._,�.: � �'� � �- p � - � -�—j U ��A � _�� `� v�0' � p ', � i� Q O � � i , �i , Q -o- � --� � �, � Po _ , k-�; ��I� oo � - ' o � 0000c � � Q � t .Q_ _---�- Q U �� -----_�-^ - -- - --�( � ' � - � '`'� ' Q- � � � � �co o K � , AV�'. I --- --Y � � ��� � � � � /�'� f ��. � i � i t ��..'� (�; Cr,.t i f, r �; �.--' L� l. �. � - ` - '-�. O �C� ¢���'i�� � O O � M► � O O O O O �irr , � % � - f��, � � '``� F ' �, �. S f.. 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'�� ' � ._:_`" -- — I i i-; .i . ,� � �,�- I � -{"r -�--� — -- ; J G� �O!C?O;C.�;���?� �) ;`' r�;�lY QI ;p ;O�G _ . . + , , I ' � ' � � �- G - -- =o , A � � ; ; � i � � � � i �I �a�._�L�_L�� �_ ;` p- 4 � �- ;� , ' , - , —� - - O -r-* � � i ' � � �� �'"'"s ,� r--- -�-,- --0 ,- �- r - � � r. �� ; , , � � � � � � ► � � � .� � �_� ��r,} �� - -o - —�� � �.� � a'o o'o' � � ' � ° � ; � o �� J.. „-� - - - - _._.,.�: I .�i � � _ ��_}N-� FRoN r---- ' � � ��---�-- �� � , ' � � ;¢ � o 0 0 0 oiob ��. o�o 0 0 `: J !_ ► �}-�� �^� ���-° f�-- - ,'�!r---�°- I;'> � � i, 1 I I I � I , , � APPLiCANT : Capital City Stat� Bank � LEGEND � � � -; PURPOSE ' Install Drive-in Banking Facility LAND USE ' � O ONE-FAMILY � (aRESENT ZONING � �ommercia� ' -O- TWO-FAMILY :i� PETITION SlGNERS � THFtEE-FAMILY ;�. F�UR-FAMILY : {- � MULTI-FAMILY �' FILE No. : ���o n �COM�"ERCIAL N4RTN INQUS`�'RIAL u VACANT St. P�ul Planning Board, Date: April zo, �9�2 P� property under considerotion ; ' � , • • �+i7.ANTL*S U''� '3".I� T"i3BI�l:C �ri.ARTt'IG :3E�'U�c�: TI$ Tt1�sRI? £y��' Z'�33IT�G • . ' i�1�1 TFi�TR��isAY, t11�RLL. 2U, 1972, AT 2:00 P,Hl. PEtES�NT: I��s, CQCh��ne, M�-se Q�,s,s�t �nd Messrs, M�Psrtlfu, Ec�ehoof r��d Sweaey of the �osrd; ?�fr, Ros�t�er �x�d �, �e�t��r of the stsffe C�PITAL C��.`Y STATw l�At'K (733tl�: ,�� �v�a3.ic:stion for 8 per�nie tca fnsya?� sad aperate a o�ive�ici b�n�ing �sci�.lty on the na�~~i:he�s� coraz�r. of Ric� en�j Lacrsn�s Serep[so tfr„ Ros��ter �u�x��:eci the ataff xe�cxt, a part of �he ff.�.e, b� no+�:i�g ic�amt � 2k-hc�u�. custamer p�rki�ag Io� aas spp��ved an part of. tlYfs property on Aagu�t a, 19670 �n �xten- sion �nf Car�nerci�l use was graAteci by th� C�.ty Council on Aiasrch 9, I968, cavering p�rt of � �r�c�t�d a11Qy ax�� ar.e �.et fra�,L-��� an Law�a�x Aveue�en The Co�anc�.Z �+lsca w�fved �he �igh2-�aat bu��F� r�c�cnir.�exzts� Th� ���a�nt pLrsn dce� nc�. �show th� ei�htw:Eoc,� bufter in tY:� ssm� �rea ttnat u:�� waived bq �'he CocmciL x�t that txm�, 7Che f�arsts�e along Riee Stree` �.s zoned Coumne.r.c�.a2, th� arem e�sC and we,t of this frontag�: i.a zaued "�" Reai- dence, The revisec3 pr�rn:, da��d �i.arch 2$, 1972, �eets the desigtt sCsn�iards for this �ype facility, The �appl.ic�nt°s pAax� was rev�sed to confaxtia �iCte th� T�affic Engineer's recoma�e�tdA�iaza� T�t� Treffic Eagir_eer hss revieaed tli� �eviaed p�an and recoms�ei�ds s�ppro�ra4o The si�e is �evetc�ge�d �s a ba�k p�rk�Ag facixS.tya Ttiere is one atracture �rz the �ite which J.s �o i�e x�erac�v�d, West acrc�ss Rice StxeeC �.s Rice St�et�Flaygzound, sa���i� acrass �.�wamra 1�=aer_�e �s th� G��,f��l C�ty Statie �m�tco �rs t�xe �ast ehe t�r�a �s d,eve�op�d wizli ane s�a�3 twa»��m�.ly res�.dettces, tts�e�rfng t:o � 3.er_E:�d fxc�► Cap���r� W� �� Jys:��s, Treffic anc� hcci.deE�t S�c�.i,an �f the �epartme�� rsf Puh�.ac S�'fety, Mro Cs��etter �e�d the follocaing: ��Sc�te t�aff�c nrohl�ns e�n. b� �r�t�.ciaa�e�l 6y t�eriaing m+��;er�en�:s e3.*_her iato or aut Q� �cxct� s� ftia�.l��yv The �*xobi�u�� can be mi�ximi2�cl �f the d2si�;n pro��fdes entzazac�s a:�i� cT� Ra.cQ St�e�t �nd exits r�nly eil:Eie� ix��a tt�.� n11Py Qr intn 3.yawaon Aver�ezc.; ThQ �scwl.�ty �s.�r���.� stiould be set �ar enough ts�*.�rids th� xear oi C�e �ra�d so tht�t �e�s wa�tz�xu �o ca�� the fac�i�i�y sre n�L ��t to b�,c� up �a�.d ei�cr.amch into the Rice Str�et tre�zac ls�esa �:f these saatters are cansic���:ed in ttte c�esign, �here wguld �e n�s a�jectiaci to such an 3.ns�e�Zai:iano" P�r� Ros�t��� g�o��tec3 :�ut t�s��t C�p���� 3y�?s.�s hr�d �o� �ea��wed mr v�ccred �he s�te n���ns ` for ��a� ban�,. Tii� fi�-��x:�ic �ngi,m�c� �de h�.� recar�cn�xzdatfons a£te� E:aviag ��iewed the ait� pl�n�. I�ce� Cochrz�ne q�a�:stio�a�d :��w tl:�e ����C cr�u exte:arl intn ttaa r�8'� R�s.;.d�nce area amd �Ix� Rs�s�teer ex��,��:x�� �nat ;.•he �aist+��y �t�er�r� t�at sn e�s[en3ion cs� �crix�c�c�,al uae was �x��t�d hy ��ie Caty> Ca�:x�cil.� H� ���.� tit� Corp�r�t�a:z �ocrose�. �at a�e t:�.ne sta�ed th�t ex�enai�cs�ts af r�sc �1;:�.���a ��t���ed wc�u�d �a� b� Gh.�ile�sged since tt�e; :.�r��e �;ztax►�ecl i�. goo�s fafth: ,eeen �h�ugE: E�� Cifiy cxo �.asn�er x��ke� extezx�i�xns �F c:�,e ��y a�pc:a�. �a�., �ir, Ffcl��rtlin m��d tti�,t t�i� �s�rd xecta�i��,d `ppznv�Z a:� t�� Aer:cnit,, i•ae„ Be.c��hanf �ece�.�ed ti�� ��t�octi� The �c��#.� cazr�.ed by x vo�� �f. 5 t� fi� Sub�4_ttEd by: Ap;�sr,aved 'by; �'an:i. �,o Rosr���er AZr3 o Cexvlgm Cflchxa�.� 3 /' /, /I / ' � .� � i �� � i ' i � ; i � � i �� ' � ; --._ � v y � i ; � ;� ; i � �� � � � . ; 3 � , � � , ; � �,,� � � � � � � r � .� .� ` � � � �., ', � : 4 � ! �j 1 � � � � � t � � � r � i ` � /�� " �� "�,,r`,J ' `- / i i . 1 i , i �.� � �f i � � .. ! . � i � � f ( �' i j I ! , . i , �- � / j j1 i � f � �� �y� 1 r"��� -�/i I i� �¢ � ; . 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