258852 pRIGINA��TO CITY CL[RK ' ; • CITY OF ST. PAUL co�NC�� 258852 ,.., • � , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK H� NO. COUNCIL RESQLUTI —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED EY COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul is considering the exchange of real property to facilitate the construction of a new Fire Training Academy to be located in the vicinity of Midway Stadium; and WHEREAS, Request ha.s been received by the City to permi.t Ma.lan Construction Company, a Michigan corporation, to perform general grading and fine grading work including removal of soil from the property presently owned by the City of Saint Paul, and the Fire Department will make use of the fill ma.terial to be removed by Ma.lan Construction Company for preparing the Fire Training Site for future develo�nent; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED� That Ma.lan Construction Company is hereby given permission to enter upon the land owned by the City of Saint Paul and described below for the purpose of performi.ng the necessary site preparation work on the land including fine gradin� and general grading, all such work to be performed at the permittee s own cost and expense and at the permittee's risk, subject to the condition that permi.ttee provide public liability insurance covering itself and the City of Saint Paul from any and all damages, claims� losses, judgments, suits or expenses and on account of al1 claims of wha.t- ever nature for injury to person and/or property arising out of or connected with the work to be performed by the said permittee pursua.nt to this authorization� said insurance to be in amounts not less tha.n $500�000.00 for injury to any person and/or persons in any single incident; and in an amount not less tha.n $250,000.00 for injury to property in any single accident: FORM � OVE � � Ass . t n ounsel COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approve� 19— Levine ____jn Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor Tedeaco ASainst Mr. President, McCarty � pR161NAL TO GITY CLBRK �58852 -� �� CITY OF ST. PAUL HOENCIL NO. � , .. - � , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONEQ DAT� 2. Subject to ponding area and Highway 51, the South 683.63 feet of the North 843.63 feet of the So�.theast quarter of the Northeast qua.rter of Section 28� Township 29, Ra.nge 23, except the West 350 feet thereof; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That this permission and authority sha.11 be in existence for a period of 60 days from and after the passage, approval and publication hereof; and it is further conditioned upon the permittee reimbursing the City for the cost of publica- tion of this resolution; and, further, tha.t the permittee file its letter accepting the terms and conditions contained herein together with certificate of insurance with the office of the City C�,erk. �AY 31 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun � 19— Yeas Nays 1972 Butler JUN 1 pr _-19— �e .�In Favor D�s�ee�iti� Sprafka � ayor Tedesco Against Mr. Wice President Meredit�h O pUBLISHED ,�UN 101972 a _ 1 July 18 , 1972 Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Ramsey County Court Iiouse Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Council File No. 258852 Dear Mr. Marshall: In accordance with the provisions of Resolution of the Saint Paul City Council contained in Council File No. 258852, this shall con- stitute acceptance of the ternis and conditions contained therein, as required by said Resolution. Very truly yours, MALAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY ./' / � �%��%G� BY: =�' L! �, ert Lan er, Presi ent RL:se J'cxne 12' T.9'�2 a'�'. An'thoriy A. Dsru�a .i�w�Qrn�y �;ac.•i••;�z�;��i�rn, �`t�.i:�.;�rg�,l 7i,�r3k �3ldg. ����r �:'�ua.�, Pn:inne�ot�. .t)E?FiLY° `,i:`Lx'; Lncic���:c' i;; �. c+��z�° cri a resoli.atian9 Gc�uanci�. ""r'�.le �rs. ���852� fj.;�o,ia�ed :���,,� ��., I.�'�'r>a ���'�`t:-�n�; -�;e��Ui���an °�;;� �����.�� (:onatru�ti�n ti.ar����..�z;� �,� �r�t�:t~ u��.n c�€�r�a�� ��.ty-o��.eci la.n� �tic,i x��r.zc�rm n��es- ���r;;r .yite f�re��a;rat�as� wo��. t��.�;xe�ari, �'or cons���,ic�:i�n o� a z�e�r �°'�.�•� 't"w��.n3.��g Ac�.d�y �cs b�: 1.oc�ztea in °th�: v�.cin3.ty oi° Midw�r Stadiur�, �s �uore f"ully desc.r.3.be�3 �.r� �he x°e�olu�ion. A1.so er�c7.��ed 3.s �, 'b3.�..7. 3n t�ie sur� caa' �12.15 �a cov�� the cost of publicat�or� o� �a�x3.s �:��sc�ltxt�.Gn. �de ca13. your attent3.on to th� r�quire�rten�ts for p�zblic li�bi23.ty �.n.s�ag anc�e to 'bP T9Y'qYj.C�t,'C? b;,F �?:� per�t:4t�e�' �.s describec� in the �h.ird p�rxagrraph a� the reaolution. �re also call yr�ur s�eci�l. $�ter�4ion t� Vhe reg,uiremerat �ri. �he ].a,t �ar�,�aph of the resolu�3.on t�at the permlttee fia.e it� l.etter of �ccept�ss°:c� o�' th� �t�arms axad c�nditiax�s cont�..i.ned l�erei�t with the cert3�'icate oP 3nsuranc� with the o�`"f"3.ce of the C3ty C1.+�rk. Very trul.y yaurs�, City Clerk n; � � 6 �J � June 27, 1972 City Attorney City Hall Dear Sir: Attached for your apProval is a Certificate of Insurancer filed by the MaZan Construction Co. in connection with C.F. 258�52. Very tru7.y yours, Ci�y Clerk ml ORIGIN#L � CITY OR 8AINT PAUL a�'4YO� OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER , . y RE C E 1 P T N° . 334� �t,��� 3� 19--�a RECEIVED OF �' ���'� $ 1O° � �� � � � " �o � -i--� �, - � _���.� c�. ,. ��� ,��,� q,` �. c.. � �� c O ^ � � JQ���- !�`�, ��,�-0.�1,�'�- �.�� lfY�- � tr�+ (�r.►� y �v�,, C��,cS�.�� -�-- ��.�, o�s$g�� COMPTROLLER � �� � BY c_> U�b�J�� �O