02-765'�'f, � j��{ �' T� i i g �.� � � ? �s S � ti i E..� Presented By: Referred to: RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �o���.�#: oi-��s GREEN SHEET #: 203589 3G 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Depaztment of Pazks and Recreation is committed to providing the best possible facilities, 2 services and pmgrdms at the lowest possible costs while ma�cimi�ing and utilizing outside resources; and 3 4 WEiEREAS, the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has informed the City of Saint Paul tktat it must 5 eapedite the expenditure of Community Development Block Graut (CDBG) funds; and 7 WHEREA5, some approved Pazks projects may not be consistent with the proposed System Plan modificaYions; and 9 WHEREAS, there is an opportunily and a need to re-allocate funds from those projects that cannot expend CDBG funds in a 10 timely manner and tLose tbat may be inconsistent with 5ystem Plan changes to other approved projecu that need addirional 11 funding to be properly completed, 12 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the recommendarion of the Mayor 13 and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that $312,931 is available for appropriation in the 1998, 14 2000, 2001, and 2002 capital improvements budgets, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, be hereby fiuther amended 15 in the capital improvements budgeu in the following manner. 16 17 18 FINANCING PLAN: 19 El Rio Vista/Neighborhood House 20 C00-3C042-7199 - Transfer from CDBG 21 COl-3C043-7199 - Transfer from CDB<i 22 CO2-3C044-7199-TransferfromCDB(i CURRENT BUDGET 250,000 220,000 CHANGES AMENDED BUDGET 23 CDBG-P6-100-91001-0565-00902 24 25 SPENDING PLAN: 26 EI Rio Vista/Neighborhood House 27 C00-3C042-0892 - Architect Fee - Builcling 28 COl-3C043-0892 - Architect Fee - Building 29 CO2-3C044-0892 - Arclutect Fee - Building 30 31 FINANCING PLAN: 32 West Minnehaha Recrearion Center 33 C98-3G006-7118 - Transfer from CDBG 34 CDBG-P6-100-98003-0565-00659 35 36 SPENDING PLAN: 37 West Mimiehaha Recreation Center 38 C98-3G006-0898 - Building Improvemt nts 39 (42,931) (220,000) 207,069 0 200,000 0 200,000 670,000 (262,931) 407,069 250,000 (42,931) 207,069 220,000 (220,000) 0 200,000 0 200,000 670,000 (262,931) 407,069 105,000 290,000 395,000 105,000 290,000 395,000 105,000 29Q000 395,000 105,000 290,000 395,000 G:IFMIQ7LIW3 Resolutions, AOs, G�een SheetslCOBG Reallocatiortxls Page: : „ "� • COUNCIL FILE #: OZ.�7�OS � � GREEN SHEET #: 203589 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred to: Committee Date: 40 FINANCING PLAN: 41 Sylvan Recreation Center 42 CO2-9F035-7199 - Transfer from CDBG 43 CDBG - P6-100-91028-0565-01026 44 45 SPENDING PLAN: 46 Sylvan Recreation Center 47 CO2-SF035-0892 - Architect Fee - Building 48 49 FINANCING PLAN: 50 Front Recreation Center - New Project 51 CO2-3XXYX-7199 - Transfer from CDBG 52 CDBG - P6-100-9102X-0565-01XXX 53 54 SPENDING PLAN: 55 Pront Recreation Center - Site Work & Tier I Skate Park 56 CO2-3XXXX-0883 - Architect Fee - Land 57 50,000 (50,000) 0 50,000 (50,000) 0 50,000 (50,000) 0 50,000 (50,000) 0 0 22,931 22,931 0 22,931 22,931 0 22,931 22,931 0 22,931 22,931 58 Requested by: AdoptedbyCouncil: Date: �`' �00�� Division of Pazks and Recreation " BY= i/, ii —�— Approva en d by Financial ervices Director: BY: .s� . ������.�a��/4� Fozm Approved by City for �bt�.�R111��IQ Budget Commttt�e �ived t�la reque�! � �� ��J ���fl ��d ,��.�.—"---"--°" �— �„g—�C�d3 �.£c 5 �, srr��111�, GIFMIQTUW31Resolutions, AOs, G�een SheetslCOBG Reallocation.xls Page: 2 of 2 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary i�'.� �/ 02 � 65 �, DEP:ytTMENT:OFFiCE/COUNdL DATEINITIATED GR�EN SHEET �� NO. 203589 Parkis ar�d Recreation 7-03-02 , CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE 1NITIAL/DATE IN1ilAUDATE Bob Bierscheid 266-6409 SSIGN .\\\ 1 DEPARTMEMDIFECTOR 5 CIiYCOUNCIL NUMBEft Wk\ 2 CITY ATTOFNEY 6 CRY CLERK flOUI1NG � i MUSi BE ON COVNCIL AGENDA BY IDATEI ORDER 3 PINANCIAL SERVICES �IR. 7 FINANCIAL SERV/ACC�G 4 MAYOR (OR ASSISTAf� H Parks S Rec. 300 CHA TOTAL > OF SIGNAlUflE PAGES � CLIP ALL LpCAT10NS FOR SIGNANflE) ACTION AEQUESTEO: Approval of City Council Resolution to amend budget to allow re-allocation of CDBG funds for Parks and Recreation Building projects to comply with mandated CDBG spending requirements. � RECOMMENDATIONS: Appwve IA1 or Re�ec[ I� f � PENSONAL SENVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSYVERTME FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION °'��+ O v `�O� � Has tnis person/tirm ever worketl under a controct tor this tlepartmenV A CIBCOMMITfEE ` pq . � � p/gp YES NO _ GVIL SERVICE COMMISSION V�! 0 � C tl yf ��E� 2' Has [h�s personRirm ever been a ci[y employee? VES NO 3. Does this Oerson/firm possess a skill not normally passessed by any current crty employee? - VE$ NO - 4. Is this person/tirm a targetetl ventlor? YES NO ExpWin all yes answers o� separate shee[ antl attach W green shee[. IP1RlATING PR08LEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, W�at When, Where, Why�: In order to comply with federal CDBG requirements to spend a minimum of 70% of CDBG allocated funds, Parks and Recreation is requesting authorization to re-allocate funds within the existing budget. ADVANTAGES IF APPflOVED: City will retain tha benefits of the CDBG funding and not have to refund moneys to the Federal Government. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: NONE DiSADVANiAGESIF NOT APPROVED Parks and Recreation will not be able to fund several projects for the benefits of Saint Paui citizens. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S /�� 1% � COST/REVENUE BU�GETED (CIRCIF ONE) ES NO FUNDINGSOUNCE CDBG ACTVITYNUMBER C9H, , COO, CO�,'COZ� ' - FINANCIAL INFORMATION. (EXPLAIN) �� �� �� :iY1 H: IBOBI GRfEN SHEETSIReso/�tion for COBG funds. wpd