260024 ORI6INAL T0 CITY CLERK ������
; ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ���
WHEREAS, the residents, businessmen, community
organizations, and civic leaders of the Minnehaha -
Pierce Butler area of St. Paul have peti.tioned the
Metropolita.n Transit Commission for improved transit
service in tha.t area of St. Paul, and
WHEREAS, it has been shown that substa.nti.al
commercial, industrial, and recreati.onal redevelopment
has occurred in that area in recent years, and
WHEREAS, it is the desire of this Council that
the best possible transit service be provided all the
people of this city, so, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that this Council, on behalf of St. Paul
and in particular the people of the Minnehaha - Pierce
Butler area, recognizes the need for improved transit
service in that area, and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Council calls
upon Commissioner Bernard T. Holland, St. Paul's
representative to the Metropolitan Transit Commission,
to present this resoluti.on to the Commission for its
favorable consideration of this need. for scheduled transit
service on West Minnehaha Avenue and Pierce Butler Route.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 0 CT `�1 197T3.—
Yeas Nays � 1 1�i 2
utl Hur�t "�"'�� `
r on Konopa� ?'`��. . PProve 19.`
Levine v'�
L ine MereditFl '�n Favor
M edith Sprafka
` � Mayor
S afka redesco
�d�me. Presidep�,� Against
e sco
Mr. Pre ide�nt, McCarty
PUBLi����u NQ1/ 4 IJ�7z �
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i�_ �.
j `�MI��l C����[�� aG°3[�Q �i][��G°30pOL���aG�l
������� �0������0�(� 330 Metro Square Building, Saint Paul,
w Minnesota 55101 Phone 612/227-7343
November 3, 1972
Mr. Harry E. Marshall
City Clerk
386 City Hall
St. Paul, MN 55102
Dear Mr. Marshall,
At its meeting on November 1, 1972, Commissioner Bernard T. Holland
intorduced to the MTC the City of St. Paul's resolution No. 260024,
requesting bus service on West Minnehaha Av. and Pierce Butler route.
Commissioner Holland further informed the Commission of the support
for the proposal voiced at a public meeting held on October .30, 1972,
and urged immediate consideration by the Operations Committee and
Regulations Committee of the MTC.
The resolution has been forwarded to our Transit Operating Division
for their review and recommendations.
We appreciate the interest of the City in transit improvements,
both operating and capital, and assure you that every consideration
will be given to an expeditious decision upon this request.
Robert S. Shiff
Director of Operations
and Regulations
cc MTC Transit Operating Division
� , a -. - cinr oF sr. PAUL F��N��� No 26�(� 4 � .
WH�REA3, th� r�sidaats, burin��rmen. commwait�r
or�snisattos�, and dvic leader• ot the Miaa�haba -
Plerc• Bu«ltr sr�a ot S� Paul Lav� petitioaed the
M�tropolip►n Tran�it Caa�mis�ion tor improv�d trsn�it
service ia tl�st ar�a ot St. Paul, and
WHEREAS, it 2►at b�en sl�own thst ��taatial
com:n�rcial, indastrial, aad recr�ationsl redevelopm�nt
bsa occurred in tbst area in r�eent years, snd
- WHER.EA3, it i• the d�rire ot tbi• Conacil that
th� best postible transit •�rvic• b� prorlded all the
people ot tt�i• citp, �o, theraior�� b� it
RESOLVED, that tbis Couacil� oa b�alf oi S� Panl
� snd in psrt�cular t�e people ot tha Minnehs�a - Pi�rce
, Butl�r sr�s. r�co�nizea tho ne�d tor i:nproved transit
��rvic� in that area, aad be it �
FURZ'HER RE�OLVED� that tbi• Covtncil cslls �
upon Comm�s�loAer Bernard T. Holland, 3� Paul�• '
r�prmsend►�1�� tA t� M�tropolitan Traa�it Coms�i��ioa. �
to pr���at t�ris r�solntion to tl� Coa�mi��ioa tor ib �
isvorabl� coasid�satlon oi tbia a�ed�for •ch�dn�ed trsndt �
�ervics on 1K�st MinatbaLs Avenue �d Pierce Butler Ront�. ��
� � �� �� ���'i
OCT 31 1972
COUNCIL�EN Adopted by the Co>>ncil 19_.
Yeas Nays
ut�er Hun� NOV 1 �
n Konopa� Apprnv� 19_
� � e Meredi#Fi ' Tn Favor
M 'th Sprafka Mayor
Sp Tedesco
Te aco ��`PCeSidelltz Butl�6 �gau�st
Mr. Preai e t, McCarty
' � F ��ooay
} /_� '� -�3
3118 NICOLLET AVE.• MINNEAPOLIS,MINN.55408 • 612•827•4071
Direcro�of Routes,Schedules and Planning
January 26, 1973
Mr. Harry E. Marshall
City Clerk
City of St. Paul
386 City Hall
St. Paul, Minn. 55102
Dear Mr. Marshall:
Our work load has prohibited us from answering your resolution until
now. I trust you will accept our apology for the delay.
An extensive route ridership study will be conducted in your area in
the near future.
At this time, your request for extended bus service in the area of West
Minnehaha Avenue and Pierce Butlerwill be given to the consulting
firm chosen for this study.
If additional information is desired, please feel free to contact me.
Sincerely, �
�J T
illar Little
Director of Routes,
Schedules and Planning
cc: H. W. Springer
R. S. Shiff
File - #72-205
��-�� . .. . .,.
October 31, 1972
Mr. Doug Kelm
Metropolitan Traneit Commission
Metro Square Bldg.
St. Paul, Minn.
Dear 8ir:
Attached is a resolution of' the St. Paul City Council, C.F.
2�002k, calling upon Commissioner Bernard T. Holland, St.
Paul's representative to the Metropolitan Transit Commission
to present a reaolution to the Tranait Coaanission requesting
transit service on W. Minnehaha Ave. and Pierce Butler Route.
Very truly yours,
City Clerk
October 31, 1972
Mr. Bernaxd T. Holland
Member of the Metropolitan Transit Commission
1508 Burns Ave.
Deax Sir:
Enclosed is a resolution of' the City Council favoring transit
service on W. Minnehaha Ave. and Pierce Butler Route. Your
attention is called to the laet pax��raph in the resolution
requesting that you present this resolution to the �ietropolitan
Transit Commission.
Very truly yours,
City Clerk