260018 r 2f��1f� ;OR161NNL TO CITY CL6RK � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. ` " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . ,. p COU IL SOLUTI N—GENERAL FORM , PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul, by its resolu- tion, C. F. 259960, adopted the 25th day of October, 1972, adopted the Budgets for the 1973 calendar year for the City of Saint Paul, its depa.rtments, bureaus and agencies; and � WHEREAS, Section 11.04 of the City Charter requires tha.t the Council adopt a tax levy resolution following the adoption of its Budgets and certify the tax levy to the County Auditor no later tha.n November 15 of each year; now, therefore, be it i RESOLVED, Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul does ' hereby levy taxes on all taxa.ble property within the City of Saint Paul, to be collectible in 1973, the sum of $26, T75,678.00, plus the sum of $324, 793.00 for tax shrinka.�e, or a total tax hereby levied in the sum of $26,500,471.00; said tax levy appropriation to be distributed as follows: Tax Appropriation Shrinka�e Total Levy Operation and Maintena.nce: $11,828,564.00 $204,271.00 $12,032,835.00 General City Debt: 8,32�.,022.QQ --- 8,321,022.00 Ra.msey Co. Welfare Dept. : 6,026,0�2.00 120,522.00 6, 146,614.00 TOTAL: $26, 175,678.00 $324,793.00 $26,500,471.00 FORM PP OV : t. y o e COUNCILMEN Adopted by the co,���� OCT 31 �g�19— Yeas Nays 1 197'� , . . . � 0�1 sutl Hun� � � ��;� N rls n Konape� '�.� pprove 19� �Levine �^� Le i e Mereditfi ; �n Favor Me ditlrSPrafka � Ted�sco Mayor Sp a ka M mg. Rresid��,� A gainst T es,eo � Mr. Pres' ent, McCarty PUBLISHED N0� 41972 � . . � � � � : i ��■��■ � I � i� �����„■ '��I�,■�"�■I�"�■ � � t�I'�r"J����,"'���„'1,�„� ' . - , , � i�p.�t���i�������i��u�n�i�n����� � �►� ��o����v�����■���������������� � � : . , �n��o�oi�n�����i��n���■i���n��� . : f - �n���,�i■�n�t�■i���u��ai■������� � . �I ��= . I������I■111111�1�111111■I�1111l1� � � - .: . -�-��� Il��!''!',G��II�111111■I�111111�1�111111� � 1��"����I■IIIIIIiI�111111e1�111111■ �fl�7�l�111111�1�11�111�1�111111� .�I ._-:� 1��������1�111111�1�111111�1�111111� �..� : . , � . IQ��'���I�IIIIIIOI�IIIIIIeI�1111110 � � . - �III����IC�fl��-� I�IIIIII�IO11�111■ � : ` . . u,��,�i�nNn��i�� �. ��������e � ��i �e�����i��n����i���n�����i��t��■ _ , .� i■„000��i�NU���i�����i�e����o� = ���'���i��nn��i�a���������n� ; • r� . � . : , �u�„�i�n�u��i�.���a��,�nno i�u�e'�si�an���u��i����m■ , - , - �n��e,oi�ra����� - � � ; j. i����m� �u�"�■i��n�������i������� r� ���ti,�i�nn��i��n�a�i�������� � � �f� .. ���,�������n�i��nn��i����H�e . � . : : : _� , .������i����- i�����noi�oe„��� � �i _ --��.:� � � .��,���� i���. .,e�ss�a����i�����t� ; �I � -, r �` : i s !�.�11��l�I� ►•�.. -. I�1111U�l�111111� � • ■ . , � ,����i�'���, . I��IIII�I�Ii1111� � . � , . . " . . !��e��e�si��u'���i����i���� � . , �_ , ���■� - � .e�����u����� ,,. . . . �����u � ,�mn ��i�w �� ,, . . . .���i�un�� ��um� � - � �i� �������n u���� . ■ ■ � . ,� . -��. � i i .. . . ,. � r � m � • � ��� �• ' o��,�„�,�.�,� 2.�(D(�� I� � � CITY OF ST. PAUL �NCa �y0 �� , _ � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK` I � COUNCIL RESOLUTION--G�ERAL FORM ! PRLSiNT6C{Y CAMMISSIONEQ nATE II wHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul, by its rasolu- tion, C. F. 259960, adopted the 25th day of October, 1972, adopted !i the Budgets for the 1973 caler�dar year for the City of Saint Paul, , its departments, bureaus and agencies; and , WHEREAS, Section I1.04 of the City Charter requir�s that the Ii Council adopt a tax levy reaolution following the adoption of its ' Budgets and certify the tax levy to the County Auditor no later !� than November 15 of each year; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, TMat the Council of the City of Saint Paul does Ii hereby levy taxe� on all taxable property within the City of Saiat � Yaul, to be collectible in 1973, the sum of $26,175,678.00, plua the sum of $324,793.00 for tax shrit�ka�e, or a total tax hereby levied in the suou of $26,500,471.00; said tax levy appropriation to '� , be distributed as followss Tax Appropriation Shrink_e T_1= II Operation and Maintena�ces $11.828�564.00 $204,271.00 $12,032,835.00 I � General Cit Debts 8 --- 321 02 Y 2.00 , , 8 321 022.0 i , , 0 Ramsey Co. Welfare Dept. t 6,026,092.00 120,522.00 6,146,614.00 �I I TOTAI.: $26,175,678.00 $324,793.00 $26�500,471.00 � ._., I i Ado ted b the coun�i��CT 31 19� 19� COUNCILMEN P Y I Yeas Nays �� B er � � I � lson Kon6p"2� � ._." �^c APP�o� N� � 19— I � Levine � I redi Mereditli � ' Tn Favor �I �prafka ��r S afkaTedesco ��j�at �i T esco Mme. P,Cesid�#,Butle� I Mr. Presiii�nt, McCarty i �� . � �� I I I Nov. 1, 1972 Hon. Lou A4cKenna Cnunty Auditor Oourt House Dear Sir: At^G�.ch�d hereto is a certified copy ai' Co�u.nciZ File No. 26401$, aa�pted by tY1e Gbuncil oa Oe�ober 31, 19'�, �pprdved by the Mayor on �tovember 1, x97�, l�vyi.n� tax�s on ala. ta�cable p�operty withln the City of Sa,int Pau�., c�iie�- tible in 1973� 1t1:` the total stxm af �i2��5A�a�71.00y as m�re f4x].ly' de�eribed 3aa the resolu�ion. Very tru].�r yours, City Clerk �