260017 WHI7E —�CITV CLERK COU11C11 2��� � PINK — FINANCE CANARY — DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL � � BLUE — MAVOR File NO. s � . o cil Resolution . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Ra30LV�D, that the Council hereby ratifies and approv�es the aetion oP the 3aicit Paul Boaxd of Appeals and Reviex for the Rc�n�sing, �i.lding and Fire Prev�ention Codes pertaining to the follo�wi.�g lieted prapertg and as shc�n by the otYYcial �ainutes of aaid Board of Appeal�, dated October 11, 1972, � capy of xhich, marked "E7CFIIBIT A" is attached hereto and made a part hereof b� reference: Case l�o. Prcyperty �ppellant 72-?2-B 3�6 W. Minneha,ha Jsmes Hax•tle� ?3-72-B 662 Goodrich Frank Cc�ne 74-72-B � _. 5idney I,c�t;tis G6,apdelaine 75-72-B 1054 Ashland Conrad H�igo COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith � Against BY Sprafka Tedesco 1972 Mme.President Butler 0`+'� 3 1 7 � ed by City; t �n Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Appro d by Ma or: Date 9 Approved b Ma or for Submissi to il By BY Pu���sntu NOV 4 �yi� . .�1� M� // ' �L � t�J/11/72 . �'��'� I�feet_Lril� I�TO. �i��?� . . � � ���� MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS Wednesday, October l�, 1972 Room 210, Bureau of Health, 555 Cedar Street Members Present: Donald Woznie,k Ra.ymond Grove Estyx Peake Norma Soimnerdorf Arthur Tieso James Voigt Members A'asent: MitcheZl Kamin �^���enc;_es �esen��: Building Department: �ank Staffensori 0':,:�ers present: Robert Houck, James Hartley, F`rank Coyne, Conrad Hougo, .Louis Chapdelaine, Steve Ikeda ���_�nu±es �f September ?_7, 1972 meeting were approved as mailed. 7�-72-n 81+0 Axmstron� Avenue Robert Houck SUt3JECT The appelle.nt is requesting a variance of Section 54.13 of the St. Pau1 �gislative Code pertaining to basement sleeping area. �1PPE�RAVCES �obert i'auck PROCE�DINGS Mr. Houck exp�ained to the Board that t�:ree retired ladies are rooming and boaxding at this property. The manager sleeps in the basement and dces cookir�; and cleaning for tenants. The home ha.s two bedrooms and is a single story structure. The three ladies sleep on the main floor; two in separate beurooms and one in a large living room. Mr. Houck owns the building. The ladies axe 65-85 years old. Mr. Tieso questioned whether a home in a residential. area could be used for co�anercial purposes. The building next . � door, which Mr. Honzck owns, is a licensed boarding home. The manager at ���+0 �lrmstrong also takes care of this facility. 634 Armstrong has a capacity of eleven -- eight tenants are now living there. There axe five 2'�' x 2' wi.ndows in the basement. There is one exit flrom the basement and there could be a problem Fri.th fire safety. ACTION None. It wa.s suggested tha.t hearinK be postponed until the Board receives a flzll report on the ma.tter from both buildin� and fire prevention insp�ctors. Hearin� tentatively set for October 25 board meeting. 72-72-B 31+6 W. Minneha.ha James Hartley SUBJECT AppeaZing Sectior. �+0.40, 1-c requirin� 8' distance between sideWa7.k a.nd nroposed garage. Mr. Har�ley would like to build twa feet back from sidewalk. APPF',ARAA?CES �T�e s I-iaz�t�e,y PRaC�EDINGS The house is platted on Virginia Street and fronts Minnehaha. Mr. Staffenson i'eels that since the property is platted as fronting on Virginia Street, �his would become a zoning matter, The City's Building Department will not issue a permit for the proposed construction until a variance is grante�. P�Ir. N�,rtley wouZd like to start building at the end of this month. He could set prc7posed garage back f�.rther from Virginia, but he wrnzld lose much of the alreac�y sma,11 ya.rd space and would block light and ventilation to his neighbors windows. Ms. Hartley presented a letter f�om his neighbor adjacent to the propose� garage statir�g no objection. ACTION iFOtion by Wozniak that waiver of Section �+0.00, 1-c of the St. Pa.ul Legislative Code be grante� to permi+ construc�ion of proposed garage 2' fraar► sidewa.lk line, as opposed to �' requirement, Seeonded by Voigt. THE VO`rE Ayes: Wozniak, Grov�e, Peake, Sw�e.rdoxf, Tieso, Yoigt. Nayes: none. Abstentions: none. Motion carried sa.x (6) to zero (0). -2- . � 73-72-B b62 Goodrich Frarix Coyne SUBJECT Mr. Coyne.is appealing to allow for s�cand garage at rear tlf �is home. APPEARANCES Fr�,nk Coyn�e PROCEEDINGS Mr. Coyne is appealir� a requirement which in essence states that 2 garages Are not permitted on one lot. At present, Mr. Coyne has a gaxage which is situe,ted such that it would be impossible to add on to it. The appellant's yard space is larger than average -- equivalent to about 22 iots. ihree letters of approval by ad�acent nei�hbors were forwarded to the Boa.rd, including one frora the neighbor directly a�.�acent to praposed garage location. ACTION Moved by Grove to grant a variance to Section �+0.00, subdivision 1-c of �.he St. Paul Legislative Code to enable the construction of a second gara,�e as praposed. Seconded by Pea.ke. THE WTE �yes: jdozniak, Grove, Peake, Sonunerdorf, Tieso, Voi�t. Nayes: r�one. Abstentions: none. Motion carried six (6} to zero (0). 75-72-B 1054 Ashland Conrad Hougo SUBJECT Nlr. Hougo received a notice to vacate basement apartmen�; by the Buildi:�; Department. APP�ARANCES Conrad Hougo YROCEEDI NGS 7'he pro�perty was sold to Mr. Hou�o 1�+ years ago a.s a 3-unit buildin�. At 1;he present time he lives in ano�her house and is renting all taree rooms. ihe basement unit 'ha.s two means of in�;ress and egress -- these are an exterior cemer�t stairwell and an interior sta,iz�wa,y. Window space in the uni.t is limited. Mr, Iiouga said that there is one �rtndow in the basement. This txnit f'�as been rented for at :Least 1�+ years. Access for firefighters must be considered, Ventilatior, should be provided in the bathroom. i�9r. Tieso questioned if there was any wa,y of grading the lot to enable the ir�stA.L).A,tlOtl o:t' winiiows in the oasement apartment, Nir. Hougo stated that this wouLd create a bad appeaxance. -3- . . � � � , ACTION Motion by Wozniak to �xant a variance to Section 5�+.13 of the St, Paul �,egislative Code to en�a.ble the occupanc,y of basement apartment until transfer of titlP. Secon�ed. by Pea�ce. THE VOTE Ayes: Wozniak, Grove, Peake, So�mmerdorf, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes: none. Abs+,,entions: none. Motion carried six (6) to zero (0). 7�-72-8 �+ E. Si.dney Louis Che,pdela.ine SUBJECT Mr. Cha,pdetaine is req,uesting a 2' variance of �+' setback requirement from neighbors praperty 1ine. APPEARANCES Louis J. Chapdelaine PROCEEDINGS Mr. Chapdelaine ha.s obtained a letter from his neighbors stating no objection �o p:raposed construction. Mr. Chapdelaine is requesting� the varia.nce so �naf he may retain much needed lot pitch to Street for dsa,i r:a,ge. . ACTION Motion by Voigt to grant a vaxiance to allow 2' rather than 4' sidelot setback for proposed construction. 8econded by Somt�erd;orf. THE VOTE Ayes: Wozniak, Grove, Peake, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes: none. Abstentions: none. Motion carried six (6) to zero (0). -�F-