260015 •Ori�lncl to City Clerk ,3 - ` � � ORDINANCE � � _ ` � 2�(►� COUNCIL FILE NO � t' PRESENTED BY - ORDINANCE NO. /`��°�'-/-�' AN ORDINANCE GRANTING PERMISSION TO CAPITAL CITY STATE BANK, 1020 RICE STREET, SAtNT PAUL, MINNESOTA, 55117, TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A 2�-INCH DIAMETER UNDERGROUND RIGID CONDUIT AT A DEPTH OF 18 TO 24 INCHES UNDER LAWSON STREET, 94 FEET EAST OF THE EASTERLY R16HT-OF-WAY LINE OF RICE STREET. SAiD CONDUIT IS TO BE USED FOR ELECTRICAL INTER-COMMUNI- CATION BETWEEN THE MAIN BANK BUILDING AND THE "DRIVE- IN" MOTOR BANK. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . An ordinance granting permission to Capital City State Bank, 1020 Rice Street, Saint Paul , Minnesota, 55117, to construct, operate and maintain a 2�-inch diameter underground rigid conduit at a depth of 18 to 24 inches under Lawson Street, 94 feet east of the easterly right-of-way line of Rice Street. Said Conduit is to be used for electrical inter-communica- tion between the main bank building and the 1°Drive-in" Motor Bank. Section 2. That the Director of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Capital City State Bank of Saint Paul for the construction, operation and maintenance of said underground conduit subject to the following terms and conditions: �V a. That said permittee shall install said conduit entirely at i.ts own expense, under the inspection and to the satisfaction of the Directar of, Public Works and in accordance with the approved plans of Capital C�i_ty State � Bank on file in the Department of Public Works, labeled and identified as ,, ,..,. , Public Works Project No. E-1157. Said construction shall be made in strict comp) iance with the City of St. Paul Electrical Code and must be further authorized under a permit issued by the Department of Community Services, Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement; � b. That said permittee shall pay the cost of publication of this ordinance and all resolutions passed in relation to said ordinance; c. That said permittee shall pay the costs of administration�engineering and inspection incurred by the Department of Public Works because of this undertaking; said costs are estimated as a sum of $100.00, to be accounted for under Department of Public Works Project Number E-1157; d. That said permittee shall notify the Traffic Bureau of the Department of Public Works three days before the construction, operation or maintenance of said underground conduit shall make necessary the closing of Lawson Street or part thereof; all expenses incurred by the Traffic Bureau in furnishing, installing and removing barricades, signs and other control devices shatl be paid by the permittee and accounted for under the Department of Public Works Project Number E-1157; Y Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council tl Hunt Ca on Konopatzki L in Levine In Favor eredit n.n�redith A gainst Tedescoa S?rafka r. President (McCa ) � ��S`"O Mr,:e. President, Butler Approved: Attest: City Clerk ; Zayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By OriQinal to City Clerk • � - � � � � ORDINANCE ��;��� � . COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO y — -4- r. That said permittee shall within the period of 20 days from and after the approval of this Ordinance, file with the City Clerk its written acceptance of this Ordinance and agreement to be bound by the provisions, terms and conditions thereof without limitations, which written instrument of acceptance and agreement shall be in the form approved by the City Attorney. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council N OV 15 1972 tl Hunt � C on Konopatzki Tn Favor in � Levine � eredit Meredith d Against Sprafka Sprafka Tedesco r., President�(b.rlcCa ) ��'� N OV 15 i�72 �� I�tple. Pr sident, B tl r App ed: Att t: ��' �==�� , . � C' Clerk � Mayor �� Form approved CorpOration Counael By �UBUSHED NOV 1 H ���� . � • �a a r�mt.r - � � � � � QRDIIITANC � s�� 2 15 , COUNCIL HLE NA . PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- ,�; �'`7'� AN ORDINANCE 6RAN71N6 PERMISSION TO WiPiTAL CIT1' STATf dAMK, 1020 RIC€ STREET, SAlNT 'AUL, MINt1ESOTA, 55�17, TO CONSTRUCT, QrERATE AMD MAtMTAiN A 2}-INCH D IAMETER tiMt1Elt�Rtf�MD R t6 t D CdltlfU tT AT A �l�TM OF 18 TO 24 11�l�3 ttNDER tAMSON STREET, 9�i FEET EAST OF T'NE EASTEIttY �1 C�1T-QF-WAY L 1!tE OF R 1 CE STRE ET. SA 1 D COtiDU iT 1 S Tt1 dE {�SEO FOR ELECTR 1 CAL i NTER-001�lt�N f- CAT 1011 SE7'WEEN TME MA IN �AANK B!�i LD tl16 AM� TME "DR!YE- IN" MdTOR BAMK. i � TNE COUNCIL OF TNE CITY OF SAIIR �M1t DOES ORDAIN: i I Saction 1. M ordinaace grsAttag per�tssion to Cspital Cfty St#te 6ank, � t020 Riu Str�et, Sa�nt Psul, Mi�nssota, 55117, to constrrct, op�rate asd �I!�Rta IA a 2}-i ash d i a�+ete� uAdergramd �i g td crondu i t at a �pth of 18 to 24 � i�ci�es w�der Lswson Streat, 9� f�et east of the eist�rty right-of-wey liae ; of Rics StneL. Said Condutt is to be ds�d for •leetrtcsl intar��o�w�niea- ! t ioei betaee� the �i n bsnk br�I 1 d t ng snd the "D�f w-i�" Motor R�nk. � Sectlon 2. Tha� tl� Director of Publ ic i�iorks is E�ereb�► �thoriz�d to � tsse� a penNit to Capitsi Citr State Bsnk of Ss1�t Pant for th� coastroatfon, opsratioa snd inintens�ce of safd vndergrodnd ce�dnit srbJact to ths fotla+ing ; ten�s aad coa�itiaws: i s. Thst ssid permittee shs)i instail ssid coAdait enttrei�► at tts own exp�se, w�dar the inspectioa snd tv the satisfaction of the Director of ; Publtc Ubrks and in accordae�ce with ths s�pro�wd plsas of Cspitsi City Stats Esnk on fils in tha Oepsrl�t of Pnbltc Wbrks, isbelad a�d i�ttfiad as Pdblic Wbrks P�oJett Mo. f-1157• Ssid const�roctfoa shall be ydrt ta st�ict canpl ia� wtth tiae CitY of St. Padt Eiactriul Cods s�+d �nst b� fdrther arthotited a�ds� s p�n�tt issned b�r the Depart�nt of CawnAity S�rvicss, Division of t�o�sing anci 6aildlag Code E��o�ce�eht; b. Thst sstd psrwitts� shal i � tt�s �ost o# perbl icattos of tt+is ordiaaacs and all rose�i�tiars psssad ia relstle� to ssid ordiASnca; c. That said per�tttae sh�►it p�Y the costs of ac�inistrattay engi�eeri+Ag s�d inspecticw i�rred bY the Dspsrt�t of Public 1bMcs beCarse of tbis undertsking; said costs sre e:tiaiatad ss s s� of 5100.QEi, to ba accau�tsd for ander Oepart�eat of P�btic Wb�ks P�+o�ect Nuwbe� E-1157; d. That said pan�itt�e shali notify ths Trsffie Brtew of t!� Dap�rtrnt of Publ ic M�rks three days betoce tl+s �st�rct ion, oprrst ion or �t nte�nee � o� said w�dergrorNd ccn�rit si�si t �stc� �acsssar�r the ciosiag of ts+�be� Stre�t o� psrt ther�ef; aii expensss iwca��rad by► the Tnffic �nrean in fe�nishing, ; instailiag snd rewo�ving bsrrlesdss, sige�s and other coe�trot devic�s shail b� ' psTd b� the ps�+wtttee snd acc.o�nt�d for w�dar the Depsrtsaat of �uubt ic liorks ' ProJ�ct thwber E-1157; ', ; Yeas Councilmen Naye Hunt Paeeed by the Counci� � Konopatzki n Levine . Tn Favor eredi Meredith Tedeeoo Sprafka Aa";�t Tedesco . President (Mc ) Mme. President, Butle� Appmned; AL•test: � City Clerk Mayor ; �� ! Farm a�proveEl Corporstion �ouneei By . ., _ _ j � o � . n.�.a r�.ar � � � � � � ° i �� � ORDiNA11� CE _ ' 2��(�1 S �OUNCI�HLE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- �O`"�'�'` _J�_ c. Thst said psnnitt�e sha11 witMtn they��rtad of 20 days fro� and after t6e apprewal o� this Ordt�s, fiia with the Ctty Elerlc its wrirt� acc�ptsnca ' of th i s Or+d i naace s�d agta�eAt to bs bouad bY► the p�cw t s iQns, �tar�s asd Eond1 t i ons � thsnof witl�odt 1 i�itatio�s, r�hieh wiritta� tastraNent of ace�tawv� �d agr�t � sha 11 be tA thm for� apprEwed b�► the C t t�r Atte�rRa1r. ; i Ssetla+ 3. �hst tt►is ordiASaca shall take sffect sn�d be in force thi�^tr � (30) days froa� s�d after 1ts p�sssa�, sppr�al and publ fcation. i � 1 I � i � � ' ; � i i ,: i � ; Y�a Counc�lnnen Nays Hurrt Paased by the Counei� ��V 15 �972 C n Konopatzki �° Tn Favor Levine eredit Meredith ���i� T� Sprafka . �esiaent c�� � �— N ov 151972 ' Mme. President, ButiexApproved: Att�t: City Clerk Mayor ' �� �orm e�oved Corporat�on Gouneel By , t. I . ;. �,,,,.A.___ I � � . �DUTLICATt TO PRINTER ��■■��y� � I��, CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa " ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR�ENTED BY COMMISStONER DA� I MHEREAS� M Ord t e�awncs� C.F. I�b. ,����i ,rj, �ranti n� par�at ss ton to th� Capttsl CitY ttat� Ba�dc, 1020 Rice'3Ln�l� t. Pa�l . Minnesota, 5511�', ' to oonstnict, op��at� and w�intatn • 2}-inch dia�st�r u�rgroend rl�id '� oonduic under L.awson Stnet sast of Ric� Strat has b�en p�epar�d �nd intradwc�d to ths Couacit of th� City of 8t. Psul, and Ntit probably ba �P#�d �+ __��� , to b� �ff�etiv� �v�ntual ty on QEC 18 1972; Nav, tlanfF�n;6e t RESOLYED, TNst p�ndtn� th� said Ordinanca bse:�in� �ffeatiw, the i Di nctor of Iha�i ic Yorks is h�nby awthorl�d and dt nct�d to tssw a p�r�it to said Capltat Cit�► Stat� sank for ths constructian of said ande�- gro�ind oondutt sab��e� saw� ronditlons ae�d raqatr�ents as set out � t n 0 rd i nancs C.F. No. nar psndi ny b�fore tha Cau�ci 1 of tt+� Citr of St. Paui , i�fbnra app�ovai of said construetfa� b�tn� h�r�bp 9iwn in anticipation ot td� ffpal adoptton and approval of satd Ordinanc�. I I I ;II I OCT 31 1972 , COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc� 19—. Yeas Naya ' t�er �nt 1 1972 C o �Patzki Approve� N� , 19� L�vtns Levi M�redith Mer i ip��f� n Favor Sp fka T�dasco � Mayor ' T desco lq4E, Prsstdatt, Quut�� Mr. Pr ident, McC i �� � , • � �-1 � � \ � ,. � = 1� \l� - �1-, -- • -�--�� . - _ _ __ • ��-. ���� , ° _�_ STATE BANK _ - _ Ii1I��B � _- . .- - = ---- ----_--- - - - 1020 RICE STREET • SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55117 • AREA CODE 612-488-2516 November 27, 1972 City of Saint Paul Bureau of Records Room 3 86 City Ha11 St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Gentlemen: As per your letter of November 20, 1972 we are today mailing our check in the amount of $57.60 to the Commissioner of Finance, Room 113, City Hall. We are enclosing a letter to the City of Saint Paul accepting the terms and conditions of Council File No. 260015, being Ordinance No. 15242. This has been properly signed by myself as President. Yours very truly, ' '�' i ,�;�� � � � ,-�;"G.��,.�-� �L.� � Pr�icie RGL:mbh encl. FREE PARKING • NIGHT DEPOSITORY • DRIVE-IN WINDOWS • MEMBER FDIC • A FULL SERVICE BANK � ' I � - � v `, / J/' NovellllJer 2�� 1972 Capital City State Aank 1�2� Rie� Str!eet St. Paul, Minr�e�ot� Gentlam�en: W� enciase a ccypy ot' C>rdine�nee No. 2b0015 gre�nti ycu permiasion to ccu��truet, opearate and ��.ntain a �-inch di�meter undergrcyund rigid conduit r�t e depth oF 18 to 2�+ 3nche� under L�w�on St. ae more 11�1.'ly aet c>uu�t in the ardinanae, anS a� copy o�' Cavxtc�.�. Fil.+� No. 260016 granting ycyu inf'armal, a�ppraval o�' Ord. Ma. 26b015, aS�o a bi�,]. in th� sum of $�'T•6t� tr� �over the cost ot' pu'��.icst3cm of thia ordinance and this reaplution. We c�►17. your �aaial a�tte�tian to P�ph M ot 3�tian ST �wh3ch rec�uia�ea t2u liling oP n bcm� in the amaurit apecitied and the fi].ing at an, nccepte►nc� of the texma of th3s ordinan�e. The �ecaeptsncee muet be tilad in this otfice, Rpc�n �86, .Cit�r Fte1]., �rl.thin 20 day�. I�' nat eo i'iled, tl�e ardinax�cg be�cm�ra vo3d. Yaure vei'Y t�Ys City Cle�rk �� Encs. � -2- �'�����".�i, � � � ��-��-_, e. That said permitte�e expressly agr�es to and shall comply wtth !�rdinanc� t�o. 14�63, CF�apter 21h �f Sa1nt Paul Legislativ� Code perta6ni�g to str�et obstructi�ns. 1"Me insurance requirements of Chapter Z1� are hereby waived in 1i�u a4� the lnsurance provisions her�tnafter stlpeal�tpd dn �aaragranh 1 ; f. 7�at said permitt�e �hait �n��[i�y the Construction Engineer of th� �epartm�ent �f Pub1 tc l++c�rlrs I��fora� and when construction be�ins and ns�tify th� same said Engin�er wh�:� �onstruction h�s been completed to 319c���� for a fin�l i nsvect ton�; g. That saicf permittee shall pro�erly protcct all exc�vatians made 1n tli� �treetsq side�ralks and �aulevards �oth day and night so as to avoid alt damage or inJury to �ersons c►r prop�:rty, shall properly fill and com�act sa�d streets, si�ew�lk�s and boul�vards ta avaid settling; and shall restore �aid gtreets, sicfe�raiks and boutevards to their original condttiean, �11 as per S�ction 19 of th� 5pecifications for Street and 3ewer Cor�struction, Dep�rtment of Pub 1 i c 1�tc�rk�y C t ty of Sa i nt F'au i , t�1 i nnesota, dat�d Apr i 1 1 , 1959, under the 3n�pectian and to the satisfaction of th� Construction Engineer of th� Depart- m�r�� �f Pub 1 i e !�►orks; h. Tha1t said p�rmi�t�e shall caordinate all work trrvolvinc� existin�� u�tility installat��r��� �ublic or prlvate, with the affected util3ty cornpany e►r �c��ncy� 8 . �'hat said parmittee shall , du��ng the terms of thi� �a�rmit, restor� �re�l repa i r a 11 prvperty, whether publ t�` c3r pr i vate, damaged ar wh i ch r�ay t��. damaged due to the c�nstructionA Q��ra�tion and maintenan�e or pr�s�nc� af st�td underqround car���a�t her�tn prov3ded for; ,j . 1'h�� �aid permitte� shali , at its sole cust and �xpens�, romove the �snd�r�rocand �nnduit or Qart thereof and restare th� �ublic street to the complete sat3sfactton of the Dire�tor o� F'ublic t�orks, whenever the ritv ��aun�i 1 , by Rescslutiora, sha] 1 s� r�rc4+�r°� k. That ��id ��ra�ttt�� or �uccessors in interest shall take out �nd maintain ciuring the p�ricad a� this permit and while said conclutt i� located in said public str�et, a c�ampr�hensive protectiv� publie liability in��srance that sh�li �ully ind�mnify, hotd harmle�s, and defend the City �f Saint Pa�B , tts agents, o�ficers and employees from any ared all damac�es, cl�ims, losses, juc�gments, suits or expense� on account of ail claim� of what�ver rra�ure �r1�3r�g o�.et a� or connected w3t�s �he canstruetion, matnt�nanee, op�r�tion and �xistence or removai of said cond+,ite A certificat� of this �n�urance shall he deposited �•aith th�: Cl�y of S�int €'�ul before th� start of cc�restru�tton. 7he liability insurar�ce sh�11 �+� i�sued by an Insurance Com�any � i��°nse� tQ c�c? �:ustness in the State of MinneSC�ta ar+c� th� pr�ri��� an.� a11 �xp�ra��s in�idental thereto shali �e paid prampti� by the permittee initialty arod or� r�n��wat . t3efore the expiration, �aid �ermittee shall depasit with th� City c�f Satnt Paul a n�w eertificate �a rep,laee any expiring insurance. Th�� p�r°e�tttee �^!c� the City shall !ae nam�d �s �oint lnsured 3n an arn�unt nat te�s than th� f�sll�+t��ina coveraae: f�c�dily �n,�ury insurance �includ3nc� death) On �n amruni of not less t^an $l�?7,�nh.00 for �11 c�amages arisin� aut of l,odi ly inJuries to c�r deaxh of on� p�r�on, and, subJect ta the sar�e limit for each perso�, in � tiot<�1 amount of not less than $3�iQ,0�J�.UO an account of �ny one accid�nt. f.����ld�+. ,. � # : °-3- Property damaqe i,nsurance in an amount of not less than $50,OQ�.00 for all damages to or destruction of oronerty in any one accident. The coverage shall automatically be restored immediately after the occurance of any accident or l�ss from which liability nnay thereafter accr�e and the City of Saint Paul shall ba natified l� days in advance of the cancellation of the insurance coveracae by the issuinq insurance company: i . That said aermittee shall not proceed with construction unless and until said permittee shal�l have fully complied with the provisions regardina insurance and indemnification contained in the City of Saint Paul , Departnent of Public !Jorks S�ecifications for Street and Sewer Canstruction , dated April i , 1Q5�1, Section numbered 1 .44 of said specifications, as amended, applicable to contractors . For the �urnose of this ordinance, the aforesaid Section 1 .44, sh�ll be read as thoue�h the word "permittee" �vas substitufied for the word "contractor", wherever the same appears in the aforssaid Section 1 .4�f. Said Section 1 .44 of the ��ecifications for Street and Sewer Construction in the City of Saint ?aul is hereby incorporated herein by reference as fully and as campletely as if set forth herein verbatim. Proof of compliance with the provisions of the aforesaid section shall be in such form as the City Attorney of the City of Saint Paul may direct and the documents required by the aforesaid Section 1 .44 shall , after submission to and ar�proval hy the City Attorney; he filed in the office of the Department of Finance of the City of Saint Pa��l � m. 7hat said �ermittee shall furnish a hond to tt►e City of Saint Paul in the sum of five thousand dollars (SS,�J�1�.�Q) conditioned to comply with all the terms of this Ordinance and to indemnify said City from all liability, costs anc! expenses that may accrue, occasioned tay the makin� of the impr�vement or arisin� out of the same; � n. That said perrnittee shall submit the necessary bond and i�surance documents to the C�f f i ce Enn i neer of the Depa rtment of Pub 1 i c '�Jarlcs. The t�f f i ce Ena i neer sha 1 1 submit said documents to the (:ity Attorney of the City of Saint Paul for revie�.�, and if sufficient, said documents shall be filed in the Office of the �ec�artment of Finance of the City of Saint Paul ; o. That said perrhittee, after the inception of said work, shall nrosecute the same continuously, with diliqence, and fully complete said work to the satisfaction and ap�roval of the �epartment of Public �dorks on or before January 1 . 1�73� �, That said permittee shall , uoon proper written notice from the Jepart- ment of Qut�lic "..�!orks , remove, at its sole cost and expense, said conduit from the public right-of-way, in order to facilitate the construction operations involved in any future grading and/or �avinq of Lawson Street; q. That said �ermittee shall furnish the Department of Public lJorks "as built�' �lans of the conduit installation, upon completion of construction; r''� � � �2� R .� `� � a � ���c�.�. e. That said oermittee expressly agrees to and shall com�ly �Nith Ordinance s�o. 14568, Chapter 21!� of Saint Paul Legisiative Code pertaining to street obstructions. The insurance requirements of Chapter 21E� are hereby waived in lieu of the insurance provisions hereinafter stipulated in parag�anh l ; f. That said �ermittee shalt notify the Construction Engineer of the �Jepartment of !'ublic l�orks befor� and whPn construction he�ins �nd notify the same said Engineer ��ihPn construction has been campleted to allo�N for a fin�l inspection� a. That said permittee shall properly �rotect all excavatians made in the streets, sidewalks and �oulevards both day and night so as to avoid all damage or injury to �ersons or oroperty; shatl pronPrly fill �nd compact said streets, sidewalks and boulevards to avoid settlino; and sk�all restore said streets , sidewall:s and boulevards to their original condition, all as oer Section 1Q of the Specificatians for Street and Se�rier Construction, �eoartment of Puk�l i c ±�lorks , C i ty of S�i nt Pau 1 , !�i nnesota, dated ,�nr i 1 1 , 1!�5�3, under the inspection and to the satisfaction of the Construction Enqineer of the Jepart- ment of Pu�l ic t�orks; h. That said permittee shall coordinate al ) work involvina existin� utilitv instaltations, public or private, �,�ith the affected utility company or agency; i . That said permittee shall , during the terms of this permit, restore and repair all property, whether public or �rivate, damaqed or which may be damaqed due to the construction, operation and maintenance or presence of said underground conduit herein provided for; j . That said perc�ittee shall , at its sole cost and expense, remove t!�e underground conduit or part �hereof and restore the public street to the complete satisfaction of the Director of Public !�!orks , a�henever the City Council , by P,esolution, shall sa order� k. That said permittee or successors in interest shall take out and maintain during the oeriod of this permit and while said conduit is located in said public street, a comprehensive protective public liability insurance that shall fully indemnify, hold Ma�rmless, and defend Che City of Saint Paul , its agents, officers and employees from any and all damaqes, claims, lasses, judgments , suits or expenses on account af all �laims of whatever nature arisinq out of or connected with the constructio€�, maintenance, operation and existence or removal of said conduit. A certificate of this insurance shall be deposited with the City of Saint Paul before the start of canstruction. The liabiiit�r insurance shall be issued by an Insurance Company licpnsed to da business in the St�te of Minnesota and the premiums and atl expenses incidental thereto shall be paid promptly by the permittee initially and on renewal . Before the exairation, said permittee shall deposit with the City of Saint Paul a new cert - " - ' " • - - ' the City shall be named � coveraae: lst /�f/' 2nd ���7 Bodily injury insur - $1C?�,�100.00 for all one person, and, su 3rd --�+��g Ado�ted f��js amount of nat less Yeas Nays �����p�) HUNT KONOPATZKI LEVINE �j MEREDITH SPRAFKA (� ' TEDESCO N�ne PRESIDENT (BUTLER) �.� „��_ r�i$c ��� ��e . . Prc�perty damage insu�ance in an amount of not les� than $SI�,QOn.00 fcar all damages to or destruction of property in �ny one accident, The coverage shall automatically b� r�stored immediately after the occur°anc� of any accid'ent or ioss from which 1lability may thereafter accrue and th� City of Saint �'aul shatl be notified id days ln advance of the cancellation of the insurance coverag� b�y the issutng insurance com�any: 1 . That said permitte� shail not proceed with construction unless and until �aid p�rrnitt�e shall have fully complied with the provisions regarding insurance and ind�mnifica�ton cantainsd in the City of Saint Paui , Department af Public Works Specifications for Street and 5e�rer Construction , d�ated Aprdl 1 , 1959, Sectlon numb�red 1 .44 of said speclfications, as amendsd, applicabl� tv contractors. �or the purpose of this ordfnanc�, the �For�said Sectfon 1 .44, �hall be r�ad as thaugh the word '°permittee'° was substitu�ed fpr the word "contractor", wherever the same app�ars in the aforesaid Sectian 1 .44. Sai+d SectOon 1 .44 of the Specifications for Street and Sew�r Canstruction in the City of S�int Paul is hereby incorporated herein by reference as fully and as compl�tely as lf set forth her�in v�rbatfm. Proof of compliance w�th the provi�ions of the aforesaid s�ction shall bc� in such form as th� Cfty Attorney of the City of Saint Paul may direct and the docum�nts rec�uired by tP�� aforesatd S�ction 1 .44 �hall , aft�r submissian to and aQproval by the City AttQrney, he fited in th� offfce of the De�partrra�nt of Finane� of the Cfty of Sa3nt Pa�:l ; m. 7hat �atd permittes shall furnish a bond to the City of Saint Paul trs the s�m of five thous�nd dailars ($5,Q(�O.t�O) conditlaned to camply with all the term� of this �rdinance and to Tndemnify said City frc�m all liability� costs and expenses that may accrue, occasioned by the making of the improvement ar arising out �f the same; n. That said p�r�iftee �hall submTk the necessary ban� and insurance documents to the Office Eng�neer of the Department of Public Works. The t��fice Engineer shatl �ubmit said documents to th� City Attorney of the City af Saint Paul for revdew, and if sufficient, satd documents shall be filed in the Office of the Department of Finance af the City of Saint Paul ; o. That said permittee, afte� Che tnception of said work, shall pra��cute th� same continuously, writh dillgenc�, and fully complete said work to the satisfactlan and approval flf the Departm�nt of Public �Jorks an ar before January i , 1973; p. That said permittee shatl , upon proper written notice from tk�e Uepart- ment of ?ublic ��orks, remove, at its sole co�t and expense, said conduit from the public right-�f4way, in order to factlitate ehe construction operations involved tn any �uture grading and/or pavinq pf Lawson Stre�t; q. Yhat said permittee shall furnish th� �epartment of Public 4Jorks +°as built'' plans o� the conduit instatlation, u�on completion of construction;