260007 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �������1�
WHEREAS, The Council of the City of St. Paul, by Ordinaace No. 13614,
has established the procedure to be used in Conducting a Dutch elm disease
control.program for the City of St. Paul, and under such control program
has listed those things determined to be a public nuisance when found
within the City of St. Paul; and
WHEREAS, The Citq Forester has indicated that conditions e�dst on the
attached list of properties that he believes to be a public nuisance; now,
therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the conditions described by the City Forester on the
attached list of properties be declared a public nuisance and the City Forester
is hereby authorized and directed to send out the proper notices and cause
the. nuisances to be ab ated in accordance with procedures established in
Sectian 5 of Ordinance No. 13614.
O CT 31 1978
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Butl r Hur� ,� .-�,rt, NOV 1 1972
arl on Konopa� ` �� Approve 19�
L v ne Levir�e , �
Meredi#1� .,�� �n Favor
M edith��rafka � v Mayor
S afka "�desco �— •�
T sco ' "'°• Presiden#�B!1#1�i ABainst
Mr. Pres d t, McCarty
0 PPR _�
PUBLISHED f�Q� 4 197� n�St. City Attor y
� � i
. . . _
- , .
- �;�� i
• ��� i
Ronald W. Rieschl Dead elm tree - in back yard �
1054 Arundel � 9/6/72 Vern ;
Helmut B. Kadder - owns prop. l dead elm tree - in back
at 293 Banfil yard � 7/3/72 Ralph
S. Cha�se 1 dead elm tree - in back yard
1322 Bayard 9/12/72 Ralph
Resident Elm brvsh, logs, & stump �:in ,
771 Buffalo St. back'yard 8/28/72 Vern
Roy Bennett 1 dead elm tree - in back yard
808 Buffalo St. 8/28/12 Vern �
M. Bakke Inc. Elm brush & logs in pile - in
481 Burgess front yard 9/25/72 Vern ,
G.J. Murphy Stump is still standing - in
1�78 Bush side yard 7/3/78 Justin '�
Yictor Vik - owns prop. Elm logs & brush - in private
at California St. fenced-in dump 6/26/72 Justin
St. Paul Catholic Orphans - 3 dead elm trees - in N.W, corner o
prop. c�ed by them at of lot 9/18/12 Vern
933 f,�r�ol i
IZ�sident 2 dead elm trees - 1 in alley; 1 by �
1035 Charles W. side of ard 9/6/72 Yern '
William L. Welsh 1 dead elm tree - by driveway _
247 W. Congress 9/8/72 Vern
Resident 1 dead elm tree - in back yard
746 E. Cook 8/15/72 Marv
George Blank - oams prop. 1 dead elm tree - on west side of house '
at 587 Dayton 9/18/72 Vern
Torres San Miguel Nousing - 1 dead elm tree - in front yard
owns prop. at 79 E. Delos 7/17/72 Vern '
Resident Elm logs - in back yard
1156 Fairmount 8/15/72 Vern
Resident 1 dead elm tree - east side of
77 Front St. house 8/28/72 Vern
Mr. Lennier 2 dead elm trees - in back yard �
363 Goodrich 8/14/72 Ralph
• i
. i
. Pa� 2
Resident E1m logs - back yard, in trailer
994 Goodrich 8/14/�2 Vern
Michael Duetsch 1 dead elm tree - in back yard
1097 Hubbard 9/27/72 Ralph
Albert Edwards i dead elm tree - along side
920 Jackson St. driveway, N. stde of house 9/6/72 Vern
The Lentsch Co. , Inc. - l dead elm tree - S.W. corner
owns prop. at 298-320 Jenks of property (on e�ty lot bewt. :
�hese two addre�ses) 6/26/72 Justin
Resident 1 dead elm tre� - in front yard,
661 Laurel east `line 7/3/72 Ral�►h
F. Hawkins 1 dead chinese elm tree - in
907 Margaret St. front yard 9/8/72 Harold
Liberty Plaza Apts. 11 dead elm trees - in Apt.
415 Marshall Ave. complex - 9/25/72 Ve�cn
Mr. Barney Sigel - own� Stump is sti11 :lef� - in back
prop. at 420 E. Minnehaha yard, near fence 6/27/72 �ustin
Dominic R. Tallarico 2 elm sttu�ps, el�`�rush, logs, &
1936 E. Orange St. ` . wood - `in empty tot W. of hv��e 9/27/72 Harold �
Highway �ept. - owns prop. N,W,, `cor�er of parking 1ot - 1
on Pleasant Ave. , ne�r dead elm tr�e
Childrens Hospital 9/25/72 ttalpfi
��n;Ree�lty Co. - owns prop. El m logs must still be removed
at 750-154 Pt. Douglas from sjte 9/27/72 Harold
James 0. Skog 1 elm stump - in front yard, near
2007 Reaney corner of house 1/3/72 Justin
Resident Dead chinese elm stump, 15' high -
1317 Rice St. in back of building 7/3/72 Vern
Charles E. Wolden Elm wood pile - east side of
2173 Selby Ave. garage 5/19/72 Ralph
Delrby E. Spray 2 dead elm trees - 1 in front; 1
2619 W. 1th St. in side yard 9/25/72 Ralph
Highway Dept. - owns prop. l dead elm tree - N. side of Shepard
on Shepard Rd. & 35E Rd. ; 100 yds. W. of 35E; 75' in
from curb 8/21/72 Ralph
Newton B. Frost 1 dead elm tree � in back yard
1225 Stanford 9/12/72 Ralph
. I
` P�ge 3
George Morrison Elm stump & log - ori W. side of ,
2050 Stanfmrd �t�i l di ng 9/5/72 Vern '
Property 9n back of 677 1 dead elm tree - in back of
Kent & 566 Van Buren both addresses 8/7/72 Marv
Winston Allen Dead elm trees & stumps - in back
663 Van Buren yard 7/10/72 Vern
Mr. Helmut B. Kadder - owns 1 tree - in back yard
prop, at 293 Banfil T.T. #1501 7/3/72 Ralph
Kenneth Saedberg 1 tree - in front yard by drivewa�y
1545 Barclay T.T. �3265 9/9/72 Har41d '
D.M. Hackl 1 tree - S.E. of house 75'
1640 Burns Ave. T.T. �3275 9/19/72 Harold
Chester Christy Jr. 1 tree - in back yard ,
1746 Burns Ave. T.T. #1540 �/25/72 Ralph ,
Resident 2 trees -on �[. side of back yard
1035 Charles T.T. #1655 & 1656 9/19/12 Vern
Mr. G.E. Miller 1 tree - E. side of house
655 Cherry St. T.T. #3195 8/�5/72 Harold
Kenneth Louis - owns prop. 1 tree - in back yard next to
at 579-581 Desoto garage. T.T. #3124 8/28/72 Marv
Resident 1 tree - jn back yard, next to
947 Des�to garage. T.T. �3133 8/28/72 Marv ,
M. Lennier 1 tree - in back yard . �
363 Goodrich T.T. �1533 8/7/72 Ralph
V. Bovitz 1 tree - in front yard
1255 Hewitt T.T. #1559 9/19/72 Vern
Port Autho�ity - .owns prop. 1 tree - across frocn Holman Field '
near Holman Field T.T. #3108 7/31/72 Marv �
Mrs. G.A. Kleir� - owns prop. 2 trees - near garage
at 1085 Iglehart T.T. �1534 & 1535 8/7/72 Ralph
B.F. Tangseth 2 trees - in back yard, E. side ,
882 Iroquois T.T. #3217 & �276 9/19/72 Harold �
� . �. . I
, Page 4
Rudolph Adren 1 tree - N.W. corner of front
1542 ivy yard. T.T. #3266 9/9/72 Harold
Robert L. Coleman 1 tree - in front yard
1706 E. Larpenter T.T. #3254 8/28/72 Harold
Edward A. Hendrickson 1 tree - in back of lot by all ey '
964 E. Lawson St. T.T. �3180 8/�5/72 Harold
John R. Chell 1 tree - in back yard
653 Lincoln Ave. �T.fi. �164� 8/25/72 Vern
Resident 1 tree - E. of property, near
214 Maple St. wall. T.T.#3109 7/I8/72 Justin '
A. panicki 1 tree - in back yard
2178 Mohawk Ave. T.T. #3137 � 9/26/72 Harold
Ron�tld C. Leh�an ° 1 tree - in back yaird, N.W, corner
2047 Nokomis Ave. T.T. #32Q0 8/25/72 Harold
Kalman 6ovrik 1.. tree - front yard,� N.E. corner
185 N. Otis T:�'�. �1565 9/19;12 Ralph
John J. KE�tanagh - owns prop.2 trees - on vacant area S, of 667
on Otsego St. Otsego. T.T. �3121 & 3122 9J5/72 Marv '
Ron,�ld Wttt - owns prop. 1 tree - on vacant area S, of 667
on Otsego St. Otsego. T.T. #3123 9J25/72 Marv
R�ymond E. �_Ricci 1 tree - in back yard, S.E, dorner
1126 Pacific 5t. T.T. #1396 � 8J25/72 Narold
Wheelock Pkwy. Baptist Church 1 tree - S. side of front yard �
1437 Pa�yne Ave. T.T. #3116 8/25/72 M�rv
John Windgun� - owns prop. 1 tree - N.W. of 1194 S. Point
o� Point Douglas Douglas. T.T. #3197 � 8/2�l72 Harold
Mr. Ches'ter Finseth 2 trees - on vacant & wooded prop.
1604 S. Pb�nt Douglas T.T. #3145 & 3146 9/5/72 Harold
Resident 1 tree - in front yard
176 Prospect Bivd. T.T. #3106 8/1/72 Marv
Aloysius J. Jasper 1 tree - on empty lot N. of this
1369 Prosperity Ave. address. T.T. #3255 8/28/12 Harold
Holy .Spirit School 1 tree - W. side of parking 10�
142Q Randolph T.T. �1503 6/21/72 Ralph '
The Baillo n Co. - owns prop.l tree - on empty lot, E. line
on Sher��n St. T.T. #1502 6/26/72 Ralph
� •
� �•
� Page 5
Resident 1 tree - in back yard, next to alley '
801 Sims T.T. #3131 8/28/12 Marv
Texaco Oil Corp. 1 tree - near road to pumping �
1700 Stewart Ave. station._ T.T. �1564 8/25/72 Ralph
Resident 1` tree - in back yard, top of wall
794 Wells St. T.T. #3192 8/14/72 Ha�old
Mr. Tabin 1 tree - sau�h sid8 of ho�se
267 White Bear Rve. T.T. �3'�31 _ �/17/72 Justin '
Resident 1 tree - end of property, in back
736 Wilson , . ' of garage._ T:.T. #3110 7/�8/72 Justin
Rothschild Realtors - owns 1 tree ,- N. side of front yard '
prop. at 756 Winslow T.T. #�'!04 1/24/72 Marv
Joseph J. Speciale - owns 5 trees - on Youngman, betw. Madison
prop. on Youngman & Alton. T.T. �1552, 1553� 1554,
1555, 1556 8/28/72 Raiph
Harold Rutchick,- owns prop. 6 trees - ora Youngman, betw. Madison
on Youngman & Springfield. T.T. #1546, 7��7,
1548, 1549, 1550, 1551 9/5/72 Ralph
Chester Tobin 1 rree - in front yard 8/28/72
, 1487 Bums Anenue T.T. �3199
.�-����c,►��•R�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ND 2���0�
� H�E
W�RE�AB, 1ha �o�mcil of ths City of St. Paul, by Ordinancs No. 13614,
has eatablished ths procadure to bs us�d iu conductiaE a Datrrh slm disaa�a
control progrmn for tha City of St. Panl, and �der sudi control prograa
has listed those things deteratnad td b� a pvblic auiaanos �fi�n lound
Withia ths City of St. Paul; and
W�, The Citp Fora tar ha� iadica�d that candi tions a�da t on tha 'I
attachad liat o! propartiea that he believaa to b� a p�lic nedaaaae; nov,
therefore, be it
RBSOLVED, That tha conditians d�acribad by the City Foratar an the
sttac6ad list o! prapsrti�a bs daclarsd a pnblic auieaucs and the Cit7r Fosystsr
is bas+abp authorisad and dir�ctsd to a�ad out th� proper ac►tic.�s aad canss '
the nui�ano�s to bs 'abated in accordeace with procadwc�a �stabliahad ia ,
Saction 5 of Ordi.aence No. 13614. '
OCT 3 i i97Z
COUNCII�EN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeaa Nays
B K�� � NOV 1 1972
son Levine �`��� . Approva� 19�
Le e Mereditti �'� � 'rr Favor
�e •�Sprafka
Tedesco d Mayor I
Sp $ Mme. Ples.�� Ag��at
Mr. Presid nt, McCarty I
. •, ' r�����
��AD TRE�S, ELh1 BRUSH, �OGS, S7UifPS - NOT DONE - AS OF OC706ER 6, 1972:
'r;.4'��� c< ADDCESS LOCATI01' C.U. DA7E
��,a►� :�!. Rieschl Dead Elm tree -, in back yard
;0�; r.ru;;d�; � 9/6/72 Vern
�eir;u;, �. ,:ucder - o�rrrs prop. 1 dead e]m tree - in back
a� 293 8a,ri7 y,ard 7/3/72 Ralph
S. C;usa 1 dead elm tree - in back yard
1322 ��ya�^� 9/12/72 Ralph
:,si��n-� Elm brush, logs , & stump - in
%7; �u;;ai� S�t. back yard � 8/28/72 Vern
Ro� 3cn�,e�;,� 1 dead e1m tree - in back yard
803 8urfu:o S�. "'' 8/28/72 Vern
:��. 8uk:<e Tnc. Elm brush & logs in pile - in
�:3; E,�rg;.ss front yard 9/25/72 Vern
u.J. ",w r��y �tu;�p i s sti i 1 standi ng - i n
;77� �us; side y�rd 7/3/73 Justin
�'�c�cr Vi'< - awns prop. Elm ]ogs & brush - in private
u� Ca����ornia S�. fenc�d-in dump 6/26/72 Justin
S�. �Qui Catho7ic Orpi�ans - 3 dead elm trees - in N,W. corner o
N.�op. owned by them at of lot 9/18/72 Vern
��3 Curroil .
���-d�n� , 2 dead elm trees - l in alley; 1 by
1�1.J t
;G35 Cnurles W. side of yard 9/6/72 ''. Vern
- ,
.';1 i�a�r, L, �rJe i sn I dead e1m tree - by dri veway
247 ,-!. Congress 9/8/72 Uern
�esiden;, l dead el.m tree � in back yard
7,�n �. �ook 8/15/72 Marv �
Gco�,ge Blank - owns prop. 1 dead elm tree - on west side of house
a� 5�7 DGyi,on 9/18/72 Vern
iorres San �igue� 'rtousing - 1 d�ad elm tree - in front yard
o�,•r��s pro�. at 79 E. Delos 7/17/72 � Vern
:�:s�dan-t Elm logs - in back yard
�i5o Fair�oun� � 8/15/72 Vern
Residen� 1 dead elm tree - east side of
77 �,on� St. house 8/28J72 Vern
;;�,,. Ler;.�i er 2 dead elm trees - i n back yard
�03 Goociricn � � 8/14/72 Ralph
I i
�� ; , , ,
�ug� � _
;`�,��,E u ADuRESS LOCATiO!� , C.U. DA7E
S�s;G;;,;�� . Elm logs - back yard, in �railer
y�4 Goodr�ch 8/i4/72 Vern
;t;ci�acl Duetsch 1 dead el,m tree ,- in back yard
;097 "ub�ard . 9/27/72 Ralph
A;bz�°� Ed;�rarus 1 dead e�m tree - along side
S2G Jackson Si. driveway, N. side of house 9/6/72 Vern
i ne Le�r��sch Co. , Tti1c. - 1 dead elm tree - S.W. corner
or;;�s prop. G� 298-320 Jenks of p;roperty (on emp�y 1ot bewt.
these two addresses) 6/26/72 Justin
Res;der,� i dead elm tree - in front yard, .;. .
uo, L�.ure; east line 7/3/72 Ralph
, . �G.�r ;.;s 1 d�ad ciiinese elm tree - in
��07 �;a, ga�e� S�. fron�t yard � 9/8/72 Harold
���e;���y P;aza Apts. ii dead e7m trees - in Apt.
415 irarsnal7 Ave. complex 9/25/72 Ve�n
��,r. Burr.ey Si gei - aw��s Stump i s sti 11 left - i n back
p,�op. at 420 E. M�nnehaha yard, near fence 6/27/72 J,ustin
Do;n i ni c R. 7a11 ari co 2 elm stumps , elm brush, logs, & .
i936 E. Orange St. wood - in empty lot 'A. of house 9/27/72 Harold
, �
,;;g'r,�.ray �e�t. - owns prop. N.W. corner of parking lo� - 1 ' '
cn Ple�sarlt AVe. , near dead elm tree i
C�;idrens uospital . 9/25/72 Ralph
V�,�; �eal-ty Co. - o�r;ns prop. E1 m logs must still be removed
a� 75G-75G Pt. Douglas from site 9/27/72: Narold
.iames G. S�cog l . elm stump - in front yard, near
2007 R�aney corner of house � � � 7'/3/,72 Justin
Res�de���. Dead chinese elm stump, 15' high -
?317 Rice S�. in back of building 7/3/72 i Vern
Cnaries �. t�lolden Elm wood pile - east side of
2173 SeZby Ave. �arage 5/19/72 Ralph
�eiroy �. Spray 2 dead e]m trees - 1 in front; 1 �
20;9 1�,. 7�h St. in side yard 9/25/72 Ralph
��igh�,:ay Depz. - owns prop. 1 dead elm tree - N. side of Shepard
cn Sn��ard Rd. & 35E Rd. ; 100 yds. W. of 35E; 75' in
from curb 8/21/72 Ralph
;�;�,v�on B. Fros� 1 dead elm tree - in back yard
;225 S��anfordi 9/]2/72 Ralph
I , ,
, , ,
.. � �. . . . :.`�_ - .
�G�z � ,,
;;�=,��';� & ,�,DDR�SS LOCATION C:U. DATE
Georg� ;�10�r3son Elm stump & log - on W. side of
2050 S�a�.�orc� bui3d�ng 9/5/72 Vern
P�oper�y �r; back oz 677 1 dead elm tree - in back of
i<��,t & ��5 Uan 8ur�n bo�h addresses 8/7/72 Marv
!�';�s��o.^ fi:ien Dead elm trees & stumps - in back
003 �Ja� 3u•rer� yard 7/10/7� Vern
�•,��. �;e",;a�c �. Kadder - owns I tree - in back yard
�^��, a� 293 3«nfil T.i. #1501 7/3/72 - Ralph
:<e;^~etn S�:�edberg 1 tree - i n front yard by dri vewdy
;�t�5 �arc;ay T.T. {�3265 : 9/9/72 Harold
D.:�;. ;iG;.�c; � 1 �ree - S.E. of house 75'
;640 5ur�s Ave. T.7. �3275 - 9/19/72 Harold
Cnes�cr Cnris-�y Jr. 1 tree - in back yard
?740 �ur;s Ave. T.T. #j540 8/25/72 Ralph
Resid�r,� 2 tr�2s -on W. side of back yard
1035 Cnarles T.T. #1655 & 1656 9/19/72 Vern
;�r. G.E. Mi l ler 1 tree �- E. side of house �
u�5 Cr;erry S'�. T.T. #3]95 8/25/72 HdrOld
i<er,.,e�h Lou9 s - owns prop. 1 tree - i n back yard next to '
a� 579-581 Desoto garage. T.7. #3124 8/28/72� Marv
�'�s�d�r,t 1 tree - in back yard, 'nex�C to '
947 �esoto garage. T.7. �3133 8/28/72 Mar.v
;i. Len�;e•r 1 tree - i n back yard
363 Goodricn 7.T. #1533 8/7/72 Ralph
�!. Bov��cz 1 tree - i n front yard
i2�5 H,:wiLi: T.?. #1559 9/�9/72� Vern
Po•rt Au�no•rity - owns prop. 1 tree - across from Nolman Field '
near �iolman Field T.i'. #3108 7/31/72 Marv
:�1��s. G.A. Klein - owns prop. 2 trees - near garage
ai 1085 Iglehart T.T. #1534 & 1535 8/7/72 ' Ralph
3.�. TGngseth 2 trees - in back yard, E. side
S32 iroquois T.T. #3277 & �276 . 9/19/72 Harold
� ;
� i � �
. •
Page 4
Rudoiph Adren 1 tree - N.W. corner of front
1542 Ivy yard. T.T. #3266 9/9/72 Harold
Robert L. Coleman 1 tree - in front yard
1706 E. Larpenter T.T. #3254 8/28/72 Harold
Ed�,rard A. Hendrickson 1 tree - in back of lot by alley
964 E. La�vson St. T,T. #3180 8/25/72 Harold
John R. Chel1 l tree - in back yard
653 Lincoln Ave. T.T. #1643 8/25/72 Vern
Resident 1 tree - E. of property, near
214 hlaple St. wall . T.T.#3109 7/18/72 Justin
A. Danicki 1 tree - in back yard
2178 ;�ohawk Ave. . T.T. #3137 9/26/72 Harold
Rona7d C. Lehman 1 tree - in back yard, N.W, corner
2047 Nokomis Ave. T.T. #3200 8/25/72 Harold
�alman Govrik 1 tree - front yard, N.E, corner
185 N. Otis T.T. #1565 9/19;72 Ralph
John J. Kavanagh - owns prop.2 trees - on vacant area S. of 667
on Otsego St. Otsego. T.T. #3121 & 3122 9/5/72 Marv
Ronald bJitt - owns prop. 1 tree - on vacant area S. of 667
on Otsego St. Otsego. T.T. #3123 9/25/72 Marv
Raymond E. Ricci 1 tree - in back yard, S.E. dorner
1126 Pacific St. T.T. #1396 � 8/25/72 Narold
.dheelock Pkwy. Baptist Church 1 tree - S. side of front yard
1437 Payne Ave. T.T. #3116 8/25/72 Marv
John �Jindgun - owns prop. 1 tree - N.W, of 1194 S. Point
on Point Douglas Douglas. T.T. #3197 ' 8/25/72 Harold
P1r. Chester Finseth 2 trees - on vacant & wooded prop.
1604 S. P�int Douglas T.T. #3145 & 3146 9/5/72 Harold
Resident 1 tree - in front yard
176 Prospect Blvd. T.T. #3106 8/7/72 Marv
Aloysius J. Jasper 1 tree - on empty lot N. of this
1369 Prosperity Ave. address. T.T. #3255 8/28/72 Harold
Holy Spirit School 1 tree - W. side of parking lot
1420 Randolph T.T. #1503 6/27/72 Ralph
The Baillo n Co. - owns prop.l tree - on empty ]ot, E. line
on Sherman St. T.T. #1502 � 6/26/72 Ralph
� t
• - �
•. ' • . . . � , .
�, , . . . � � � . ,
PGge 5 ,
R�s;dent � 1 tree - in back yard, next to alley
8G1 Sims 1'.T. #3131 8/28/72 Marv
7zxaco Gil Corp. 1 tree - near road to pumping � �
I7G0 Stewart Ave. station. 7.T. #1564 8/25/72 Ralph
Residen� 7.Tre#3i92� back yard, top of wall $/14/72 Ha�rold
79� '.ti'e'+s St.
���•r. 7cbi n 1 tree - south si d� .of house
257 �,!h„te Bear Ave. T.T. #313� 7/17/72 Justi n
Reside�t 7 tree - end of property, in back
730 lJilson of garage. T.T. #3110 ` 7/18/72 Justin
RG�nSCt11�d Real��ors - owns i tree - N. side of front yard
prop. a� 750 l��inslcw � T.T. �`31'04 7/24/72 Marv
�oseph J. Specia�e - owns 5 �rees - on Youngman, betw. Madison
p�°op. on Youngman & Alton. 7.T. �1552, 1553, 1554,
]555, 1556 8/28/72 Ralph
Na•rold Rutch�ck,- owns prop. b trees - on Youngman, betw. (�iadison
o�� `fou�g�an & Springfield. T.T. #1546, �547,
1548, 1549, 1550, 155i 9/5/72 Ralph
Chester Tobin 1 tree - in front yard 8/28/72
1487 i,urns Avenue T.T. �3199
:j� ,
�0/10/72 . ',
j , �