260000 �R161NAL TO CITY CL6RK ���4�j'��� CITY OF ST. PAUL �IOENCIL N�,. .Lic�Ts�; COMN1ITr1'� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONE ATF Qctober 2'js 1.972 R�SOLV�: That Application P7 4101 for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 8134, expiring January 31, 1973, issued to Richard E. Jones, Inc. at 899 Rice Street be and the same is hereby transferred to B. H. and N:. , Inc. at the same address. ON SALE; LIQUOR LSTABLISKi'��T.�i�TT TR��ivSF'ER (Corporation to Corporatior� OCT2? 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays ��� 31 �972 ler Hur�fa; lson Kl�Bf�@p�Ci � prove 19� e ine �@�`�tAe :,�. - fv����'� ::�� �n Favor Me edit$g�� :� Spr fkaT��d�o � �rx' '� Maqor A gainst Tedesco��e - Mr. P esident, McCarty """""` FOtt�A /�,PPft01€�� t�ity Attorney PUBLISHEU NOV 41972 �° . . ' + ' � � D E PA R T M E N T R. H. ROWAN CHIEF OF POLICE 8 i1c F';r /'n, 1 � F P LICE ���`�'�+��`� � 0 0 .e�,�, C ITY 0 F ST. PAU L 101 E> 10TH STREET ST, PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 (612)-291-1 1 1 1 October 27, 1972 Honorable T�'i�,yor ar.d City Coun.cil Saint Pa.ul, N�innesota Ladies and GentleMen: I3. H. and T>I. , Inc. and �-�ichaxd L. Jones, Inc. make a.pplication for the tra.nsfer of Cn Sale Li�uor License Tio. 8134, expirir..g January 31, 1973 from the present licen.see :�ichard L. Jones, Inc. at 8y9 Rice �treet to I3. H. �n.d Ni. , In.c. a,t the sarne adclress. I3. H. and P-1. , Inc. also makes application for the tr�.nsfer of the ;�unday On �ale Tiquor T�1o. 41oq, expiring January 31, 1973 and r.ew Cl��ss Gl-Restauran.t, T�vern, Off `�;ale Pialt I3ev- erage and Ci�axette licenses at the saxne address. Richara �. Jones, Inc. , the present licer.see, has held this license since Decer�e:er, 1967. This establisnment is located on the west side of the street betweer ;;ayzata a.nd ';.`innipeg Streets. i'he officers of B. H. �.nd N'i. , Inc. ase Charles P. I°:ussehl, �resident; :�urelio P. �]8,rdi, Vice President; and r�tricia �Iuisin.�a, �ecret�ry an.d rl�reasurer. '1'he stockholc�ers are Ch�,rles :t-. P�ussehl Gnd Fatricia huisin�:a. r'rom 1y66 to 1969 Cha,rles P�iussehl was in the United States N<�vy and sin.ce that time has beer employed by the �ce . Vendin� Co. and Ja,ck's Trucking Company. T�s. ^urelio T�ardi is an attorney and P�.tricia �3uisin�a is a housewife. Very truly yours, �� ' License In.spector D. J. Blakely R. F. LaBathe W. McCutcheon Deputy Chief Deputy Chief Deputy Chief Patrol Diviaion Investigative Division Services Division � ' DUDLEY MITH & BELISLE , ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELOR3 AT LAW � ' � W. 1260 FIRET NATIONAL sANK lUIlDINO � JOSEPH J. DUDLEY ST.PAUL.MINNESOTA SSI01 G.WlLL1AM SMITH 224-4871 WAYNE T.BELISLE JAMES C.COTTINGHAM DAVID W. LARSON OCtOU@I' 17, 1972 ATTN: License Inspector, License Committee and St. Paul City Council � Gentlemen: The undersigned, being the record owner of the on sale liquor license currently located at 899 Rice Street and operated under the trade name Dutch Bar hereby requests the transfer of said liquor licens e to B. H. & M. , Inc. RICHAR E. JONE5, INC. BY �i' � `'-��r��`'�� �c%�J � -� re�ident ' t , , Mr, Charles Paul Mussehl � . 415 FJest County Road B. . St. Paul, Minnesota October 11, 1972 License Division Department of Putilic Safety St. Paui, Minnesota Dear Sir: This is to advise you that I have completed the . requirements to form a corporat�on, anc� ttlat of an On �ale Liquor License. Our Corporation Name will be B.H,M. Inc. We are purchasing the premises located at 899 Rice Street . from Dick Jones and Viotet Jones, in the City of St. Paul, County of Ramsey and State of Minnesata. The Cor.poration will consist of three members : Charles Paul Mussehl, Jerome G. Born, and Patricia Husinga. • Very truly yours, ��� ��� ������� �� Charles Pau1 Mussehl • CI'PY- Gr S�1INT PAL:. �`: . � DEp" � II�:tiT Gl.� PUBLIC S�'.�ZTY ' . LIC�F�:SE DIVISIOrd �.� � * Date Octp_bg�r�].6,,,=_19 72_ 1. Application for On Sale Liq�ior Liceeue : � . 2. lvame of applicant Charles Paul Mussehl 3. Business address $99 Rice Street Residence 415 Weat County Rd� B� 4. Trade name� if �.ny Dutch Bar S. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp_�will be used. 6. On what floor located Main Floor 2�'umber of rooms wsed 7. Between what cross streets Wavzate & Winniue� lVhich side of atreet EBSt 8. Are premises now occupied_�_What business Li9,uor How lor� 9. Are premises now unoccupied ri° Iio�a long vacant jJp Previous UBe 10. Are you a new owner��_Have you been in a similar business before NO Where N.A. When N.A• r 11. Are you going to operate this businese personally Ve3 � I � If not, who will operate it � 12. Are �ou in aqy other business At the present time No I 13. Have there been any complafnts againat yovr operation oi thfe tTpe of place N i _ ; 1�hen iv-A- irhere N.A. _ ' � 14. Have you ever had a�y license revoked No What reason and date N.A. ; . I 15. Are you a citizen of the United States Native Naturalized � —�— X , 16. Mlhere were you born St. Paul, Minnesota Date of birth December 27. 1942 1?. I am Not married. My (wife's) (hunbaad's) name and addresB ia 18 If ried female maiden name is . ( mar ) my 19. How loag have you lived in St. Paul 19 Years 20. Have you ever been arrested yes Violation of what crfminal law or ordiaaae� _.___ Accusec� c� oueratinR a Disorderly House (Case Dismissed) I .�w� � �'"r �+�r.r�. .. 21. Are you a registered voter in the City of St. Paul x yea ,. r No (Answer fully and completely. These applications are thoroughly checked and any � � r..t�.iPi.....L;.... ...;11 1,.�. .....,�... f..., a....,.�1 �. ' ' . . •,� . � • '� 22. Plumber� of 3.2 places :°ithin two b1ocI:s NOne �, 1Y � 23. Closest fntoxicating liquor place. Qn Sale � B1oCk Off Sale 2 B1oCk8 �' 24. Paearest Church St_ RprnArds rrTearest School Whitter 25. Number of booths 14 Tr.bles S Chairs 2 S Stools 18 26. What occupation h�zve you folio�.ec� �or the pa�t five years. (Give names of employers and dates so empZoyed.) February 10, 1966 to October 10, 1969 United States Naw 2?. Give names and c:c2��resses of two persons� residents of St. Paul� ,9inn.� who can give information concerning you. Name Mra_ Cin SQChiaA :dclress_ 1706 �8te St�'eet _� Name Mr_ .Tnn Roaset Address_ 1722 East S�' Stree,� � J . �i� � ,�,� :��'l�� ignature of Applicant , State of Niinnesota) )ss • County of Ramsey ) (:ha r 1 p c Paii 1 M �Q s ah being f irst duly sworn� deposas and says upon oath that he has read the foregoin� statement bearing his signature and lcaows the contents thereof� and that the sane is true of his ot.�n knowledge oxcept aa to those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to thoae matters he believes them to be true. �.c�-� Signature of Applicant Subscribed and sworn to before me th' day of 19 . Notary Public� Ram�sey County��}�ps�y�� NOMry PuDlic, kamsey County, AAIIM` YRy Coss;asion eXp1I'@8 My Commission Expires Jan. 11. 1974. (Note: Tls�se statement forms are in duplicate. Both copies must be fully filled out� nota.rized� and returned to the License Division. ) 8-23-71 ' . _ .. �`Yrt ,.Yti -. `:� • � � I � I , . - � i. � : ; . . � STATE OF ININNF50TA) )SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) � i ��q y-�,r t /�jr��,(L , j1�u��'`j L being first dnly sworn� doth depose and say that he make$ this affidavit in connection with application for "� Sale" liquor licenee ("� Sale" ■alt beirerage licenee) in the ' � City of Safnt Paul� Minnesota; that your aYfiant is a resident of the State , of Minnesota and has resided therein for �`r years� — monthis� and i� now and has been for the time above mentioned a bona fide resident og ' � � � � said State and that he now resides at ,C.,y/3 GUES� C7� �17 � — --�Address�— ' � � Minnesota. � i� City or Town ` � � � � � (� /(i7li� �s!� ����iTA�"' ' . . s i � t Subscribed and sworn to before me � � thi '� day of 197 �/ 4 otary Public� Ramsey County riinne ota Hty commission expires � VECTOR B. ANDERSON Notary Public, Rams�y County, MI^.^ , My Commissfon Expires Apr. 23, 19i i. ' "- � 8-23-71 � F !i ( L /t _ y gk f 6 � i . ....__.... . II . � � �. � �IDAVIT BY EIPPLIC�IVT . I'OR RETAIL BEER OR LIQUOF LICEPJSE Re: �_Sale Liauor Licen,se � Name of applicunt �'herles Paul Mussehl `' C r� Y'; Business address 899 Rice Strlet� �t. Pgul, Minnesota ` �5 Are you the sole o�mer of this business?�_. If not� is it a partnership?� . �` � corporat ion? B.H.& M. , other? �� Others interested in businessy include those by loan of money, property or otherwise: r � Name patricia Huisitlea �lddress 415 tJest County Rd B.�Iow 7 Years �' � }F. 4' t: � �. � 4 ' If a corporation� give its name A.H_& M_ � t Are you interested in any ���ay in any other retail beer or liquor business? No � Par ner? Stoc2cholder? � As sole �i+mer. N_A_ t N-A- �.� .,_ � Otherwise? (Through loan of m�ney, etc. Explain) N.A. � � Address of such business and nature of interest in sac�e N.A. � r i � � � Si�nature of applicant ; State of Aiinnesota) ' )ss County of Ramsey ) Charles Paul Mussehl being first duly sworn� deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and knowa the contents thereof; that the same is true of his o�vn knoivledge� except as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he believes them to be true. ���� � y� � .� l l 8i�n.�ture of applicant Subacribed and sworn to before me this clay of 19 Notary Public� Ramsey County� Aiinnesota My commission expires 19 AURELIC F. NARp� Nolary Fub.ic, f<.:n�sey :;•,unty. Mlnn� � `�. � ' � � .. . :� � y . `�, � CI"1'Y G� Sr1INT PAL� c^�� : - � DF.P�.R��PJT 0� PUL'LIC S�' .. Y _. LIC�:SE DNISIOR= Date�Ctober 16� 19 7Z �_ 1. Application for On S81e Liquor Licenee 2. Na�e of applicant g�1 i� p. Nardi ,i, , 3. Business address 899 Ricg, Street Residence 539 East AnnBD� O� ,� 4. Trade name, if E.ny Dutch Bar 5. Retail Beer Federal� Tax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp�_will be t�sed. 6. On what floor located Main Floor Ir'umber of rooms c�ed " ��� 7. Betw�en what croas streets W�vzata & Winni�e� Which aide of street East , i � ; � 8. Are prenises now occupied_�g_tVhat busfnessj iQUOr How lon�i�� ; ' #v 9. Are premiaes now unoccupied�_Iiow long vacant�_ Pr�viows Lise � � . : � ' �� 10. Are you a new owner Yes Have you been in a similar business be�ore �s , � � • � ii►here Se�r�n Cnrnors �en 1961 11. Are yon �oing to operate this busfnes+s personally No , � . If not� mho will operate it G�rles Paul Mussehl �,' _, %�= 12. �re nou in any other business at the present time Lawver .,,,, �� � �` 13. Ha�ve there been an�y complaints against your operation of this type of place No �i MLen a_p_ ' lilhere N.A. �;; Y'': �'3 14. Have you ever had any license revoked No What reason and date '.�To. ;, 1S. Are you a citiun of the United States Yes Native x Naturalized �.; ; �r: 16. 'Nhere x�e you born St. P8u1. MinnesotaDate of birth M8y 31, ]929 � ��; 1�. I ai��u�alried. My (wife's) (husbaad's) name and address is �"� �.: }+, �; ld. (�f aa�rriec� female) my maiden name is " 19. How long have you lived in St. Paul 43 ve8rs 20. Have you ever been arrested yeg Violation of what criminal la�+r or ordinance ' No convictions 21. Are you a registered voter in the City of St. Paal x 1'es No (Answer fully and completely. These a lications are thorou hl checked and falsiYication will be cause for denial. (OY�R) . . I � � t-; , . � + ! ;,� 22. N�ber of 3.2 places Svithin t��o blocl:s Nnne ... ... ,_...�_ 23.� Closest intoxicating liquor place. Qn Sale � Block Off Sa.le 2 B1�� k� a _.,i 24. Nearest Church �� RernAr�a r;earest School�itter #, 25. Number of booths �4 Tr.bles k+ S Chairs 25 Stool� 18 � �� 28. 1�1hat occupation have you folloi:�ecl ior tne �ast five years. (Give na.mes of employers �;„r and dates so employed.) � 1'BWVer Sn.� :Osn�@�"C• Rt i 1 ing� St_ A ���� M nn R�t',i� � €�; �: x,� • . i.:: �� 27. Give names anu r.c�uresses of t4�o persons� residents of St. Paul� hiinn.� who can give �� information concerning you. � N��-1!ir_ Terrance 0'Toote , �'�ddress511 Commerce Building � � Name Mr_ Stenhen A. Sulentic Address_508 Coct�nerce Building '� �: � €: � ignature of Applicant k; State of l�iinnesota) �'� )ss �, County of Ramsey ) i� � �; Aure 1 io P. NBrd i being first duly sworn, deposes aad eays �; upon oath that he has reac� the foregoing statement bearing his si�nature and ltnows the contents thereof� and that the sune i,s true of his ot•rn knowledge except a$ to e-: those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to thoee mattera �=' he believes them to be true. �;; �; c° � t Signature of Applicant t' ��; Subscrib�d and isworn to before me �i4a t9 thi day of 19� , 3 tary Public� Ra�aeey County� Minnesota ;� 1►(y Commiesion expfres ' s:GL. � - (Note: These statement forms are in duplicate, Both copies must be fully filled out� notarized� and returned to the Licensse Division. ) 8-23-71 = . - �. k; STATE OF MINNESOTA) )SS COUNTY OF RA�LSEY ) � Aurelio P. Nardi being first dnly sworn� doth depoee ; _ and say that he makes this affidavit in connection rith applicatioa for � �' On Sale" liquor licenoe (" Cht Sale" �alt b�ierage license) in the ;� _ CitT of $aint Paul� Minnesota; that yoar aYYiant is a resident of the 8tate ------ of Minneeota and has resided therein for 43 Years ears, aanths� Y and is now and has been for the time above mentioned a bona fide resident oi said State and that he now resides at E s t Ann o 1 s � � Address p 1 � Minnesota. ' � City or i i � � M I � . I � Q � � � Auretio P. Nar i i � Subscribed and sworn to before me � � i this ��da of 19� � 1 I otary Public� Ramsey County� Hlinnesota bfy commission expires � � j I � ; 8-23-71 ...:�.��ne.i�M196^.`.�L[�'$ r�....�q.,:lu.. . ..-...aw+....r ... . . . . . . � . . � ' . . . . ����- -.., �' +'��'�� �,� . .. � � . - . . � . � . ' � ��w . . '?.'.,'.�G.?i . ._. , . . .' ': ,' ' AF.�'ID�AVIT BY API�LICANT � M'�` � �g >� �� � . RETAIL BLER 08 LIQWB LICEN� ; �: *? ,�; Hss �le. 1.inunr . . Lfa�nrs 1 I �°: Name of appl3.oattt e.,,•�i�n P_ AT�rA� ,�,�,i,�,�„� � r :' , Busineas addreas $99 Ricg Str�,et �.. , Are you the sole owner of this buainess?��. xf n+ot� is it a partnerahip? NO i ; corporation? e� � other? �._ . . . _ Othere intere+eted in businesis� fnclude those by loaa of moaey, property or oth4r�►ise: I' �' . i rtame �r.aAr� � p,� �� tKu:s hi Addreas 4 r�tv Rd. �o++ 7 Ysars � I ._.�B �..._._�_ : ._..1�.�.t,.��irQ3L.�� P�tri�ig ��in�a 41S,Wast Caunty, Rdy� B,� 3 Ysars � � I . If a corporation� give its name B.H. & M. InC. , � Are you intereated in any way in a�y other retail beer or liquor business? Yes. As aole owner? x]tX Partner? Stockholder? ' , Otherwise? (Through loan of rnaney, etc. �cplain) i � � � Address of such business and nature of interest in same Seven Corriors �' W Street � Si ture of applicant State of riinnesota) )es County of Ramsey ) Ai�re,]rio P_ Nardi being first duly sworn� deposes and saye upon oath , that he has read the foregofng affidavit bearing his signature and know� the contenta thereof; that the same is true of his own knowledge� except as to tho+se mattere therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he believes them to be true. �� 1 Signature o applican � Subscr'bed nd sworn to before me t s of 19�� i Notary Public� Ramsey County� Minnesota My commission expire 19� ' ' f.x, CI'1'Y Cc S�IN7�' P�ILi: �;; , � , ' _. � DrPr'1�ILtJT 0.�' PIJI:LIC Sr'►FLTY ' LIC�'•:SE DIVISION ��" � ' nate4ctober__�__�16,_19 7__2___ I 1. Application for on Sale Liq»Qr _ _ _License � 2. Name of applicant Pntriria N,�ainoa -- - 3. Business address 899 Rice r Residence 415 West .n mtv�R=,B, 4. Trade name� if �.ny I�utch Bar - S. Itetail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp_�,_wfll be used. , 6. On �,rhat floor located Main Floor A'umber of rooms uaed � Which side of street � � ?. Between +�chat c�ross stre�ta W8y2ate & WinniveQ � � �. 8. Are premises now occupied ves What business Li4uOr How lon�__ �' 9. Are premises now unoccupied NQ_How long vacant Previows Li�e 10. Are you a new owner�_,Have you been in a similar business before NO Where -------- When ----------- ' i 11. Are you gping to operate this business personallg Np � If not, who will operate it Charles Mussehl � , ; 12. Are �ou in any other business at the present time No �' ' i lace No � 13. Have there been aqy complainta against yonr operation of thia t�rpe o p _ � . . . _ . . . frhen ' 1�ihere 14. Have you ever had aqy•license revoked N_o What reason and date 18. Are yon a citizen of the United States Yes Native Naturalized 16. M►here were you born SAirt paul. Minneso�e of birth Februarv 20. 1936 17. I am �oarried. My (qppf�� (hu�sband's) aame and address is Renneth E. Husing8 j � 18. (If married femaZe) my maiden name is Mussehl 19. How long ha.ve you lived in St. paul 32 Years „__, ' 20. Have you ever been arrested No Violation of �rhat criminal law or ordinance 21. Are you a registered voter in the City of S�. Paul x Yes No (Answer fully and completely. Theae a li•c tfons are thorou hl checked and falsification will be cause for denial. ' (OY�R) i 1 .. �' � � 22. Nu�Ser of 3.2 places rrithin t�ao blocl;s NQne '' a . 23. Closest intoxicating liquor place. On Sale � Block Off Sa.le 2 BlOCk9 � 24. Pdearest Church St_ Rprnardc Tyrearest School Whitter � 2S. Number of booths 14 T�:bles 5 Chairs ZS Stools 1$ ! E6. • l�ihat occupation have you follo�:•eu for t�ie gast five years. (Give names of employers � and dates so employed.) , Twin Town Box 890 Vandalla Housewife � ...._..._._. , , , , 2?. Give names and r.cidresses of two persons� residents of St. Paul� i�iinn.� who can give information concernin� you. ' Name Mrs. Gin Tschida �.adress 1706 At�ate Street � Hame Mr. John Rosset afldress 1722 E. 5�' Street � � Signature o Appl cant , State of hiinnesota) )ss County of Rmmsey ) P$tricie Husing8 being first duly s�vorn� deposes and +�ays upon oath tha� he has read the foregoin� statement bearing his signature and lcnows the contents thereof� and that the sa.me is true of his oisn knowledge except ae to those mattera therein stated upon information and belieP and as to those matters he believes them to be true. . r , Signature of Applicant Subscribed and sworn to before me th day of 19 � � _... � Notary Public� Ramsey unty Minnesota �UREUO �. NARD1 � CO�i8610ri @XpI.2`@1S N�ry public, Ramsey County. Mlnfii MY-C.omm+is�=�{,; � ��„�q. (Note: These statement formis are in duplicate. Both copies must be fully filled out� notarized� and returned to the Licen�se Division. ) 8-23-71 STATE OF MINNESOTA) )SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ' � � 'i � being first duly sworn� doth depose and say that he makes this affidavit in connection wfth appli+catfon ior � �' x�: ��� Sale" liquor licen�e ("�� Sale" �nit bererage license) ia th� �; ;: CitT of 3aint Paul� Minnesota; that your affiant is a reaident of the $ta�te � of Minneeota and has resided therein for �� years� tonths� � ;f and is now and has been for the time above mentioned a bona fide resident of � said State and that he now �eaides at L � �. I � � — Address , �.'. � Minnesota. City or Town � k i � k �, � � � • � � � � Subscribed and sworn to before me � this day of 19z j � � i No ary Public� Ramsey oun y� inne o a � � � My commission expires �-� � � YICTOR B. ANDERSON , � Notary PubNc, Ramsey County, Mlnri. ' WSy Commission Explres Apr. 23. 1977. � 8-23-71 a � s 4 te i ( � � .. . . � ' ` ��. w ' � AFI�`IDAYIT BY APP'LICANT F"OR ^� RETAIL IIEER OR LIQUOR LICENSE 8e: � Sale LiquoY Licenee I lvame of applic�nt patricia Husin�a �� Bu+�ineas address 899 Rice�treet Are you the sole owner of this business?��. If not� is it a partnerahip? No corporation? �,q � other? Others interested in business' include those by loan of money� property or otherwises Name C.�urles Musa�hl Ad�'��� 4],5 West Cauntv R�B�iow 3 veara E If a corporation� give its name B_R. & M_ • Ire you interested in any way fn any other retail beer or liquor business? No Aa aole owner2 Nn Partner? Nn Stockholder? No Otherwise? (Through loan of money� etc. Ezplain) NQ � : Address of such buainess and nateu�e of interest in same . _ - . - : Signature of app cant State of Minnesota) )S+s County of Ramsey ) Patricia Husit}�e being first duly sworn� deposes and aays upon oath that he 3�as reQd the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and know+s the contents ' thereof; that the same ig true of his own knowledge� except as to thoee mattera therein ' Stated upon informatfon and belief and as to those matters he believes them to be true. ' - ; Signature of ap cant � � 3ubacribed and sworn to before me I thfs day of 19 i, ' otary Pnblic� Ramsey County� Minnesota My comaeiesion expires 19 . 7fUitEL10 P NARDt Notary Pubtic, Ramsey Gounry. M�, My Gvrnmiislpp Expjras �an. 11. 1974.,,. I „ yu� � ��'�'. �ee.. ��-�7.�SSo �c� i o_ //-�� At��'73 C� � � D �� b -� CITY OF ST. PAUL - -,/ ` APPLICATIVN FO "ON SALE" LI UO LICENSE �� R R � Q � B H & M I n� Application No...._ . __..._ . Name of Applican�....��i�#�[,.�.���:...__...._ Age._. ....................._...._..... ..�....._..__.._.._.. 2 9 _.._........_._._..__..._._ 8esidence Address.._..4�,�...W��_�....�otlnt �2oad A. .... Teie hone No..488.,-9617 3L..._.___........_........-�......................................... p ._.._..._..__._...._.... Are you a citizen of the United Statea?_..__...Ye S.._...._..__.._........._. _. _._ . _. � -#iave you ever been engaged in operating s saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or busineas of similar nature? No. Whenand where 7.�Q.............._-•--•�--�-----........_..._...._---._................_...._...__....................._......_...........---._...._...._..........___....__..._._.....___._.. If corporation, give name and general purpose of corp oration.....�..H..t. d�.M_-.,,...n ig,ht.�lub,�,,.,bgr,___mot e 1, hotel� and..,_restaurant� ,and �enera.l. business_�eneral.Iy. _ When incorporated?......__...�G.�.�?22�.�._.�..Q.�...._�,.�.��._. If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club membera?...N•.A....•..-....-.--_ _._...........____ Ho�+� many membera?.................---.._..__...._.._._........._..__...____..._.._.._ Names and addresses of a11 officers of corporation, and name and address of general manager. . . .. . . . . ... _.C11ar.1..e.s...:.P.su.1.....P1us.sehl..__.........._.........._._.4.1.�----kLes�. C i�r�t�....R�d._�...._...._._.S.t....._P.a�u.1..�.....Lin.t�es11� .Patricia Huisin�a _ .415_West....County .Road B. St. Pau1��Minnesota � _.....-�..................._.........---.._......_ ,Au�.e.�,.�a.....p_......�?�.�.�?.a�..._...-----��----.__..._........._..._._...�Q$...._�Qm.��r��....Bu,�1�.��..�.._........_._...s t�._�p�u.1._,._.Mi:�ne.�o�a Naines and addresses of Stockl�olders: ..��les.....Pata,l._..��uss�h.�._....___._..__.__4-� �ti-�-�fi---...�Q�.t,�.�.x--_�Q�d....B...............��.�...._Paul,�._Minnesota Patricia l3uis_inga _ M _ 415. West �ount __.Road_...B..._._____.St..._.Paut. Minnesota ' .._..... . .-------3' . _ __ :..---...--•-��-----�--.__._......_ �------.._.................................�----.__........_._.__.._ .::.........-----��-----........__....---.._..._.....----�---------.._..------_..___.._._.....----.__.......--�--......_...._...... j Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known......Bud.,,.Go ldberg____Com_pany.____...__.._...._._.� Number Street Side Between What Crosa Streets Ward 899 ; Rice ; East ' Wayzata ; Winnipeg How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ?....._..........11T...A...._-.-.......__.._......._.._......__.. How many feet from a church (measured along atreets) ?......F3,ve_..BlOCks How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets)?..................................._._ Name of closest school....._.._�i t t e r �w _ ......._._.._..._---._.__._........____........_ How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?....�Q�[1��.Ci�1.._..Liquor..._LiCetlse�..._......__ ._.�. _ .....___T Onv�-hat Hoor located?..........��,lf�.._r 1.Q.o.�._...._...._..........__.._..._..........................................._...._..---......._........._...__._. . ..._.---------•....................................._... Are premises owned by you or leased?Bll.��.�l,g...-------.If leased give name of owner........._.._...------_...._..--•.................._......---_.._.... Ifa restaurant give seating capacity?.......---75-..........-�---��-----.....�........................ ........�---............_.._....__............._...._........................-�--�•--�--:..............._..------ Ifhotel, seating capacity of main dining room?....._...._......._................... ...........................�--_...._..._...._..._...._...............---._._......---.,........_..._......_........_ Givetrade name------------Ih1Zch._.BBr.----�-------•---- ----------------•-------....---------...-----------••--------------------•------�•-------------•------•--------------•--- Give below the name, or number, or other deacription of e additional room in which liquor sales are intended: ............. ............... ....................�------.....-----�--........_..............._......._...._..-�----.........---..._...r-�--�-----..........__................----.......----....................-----•--.....---•-•--...-----_..................._..._......._...__ (T6e intormatioa abovs mnat be givea for hotels and restaurants which use raore than one room for liquor RAI@S�. � Howmany guest rooms in hotel?.�1.•A•.-_•_•---•-----_._._.............__..........--•-•---•-•-------...._......----_.._........ �-�------_......------......_........._.__....__.._..---._.....__--- Name of resident proprietor or manager (reataurant or hotel)_N t A�..._._....._..__...._..........._..__........_..._....__._....._..__._......�.._.. Give namea and addresses of three businesa references:....__..._....._...___._..........._..._.._...._..._.._.._..._----_...___...._......................._....._ I 1....Aur.elia....P.,....:'uar�ii....._........_....__.._...�.4$.S�tt�e�c�..�$��...1.�i.in.g._........... .attorne�_.at.MLaw..._......_ 2.....�IQ.n...R4�.��...�----....._._......__._.._..._...�1.722.__East...5tn,..Street._.._..._..........�Northern.. .Brokera�e � 3._H3.1.1.y--..�e�7�.en.,... . . ..&.�a�.zer�r.._Gompan�t_...._.....SS.Q_..�xii.u��s.�..�.Y....A,.Y..�.. THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VEKIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORP08ATiON, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CO�tPOR.ATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND ! THE SEAL OF THE COR,PORATION BE ATTACHED: � SEE OTHER SIDE � sTa� oF n�n�rxESar�, �`�. COUNTY OF RAMBEY, �• " r- .Charle.s Pau?� Mussehl � � d�y �� deposes and says that he has read the foregoing applicstion and lrnows the contenta ther.�of,and that the same ia �. � _ true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. � '��/ r�/ ....����!��'�?_..��_�._.�!s't Charles Paul Mussehl Subscribed and sworn to before me . this...._..��_ � day of���%�`7�' __19� ........_.__.....__.__.._.._.... . .... � _ . Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expirea.Januar_y�l l:____19 74 STATE aF MINNESOTA, $s COUNTY OF BAMSEY, ry Ch�ar 1 e s Pau 1 Mu s s eh� ..:»...._.._:.._.�.�_ _._..---.---.,..._:.__...�_....___..___.�....._.._.tieing Srat d"uly aworn, . _.�...�._...._..._..�._... , ..._..._..._.,�..__ ► depases and says tha�......Y1P._.....__._.___._�hn a rar�1 i r���,__.._ - ... . , . , B:H.�_..&..M.s--_...._........._. . __ _. . . _.__.._ � 8 C0lp0�tloII� qf....._....�.._.:..._. --•--•---__.....__._. �--_...._...._..._..__._._ that._---..:....h.�........_........................................_.....has read the foregoing application and knowa the contenta thereof�and that the saine is true to the best of............h.l..s._.........__...__.._..._......lrnowledge, information and belief; that the a�l af$xed to the fAregoing instrument is the corporate sea� of sa.id corporation; that said application was aigned, aealefl and e�� cuted on behalf of aaid corporation by aathority of ita Boaxd of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. -. . . • .... �s��..._...1�.�.G�Y•.• ��ar�es Pau� Musse Subscribed and sworn to before me 7'� �, .� this.... .... ._...._...._....day of... ._ ..:.���._.:...7.9 !.� _ _ ... �'..�._...�.���-�- �..__. �Notary Public, Ramsey CounLy, Minn. My commission expirea.Janttar�_I I.� 19 74