259995 ORIdi1VAL TO CITY CLERK I.a�9��; * CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ' � `;. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. ' LIC�:i�dSE COMMITT�i�;r� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � October 27� 1972 COMMISSIONE ATF WH�ti:AS: On July 6, 1y72, C. F. No. 259223, the City Council granted Bingo 26 Periods License No. 6922, expiring December 27, 1972 to Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie No. 33 at 1058 University Avenue, second floor, for games to be held on G�ednesday afternoons 'aetween the hours of 1:00 and 5;00 P.N1. and � -' 4� S: They request a chan�e of address, change of day and change of hours, namely 733 Pierce Butler Route, 1�londay evenings, 7:30 to 11:30 P.M. , therefore, be it RESGLVr�D: That License No. 6922 held by I'raternal Order of �;agles, Ae�ie No. 33 be and the same is hereby arnended to read "733 Pierce Butler'Route, P�Ionday evenings, between the hours of 7:30 a.nd 11:30 P.Ni. , expiring Januaxy l, 1.973" effective ��u�ust 7, 1972 for the remainder of the license year. AltiiiSlDNrNi�i (hdciress, day, hours� 0CT 8 7 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19_ Yeas Nays 0 CT 3 t 1972 utler H�� � lson Kd�opAt� y �' Approv 19� vine Levine �`,� Meredith " �In Favor reditl�prafka S afka Tedesco � Mayor Te esco Mme. Pl�s����� ABainst Mr. Presid nt, McCarty PUB�ic''� ��V 4 �972 �� ; �'�fi.�R��i . : D E PART M E NT R. H. ROWAN CHIEF OF POLICE OF POLICE ,e� C ITY 0 F ST. PAU L 101 Eo 10TH STREET ST, PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 (612)-291-1 1 1 1 Octobe�° 27, 1972 Hon.orable Niayor and City Council Saint Paul, �'iinnesota Ladies �d Gentlemen: On Ju1y 6, 1972, a Bin.�o License for 26 periods w�s t��ranted to the Fratern�,l Order of La�les, _''��erie T1o. 33 at 1058 University ��ven.ue, �econd Hloor. They played these �;ames on i�ledn.esday aiternoons .,etween the hours of 1:OU a.nd 5:�o Y.M. On July 31, 1972, we were notifed tha.t the or_�an- ization was discon.tinuing this oper.ation at 1058 University and ���ould be rec�uesting a chan.ge of address to their n.etiv buildin� at 733 I'ierce Butler Route. lherefore, they are requestina the �alance of this license be tra,nsfered to 733 Pierce Butler and the day and hours chan�ed from ��,�ednesday afternoons between the hours of 1:00 and 5:00 P.Tvl. to T-�onday evenin:_s bet�reen the hours of 7:30 and 11:30 �,NT. Very truly yours, � �i�C.�I���,• �� License Ir_spector D. J. Blakely R. F. LaBathe W. McCutcheon Deputy Chief Deputy Chief Deputy Chief Patrol Division Investigative Division Services Diviaion �