259990 ' 25y�9� OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK ; CITY OF ST. PAUL FCOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK '� � CO NCIL RESOLU ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY , � � � � _� COMMISSIONE ATF �^ Q ��T .� � �r�- � 6dNEREAS, in connection �aith the Public Safety Plumbin� Rehabilitation in the Jail , it a�ii1 be necessarv to incur certain preliminary engineering, �raftina, r�iscellaneous costs� TNEREFORE, BE IT P,ESQLVEQ, that the City of St. Paul proceed v�ith the necessary a!ark at an estirated cost of �5,�OO.OQ°, and be it FURTHEP l�ESOLVEq:� that these costs k�e charc�ed to the �err�aaxEnt Ir;prover�ent �evol vi nq Fund Coc�� rEo. ��lQ(�a and thi s func� to bP reir�bursed from Ca�i tal Im�rover�ent Jond (C.I.P.) Fund Plo. 9172-�1�3. ,�ORM RP OV D: ' Asst. i At orney COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci��CT a? 1972 19_ Yeas Nays ler ��T 31 �97'2 �o�at7kiv Approved 19� ` Konopa� .'�~ (o vine Levine -In Favor reditlMereditR Mayor p fkaSprafkl J �p�---- A gainst Mme. Preslden#, Butl� Mr. Preside#�t, A�C��c QUBLISHED N01/ 41972 �� � 259�9� DU*LICAT6 TO lRIN'RR .. . _ CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � ,,: COUNCIL RESOWTION--GENERAL FORM ra��o rr COMMISSIONEQ DA ti��V� A 1 A'!A � �_ MHEREAS, in connectta� Nith the Publ/c Safety Plwibing R�sha6ilitation in the Jai1 , it wili be necesaary to incur certaln preli�+innry enqineertng, dra ftt n9. �ai setl i aneous crosts; - TNEREFORE, 6� IT RES�.VED, that the City of St. Paul proceed M1lh the necessary work at an estimated cost af �5,000.00; and be it FURTHER RESOI;YEO, that these costs be charged to th� Per�e�t Iaaproven�ent Revolv�ing Fund Code i�. 6000, tnd this fMb to be rfi+NAuntd troai Capital Improvement Bond (C.I.B.� Fund Na. 9172•003. - � COUNCII�MEN Adopted by the Council 0 CT a? �9�9_.. Yeas Nays �� Hunt �i�k� A�oea p CT 31 19T2 �9` Levme °� Mereditli T►+ Favor redit�Sprafka Mayor rafk�� desco'�]l�.$�t„Bsl�1 �—A8'ainst Mr. Pre ident, 71� ��