259983 WHITE '- CITY CLERK �
PINK + -�FINANCE CO1111C11 �
BLWE �•-MAY�R File NO.
u � ' � "�0 rdin�nce Ordinance N 0. �`��f�
` • �� � � ,� ,.� `�
Presented By �1 � �
Referred To �'. � Committee: Date
� `
Out of Committee By `� Date
An ordinance establishing theprocedure for
vacating public streets , alleys and public grounds ;
amending Chapter 228 of the Saint Pau1 Legislative
Code .
Section 1. That Chapter 228 of the Saint Paul Legislative
Code be and the same is hereby rescinded and repealed, and the
following adopted in lieu and in place thereof:
228.01 Definition: The word "street" as used in this
chapter shall be construed to mean public grounds , public
streets , alleys and highways in the City of Saint Paul .
228.02 Procedure fqr Initiatin� Prdeeedin�ss The
Council of the �ity of Sain� Paul shall have the exclusive
power to vacate public streets or portions thereo� within the
city. Vacation proceedings may be initiated in the following
manner: (1) where the City of 5aint Paul owns fee title
-. to. the property sought to be vacated-, any member of the
ci�ty oouncil or the mayor may submit a written petition.
. therefor; (2) by written petition of the majority of the
owners of the property on t�he line of such street or portion
thereof sought to be vacated; (3) the city council may waive
the requirement for the majority of owners for a petition
if the ci�y council shall determine that a hardship exists
therefor, and in such case a petition may be submitted by
any number of owners ,of property on the line of such street
or portion thereof sought to be vacated.
All petitions shall bring forth the facts and reasons
for such vacation, accompanied by a plat of such street or
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
-��errvp�i- In Favor
Meredith Against BY
Sprafka �
Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by ity tto
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
�d by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
_ By
_ ,
Page 2.
streets proposed to be vacated. Petitions shall be addressed
to the council of the city of Saint Paul and filed with the
city clerk.
228. 03 Verified Petitions and Filin� Expense : All
petrtions filed by owners as provided above shall be verified
by the oath of one of the petitioners that the petition was
signed by each of the parties described in the petition
and in the presence of the affiant . Such petitions must be
approved by the city attorney as to form before submission
to the council . The city ,attorney shall certify that
the petition is signed by the requisite number of petitioners
and that such petitioners are the owners of the property
abutting upon the street or portion thereof sought to be
vacated. For the purpose of verifying titles and ownership
abstracts of title certified to the date of the petition
or to any time thereafter shall be submitted with the petition
to the city attorney for examination. At the time of filing
such petitions the owners petitioning therefor sha11 pay to
the city clerk �100 as the filing fee therefor `and coverage
of the city' s publication, filing and other procedural : costs
connected therewith.
228. 04 Public Hearin� : Upon receipt of petitions
the council shall transmit a copy thereof to the department
of finance and management services . This depaxtment shall
contact all affected city departments , agencies and other
units oY government for the purpose of submitting to the
council a report with recommendations concerning the present
or future needs and uses of the street under consideration.
This report shall be returned to the city council within
sixty dayS following the date of request unless- the council
shall grant an extension of time therefor. Upon receipt
of the report and recommendations , the council shall fix a
date for publie hearing to consider the petition and afford
an opportuni�y to all affected property owners to be heard.
The city clerk shall cause notice of the hearing to be pub—
lished once in the official newspaper of the city, and mailed
notice thereof shall be given by the department of �inance
and management services to all owners of land abutting on the
street proposed to be vacated. Published notice and mailed
notice shall be made at least twenty days in advance of the
public hearing.
The council , at the public hearing or adjournment
thereof, shall consider the petition and may� by resolution
adopted by an affirmative vote of at least �ive of its
members , vacate and declare such street or portion thereof
. ' i - r
Page 3.
vacated and discontinued. The council may condition any
vacation upon terms and conditions and such compensation
being paid to the city as shall be set forth in its reso-
lution. No vacation of any street shall be allowed except
upon the compliance with all such terms and conditions as
may be established by the city council .
228. 05 Terms and Conditions of Vacation: Al1 vaca-
tions o.f streets made by the council shall be made upon and
subject' �o the �ollowing terms and conditions :
(a) The petitioner shall pay into the treasury
of said city such sum of money as may be fixed by
the council in the vacation resolution as compensa-
• tion to the city for such vacation and, in addition.;
thereto , the cost of the vacation proceedings ; pro-
vided, however, that compensation shall not be re-
quired if the city is the petitioner as provided
for in Section, 228 .02 (1) .
(b) The petitioners , or some of them, shall file
a bond or underta�i�tg-�w3t3�- the city clerk in such
sum as may be fixed by the council , in such form as
may be approved by the city attorney, conditioned
to indemnify and hold the city harmless from any
and all damages , cl�.ims for damages , cost,s ,' charges
and expenses of every �ind and nature ari�sing or
growing out of the vacation of the street described
in the resolution; provided that whenever the peti-
tioner is a municipal corporation or other govern-
- ' mental agency, the cauncil may waive any bond or
undertaking and in lieu thereof may accept a written
covenant from said municipal corporation o� govern-
mental agency, conditioned to indemnify and hold the
city harmless from any and all damages , claims for
damages , costs , charges and expenses of every kind
and nature arising or growing out of the vacation of
the street described in the resolution.
(c ) The city shall reserve and hereby does
reserve to and for itself and to and for any persons
or corporations having public instrumentalities in
the vacated street , the right to install , maintain
and operate any sewer; water, gas or electric main,
pipe or conduit, or any other public instrumentality
in or upon the vacated street and to enter upon such
street or any portion thereof at any time and from
time to time for the purpose of reconstructing ,
r •' �..
Page 4.
inspecting, maintaining or repairing same .
Provided, that the council resolution may specify
that the street or portion thereof to be vacated is
released �from the claim of the city , for itself
or on behalf of any other person or corporation,
to any right or easement therein for the const"ruc-
tion, reconstruction, repair, maintenance and opera-
tion of any of the aforesaid instrumentalities by
the city council ' s findings in said resolution that
no such public instrumentality is located within the
street or portion thereof to be vacated, or if
so located therein is voluntarily surrendered or
abandoned by the city. Provided further, additional
to all other authority and power hereby conferred
upon such city council , that said city council shall
be authorized and empowered to make special provision
in any particular case for the reservation, to said
city, as an exception to the vacation . of any public
ground, public street , a11ey or Y�ighway, of a per-
petual right or easement , within the tract of �and
which shall embrace the vacation area, for said
cit�'�' cortst'ruction, reeonstructY��ri; repa,i-r, �tin-
tenanee ��• +!e►�!��'���ec��t�;`t�,€��i� o�' p�b�ie ��r�r�,r�;° '.
w�.t��., ,; �;�:�.,'.�����e�eetric mains , pipe•� , cQri�d;t��t��,�'or
���'��'"public instrumentalities , despite the fact
t none such publi`O instrumentalities shall be
a "`cated within such tract of land when the subject
vacation shall be effected.
(d) If by virtue of such vacation, or if by
subsequent grant, any street or part thereof shall
become the property of any person or corporation
paying a gross earnings tax in lieu of other taxes
and assessments, such vacated street or portion
thereof shall nevertheless be subject to assess-
ments for any public or local imp�ovements , in
common with other property deemed benefited thereby.
(e ) Within thirty days after the publication of
any v�cation resolution, the petitioner shall file
with the city clerk an acceptance iri writin� of
the conditions of such resolution, and shall within�
said period comply in all respects with the terms
and conditions of such resolution. _ In case of
failure to file such acceptance and to comp�y with
such conditions within the said period of thirty
days , tl�e resolution shall be ipso facto null and
void; provided, however, that the city council
may, by resolution adopted by an affirmative vote
� of at least five o� its members prior to the
: .
_ . . .
- � .
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Page 5 .
expiration of said thirty-day period, amend the
vacation resolution so as to extend the time for
compliance for an additional period of thi�ty
days .
228.06 Waiver of Retained Easements : The terms and
conditions specified in Section 228. 05 shall be deemed
to be a part of every vacation resolution, and such reso-
lution shall refer to this chapter by citation, but need
not set out the said conditions . The imposition of the
conditions herein specified shall not be construed to
preclude the council from imposing such other and further
conditions as it may deem advisable in particular cases .
The terms and conditions as specified and reserved
in Section 228 . 05(c ) may be waived by subsequent resolution
of the council of the city of Saint Paul , said resolution
to be adopted and approved by no less than five votes of
the council members present and voting, and said resolution
�o recite there.in and that City of Saint Paul , for itself
and for those persons fQr whotu_ it has reserved -eaaements ,
� rights and other elain�s- i�-said �aceted property for �the
_ _
installation, maintenanee and operati�n of any sewer, �ater,
gas or electrical main, pipe or conduit of public instru-
mentality, and upon receipt in writing of certificates of
intended nonuse of reserved rights , easements and other
claims by the affected city department or public' service
corporation, shall , as to said vacated property, waive
said retained rights , easements , and other claims .
228. 07 Certificate of Completion: Upon compliance
with all of the terms and conditions of such resolution,
the city clerk shall issue a certificate to the effect
that the petitioner�s, or some of them, have compalied with
the terms and conditions of such resolution and 'that
thereby the sai�l resolution has become operative . The
city clerk shall file a copy of such certificate , together
with a copy of !the vacation resolution, with the o�fice of
the register of deeds and�or �egistrar of titles of Ra�sey
County and sha11 notify all affected city departments of
such filing.
� 228.08 Rescission of �tesolutians--Fail:u"r�` tQ �omp1Y
with Conditions.s In the event the petitioner st�a1T fail
to comply �with the conditions of the vaeation resolu_tion
within the peri.od of time set forth therein, the city clerk
shall so notify th� city council , and the council , by reso-
"�'t lution, shall rescind 'its previous resolution vacating the
street or portion thereof. Copies of said res'i�lution
shal� be transmitted by the �cit� clerk to the petitioner
and to all affected city departments .
WHI7E.� - CITY CLERK ^� ��
. � �
� � � Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. �J��� w
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Page 6.
Section 2 . This ordinance shall take effect and be
in force thirty days from and after its passage , approval
and publication.
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hunt �
p�:� In Favor
Meredith � Against BY
JA N 19 1973 Form Approved by Ci A rne`
Adopted by Council: Date „
Certifie ssed by Coun ' cr ry BY
Appro by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor or ubmission to Council
By PUBLISHED A 2 By p��a�� JAN 2 7 1973
� ������
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Mayor La.wrence D. Cohen �-�,, ,..,�, �
City of Saint Paul
Attention: Phil Lee � �''�.,;
Re: Vacation of Streets, Public Grounds - Proposed
Ordina.nce Amendments
Dear Mayor Cohen:
With the help of A1 Olson and Bill Donovan, I ha.ve prepared
an ordinance amending Cha.pter 228 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code dealing with the procedures to vacate
streets and public grounds in accordance with the authority
provided in Section 13.05 of the Cha.rter, as amended.
This ordinance is very similar to the present provision,
but provides:
1. Tha.t any member of the City Council or the Mayor may
petition to vacate streets, etc.
2 . Provides tha.t the petition will be referred by the
Council to the Department of Finance and Ma.na.gement
Services for study, review and recommendations.
3. The Department is required to return the petition
with its report within thirty days after referral,
unless the Council grants an extension of time.
4. Attempted to clarify Section 228.05(c) to provide
that the vacation resolution may (a) provide for reten-
tion of easements for utilities in place at tha.t time;
(b) specifically release any utility rights in the
vacated property upon a finding that there are no
utilities located there or that if any utilities are
present, such rights are voluntarily released or, in
the alt�rna.tive, (c) reserve the right to install
utilities in a portion of the vacated property.
City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�02
612 223-5121
� .- �������3
Mayor Lawrence Cohen
October 18, 1972
5 . In cases where the terms and conditions of the
resolution cannot be complied with within thirty
days after publication of the resolution, the Council
ma.y, by resolution adopted prior to the expiration
of this thirty-day period, grant one extension of
up to thirty days' time to comply.
6. The present ordinance provides tha.t the City Clerk
shall file a certificate with the Register of Deeds
if the terms and conditions have been complied with.
This is retained, and, in addition, the Clerk will
notify the Council tha.t the conditions ha.ve not been
met. The Council will then adopt a resolution re-
scinding the vacation resolution, and the Clerk will
notify the petitioner and all interested City
The present ordinance is in need of revision because of
the new Cha.rter provision, and I believe the attached will
provide an administratively good procedure.
If this is satisfactory, the ordinance is in proper form
to be presented to the City Council.
Very t ly your ,
JE . A
Assist nt C ty tor ey
JJS :er
cc:Robert Trudeau
Harry Ma.rshall
J. William Donovan
Al Olson
� �� . -�. ��99�'.�
. R E+C�. �, c.D �
Janu.ary 10, 1973 KENNETH ). FITZPATRICK
Councilman Robert Sprafka.
City of Saint Paul
Re: Proposed Ordinance - Vacation of Public Grounds,
Streets, Etc.
Dear Councilma.n Sprafka.:
At your request and the request of the City Council Sub-
committee, I ha.ve prepared an ordina.nce amending proposed
ordina.nce setting forth vacation of public ground proce-
dures to comply with the request of your committee. This
ma.y be submitted by you to the City Council with your
motion tha.t the present ordinance pending before the City
Council be amended so as to substitute the attached
ordinance in place of the ordinance tha.t has previously
been presented. Once this amendment ha.s been approved
by the City Council, it may proceed through the norma.l
procedures for adoption.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call me.
Very truly yours,
As i an Cit tt rney�,:.,y��'
City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
612 223-5121
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Page 2.
streets proposed to be vacated. Petitions shall be aadressed
to the council of the city of Saint Paul and filed with the
city clerk.
228 . 03 Verified Petitions and Filin� Expense : A1.1
petitions filed by owners as provided above shall be verified
by the oath of one of the petitioners that the petition was
signed by each of the parties described in the petition
and in the presence of the affiant . Such petitions must be
approved by the city attorney as to form before submission
to the council. The city .attorney shall certify that
the petition is signed by the requisite number of petitioners
and that such petitioners are the owners of the property
abutting upon the street or portion thereof sought to be
vacated. For the purpose of verifying titles and ownership
abstracts of title certified to the date of the pe�tition
or to any time thereafter shall be submitted with the petition
to the city attorney for examination. At the time of filing
such petitions the owners petitioning therefor shall pay to
the city clerk �100 as the filing fee therefor �and coverage
of the city' s publication, filing and other procedural:: costs
connected therewith.
228. 04 Public Hearin� : Upon receipt of petitions
the council shall transmit a copy thereof to the department
' of finance and management services . This department shall
contact all affected city departments , ageneies and other
units of government for the purpose of submitting to the
council a report with recommendations concerning the present
or future needs and uses of the street under consideration.
This repor� -"shall be returned to the eity council within
sixty days following the date of request unlesg- the council
shall grant an extension of time therefor. Upon receipt
of the report and recommendations , the council shall fix a
date for publie hearing to consider the petition-and afford
an opportunl�y to all affected property owners. to be heard.
The city clerk shall cause notice of the hearing to be pub—
lished once in the official newspaper of the city, and mailed
notice thereof shall be given by the department of finance
and management services to alI owners of land abutting on the
street proposed to be vacated. Published notice and mailed
notice shall be macle at least twenty days in advance of the
public hearing.
The council , at the public hearing or adjournment
thereof, shall consider the petition and ma�, by resolution
adopted by an affirmative vote of at least five of its
memt�ers , vacate ancl declare such street or portion thereof
� ,
� .. s
Page 3.
vacated and cliscontinued. The council may condition any
vacation upon terms and conditions and such compensation
being paid to the city as shall be set forth in its reso-
lution. No vacation of any street shall be allowed except
upon the compliance with all such terms and conditions as
may be established by the city council :
228 . 05 Terms and Conditions of Vacation: All vaca-
tions of streets made by the council shall be made upon and
subject to the following terms and conditions :
(a) The petitioner shall pay into the treasury
of said city such sum of money as may be fixed by
the council in the vacation resolution as compensa-
� tion to the city for such vacation and, in addition..
thereto , � the cost of the vacation proceedings ; pro-
vided, however, that compensation shall not be re-
quired if the city is the petitioner as provided
for in Section, 228 . 02 ( 1) .
(b) The pet,itioners , or some of them, shall file
a bond or undertaking with the city clerk in such
sum as may be fixed by the council , in such form as �
may be approved by the city attorney, conditioned
to indemnify and hold the city harmless from any
, and all damages , claims for damages , cost.s ,' charges
and expenses of every kind ancl nature arising or �
growing out of the vacation of the street described
in the resolution; ' provided that whenever the peti-
tioner is a municipal corporation or other govern-
- mental agency, the council may waive any bo.nd or
undertaking and in lieu thereof may accept a written
covenant from said municipal corporation or govern-
mental agency, conditioned to indemnify and hold the
city harmless from any and all damages , claims for
dama�es , costs , charges and expenses of every kind
and na�ure arising or growing out of the vacation of
the street described in the resolution. �
(c ) The city shall reserve and fiereby does
reserve to anci for itsetf and to and for any persons
or corporations having public instrumentalities in
the vacated street , the right to install , maintain `
, and operate any sewer; water, gas or electric main,
pipe or conduit , or any other public instrumentality
in or upon the vacated street and to enter upon such
street or any portion thereof at any time and from
time to time for the purpose of reconstructing ,
, _
� . ,
Page 4. �
inspecting, rnaintaining or repairin� same .
Provided, that the council resolution may specify
that the street or portion thereof to be vacated is
released from the claim of the city , for itself
or on behalf of any other person or corporation,
to any right or easement ther�in for the const"ruc-
tion, reconstruction, repair, maintenance and opera-
tion of any of the aforesaid instrumentalities by
the city council ' s findings in said resolution that
no such public instrumentality is located within the
street or portion thereof to be vacated, ar if
so located therein is voluntarily surrendered or
abandoried by the city. Provided �urther, additional
to all other authority and power hereby conferred
upon such city council , that said city council shall
be authorized and empowered to make special provision
in any particular case for the reservation, to said
city, as an exception to the vacation of any public
ground, public street , alley or high�vay, of a per-
petual right or easement, within the tract o� land
which shall embrace the vacation area, for said
city' s construction, reconstruction, repair,- main-
tenance and operation therein o�' public sewer,
water, gas or electric mains , pipes , conduits , or
other public instrumentalities , despite the fact
that none such public instrumentalities snall ba
. located within such tract of land when the subject
vacation shall be effected.
(d) If by vir'tue of such vacation, or if by
subsequent grant , any street or part thereof shall
become the property of any person or corporation
paying a gross earnings tax in lieu of other taxes
and assessments, such vacated street or portion
thereof shall nevertheless be subject to assess-
. ments for any public or local improvements, in
common with other property deemed benefited thereby.
(e ) Within thirty days after the publication of
any vacation resolution, the petitioner shall file
with the city clerk an acceptance iri writing of
the conditions, of such resolution, and shall within
said period comply in all respects with the terms
and conditions of such resolution. In case of -
failure to file such acceptance and to comply with
such conditions within the said period of thirty
days , the resolution shall be ipso facto null and
void; provided, hosvever, that th� city council
may, by resolution adopted by an affirmative vote �
• of at least five of its members prior to .the
t •
' _
� , Pabe 5 .
eYpiration of said thirty-day periocl, amend the
vacation resolution so as to extend the time for
compliance for an additional period of thi�rty
days .
228 . 06 Waiver of Retained Easements : The terms and
conditions specified in Section 228 . 05 shall be deemed
to be a part of every vacation resolution, and such reso-
lution shall refer to this chapter by citation, but need
not set out the said conditions . The imposition of the
conditions herein specified shall not be construed to
preclude the council from imposing such other and further
conditions as it may cleem advisable in particular cases .
The terms and conditions as specified and reserved
in Section 228 . 07(c ) may be waived by subsequent resolution
of the council of the city of Saint Paul , said resolution
to be adopted and approved by no less than five votes of
�- . the council members present and voting, and said resolution
, to recite therein and that City of Saint Paul , for itself
and for those persons for whom it has reserved easements ,
ribhts and other claims in said vacated property for the
installation, maintenance and operat�n of any sewer,. water,
gas or electrieal main, pipe or conduit of public instru-.
mentality, and upon receipt in writin� of certificates of
intended nonuse of reserved. rights , easements an�i other
claims by the affected city department or public` service
' corporation, shall , as to said vacated property, wa,ive
said retained rights , easements , and other claims .
228 . 07 Certificate of Completion: Upon compliance
with all of the terms and conditions of such resolution,
the city clerk shall issue a certificate to the effect
that the petitioners , or some of them, have comp�`lied with
the terms and conditions of such resolution and that
thereby the sai�l resolution has become oper�.tive . The
city clerk shall file a copy of such certificate , together
critYi a copy of-: the v��,cation resolution, with the o�fice of
the recister of deeds and�or registrar of titles of Ramsey
County and shall notify all affected city departments o�
sucti filing .
228 . 08 Rescission of Resolutions--Failure to Comply
with Conditions : In the event the petitioner shall fail �
to cornply -with the conciitions of the vacation 'resolution
�aithin the peri.od of time set forth therein, the city clerk
stiall so notify ttle city council , and the council , by reso-
lution, shall rescind its previous resolution vacating the
stx•eet or portion thereof. Copies of said resqlution
shal� be transmitted by the �city clerk to the petitioner
and to all affected city clepartments .
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Section 1.
Tha.t Cha. er 228 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the
same is hereby escinded and repealed, and the following adopted
in lieu and in ace thereof:
228.01. Def ition: The word "street" as used in this
cha.pter shall e c strued to mean public grounds, public streets�
alleys and highways in the City of Saint Paul.
_ _ .
228.02 . Proced e for Initiatin Proceedin s: The Council
of the City o Saint u s ve t e so e exc usive power to
vacate public streets r portions thereof within said city. The
Council shall consider uch vacation upon the written petition
of any member of the Cit Council, the Ma.yor or the ma.jority of
the owners of the proper on the line of such street or a portion
thereof sought to be vaca ed. Each petition sha.11 bring forth the
facts and reasons for such vacation accompanied by a plat of such
street or streets proposed o be vacated. Petitions shall be
addressed to the Council of the City of Saint Paul and filed with
the City Clerk.
228.03. Verified Petiti s and Filin Ex ense: All petitions
filed by owners as provi e a ve s e veri ie by the oath
of one of the petitioners tha.t he petition was signed by each of
the parties described in the pe ' tion and in the presence of the
affiant. Such petitions must be pproved by the City Attorney as
to form before submission to the ouncil. The City Attorney sha.11
certify tha.t the petition is signe by the requisite number of
petitioners and tha.t such petitione s are the owners of the property
abutting upon the street or portion hereof sought to be vacated.
For the purpose of verifying titles d ownership Abstracts of Title
certified to the date of the petition� or to any time thereafter
sha.11 be submitted with the petition t the City Attorney for exam-
ina.tion. At the time of filing such pe�itions the owners petition-
ing therefor shall pay to the City �lerl�:, $100.00 as the filing fee
therefor and coverage of the City' s publi�ation, filing and other
procedural costs co�.nected therewith.
228.04. Public Hearin : Upon receipt of petitions the Council
sha.11 transmit a copy t ereof to the Depa.rtment of Fina.nce and
Mana.gement Services. This department sha.11 contact all affected
City departments, agencies and other units of �overnment for the
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci�
Carlson Tn Favor
Meredith Against
Mr. President (McCarty) Approved•
City Clerk ayor
Form approved Corpor�t3on Counsel By ' � .
_ . , , , ,
• , A I
� . • ���"����
. � ; � . .��
2 .
purpose of submitting to the Council a report with recommendations
concerning tYi.� present or future needs and uses of the street
under consideration. This report shall be returned to the City
Council within thirty days following the date of request unless the
Council shall graffit an extension of time therefor. Upon receipt
of the report and �ecommendations, the Council sha.11 fix a date
for public hearing '�o consider the petition and afford an oppor-
tunity to all affect�d property owners to be heard. The City
Clerk sha.11 cause not�ce of the hearing to be published once in
the official newspaper of the City, and mailed notice thereof sha.11
be given by the Depart�nt of Fina.nce and Ma.nagement Services to
all owners of land abut�,ing on the street proposed to be vacated.
Published notice and mai ed notice shall be ma.de at least twenty
days in advance of the pu lic hearing.
The Council, at the p blic hearing or adjournment thereof,
sha.11 consider the petitio and ma.y by resolution, adopted by an
affirma.tive vote of at leas five of its members, vacate and de-
clare such street or portio thereof vacated and discontinued.
The Council may condition a vacation upon terms and conditions
and such compensation being aid to the City as sha.11 be set forth
in its resolution. No vacat on of any street sha.11 be allowed
except upon the compliance wi�h all such terms and conditions as
may be established by the Cit � Council.
228.05. Terms and Condit ons of Vacation: All vacations of
streets ma.de by t e Counci s � e ma e upon and subject to the
following terms and conditions: .
_ �.
(a) The pe-�Citioner s 11 pay into the treasury of
said City such sum of money 'as ma.y be fixed by the Council
in the vacation resolution compensation to the City
for such vacation and, in ad ition thereto, the cost of
the vacation proceedings .
(b) The petitioners, or�some of them, sha.11 file
a bond or undertaking with the�City Clerk in such sum
as may be f ixed by the Counci 1 , in such f orm as ma.y be
approved by the City Attorney, �onditioned to indemnify
and hold the City ha.rmless from �a.ny and all dama.ges,
claims for damages, costs, cha.rg s and expenses of every
kind and na.ture arising or growi�g out of the vacation
of the street described in the re olution; provided� that
whenever the petitioner is a muni�ipal corporation or
other governmental agency, the Cou�.cil ma.y waive any
bond or undertaking and in lieu the�reof ma.y accept a
written covenant from said municipa�, corporation or gov-
ernmental agency, conditioned to inc��emnify and hold the
City harmless from any and all damag�s, claims for -
` dama.ges, costs, cha.rges and expenses of every kind and
na.ture arising or growing out of the �acation of the
street described in the resolution.
(c) The City sha.11 reserve and hexeby does reserve
to and for itself and to and for any persons or corpora-
tions ha.ving public instrumentalities in `the vacated
street, the right to install, maintain ancl operate any
sewer, water, gas or electric main, pipe or conduit, or
any other public instrumentality in or upon the vacated
(Draft 8/20/72)
. �
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3 .
�' street and to enter upon such street or any portion
�`�,; thereof at any time and from time to time for the pur-
'`�.. pose of reconstructing, inspecting, ma.intaining or
���k,� repa.iring same. Provided, tha.t the Council resolution
}�; ma.y specify tha.t the street or portion thereof to be
``�,vacated is released from the claim of the City, for
i self or on beha.lf of any other person or corporation
to any right or easement therein for the construction,
rec struction, repair, ma.intena.nce and operation of
any o the aforesaid instrumentalities by the City
Coun�i ' s findings in said resolution tha.t no such
public nstrumentality is located within the street or
portion ereof to be vacated, or if so located therein
is volunt ily surrendered or abandoned by the City.
Provided i ther, additiona.l to all other authority and
power hereb conferred upon such City Council, that
said City Co ncil sha.11 be authorized and empowered to
make special rovision in any particular case, for the
reservation, t said City, as an exception to the vaca-
tion of any pu ic ground, public street, alley or
highway, of a p petua.l right or easement, within the
tract of land wh ch shall embrace the vacation area,
for said City' s c nstruction, reconstruction, repair,
maintena.nce and o ration therein of public sewer,
water, gas or elec ic ma.ins, pipes, conduits, or
other public instr entalities, despite the fact tha.t
none such public ins rumentalities sha.11 be located
within such tract of and when the subject vacation
sha.11 be effected.
(d) If by virtue f such vacation, or if by sub-
sequent grant, any stre t or part thereof shall become
the property of any pers n or corporation pa.ying a
gross earnings tax in lie of other taxes and assess-
ments, such vacated stree or portion thereof shall
nevertheless be subject to ssessments for any pu�lic
or local improvements, in c mmon with other property
deemed benefited thereby.
(e) With_i.n thirty days ter the publication of
any vacation resolution, the p titioner sha.11 file
with the City Clerk an acceptan e in writing of the
conditions of such resolution, a d sha.11 within said
period, comply in all respects w h the terms and con-
ditions of such resolution. In c' e of failure to file
such acceptance and to comply with�such conditions
within the said period of thirty da�s, the resolution
sha.11 be ipso facto null and void; p`�ovided, howev�r,
tha.t the City Council ma.y, by resolut��on adopted by an
affirma.tive vote of at least five of i�s members prior
to the expiration of said thirty-day pCriod, amend the
vacation resolution so as to extend the ���ime for com-
pliance f or an additiona.l period of thir�,y days .
(Draft 8/20/72)
o�.;so c�,c��
" -�s�=�� : = ORDINANCE � �-(� p
228.06 Waiver of Retained Easements: The terms and conditions
specified i Section 22 . s e eemed to be a part of every
vacation res lution, and such resolution shall refer to this chapter
by citation, ut need not set out the said conditions. The imposi-
tion of the c nditions herein specified sha.11 not be construed to
preclude the C uncil from imposing such other and further conditions
as it may deem dvisable in particular cases .
The terms a d conditions as specified and reserved in Section
228.05(c) may be aived by subsequent resolution of the Council of
the City of Saint aul, said resolution to be adopted and approved
by no less tha.n fi e votes of the Council members present and vot-
ing� and said resol tion to recite therein and tha.t City of Saint
Paul, for itself an .� for those persons for whom it has reserved
easements, rights an other claims in said vacated proper�y for
the installation� mai tenance and operation of any se�aer, water,
gas or electrical ma.in pipe or conduit of public instrumentality,
and upon receipt in wri ing of certificates of intended nonuse of
reserved rights, easeme s and other claims by the affected City
department or public ser ice corporation, sha.11, as to said vacated-
property, waive said reta ned rights� easements, and other claims.
228 .07. Certificate Com letion: Upon compliance with al.l
of the terms an con itions o suc-'f resolution, the City Clerk shall
issue a certificate to the e fect that the petitioners, or some of
them, have complied with the `�terms and conditions of such resolution
and that _thereby the said resi4lution ha.s become operative. The City
_ Clerk sha.11 file a copy of suc�,i certificate, together with a copy
of the vacation resolution, wi the Office of the Register of Deeds
and/or Registrar of Titles and 11 notify all affected City
departments of such filing. �
� -
228.08. Rescission of Resol�tions--Failure to Comply with
Conditions: In t e event t�peti�ioner s .'�all�ail to comply with
t e con itions of the vacation res ution within the period of time
set forth therein, the City Clerk s��a.11 so notify the City Council�
and the Council, by resolution, sha.T� rescind its previous resolu-
tian vacating the street or portion ereof. Copies of said
resolution sha.11 be transmitted by th City Clerk to the petitioner
and to all affected City departments .
` �
Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed bq tl�e Counci�
��Hunt '
(�eorlxorxKonopatzki =. T
Levine :--n Favor
Sprafka ', ASainat
Mr.spresident ��)But ler Approved•
Atteat: �
�� City Clerk Ci ty At t o rney � i �a�'
Form approved C��s�������1 By ' _
V ,.
. =�, . � • � �
, �_i�-t � �6 �2 w,_._ 2r,-c� i�' ___,��
�. _._.___.__---�..-�i-- ---r-�--------,""i�'�
' ��a ^ � � Adopt;ed � �
Yeas N�YS
t rrnrrnnnrnr7T1T �t���l�n�)
'l.��r( 1
1 D l, 1C)
October 26, 1972
Mr. Robert Spraflca
Finance Committee
Dear Sir:
The City Council today gave First Reading to an ordinance,
C.F. 259983, eetablishing a procedure for vacatin� public
streets, and the ordinance was referred to the Finance Committee
for consideration and recommendation.
Very truly yours,
City Clerk