259978 i ' � . � '�'�,N�"�`�n`��K CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 2�g� � , -, FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BT COMMISSIONE �� ' ATF WHEREAS, Ghapter 705 of the Laws of Minn�sota for 1g65 provides for the conversion of Special School District No. 2 'to Independent School District No. 625; and WHEREAS, Chapter 488, Laws of Minnesota for 1g67, Regular Session, which law amends Laws of 1959, Chapter 690, Section 3, as amended by Laws of Minnesota for 1961, Ghapter 34g, Laws of 1g63, Chapter 729, and Laws of 1965, Chapter 659, reads in ' part: ��The said City, for the purpose of providing moneys for the payment of its severance pay obligations under any such ordinance, hereby is authoriz�d and empowered, �y resolution of its Gouncil, in addition to all other powers possessed by said City and in addition to and in excess of any limitation upon the amount it is otherwiss authorized by law to levy as taxes, to levy taxes annually not exceeding in any one year an amount equal to 40�100 of one mill upon each dollar of the assessed valuation thereof for public schools, upon all taxable property in said Gity, exclusive of moneys and credits, which taxes as levied shall b� spread upon the tax rolls, anci a�l collections thereof shall be paid into the treasury of said City, therein to be ailocated therefor and to be disbursed and expended by said City in payment of any such pub�ic school severance pay obliga�ions and for no other purposes: "; now, therefore, be it _ RESOLVED, By the Council of the Gity of Saint Paul, that it hereby approved the sum of �116,597.00 for severance pay for employ�es of Independent School District No. 625, and hereby levies a tax Yor 1973 in the amount of �118, 346.00, including estimated shrinkage in the amount of �1,749.00; and be it � FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with the Laws of , Minnesota, this levy is certifi ;d with the understanding that portions thereof will be financ�d by _rebates from the State of Minnesota from taxes imposed by law as a replacement of sums which would otherwise be levied against rea,l and personal property; and be it , COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approve� 19__ � Levine Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka 1/ A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �°� ORI0INA4 TO CITY CLBRK ,[:�g��� "3" CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ° + FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR�ENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Page 2. FURTHER, RESOLVED, That the County Atiditor is hereby requested to spread such tax levy as a separate item in its tax rate and to report same as a separate item in each tax settlement to the Gity of Saint� Paul; and be it �� � --FURTI�ER RESOLVED, That the Finance Department-Accounting Divi�ion of Saint Paul is hereby directed to credit all tax settlem�nts and charge all payments in the trust fund established , for school severance pay; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Gity Council hereby directs its City Glerk to forthwith certify this tax levy resolution to the Couni�y Auditor of Ramsey County and a copy of the same to Independent School District No. 625. OCT 2 b t91� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeae Nays ��'� �? �972 utl µ�� r on Konopatzki Approve 19—. Levine Le ne Meredith �In Favor M r dith Sprafka S ra ka Tedesco � Mayor edes o �me. President, Butler - Against FORM APP C� ` Mr. Pre ident McCarty --� � Asst. City Attorne PUBLISHED NQ� 41972 � �f�""�T���`��` CITY OF ST. PAUL �,NCa ND �5���� . .* � _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRK�iT6D!Y COMMISSIONER ^ATF wH�AB, Cl�pt�r ?OS oi th� Laws oi ILtana��ota ior 1�65 prov�des ior t�he oon�r�r�ion oi Spfoial sabool Di�fariot No. td to Iadependen� SchooZ Distriot l�o. 6$3; �ad % WAER�AS, Cbapter 488, I,aMS oi M1nn�sot►,t tor 1967, Ae�lar �essioa, �+hiob lax s�tend• Lax� oi 1959, Cbapter 690, Sestioa 3R ao aoend�d by I�wr o!C Minne�at� ior 1961� Cl�ap t�r 3'�9, Ls�,r oi ' 1963, Chapter �89, �td I.s�vo oi 1963, CLap�er 6�9� resd� ia psrts "�e oaid City, fc,r tb• pnrpose oi pro�idin� aioasys =or th• pay�ent oi its severana� pay obli�atione nndsr any such ordinanoe, hereby is anthori�ed end e�poxsred� by re�olntion oi its Counoil, in addition to sl� o�h�r porer� por�e�red I�y iraid City and in addition to aad ia ezee�s oi s�► ii■itatson upon the smount it ie otherwioe authorissd by lar to levy as t�uceo, to levy tazee annually no� e���in� in aay oae yesr an amount eqnal to h0/100 0! oae mill upon esob dollar oi the arse�e�ed v�luation thereot ior publie� sob►oole, upon all tazable prop+erty in aaid City, eYOlusive oi �oaeys and ar�dtt�, whiah ta�cee ae lev�md shall be �pread upon tbe ts� rolle, and all oollections tbereoi �►11 b� paid into the tres�wry o! taid City� therein to be allooated thsreior aud to be di�b�r�ed and szp�nded by �sid Ci��r i�t pa�rrtaat ;of s�r sueb pd�lio whool •eversa�e psy obliaetion� aa� ior no ot,her purposs�s"= noM� tberelore, b• it �� �, R�SOLVED� By the Coua�il ot t�►e �ity oi 8aia� Pau2, that it hereby approved t�e aws ot �116,597.00 ior s�v�rsnos pay � ior nployee� oi Independent 3ohool Distriot No. bQg� and here�y levieo a t� Yor 19?3 ia th� a■oqnt oi $118,;46.00 iaoludi� e�tissted ahrinkage �n ths amount o! �1,��49.00f sn� be it Ft1xTH'�R RESOLYF�, That in acaordaac• K1th tls� LsM� oi Minse�ota, thi� lsvy ie oertiiied �i�h the �der�tandin� that portion• th�reo! �rill be iinsnoed by rebate• fro' the State oi Miane�ots irom ta3ce� isposed by la�r �t� a r.pisce■aai oi �ur� �A►3oh Nould otherWise be levied sgaiaet real and persoasl property; un� be it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc;� 19.— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approved 19._ Levin.e Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka �� Ag'siriSt Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty �� DYPLICATR�TO MtINRR � �- .�. � � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO �.� �' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F"� ^ �' ' ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR6B�ITED�lf COMMISSIONER �ATF Pat• �. 1�tJRTBEft RESOL�p, Th��t the County ltiditor i• hereby requerted to �pread �uoh tsz levy a� s separste itea in its tas rate and to r�port �� a• a �eparat• it� ia �aa� tas •ettle��nt to � Cit� oi �sint Paul; sad bs it , .,�,� PVB4BS� xESOLY�D+ �hst the Fi�ynte• Depart�etit-AQOO�ta�ias Divi�ion oi Saint Paul is hsreby direoted to credi� sll taz •sttla�ent■ snd oharse all pa�rsent� in th• trnrt tu�td e�t�e►bli.hsd tor. �chool severaaos pay� and be it � . FINAI+i+Y �tES4LVBD! Tbat the �ity Conaoil tisri�r dir�rott it� City Cler� to to�thMith o�rtity this t�uc levy re�olution to tl�e Cona�y Auditor o� Ra�eey County and a oopq o! ths sa�e to Ind�pendent Soboo2 Di�triot No. 6gs. ,.: .. e_� 0 Ct 2 b 19� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc;� 18— YeaS Nays O C T ai� �972 utl �� ar n Konopatzki ApprovecL 19� L ' e ���ne Meredith n Favor edith Sprafkl fka T�desco Q �� ede co Mme. Pre�,� &1fi6�' AS�nat Mr. siden McCarty �� , . October 26, 1972 2+Ir. Lou P�eKenna County Auditor Dear Sir: Attached is a resolution o�' the .City Council, C.F. 259978, levyin� a tax for 1973 for severance pay for employees oP I�.idependent School Distriet No. 625. Very truly yours, City Clerk ml Octob�r 26, 1972 Tndependent School District No. 625 Gentlemen: Attached for your information is a copy of a resolution of the City Council, C.F. 259g78, levying a ta.x for 1973 for severance pay for employees of Independent School District No. 625. Very truly yours, City Clerk ml . �qq�� GITY OF SAINT PALTL OFFIGE OF THE MAYOB N��/�� N�f October 26,1972 LAWRENOE D. COHEN MaYO a Mme. President Butler Honorable Members of the City Council Dear Council Members: The accompanying two resolutions prepa.red through the Fina,nce Department concern teachers' retirement pa.y and severance pay for Independent School District 625. Action of the City Council is required by laws that have been recommended for change in the next session of the Minnesota Legislature, since Chief Accountant Clem Schleck feels the requirement became obsolete with the gra.nting of independent status to the school district. Re ctfull submit � � xrence D. en, Mayor. 22