259977 . ORI6INAL TO CITY CLERK � ����,,.�r-� �. CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �� � ' ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. 1+Z+�1! � U C L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, Chapter '705 of Laws of Minnesota for 1965 provides for the conversion of Special School District No. 2 to Independent School District No. 625; and WHEREAS, The Saint Paul Teachers' Retirement Fund Association has established its budget for 1973 in the sum of �4,405, 311.00; and - WfiEREAS, Said Statute requires the Council of the City of Saint Paul to certify a tax levy for the support of the Saint Paul Teachers' Retirement Fund Association; and � WHEREAS, Said Saint Paul Teachers' Retirement Fund Association certifies that funds have been received from the State Auditor, pursuant to Chapter 32, Laws of Minnesota for 196'7, Extra Session, as amended by Ghapter 485, Section 38, Subdivision 3, Laws of Min�.esota for 1g69, in the amount of �2,651. 346.'71; and WHEREAS, there is in the trust account the sum of �13,851.g1 received from the Detention Authority for its share of the pension costs of the Teachers of School District No. 625, t�aching at the Detention Authority facilities in the School District; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the Gity of Saint Paul, that it hereby appra�s the budget as submitted by the Saint Paul Teachers' Retirement Fund Association for the year 1973 in the amount of �4,405, 311.00, from which �2,651 346.71 and �13,851.91 are hereby deducted, leaving a balance of �1,740,112. 38, and there is hereby levied a tax in the amount of �1,740,112. 38, together with an additional one percent estimated tax shrinkage in the amount of �17,401.00, or a total tax levy in the sum of �1,757, 513. 38; and be it FUR.THER RESOLVED, That in accordance with Laws of Minnesota, this levy is c�rtified with the und�rstanding that portions thereof will be financed by rebates from the State of Minnesota from other taxes imposed by law as a replacement of sums which would otherwise be levied against real and personal property; and be it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas Naya , Butler Caxlson Approve� 19� Le�ine _1� Favor Meredith Sprafka I/ Mayor A gainat Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty � ORIGINAL TO CITt CL6RK ! ���[i , ,� ` CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. '��� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM M I551 ON ER DATF Page 2. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the County Auditor is hereby requested to spreaci such tax levy as a sepa�te it�m in its tax rate and to report the same �s a s�parate item in each tax settlement to the City of Saint Paul; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Finance Department-Accounting Division of the C�ty of Saint Paul is hereby directed to cr�dit all tax settlements and charge all payments to said Association in the Trust Fund established for the Teachers' Retirement Fund Association l�vy; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Council hereby directs the Gity Clerk to forthwith certify this tax levy resolution to the County Auditor of Ramsey County and a copy of the same to Independent School District No. 625 and to the Saint Paul Teachers' Retirement Fund Association. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci CT �'� ��72 19— Yeas Nays � utler �_ 0 CT �7 1972 axls Konopatrki ( ove 19� Levine b � L vi e Mereditli �n Favor Me ith $prafka \ � Mayor S fka ��eSco � T d co Mm�. Pregident� Butle� Againat PPR V �a Mr. Pre de t, McCarty I Asst. City Attorn y_ �t t�c�! ��V 4 �� � DIJ*LICATIMTO lRIN7'tR � � 259g , �, CITY OF ST. PAUL H�UNCIL NO ` �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PREbf�ITED!Y • COMMISSIONER �A� wH8R�18, Cb,apt�r '�OS ot Ls�n oi Mim���ots iar l�ff6s pro�#des ior the evnv�r�ion oi spsclal ��hool Di��ricst I�o. Q to Independent Sebool Distriot No. 6Q5� �tnd W�REAS, The 8aint Panl Teacbers' Retiresent l�ad Ait000ia�ion ha� �stabli�hed its bud�•t �or 1973 ie tLe �� oi �4,40�,311.00i and WHaREAB� Said Statute x�equire• t�e Conacril oi tbe City oY Sain� Psnl to oerti�y a tu l�vy for tbe rupport ot tbe Seint Paul Teachers' Aetire�eat Fund Aesoeiatioa= e�nd �1HERTAS� Said Saint Peul Teaeher�' B�tira�snt l�'�ad Aeooaiation eertilier that iunds beve been reeeivsd iru� tbe St��e At�di�or, purtusnt to Chapter 32, Laws oi Minneaota �or �967, Eztra 8e�sion, as auended by Chapter 485, Seotion 38, Subii�lsioa 3, La�n oi 1►iini�esota �or 1969, in tbe auuow�t a� �2,63i.346.71� and WH�'�REAS, ther• is in the truet ao�ount the et�s oi �13,851.91 reoeived iro� the Detention Autharftp ior ite �hare oP the p�ne�on co�te of tbe Teacherr oi School Distriat No. 655, tesohing at the Detention Antbority iacilitiee in the SChool Districti noM, thereiore, be 3t .�'.,�.y, . s . � � . . '�n!14 RF�OLYED, By �he Council oi th� Citq ot Ssint Psul, that it hereby appraes the budget ae subaitted by the Saint Peul Teael�ers� Retiresen� Fund A�soc�iation tor t►be year 1973 in �he suount os ��,4oy,3ii.00, lro� t/hioh �2�6$1 3#6.71 and �13,8�1.91 ue hersby deduatedy l.avia� a balanoe oi �1�?40,112.g8: aud fhere is hereby levied a t�uc in the aaiount ot �1,?h0�112.38, together with aa additiossl one peresnt e�timsted tauc +rhrinkag� in the asount o� �17,401.00, or a total t�uc levy in the sud oi �1�737,513.38i and b8 it FQRTSEii R&50LYID, Ttist in stsoordsnce �.th Larr o� Miano�ota, thi� l�vy is eertiiied with the under�tanding th�►t portioas ther�o! �rill be tinanoe8 by reb�tee iros tbe St�tte ot Minnenota Zros otLer te�xes i�poesd by la� ae s replaee�ent oi' sums which Nould otherrrise be l�vied a�ainRt real end pertronal property; aad be it � COUNCILMEN Adopted hy the Coune1� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approv� 18� Levine T*+ Favor Meredith Sprafka �� A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� r o��,�,�.,��,� � 2.59g'7"7 , y CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�Nc�� NO. ` ' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRBi!(1'ED 6Y COMMISSIONER A1A'� Page !t. �t� aBS4LV�D, Th�tt the Comn�' A�nditor i• b�r�by reqae�ted to opresd saeh ta� levp a� a •ep�s it�a in its t�s rate and to repo�t the sa�e �s s s.perate ite� in eseh ts� •sttl�eent to th• City oi Saiat P�►ul; be it �,:,. . . 1�'URTIiIIt KESOLVED, Thirt the Fiaaac� Departsent-Acaouating Div�i'on oi the City ot Saint Paul i• bsr�by direated to credl�'"��' all taz �ettl�sents and ahar�e all payrents to �sid Ar�oQistion in tLe Trust Fund sstabliuhed ior tbe Teaoh�r�� Betir��snt Fwnd A000ciatian levy= and be it FINALLY BESOLVE�►, Thst the Counoil hereby direotr the City Clerk to Yortbwith Qertiiy thir te�c levy re�olution to tbe County Additor oi R.amsey County snd a Qopy oZ tbe e�ame �o Independent School District No. 62� snd to the 8ain,t Panl Tesohera� Retireeent Fund Aasoeiatioa. � COUNCIL�IEN Adopted by the Co�mci� �CT a � �JTZ 19— Yeas Nays u+� rrQnc- OCT 2 7 19Ta C on Konopatrfd Appmved 19� Le ne Levine Mereditti T*+ Favor M ith Sprafka �ayor r TedeSCO ; ede co M me. President, Butler� �A 8ainst Mr. Pr iden ' McCarty , � _ � . � �� a.s�9�� _ � � ._ � ai�t au� eac�e�� Q�eti�e�ce�rt �u�� ���aciatiaK 555 WABASHA STREET, ROOM 303, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 PHONE: 222-8689 September 15, 1972 Mr. Harry Marshall City Clerk � � City Hall d Court House �� � St. Paul, Minn. 55102 n'1D,.�; �� � � r Dear Mr. Marshall: 3:�' n a z-° '�' The undersigned certifies that at a regular meeting of the �ar�d' of Trustees of Teachers ' Retirement Fund Association held i�` v the office of the Association on September 12, 1972, the follow- ing motion was made, duly seconded and carried: "Moved, that a request for an appropriation of $4,405,311_.00 for Association Budget purposes for the calendar year 1973 be approved and submitted to the proper City authorities less any amounts received from the State of Minnesota pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 354. 201, as amended. " In accordance with the motion as authorized by Chapter 705, Laws of Minnesota of 1965 and Section 354. 20 of Minnesota Statutes, as amended, an appropriation of $4,405,311.00 is requested of the proper City authorities, less any amount received from the State of Minnesota received by October 15, 1972 pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 354. 201, as amended. Last year we received this settlement from the State Auditor on October 15th. I shall advise you of the amount as soon as we re- ceive it so that the proper amount can be certified for the levy. Y�urs truly, ` ! � `'��1�-v�•1.�.�..- ' �;'�� �,1 � � � -�L' le T. I'armer cc: City Budget Division �cretary-Treasurer cc: Ramsey County Auditor cc: Board of Education �� . . :, F a�9 9�'7 . . / / , "] e / � ; _,ry ai�t aul eacke�t� Q�etize�xe�t c�uKd c���OL6atLGyK 555 WABASHA STREET, ROOM 303, SAINT PAUL, MINNESO7A 55102 PHONE: 222-8689 October 17 , 1972 Mr. Harry Marshall City Clerk City Hall & Court House St. Paul , Minn. 55102 Dear NIr. Marshall : The undersigned hereby certifies that $2, 651,346. 71 has been received from the State Auditor pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 354. 201, 1969, as amended to reduce our requested levy of $4,405 , 311.00 by this amount for the calendar year 1973. This is the follow-up on my letter of September 15, 1972 re- questing the levy pursuant to Chapter 705 , Laws of Min.nesota 1.965 and section 354. 20 of Minnesota Statu�es 1969 as amended. The local levy of $1., 753, 964. 29 should be reduced further by any amounts in our trust fund ��5051 received as payments for the employer contributions from the Detention and Corrections Authority for teachers at Totem Town and I5D �k625 for the employer contribution for the teachers under Federal Programs. Y�yrs truly, �.. ./ f/`;��- ;,� . �!-«,1��-.. �� le T. Farmer cretary-Treasurer �c: City Budget Division cc: Ramsey County Auditor cc: Board of Education �,� ��� �"� �� S�pte�mber lq, 1�'�'2 Mr. Clem�ns �eh3..eck ChSe�` Ace+r�uri�ant Finanee Departanent Room 109, City ��8�7.:1 St. Paul, Miruaesota 55142 Dear Sir: Atta,ched for yaur inlormation 3� a letter f'roan the St. Paul Teacher'a Retirem�zit Fund A��oci�t�.on �bmittin�g their budget request �'or 1973• Youra v�ry txhil.y, City C1erk ABO;�mw Atta�2�man� October 26, 1972 St. Paul Teachers Retireme�t �nd Ass'n Gentlemen: Attached for your informa�ion ia a copy of a resolution oP the City Council, C.F. 259977, �pprovin� the budget oP the St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Ass'n �or the year 1973 and levying a tax for the same. Very truly yours, City Cle:1s ml October 26, 1972 Independent School District No. 625 Gentlemen: Attached �or your inPormation is a copy of a resolu�ion oP the City Council, C.F. 259977, approving the bud�et of the St. Paul Teachers' Retirement Fund Ass'n for the year 1973 and levyin� a tax for the sam�. Very truly yours, City Clerk ml October 26, 1972 Mr. Lou McKenna County Auditor Deax Sir: Attached is a resolution of the City Council, C.F. 259977, levying a tax as set out in the reso�:ution for the St. Paul Teachers Fund Retirement Ass'n for 19T3. v@2"� t�'��,l�.y y'OL1I'3� City Clerk ml - --- --- - - ----------�,. --�---�...t-�- ,,,, . -..---..,.. - _ - � ' SERyj .� — ��� c�. -� $ER1/�tNG — e�#.��,F`���.�e'J�.��►,.�,,.t `���,.d Qae'n ° A�a� � �.—- A1t/1Ef�1 CA— N U �' � 15 SEP ° � _ � , 555 WABASHA STREEi,ROOM 303 /972 �'� . UNITEDSTATESPOST�,L.S�R�1i�„�— SAINi PAUL,MINN. 55102 — ^ �'""'.'_' �___._____—. 7s Mr. Harry Marshall City Clerk . City Hall & Court House St. Paul , Minn. 55102 . r � �t.�'��a�R.�'���,.# ��.,,.d. C�'�. _ 555 WABASHA SiREEi,ROOM 303 SAINi PAUL,MINN. 55102 „ �s .. Mr. Harry Marshall , City Clerk � City Hall & Court House St. Paul , Minn. 55102