259973 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL F ENCIL N0.259q►�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � , �, CO CIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �PRESENTED sY COMMISSIONEQ �,+TE � WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul has staff and eq�.ipment for r the operation of a Criminology La.boratory, and `Ramsey County desires to enter into an Agreement with the �ity for the purpose of jointly operating and maintaining such a La.boratory; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59, authorizes such joint exercise of powers agreements with the concurrence of the governing bodies affected thereby; now, therefore, ; be it RESOLVED, Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize a joint exercise of powers agreement between the City and the County of Ramsey providing for the joint operation and maintena.nce of a Criminal La.boratory, and, further, providing that the amount of money to be expended shall be a flat, yearly rate to be �greed upon both by the City and County. � � FORM PPROVE . . A . ity Attorn (, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council OCT �6 197c�9_ Yeas Nays Xg� o cT a 7 �972 �xKonopatzki Prove 19_ Levine �:;% �— —1n Favor Meredith Sprafka =� ayor Tedesco A8'ainst Mr.SPresident, 1�� Butler PUBUSHED NOV 41972 �� / °—`-' 4� utttp �Iub�tor'� Q�f�tCC COliNTY BOARD / . , . , . . � . - S� Paul, Minn:, • Flle No. 1833 Re:olutlon , , - , No. 9-1357 August 28 19 72 7'I�o ntt��ntian of City of St. Paul; County Administrstor; Sheriff; St. Paul Chief of Police; Corporation Counsal; � i« rcMp,�cttuliy cnllcd to the following Reaolntion af tha Board of County Commissioners of Rameey (:uunty, Minn�notu, adopted at tLe meeting beld on August 28. 1972 l�y CcimmieNiuner Milton �59�'�� RESOLVED That the Board of Ramsey County Commissionera hereby appxoves an agreement between the County of Rameey aud the Citq of St. Paul� providing for the equip�ing� operating and atiaintenance of a crimin�logy laboratory which is incorporated herein, and made a part hereof by reference, and that the proper County Officials are authorized to �xecute said agree�nent. STATTs OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS OOUNTY OF RAMSSY ) I, J. D. Swan, dulq apppinted and qualified Executive Secretary of the County Board for Ramsey County, Minnesota, do hareby certifq that the for�- . going copy is a true and correct transcript of a reaolution adopted bq the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners: Datad st St. Paul� Minnesota thie 28th daq of Auguat 1972. J. D. SWAN, Executive Secretary , L 0 U M CK EN N A , County Aud�tor r���,� AuJ.200 By �.nh,. �-��•~ •, � ', - • . � . . • s"r . I . AGREEMENT BETWEEN TI-iEE COUNTY OF RAMSEY AND THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR THE OPERATION OF A CRIMINOLOGY LABORATORY Whereas, the City of Saint Paul has, through action of its council, provided the services of an expert criminal�.st and staff and the necessary offices and laboratory space for his operat3ons, Whereas, the County of Ramsey, acting through its sher3.ff, pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 1957 Section 387.03, are desirous of equipping, operating and main- taining a laboratory for the purpose of providing for the proper � � enforcement of law and the apprehens3on and prosecution of � cr3minals by using scientific methods of det�cting and analyz3.ng evidence, and � ,`�''. • ' • . • . •,� • ` , . • � . f � � . . � �'€e I .;' - 2 - ' This agreement may be terminated by mutual agreement , of the contract3.ng parties. THE C Y OF RAMSEY � Cou Administrator Attest; a BY J. , nt1,� �xecut�ve SecretaryC a rm o e Boar o C ss one � Approved to form -e� T SAINT PAUL ,.y . � ' � � ss s �.n ayor ; �J our�icwn m�Rtrrrss � , cmr oF sr. PAUL N�� No 2599'73 OFFICE OF THE CITI( CLERK .. , , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM :��e,r COMMISSIONER ^ATE WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul has staff and equipment for the operation of a Criminolo�q Labaratory, a�d R�seq Countq dt�ir�s to snt�r into an Agnasn�nt with the Ci,tq for ths purpo�� of jointly operating and maintaining awch a Leboratory; and WHBREA�S, Mi�eaot� Statut�es, Section 471.59, autl�ancizas swch joiat ,��rcia! of po�r� sgresments w�th the co�currs�c� of tl� �overai�g bodias affscted ther4by; now, ther�fora, b� it R$SOLVBD, Tbat the Council of the City of Saint Paul does haraby authoris� a �oint ��cercis� of pawars agre�ent bat�s� tt� City and tlu Caunty of R�ns�y praviding for ttu joint op�ratian and maintarauct of a Criminal Iaboratory, and, furttwr, providiug that tha a�ovnt of mo�ey to ba +axptndad shall b� a flat, y�arly rate to be agrsed upon both by tha City and Caunty. COUNCII�N Adopted by the Co�mci� �CT Z 6 19�8_ Yeas Naya x��t 0 CT 2 7 1972 �l�@�iCotwpatzlci Appro� 19— �°� �In Favor Meredith Mayer SpTAfkA ��inAt Tedeaco Mr.�President, �p�c Blitlar �� r