259949 i OR16tNAL TO CITY CLERK (���� � CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO.; �� f a.J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` ., UN IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSION ATF � RESOLVED, That yo`s Proposed Budget for 1973 be revised as follows: Department of Fina.nce and Ma.na.gement Services 01050 - Ma,intenance Coordination, decrease $20,000.00 and 01100 - Operation - Research, decrease $50,000.00 � and 01250 - Division of Purcha.sing 112 -- Salaries - Clerical, decrease $16,508 .00 so as to read $181,963.00 and General Government Accounts 09060 - Contingent Reserve 410 - Special Appropriation, increase $86,508.00 (Ma.intena.nce Coordination - $20,000.00) (Opr�ration - Research - $50,000.00) . FORM A PROVE : Asst. ty Attorn , COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �CT �5 197?9_ Yeas Naya OCT 2 6 1972 � Butl r ,E{�- Car son Konopatzki � rove 19� e ine Levine Mereditii T*+ Favor redith Sprafka S afka Tedesco � ayor T esco Mme. President, But101' Against Mr. Pres nt, McCarty ' pUBLiSHEll NOV 2 �972 � i �DU}{.ICAT6 TO lRIN7�R p.� , CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO���� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - �` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESHdTTED Slf COMMISSIONEQ DAT� RESOLVED That the Mayor's Proposad �dgat for 1973 be revised as fo�lows: Department of Finance and Management Services 01050 - Maintenance Coordination, decrease $20,000.00 and 01100 - Operation - Research, decrease $50,000.00 and 01250 - Division of Purchasing 112 - Sala.ries - = lerical, decrease $16,508.00 so as to read $181,963.00 and General Goven�ment Accounts 09060 - Contin,gent Reserve 410 - Special Appropriation, increase $86,508.00 (Maintenance Coordina.tion - $20,000.00) (Op�eration - Research - $50,000.00). COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� O�T �5197219� Yeas Nays u� .�,�. �CT �f 1972 n Konopatzki Approvcjd. 19� L . Levine Mereditli n Favor r �� Sprafka ��r ra Tedesco - edes Mme. President, Butler —�-ASainst Mr. ` ident, cCarty ��