259947 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK - A���� � �- � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL N0.G "�, '- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF � � RESOLVED, That t e Mayor's Proposed Budget for 1973 be revised by deleting tha.t portion of the budget pertaining to the Office of Ma.yor, Activity 00120, entitled "Emergency Preparedness" and substituting the following in place thereof: ' � 00120 Amount Totals � Salaries $44,329.00 Telephone 3,887.00 Postage 700.00 Travel 1,150.00 Printing and Binding 915.00 Gas, Elec, and Steam 215.00 Office Equipment Repair 120.00 , Motor Vehicle Repair 225.00 Machinery & Equip. Repair 2,100.00 Laundry 30.00 '� Bldg. & Office Space Rental 7,000.00 D � Nlntor Vehicle Rental 600.00 r+ -_ p�fice Equipment Rental 600.00 ,��? Miscellaneous Rental 1,835.00 �� -�� Dues and Memberships 57.00 ;r. ;:�� Tab Services 400.00 '-� � Insurance and Bonds 285.00 `� � Misc. Contractual Services 625.00 Lbcal Lectures 210.00 Tires and Tubes 200.00 Motor Fuel 165.00 Mi�c. Ma.chinery & Equip. Parts 50.00 Off ice Supplie s 600.00 Instruction Supplies 375.00 BQOks, Periodicals 155.00 Miscel�aneous Materials 150.00 Photo Supplies 349.00 $67,327.00 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya Butler Caxlson Approve� 19�. Levine �n Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK ;�5gq�� -, * CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO. " - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER- �ATF 2• 00120 Amount Totals Capital Outlay -- Bldg. Arch. & Eng. -0- Capital Outlay -- Bldg. Const. Elec. $3,000.00 Capital Outlay -- Furn. & Appliances -0- Capital Outlay -- Radio -0- �70,327.00 Less : Federal Contribution .$31,000.00 Carryover from 1972 Special Revenue Fund $25,327.00 City Contribution $14,000.00 and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Mayor' s Proposed Budget for 1973 be revised as follows : That in the Financing Summary, the item under Tax Levy -- Schedule 1, be decreased $60,609.00. (Emergency Preparedness tax appropriation reduced by $60,609.00 so as to read $14,000.00) . COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council D�T a 5 197219_ Yeas Nays tler 1972 C s n �#� prove �CT 9-- Lev' e ��� � Meredith —�n Favor Me e 'th gprafka S a Tedesco � Mayor desc Mme. President, Butler - Against Mr. Pre ident, McCarty pu�usHEO MOV 2 ]972 � o�:��►ts,���� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� ND 25994'� � - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F"� � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRBSENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF RESOLVED That the Mayor'a Propoaed �utdget for I973 be revia�d by de�eting that portion of the at pertsiaing to tlu 4ffice of Mnqor, Activitq �0120 aat tled "Eaeergency Prapdrednese aad substituting the fol�enring in place ther�of: 00120 Amownt Totals �..� ..._._. Salari�e $44,329.00 Telaphane 3,88�.00 Fostag� 700.00 Travel 1,150.00 Priating and Bindiug 915.00 Qae Elec. and Steam 215.00 Off�.ce Equipment Repair 120.00 Motor V�hicle Repair 225.00 ��rq & Equip. Repair 2,1 0�� Bldg. & Office Spac� Rental 7,000.00 Iybtor Vehicle Rsntal 600.00 Office Equipm�ent Rental 600.00 I�iiacellanaaw Roatal 1,835.00 Duea aud Memberships 57.00 Tab 3ervices 400.00 Insura�ace and Bo�� 285.00 Misc. Contractual SQrvicee 623.00 Loeal Lectures 210.00 Tiras �d �bes 200.00 i�btor Fuel 165.00 Miac. Machiaery & Bquip. Parts 50.00 Of f ice Supplie s 6Q0.t� Instruction Supplias 375.00 Books Peri�dieals 155.00 Miaca�lan�aus Materials 150.00 P�oto Supplies 349.00 $67,327.00 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun�il 19_. Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approv�l 19— Levine � Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka 6 ��� A oninst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� o�t,���a.��,� 25994'7 . CITY OF ST. PAUL �uwca NO ` ' �' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED tT CAMMISSIONER �ATF 2• 0012� �_t 1br.a13 Capital Outlay -- Bldg. Arch. & Eng. -0- Capital Outlap -- Bldg. Co�ast. Ele�c. $3,000.00 Capi�al Outlay -- Fura. & Applia�as -4- �Oapital Outlay -- ' 8adio -0- �TO .00 Lesas Federal Contribution $31,0�0.04 Carrybver fram 1972 Speci8l Revernte Fuad $35,327.00 Citq Contribution �14�000.00 and, be it . FURTHER RESOLVED, Tl�at the Maqor'� Propoeed Budgat for 1973 be revised a�s fallaas: That in the Financing Swamarq, the item u�der Tax Levq 4- Schedule 1, be decreased $6U,649.00. F�r�ge�n�cp Prnparadaes� tax appropriation reduced bq 6Q,609.00 so as to read $14,000.00). COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �T a 5 �l�19.— Y� But� ,,,�S OCT �� 1972 1 n Konopatzki Approved 19_ Levine Le ne Meredith �In Favor M ith Sprafka � Mayor S r a Tedesco Mme. President, Butler � A8'�t ede Mr. iden McCarty �