259944 � s�AL TO�CITY CLOtK � . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � ' �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. C UN I RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF � �`' � r� ..--� RESOLVED, Tha the Mayor ' s Proposed Budget for 1973 be revised as follows : City Council � Q0001 - City Council Administration �� 131 - Salaries - Elected Officials, increase w31, 500.00 '� '�'� � � so as to read �129, 5U0. 00; . 801 - Capital Outlay - Office Equipment,, increase �2 , 300. QO so as to read �3, 400.00; 805 - Capital Outlay - Furniture and A�pliances, � , Decrease �2 , 300. 00; 00002 - City Council Research " 112 - Salaries - Clerical , increace �7 ,094.00 so as to read �14,480. 00; 116 - Salaries - Professional , increase �1�, 1�0. 00 ;� 'so as to read �4'7 , 193. 00; a ::� y;. , c� 1'74 - Fees - Code .�ppeals Board Members , increase � � , � �4, 200.�0; 201 - Automobile Allowance , increase �600.00 so as D �y; to read �1,200. OG; o .- `� 0 202 - Telephone , increase �250.00 so as to read �'750,00; �c .. J 203 - Postage , increase �400. 00 so as to read ;�475 .Q0; 223 - Office Equipment and Furniture .Repair , increase �100, 00 so as to read �200. 00; 251 - Dues and Memberships , increase �'1, 500. 00; 255 - Microfilming, �ncrease �100.00 so as to read �200. 00; 271 - Local Lectures and Workshops , increase �125 . 00; COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays - � . Butler � Caxlson ve� 19� Levine _In Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ' �� �`" . _� � �'�'����K CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. 2.59944 • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR85ENTED BY COMMISSIQNER DATF Page 2. 275 - Duplicating Services , increase �600.00 so as to read �800. 00; 340 - Office Supplies , increase �600.00 so as to read �1,000. 00; 349 - Books , Periodicals and Newspapers , increase �b40. 00 so as to read �1, 200.00; 801 — Capital Outlay — Office Equipment , increase . �3, 500. 00; , 805 - Capital Outlay - Furni�ure and Applicances, decrease �480.00 so as to read �500. 00; � and Mayor 00115 - Federal Programs Administration 116 - Salaries - Professional , decrease �9, 908 . 00 so as to read �15 , 173. 00; and General Governn�ent Accounts 09185 - Code Appeals Board, decrease �5 , 250.00; and 09060 - Contingent Reserve , 41Q — Special Appropriation, decrease �50,721. 00. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� ��T a 5 197219— Yeas Nays su er �n� OCT 2 6 lson Konopatzki � rove 19� Levine e ine Meredith �n Favor e dith gprafka Spra a Tedesco V Mayor Mme. President, Butler Tede o Against Mr. esiden McCarty �si � �1�N a3HSl i��� �� � - ��,�,�.��� CITY OF ST. � Pau� �,N��� No.���44 ' • v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � C4UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .���r COMMI5510NE� DATE RE$OLVED, Thst the Mayor' s Proposed Budget for i973 be revised as follows: City Council 00001 - City Council Administration 131 - Salaries - E�eeted Officials, .i�crease �31,500.00 , so as to re:ad .�129, 500.00; _ 801 - Capital Outlay - -0ffice Equip�Ent , inerease �2,304.00 so as to. re ad �3,�00.4U; . 805 - Capital Outl:ay - Furniture and:��A�p�liances, Deerease �2,3Q0.00; ` 00002 - City Council Research � 212 - Salarie s - Cle rical , increase- �7,094.00 so as to read �14,480.00; 116 - Salaries - Professional , increase `�15, 150. 00 so as to read ��7 , 193.00; � �74 - Fees - Code Agpeals Board Members , inerease �4,200.00; 201 - Automobiie Allowance , incre�se �600.00 so as to read �1,200.OG; , 202 - Telephone , increase �250.00 so as to read �750.00; 203 - Postage , increase ��t00.00 so as ;to .read �475.00; 223 - Uffice Equipment and Furniture �.�epair, inciease �100.00 so as to read �200.00; 251 - Dues and Memb�rahips, increase �i, 500.00; 255 - Microfilming, increase �100.00 so as to read �200.00; 2'71 - I,ocal Lectures and Workshops, ;.�ncrease �125.00; COUNCILMEN Adopted by the,�ounciL 19- x . Yeaa Nays � Butler ' Carlson APproved 18� Levine Tn FSVOP �eT�l�1 . �� ' SprB� A aninat Tedesco - Mr. Preaident, McCarty �� . � o�.���n,�.�,� . . p� Na 259�4 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa • � OFFICE OF THE'CITY CLERK J COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENER�4L FORM PRESENT6D 1{T COMMISSIONE� �AT� Page 2. � 275 '- Duplicating Services , increase �600.00 so as to read �800.00; � 340 - Office Suppiies , increase �600.00 so as to read �1,000.00; 349 - Books, Periodicals and N��rspapers , increase �640.00 �o t�s to read �i,200.OU;: � 601 -� Capital Outlay - Office Eguip�ent , increase . �3, 500.00; � 805 - Capital Outlsy - Furniture and Applicances, decrease �480.00 so as to read �500.00; � and Mayor 00115 - Federal Programs Administration 116 - Salaries - Professiona2 , decrease �9, g08.00 _ so as to read �15, 173.00; and - General Government Accounts � 09185 - Code APPeals Board, decrease �5,250.D0; and� 09060�-- Contingent Reserve , 410 -- Special Appropriation, .deerease �50,721.00. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the 'Guan�it D�T a 'rJ �7�9� � . Yeae Nays ut�e � : _ . OCT 8 61972 � Konopatrki Apprnved 18` Levine � L ine ' Mereditfi � ' Tn Favor e ith Sprafka pr TedesCO Mayor Mme. Presiderrt, Butler � A��t Tede co �. 8�a t, ��c�t� : ��