259941 ORIlytNAL TO CITY CL6RK _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL N0, a � . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Lzc��sL coN��zl'Tr� COUNCIL It LUTION—GENERAL RM PRESENTED BY _ OCtObeZ' 24, 1972 COMMISSIONE TF R:�SOLVED: That Application M 3884 for Class Cl-ttestaurant, On and Off Sa.le Nialt Beverage and Cigarette licenses, rnade by Ronald R. AZoore at 293 Selby Avenue, be and the sarae are hereby granted. N�tiv' Old Loc�,tion COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 0 CT �4 197�9_ Yeas Nays Butl �'" s_ } Ap rove 19� ax on K�f�#� �� ,� L ine Levine ���In Favor _ M dith Meredith Sprafka Mayor S ra a T�esco � A gainst deaco NtQte. Presidertt, Butl�11 '"'— Mr. Pre dent, cCarty FORM APP�(� -,�'�� r. . , ts:i:�� f�+,t ney � � PUBLISH€D p�T 2 8 197� oury�cwr�ro rn�ms�e ,. CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCi� NO . � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ����' �T� COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM rRese�rEC nr Octobrr'24• 1972 COMMISSIONEe �ATG ai�soLVPrn: That ey,p].sa..tson M 3ee4 ror cks. cl-a.st�wrant, on a�d o�r s�l• r�alt Ben�.rag• and Cigasytb� liaeases, aa�d� by Ronald R. Moor� at 293 S�lb1 A�nnu�, b� and th� aaa� ar� her�by grant�d� Hi�'W Old Looatiaa COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cotmr;� �rT �� �Q�9— Y� u � � 25 �yl� Konopatzki �C� lson Levine Appruved. 19� e Meredith �n Favor e ith Sprafka Tedesco �Y� ra a �qme. President, Butler inat edeac Mr. Pr ident, cCaxty ��