259934 Original to Ci[y Clerk � ORDINANCE . _ _ . . , _ . _ f . . , . . :.. , _ �59��4 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ` ORDINANCE NO. �5�3 _ An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446,, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing the com- pensati.on rates of certain city positions ax�d employments, " approved January 23, 1925, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DO�S ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section II, where they appear in Group A, the following lines: "Sheet Metal Worker 7• 82�` "Sheet Metal Worker Foreman--Board of Education 8.46" ; and by substituting in lieu thereof, respectively, the following lines: "Sheet Metal Worker g• p��� "Sheet Metal Worker Foreman--Board of Education 8. 67" . Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval and publication, in accordance with Council File No. 256707, approved December 10, 1971, which authorizes these wage rate increases to be retroactive to May 27, 1972; subject to the rules, regulations and provisions of the Federal Economic Stabilization Act, i.f applicable. Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Councii rOy � 1972 � Hunt � Konopatzki '� � Levine In Favor Meredith � v A gainst Sprafka Tedesco ����� B tler NOV $ 1972 Mme. � President � Appro d• Att '• � ty Clerk Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By� , PUBLISNED NOV 11 1972 ` . n�a a r�.e.� - ORDINAN � E - COUNCIL FtLE NO �"�""� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �� _ � An ordinan�e saaeneiiag Or�lissace No. 6446,. satitl�d: �'Aa sdmiaistrst�w o�dinasee fi:iag the com- pensstion r�s of eertaia eity positions snd employment�. " appro�ed January 23, 1925, as amended. THE CpUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Thst Ordiaaace No. 6446, spprc�ed Janusry 23, 1925, ss smeaded. be a.ad the same is hcreby further am�nded by striking out of Section II, where thep appear ia Gro�p A. the follawing lines: "Sluet Netsl Worker ?.82" "Sheet lvietsl Worker Forema.n--Board of Edncatian 8.46" ; aad by snbstitintiag ia lieu thereof, respectively, the following liaes: "Shs�t �etsl Worker 8. fl�" "Sheet Metal Workcr Foremaz►--Board of Educstioa 8. 67�" . Seetf.on Z. Tl�is ordisance shall take sffect aad be ia force on the first day of the first psyroll period followiag thirty clays after its pa�sage. approva2 aad pnblicatioa, in accorda.nce with Council File No. 256T07, spproved Decemb�r 10, 1971. which auithori�es theae �vsge rate iaeresaea to b� retroactive tQ btsy Z?, 1972; subject to ths rales, s�gslstian� sad ' provisioas of the Federsl Economic S�tabilisation Act, if applicable. Yeaa Councilmen Naya Passed by the Counc;� M� ? � $�f,�iec Hunt � Konopstzki / Tn Favor -Zevine Meredith � A�n�t sp� Ted�co M:ne. 14[K Preeident �iT�� Batler Apprnv�: Atteet: City Clerk �ayor �� , Form approved Uorporatton Couneel By � _ _ .� -:��-- - •' Civil Service Commission � �� � Director of Personnel Mrs.Ruth D. Schwarnvalder,Chairman $A ' , �JL John S. Haider Mr. Harry H. Gaston CIVIL SE ' ,' „ �FF�CiE ������ Mr.A. R.(Dick) Zangs � R Assistant Director � �� �� � Thomas D. Gleason � �� � r r • � r ����� ST. PAUL, MINNESO 02 October 19, 1972 Hon. Lawrence D. Cohen Mayor, City of St. Paul Room 347 City Hall Re: Amendment to Ord. #6446 increasing rates for Sheet Metal Workers Dear Sir: The attached ordinance makes the necessary amendment as set forth in the attached explanation. Although the Civil Service Commission has no authority in this matter, they are aware that these changes are being submitted by this office in accordance / with the policies of the Council and the Mayor. ./ We respectfully request that you submit this ordinance to the City Council for approval. Very truly yours, �r, ' � o . Haide r . Director of Personnel Att. � MEMBER 0 P�wK P..���.� A..«u�p� . � . � , ����� This ordinarsce wi�l change the respective wage rates so that the Caty�s changes i�rr rates are in conformance with the changes in the outside contracts. ' lstV �/.� 2nd �27 l- 3rd �� 3� Adopted Yeas Nays xtmr�r KONOPA`.PZKL �5g�3� /� LEVIIVE � MERED:ITH ;� SPRA:KA TEDESCO � N�ne PRESIDEN'P (Bi7�i'LER)