259933� OriQinal to City Clerk ���� � � � ORDINANCE 2599�3 � °�' .� , COIiNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �J °��8 _ An ordinance amending Ordi.nance No. 6446, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixi.ng the com- pensati.on rates of certai.n city positions and employments, " approved January 23, 1925, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section II, where they appear under the heading Special Employments, the following lines: "Student Library Aide I 1. 50 an hour" "Student Library Aide II 2. 00 an hour" �'Substitute Library Technician 3. 50 an hour" ; and by substituting a.n lieu thereof, respectively, the following lines: "Student Library Aide I 1. 75 an hour" "Student Library Aide II 2,. 35 an hour" "Substitute Library Technician 3. 69 an hour" . Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and p�a.blication, subject to the rules, regulations and provisions of the Federal Economic Stabilization Act, if applicable. t Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council N 0V ? 1972 �� Hunt � Konopatzki 7 In Favor � Levine 1 Meredith Q � Against Sprafka Mme_ T esiden � Bu r N OV $ �g7� roved: Attest.� --..._ Mayor - �� Form approved Corporation Counsel B PUBIISHEQ NOV 11 1972 , ' � ,D.v�at.to rrt.t� ' ' � � ` ORDINANCE 2599�3 COUNCIL Ftt.0 NO PRESEWTED BY ` j . ORDINANCE NO 'S°�'3 g Aa +�sdiaa�� as�aadiag Ordissac• M�s. 6446. e�#tl,�d: 1eAs� s�danini�tra�tive ord�aa�cs f�da� tit�rr to�• prasilfa� ss�s of Csrts� dtt poai�a a�d empl�s "' . � �rav�d Jas�r� Z3, 1925, ss amara�d. S� Ciii'TI��IL Gl�' T�E CITY OF SA3TTT pA'CTL Dt3� ORDA�i: S�s� 1. Tha! Qr��saaea No. b446, spproinset Jaana�sr 13, 1925. as smesit�d, b� a�ed t�+e ssm� ia here'bY ��trth�r ame�sdd by str#t3a� a�tt +aE Sae�a Ii. wL�re t�appear �dtr the h�adia� �refal �mpL�s�s, tlir� follv�i�� 1�ats s "Sqrulat Libssr�r Aid� I l.5� a� �e�ts" . '�Bh�d�t Librar�r Atd� II Z.i� aa ho�r" ; "�bstitrt� Lib�ssr� ?ecfmicias 3.50 aa yaar" ; ; . � � sttb�tffittis� ii Iitnt#�Sreof, respectivelp, the followia� l�ses: "Sto�i+Mat L31�rss? A,ieb I �.75 a� l�s" "Stttde�►t Librar�► A3de II 2.35 �a h�nr" p8v��it�ts Li;tirarY Tec�'ticia�t 3.b9 a� h�tr" . � Sectioa 2. T'his ordin�ace shsil �slce e�ffeat aad b� ia toree a�t!�t ftrst isy of the Srst Piyzoll periad follo�vi� t3�istt daya a�'ter ite pssssf�, agpro�al, and pabl�cation, snbject to the ra�ee� resalstion: snd proris�ous of tho Federsl Ec�nntoffiic Sattiilisatiaa Aet, ff ap�litaBle. Yeas Councilmen Naya Paeeed by the Counci� N�v ? 1972 � Haat ���� � Tn Favor Meredith C) ro�;� Sprafka T��°° g 1972 �ne.� Preaident � Bttler Approved: NOV Att�est: City Clerk Mayor �� Form a��roved Corporation Counsel By � > \ Civil Service Commissfon � �� �� Director ot Personnel Mrs.Ruth D. Schwarzwalder,Chairman $A � , UL ��(���`� John S. Halder Mr. Harry H. Gaston � � � � � �� � v Mr.a R.(Dick) Zangs CIVIL SE � � OFFICE Assisiant Director � ��� ' Thomas D. Gleason � �� � � � � ■ t r�ter ST. PAUL, MINN SO 02 September 27, 1972 Hon. Lawrence D, Cohen Mayor, City of St. Paul Room 347 City Hall Re: Amendment to Ord. #6446 increasing rates for three Library titles Dear Sir: The attached ordinance makes the necessary amendment as set forth in the attached explanation. We respectfully request that you submit this ordinance to the City Council for approval. Very truly yours, , � . o n . aide r Director of Personnel Att. $� MEMBER Publk P...a,�.� A,.«+..�� � � - � 25���33 The classes of positions in the attached ordinance have not received any salary i.ncreasea since December 19b9. The Director of Libraries has requested the attached iricreases. These increases are within the provisions of the Federal Economic Stabilizatioa�Act. . a � • - lst � L° d 2��a /D 3rd _�Q _ Adopted �� � Yeas Nays HITNrl KONOPATZKI ; LEVINE �)�•�t,� � � MEREDITH SPRAI�KA U TEDE5C0 Nhne PRESID�'.0 (BUTLER}