259930 OrtYinal to City clerk . ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. �5y���1 PRESENTED BY . ORDINANCE NO ��OZ3 S _ ._ ,., ,,'; � An ordinance amending'Ord3nance No. `'�607; entitled:° "An ordi.nance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, '' approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striki.ng out the minimum qualifications in the specifications for Electronic Data Processing Programmer; and by substituting in lieu thereof the fo�lowing: "High school graduation and successful completion of the sequence of Computer Programming courses in the evening school at St. Paul Technical Vocational Znstitute or equivalent courses at an equivalent computer programming school; or two years= experience as an �lectronic Data Processing Programmer, or equiva.lent. " Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be i.n force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publicati.on. MOV ? 1972 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council ��� Hunt � Konopatzki � Levine In Favor Mere�dith O � A gainst Sprafka T���° N OV � 197� Mme. I� President�� Butler ved• tea • � City Clerk n Mayor � Form approved Corporation Counsel By��'��� � QUBLISHED NOV 11 19T2 CITY CL�RK . � 2595;�� �. e�raia�w�cf .a�.� �s��. �e. 'li+�'1. .�l�i: "�►� ,��rd#�ss�r� ii:l�� !!�r e�r�tler� a�� ����l�rs � fdu a��r�a► r�aaittLeatfa�s f�� #�is rrs� ef�s�a � �rlti�ai ia tt� Claasltial �+�trx�►+�s � �r�r ��R�," ��r�rrnsi �'�#�s+t�tsr !3. i��l, aa �en�ti�. 1"� Ct���+iC�L A�' Tli� �IT�' ��" �'�' �"J�„6t3.�, �l��i ��D�t �srall�r z« 'Ti�at C�swit�ue� �te. 1i�1. a��r+ir�r�� �'��wwt�r�► �3. t�1�, sr aa�ti�d, 1� s�i t1�r �a� !�r 1��►�► xi�ar!►�r�► a�rl�i ir� �+Erl�e� +wR t1r+r a�rtr��t� ��uti#t#sa�srrs is tlw� r�efit�aa�t�� li�r �tse��� �►�� F�as��rfa►� P�vr�:��n�e�: � 1gr w�iE�t�ti� i� l�►r �s� �r �i�Owr�: �'l�t�,lt �+�1�►t ;s�t� +�i ��asfr+�at ea►�r:pl*Rl�a edt' +th�t s�re��r �f �'e►x:�.;�;�tter �`'rsgs�r���►� ��z►+�r�� i� t4� �w� •�i�t �t �t. r°+� °: +�ci��ical V�sRI��,G�,+��tt��b �i �1+� e�tso� at ar �� +�ort�►�t�t �r�rr��ur� sai+sl; s�r tw�a► �+�e�' aN�i�� as �r �1l�,ets�te �►+�r �ro��as� �re�rsr�r��r, •t +I����N�. �' •��ti+� i. '�i�s a�e�i3.�c� w��11 tax� �d`t�et as�e! � iw tw�r�s +���r �s +�* it,� y�a��aji� �yr!'�v�� i�� �i►�eaRiM. D�uaa a Pdaar ,.,_ • ' � � ORDINANCE COUNCIL HLE NO._._�� . ` i PRESEN'TED BY ORDINANCE NO �s�-3� An ordiasnee amendiag Ordiaa.nce No. ?607. eatitled: 'tAn ordinauce fixiag the dnties aad r�sponsibilities and the misimnm qualifications for the varioas clsases of positions ia the Classificd Service of the City. t' approv�l Februsry 13, 1935, as amaaded. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SATNT PAUL DOES ORD�iIN: 5ectioa 1,. That Ordinaace No. ?b07. approred Febrnst�r 13, 1935. se ameaded, be aad the same is hereby fnrther sm�anded by strikiss out the miaimnm q�alificaticws in the specificatioas for Elsctroa3c Datu Processi�� Programmer; and by substituting in lieu ther�of the foflaw3'g: "Hiah se�ool gzadastion aad snccesaful complmtian of the �sequeace of C�mpe�t�r Programming courses ia t�e e�r+eais� school st St. Panl T�chnical Yocstional Iastitnte os �iral�st conrsea at aa aqnivaleat computer progrsmming school; or two ymars� e�cporieace as an Electroaic Data Proceasing Programm�r. • or eqni�aleat. " 3�ctiun 2. Tlua orclinance ehall take effeet a�aci �e ia forca thirty days xfter its pass�sge. approval, aad publication. . Yeaa Councilmen Naya Paseed by the Council N�V 7 1972 � �UO�X Hnat �laom� Koaopstzld ��e _In Favor Meredith 2S ro�� Spratica T�� Nov s �9�2 Mme.�[ President � Batl�r Apprnved: Atteet: City Clerk �ay�• �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By . fi'_; . �;a.. . / - � �5��3�) This Ordinance changes the min�*mm+ qual.ifications for the title of Elec- tronic Data Processing Program¢ner. The neryr mininmm q�ifications require only success�.i]. completion of a recognized. computer programm,i.ng course as appropriate training for entry into the computer�progra�nlrig field. We axe no lo _ nger re- quixing one year of college math in addition to the computer progra�i,ng training. f 'lst �..� � 2nd !/vZ7 3rd �Q �/ Adopted !� ' Yeas Nays HUNT KONOPATZKI ��J 7 t)' r i LEVIT� MERED:C'i'H SPRAl�KA � TEDF:3C0 Mme PRESIDEN'•C (BUTLER)