02-753Council File # n ; ��i:�!��:�� Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ` -' l�U -�_ Committee: Date Z� 1 RESOLVED, that the Cigazette/'I'obacco license (License ID# 20000002973) held by 2 NITS Entexprises, Inc., d/b/a Little Nikita Cafe for the premises located at 126 East 10�' Street in 3 Saint Paul, is hereby suspended for a period of thiriy days for the June 5, 2002 sale of tobacco 4 products to a minor, a third violation. The suspensaon shall begin at 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday, 5 September 11, 2002 and continue until 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, October 10, 2002. 7 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the licensee shall pay a fine of $500 in addition to the 8 license suspension. Said penalty is an upward departiue from the presumptive penalty for a third 9 violation and is based upon the fact that in each instance the same clerk sold the tobacco 10 products, indicating that the establishment has taken no training or disciplinary actions for the 11 previous two violations, and the short time period in which the violations have occurred, as both 12 of the prior violations were within the last twelve months. The fine is to be paid within thirty 13 days of the passage and approval of the resolution. 14 15 This resolution and the action of the Council are based upon the facts contained in the 16 Notice of Violarion dated July 3, 2002, and the Tobacco Compliance Check forxn dated June 5, 17 2002. The licensee did not respond to the Notice of Violarion. Requested by Department of: Green Sheet # 20025 5 8ostrom /y �� /J ^ o emaa ✓ � :K' °I�A� i ' ^-'!.L .1/✓ Harris By: LaatYy �� � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCQ.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.• 200265 D � 7 �� LIEP July 31, 2002 ' CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: IN11"fAi✓DATE I1VI"1'IAI✓DATE Virginia Palmer (266-8710) � D�e,�z.r�T Dm crrr couxcn. MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) �SIGN _ CITY ATTORNEY _ CITY CLERK FINANCIAL SERV DIlL FINANCTAL SERV/ACCTG Allgt15L21 ,2002(consent) FN�U��IBER — MAyOR(ORASST.) _CNII,SERVICECOMASISSION ROUTING ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES _(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) wcriox t�QUes�n: Adverse action against the Cigazette/'I'obacco license held by NT"TS Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a Little Nikita Cafe, located at 126 10�' Street East RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS M[7ST ANSWER TAE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Haz this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this departmenC? CB COMMI"ITEE Yes No CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any currzn[ ciry employee? Yes No Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): NTTS Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a Little Nikita Cafe, failed June 5, 2002 ciguette compliance check. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Council action necessary to impose presumptive penalty for license violation. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: No penalty will be imposed for license violation. TOTAL AMOUNT OF'1'RANSACTION: $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: � FINANCIAL INFORMATiON: (EXPLAIN) r wseus�rac�caonm�:n«� - ��arrne <o�i s wPa � % - � ��;�rj �� ! � i �'� { D�- 7.5� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, Mayor AUgi1St E), ZOO2 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Manuel J- Cervrsntes, Ciry� Attarney CiviTDivision 400 Ciry Hall 15 West Kellagg Blvd. Saint Pnu[, Minnuotn 55102 Telephone: 651266-87(0 Facsimile: 651298-56l9 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Owner/Manager Litfle Nikita Cafe 126 10`" Street East Saint Paui, Minnesota 55101 RE: Cigazette/Tobacco License held by NTTS Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a Little Nikita Cafe for the premises at 126 10`" Street East in Saint Paul License ID #: 20000002973 Dear Sir/Madam: Please take notice that this matter has been set on the Consent Agenda for the Council meeting scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, August 21, 2002 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hali and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enciosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested matter in that the facts contained in the Notice of Violation concerning the unlawfui sale of cigazettes have not been disputed. As indicated, this matter has been placed on the consent agenda portion of the City Council meeting during which no public discussion is allowed. The recommendation of the license office will be for a 30 day suspension of your Cigarette/Tobacco License and a$500.00 fine. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. V ery truly yours, � f ,�✓u-c� ����, Virgini�. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Gouncil Secretary Christine Rozek, LIEP Mary Nelson, Community Organizer, Capitol River CouncilNist.#17, 332 Minnesota St., Suite W 1250, St. Paul, MN 55101-1314 AA-ADA-EEO Employer Da- �� UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER Licensee Name: Address: Council Hearing Date: NTTS Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a Little Nikita Cafe 126 10 Street East Wednesday, August 21, 2002 Violation: Sale of Cigarettes to a Minor Minn. Stat. § 609.685 St. Pauf Legislative Code § 324.07. Date of Violation Place: Presumptive Penalty: June 5, 2002 Licensed Premises 30 day suspension of CigaretteRobacco License (3` violation) Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: 30 day suspension of Cigarette/Tobacco License (3� violation) and a $500 fine Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. Tobacco Comptiance Check Purchase Form 4. License information AA-ADA-EEO Employer CITY OF SAINT PAUL Rnndy C. Kelly, Mnyor July 3, 2002 Owner/Manager Little Nikita Cafe 126 10"' Street East Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Da-��3 OFFICb �i THE CITY ATTORi�EY Mnnuel J. Cennn[es, Ciry Rttorney Civi1 Division 400 City Hnlf I S West Ke!logg Blvd. Snint Pa«[, Ntinrteso(n 55l03 Telephone: 65/ 266-87l0 Fncsimif e: 651 298-Sb19 NOTICE OF VIOLATION RE: CigazettelTobacco License held by NTTS Enterprises, Inc. dlbJa Little Nikita Cafe for the premises at 126 10` Street East in Saint Paul License ID #: 20000002973 Dear Sir/Madam: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has recommended adverse action against the Cigarette/Tobacco License held by NTTS Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a Littie Nikita Cafe for the premises at 126 10` Street East in Saint Paul. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On June 5, 2002, a tobacco compliance check was conducted at Little Nikita Cafe located at 12610"' Street East in Saint Paul. A fifteen year old female entered the store and asked to buy cigarettes. She was asked to show her identification, and did so. It correctly stated her date of birth. The clerk nevertheless sold her a box of Marlboro cigarettes. Sale of tobacco to an underage person is a violation of Minn. Stat. §609.685 aod Saint Paul Legislative Code §324.07. Although this is a third violation, and the presumptive penalty is a 30 day suspension of your Cigarette/Tobacco license, the licensing office will recommend an additional $500.00 fine based upon the fact that this is a third violation with the same clerk. At this time you have three options on how to proceed: If you do not dispute the above facts and do not �vish to have a public hearing, you �vill need to pay the recommended fine for this violation. If this is your choice, you should make payment directly to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, Room 300 Lowry Professional Building, 350 Saint Peter Street, Saint Pau1, AA-ADA-EEO Employer O�- 7�3 � Page 2 Little Nikita Cafe July 3, 2002 Minnesota 55102. The letter should be directed to Ms. Christine Rozek. Payment of the fine will be considered to be a waiver of the hearing to which you aze entitied. A self- addressed envelope is enclosed if this is your choice. Additionally, you will need to contact the licensing office to schedule the 30 day suspension of your license. 2. Alternatively, if you do not dispute the above facts, but wish to have a public hearin� before the Saint Paul City Council, you will need to send me a letter with a statement admitting the violation and requesting a public hearing. We will need to receive your letter by Monday, July 15, 2002. The matter will then be scheduled before the City Council for a public hearing to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opportunity to appear before the Council and make a statement on your own behalf. 3. If you do dispute the above facts, a hearing will be scheduled before an Administrative Law 7udge. At that hearing both you and the City will be able to appear and present witnesses, evidence and cross-examine the other's witnesses. The St. Paui City Council will ultimately decide the case. If this is your choice, please advise my legal assistant, Peter Pangbom, and we will take the necessary steps to schedule the administrative hearing. He can be reached at 266-8710. If we have not heard from you by Monday, July 15, 2002, we will assume that you do not contest the facts and will schedule this matter for the St. Paul City Council and have it placed on the Consent Agenda during which no public discussion is allowed and the recommended penalty will be imposed. Piease be advised that the clerk who was identified as hauing made the sale on this date is also being chazged an administrative penalty pursuant to Minn. Stat. §461.12, subd. 3. This is a sepazate action from this license matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (651) 266-$710. Sincerely, �� �vc-C« �i Virgini� D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney � �u � �� cc: Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Mary Nelson, Community Organizer, Capitol River CounciUDist.T17, 332 Minnesota St., Suite W1250, St. Paul, MN 55101-1314 AA-ADA-EEO Employer D�-ys3 STATE OF MII�TTNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly swom, deposes and says that on July 8, 2002, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION placing a true and coirect copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Owner/Manager Little Nikita Cafe 126 10�' Street E. St. Paul, MN. 55101 (which is the last known address of said person) United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of 7uly, 2002. / — / i� Notary Public with postage prepaid, in the PETER P. PANGSORN NOTARY WBUC-ldINNESOiq MY �OAAMISSION EXP3RrS JAN. 31. 2005 �a-�s3 OFFICE OF I.ICENSE, AISPECiIONS AND ENVIROISMENTpy PROTECTION ROg� C. Curtis, Director salrcr PAUL � AAAA CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, Mayor Case # A NTTS ENTERPRISES INC L�TTlE NIKITA CAFE '126 i OTH S7 E ST PqUL, MN 55101-2315 Foro�a uu o�ty Compiiance Check I.D.# Businas LD. # rm o�a�� Bnsiness Type: � Convenience 0 Convenience / Gas � Gas ❑Dmg ore / Phamiacy �Tobacco ( Smoke Shop � Supermazket / Grocery � General Merchant � Liquor Store / Baz estauiant � Other (privam club, bowling ar.) � / � / `_--' Time: .� . 7 L� a.m. p.m � 1 Date: � M M D D Y Y Was purchase attempted? If NO, check reason: � Yes � No � Does not sell tobacco � Unsafisfactory/unsafe condi6ons � Out of business � Other � After business hou� � Not applicabie Buyer � � � Use 3 initials / A��e� Sea (1�� Fe e 16 aie t � 17 made? Was age as Yes r No Yes or a Type of purchase: Self Service �lerk assisted __Vending machine - Unlocked Location ofmachine _Vending machine - Locked Location of machine ClerkInformation: �Female uMale civit PrnaITy $ Licensee: Civi� penaity $ For Office Use Oniy LOWRYPHOFESSIONALHUILDING Tdephone.� 65l-266-9090 350 SL Peter S6eet, Suite 300 Facsimife: 651-266-9l14 SaintPaul,Minnerota55702-I510 Wrb,- wyvw,ci.stp�u[mn,u Tobacco Compliance Check Purchase Form Adult ��Q Did adult or. officer vie�ansactiou? << Use 3 initials Yes or No a9 requested? W� shown? X or No (/Yes/or No L� ^ Type of product: Amount spent: $ �� .�"� r�Cigarettes Smokeless _Cigazs J � �J _Other (cigarette papers, lighter, etc.) � ( �U /�01(� ' ( � C�C Approzimate Age: ❑Under 18 Actual age if known —�. Crir,vnal Fenalty $_ 18 aad Over Sucpension:_10 days or less �1 I ro 31 days --- 32 days to 1 yeaz _Over ] year sc�.�ce txrzaaooi �'�? - 75:3 Name of Clerk: T . �(�� i _ 'L�_ C���✓�.F� I"\�.i/J Address: Date of Buth �=��5 — 0�1/ Driver's License # or State I. License Group Commenfs Text Licensee: NTTS ENTERPRISES INC DSA: LITriE MKITA CAFE License #: 20000002973 De3 —753 os�sa�zooz 06/28/2002 To CAO for adverse action. CAR 06/O5/"L002 Failed to6acco compliance check Clerk was Thomas Martin. Third failure within 1 year. 30 day suspension of tobacco license. pepart upward because the busfness has not taken steps to replace or train the derk who has failed all three compliance checks. - recommend $500 frne as weil. CAR 04/19/2002 $75.00 rwd frnm Gerk Thomas Martin for ag sales violaEOn.ES Ot/08/2002 $400.00 rc,vd for cig sales violation.ES 21/21/2001 Notice of Councii Meeting for 01l09/2002 consent agenda to levy $400 fine for to6acrA eompfiance faiture. CAR �0/24/2001 Notice of Administrative Fne Bom CAO for Thomas C. Martin, $50 fine for the sale of tobacco products to a minor. SS 10/24/2001 Notice of Volation fram CAO for sale of tobacco produds to a minor on 10/17Y2001. 2nd violation, recommendation for $400 fine. SS 10/� 92001 To CAO for adverse action. CAR t�l1712�01 Faifed tohacco wmpliance check. Clerk was Thamas Ma'tin. Second faiture, $400 matrix penalty. (Same cferk - couid this be a pattern?) CAR 08/01/2001 $200 rcvd for violation of cig sale to minor. caa 07/26/2001 Notice of Couneii Meeting ftom CAO. Set for consent on 08/15/2001.JL 07/12/2001 Notice of violation from CAO for sale of tobacco products to a minor. Given to 07/23/2001 to respond. JL 7/12/2001 Passed Tobacco Compliance Check. SS 07l032001 To CAO for adverse adion. CAR 06/25/2Q01 Failed tobacco compliance check. First failure, $200 matrix penaity. Cierk was Thomas Charies Martin, 10331giehart 55104. CAR 09/29/2000 Upgrade license from Restaurant-C to RestaurenbA. LKK da-�s3 � AAaress I Licrosea � Cofdect � L'seree � Cerdioltluv, Type: C" Property �' Uceraee C �pip}ryqm (.` p,p SVe�t t26 SUeet Neme: OT}i . Sireet TYPe: �.Ib . D'vECtiofY �AIb lkd � �— ��� '� Gty <qly i0 ;D 5TACY 8 STACY 8 ll_ G& J AWNWG 8.G 8 J AWNNG & CAMTrede-Bal6aertl 8 SiActive License R'rtW ' "_""_'_ '__'_'_"__"_ __ '_"' '_ ___' ...""_'__^____'__ � STAMPVS TENIF`STAMPY5 TENTH STFResfeurar¢ (Cy � LfreCarroeled Na lorgc h duneu as o1 Resteu�ard (A) - 0.'ACtive License Prirted . �6R22000 0672?f2003126 tOTH ST E -. .. � ,. " a:• ..... m - ..:.�,. s.,. �� �_ - � ..- Ei3� „ t� �.' y :e a., da-�S3 k�`ci?GeR%eiPU2eY.�-� . .���..���'i°���'� TYGe: 9 SirGH Pk� Street T 3 D"vec6o�$ UniII ; `L t i � E �� TRT51 990W017 Lirense r Licemee k Lic. Types i C• propMy C Ucenue C Urotficid Sireet t. 26 SUeet Neme:�� 56'eet TYPe: r ST D'rectiwx � �� � �,�� r CIIy PAIJL Licrosee S ENTBiPPo5E5 WC DBA NWTAG4FE Nmance BarM Re9�emerts � . �_ _. _ � _ _ ProjectFaCiitffior. ASUNQON,COPoNNE Pdverse AWa� CmuneNs - 9f29f1000 Up�ade to Resfa�uetd•A. LIIX � �� 1�N � LR 55701 I�f20C �C M p i Usf CoUncR 17 �p�N _ e hiauu � L'uxnsee: TT ENTERPRU'ES IN llcensce {DBA: I�TiLENWTACAFE ��^e�s' � Sales Tex Id B�DPlG &tt phorn:�� J' # J P V,}l Y� ��" :�'"� .��. Y�i�. ReataureM(C�-Wndetl -... .._�? 06l11IdG00 ; 06R2( . ._ .. ._" " '_ "'___"_ _"'_'_" Restawer�iCA)-0-t2satds v `R O6R2R000_ 06271 CSgerelteAObacco � 06R2f2000 � 06fY21 Liwnse tt 00@973 Seve Chenges to Natory F � tobexo comp(ence ch¢ck, qerk wes Th'vd fexee w8hin 1 yeer.30 day obacco 0wue. Depart upwertl becwse ��I9kLekm sleps to r@plxe ar {ran the N 12610TH ST E 126 tOTM ST E � �' �.... ,.. �' � ° -. nz- .� ..._ x o_� .,�_. . -..._..� L3; i3j' i,�.,� :..� �i . ��.m- �a -�s.3 ,�� j,'iCC4�iE 8�42fj1 :'.: � �..: � �'^ r. � Type �- ..-_-; r���'^�:s�r ... ' ".,�;.. s`.�. DBA �11'TLEPIDdTACAFE StreM N:§ ' Street T.` License Licensee ( Uc. TYPes � tuwarne � Bmd ' ftequ'ranuds, Qvectior� �xensae Nenie TTS HJl6iPPoSES BJC �� *. { DBA TLE WI(17A GU-"E ' _ ' _' ' '_'�-- �� } Sales Tex Id 9VDING Wn-P�ofit r vVaka's ComF WM"'^'�!+�+ E AACrndractReCd: AWO AATteuritgftec'tt OADR7000 j AA Fee ColecteR A00� DiscayR Rec'd [�' ; Olhc A enc Lfcenses .��' Fere� Hdtl Rwmce j �"CCd�L�.f�`9 �M���. �f�?1 : � .SfF V' �`.ag ' ,�"°�.� ' ��1" .. ■ i !i , . . KroaL5cmx5m.— ; . "� -3 � � � . � � .. " . � f. Mai To Cardact � Busress OGf12RW000A70A0UPHAA7 NGFM dhNER/APPLf C_.7 . � C'txensaAdr§ass 82050 ,. MaiTO 06l22fiWti00+�A0IXPMAM ... .NGHIA 'OYNdHi(IiOM'_C ) — L6? Tft751 -MaH rt�wice To: — � Md To Corrtad <' Licrose Address BackBOUnd Check Requ'ved �" �_ � �126107H 5T E E �'° s rn:. _:€ ( x.. _ S L$^ti\a q r;' "...- `�": ' ir