259903 ' � . ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK ������ . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa � . . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. ,��' CO NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BT \ ���� �. ! COMMISSIONE n� � ATF ( WHEREAS, Section 18. 22 of Minnesota Statutes 1965 authorizes municipalities, including the City of Saint Paul, when recommendation therefor has been received by such City from the Gommissioner of Agriculture of the State of Minnesota, to appropriate money for the control of insect pests, plant diseases, bee diseases, and destructive or nuisance animals; and WHEREAS, such letter dated October 12, 1972, addressed to the Honorable Lawrence D. Cohen, Mayor of Saint Paul, has been received from Mr. Rollin M. Dennistoun, Administrative Management Dir�ctor of the State Departm�nt of Agriculture, approving the City' s plan and program with respect to control of Dutch elm diseas�; and WHEREAS, Section 18.022 of Minnesota Statutes 1965 further provides that in order to defray the cost of the aforementioned activities the Gity may levy a special tax of not to exceed two mills in any year in excess of its Charter millage limitation, but not in any event of more than �.50 per capita, with an amendment which further provides that if, because of the prevalence of Dutch elm disease, the City of Saint Paul is una,ble to defray. the cost of control activities authorized by this section of Minnesota Statutes with the limits set by this subdivision, the limitslset by this subdivision are increased to 4 mills, but not in any event more than �1.00 per c�pita; now, therefore, be_ it RESOLVED, that the Gouncil of the City of Saint Paul hereby determines that within the aforesaid limitation a budget of �247,473.00 as recommended by the Mayor is hereby approved and adop�ed by the Council, in the amount of �271.280.00, including shrinkage in the amount of �4,009.00, and a reserve fund of �19,798.00; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that th� County Auditor is hereby requested to spread such tax levy as a separate item in said City' s tax rate, and to report the sam� as a separate item in each tax settlement to the City of Saint Paul. �� � -�-EOUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council OCT 1 ? i97219_ Yeas Naya � t er Hunt �" �c� 1 +l �J� C son Konopatzki Ap e� 19� Le ine Levine Meredith � Tn Favor M dith gprafka Mayor S a ka Tedesco T des o Mme. Preside�t, BI�I@f v Against Mr. Pres ent, McCarty FO AP CF Asst. City Attorney � Pu���a�t�n OGT 211972 o�.�,�,T�,��,� 259!�(l3 . , CITY OF ST. PAUL F�E NC�� NO * � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENT�dY COMMISSIONEQ �ATF �E�Af, S�o�ioa 18.0$8 0! �[i,a�t��ota ltat���� i9bS stitl�oriss� a�ioi,�aliti��� in�ludias th� Ci t�► of �aist �tl, �� rsoa�ation 1�retor tias �1ra ��o�it►�d b�r we� Cit�► lre� !b►� Corl.��i�ns�r o! krioultnre oi the State oi Irtinae��t�a, tu appropria�� �oa�y ior ths oontroi oi iss�ot p��t�, plant di��ra��s, lNe Qi�+�ares, a�d d��traotiv� or nui�os as�ia�i�; a�d �EAS, �ao� l�tt�r da��d Oetob�r 1S, 19'�8, addr��s�d to tb� 8oaorsble Lrnrr�tc� D. Cokan, i�ay�or of 8sis#t P�ni, hu baea re�elYrd !rE» Mr. ltollin M. n�rasi�toqa, .�i�i�trstifs Manss�tt Dir�tor oi the at�te Dsparta�ea�t of �rie��tltur�, approrri� t�� City'e �lau u� p�o�,ra,t �ritb r��p�ot to oont�wi o! l�tah �l� !lif�sae; ana �iHBR8A8, ffieotion 18.0�$ oi �tinn��►�a Stat�t�s i96� ltitrtb�r provi�ls� t�ltat in ord�r to dslYay the oo�t oi i4� alosae�ttioned aeti�itieo the City �st lev�r e �p�eial taz oi sot to eYeeed t�no �ill� i� aer ysar ia ezoe�s oi it� Charter sili�e ii�itation, . bat aot ia sn� �vest oi �ore than �.�0 per oapits� Mith an a��aii+�tt �+�tio� ltu�rtLer pro'ide• that i!, b�s��� oi t�� pr�r►��i�soe _ _ oi HuleL sl� di��s�e� t�e Citr oi �i�►t Fa�tl i� m�abio to aeir�� t�� eost oi c�ontral aoti�iti�� �nthori*�d b�r t11� ��otlon oi l�ina+��ot�a Sf�timt�� Nit►h th� li�it� r�t b� thi• �tlidi�ririon� tb� ��t�it• s�t by' tbi� �t�divitio�t as� ieor�a����'bo 4 �ill�, b�tt �ort ia anZ► �veat �e►r� th�n �1.00 psr espit►a; �ae�r, ther�iore, b� it � SiSOL'P�E1, that tb� Co�ti o! th� City o! �siat Fa�l �ereby A�t�raia�a �hat xit�ia tL� ator�ssid li�tit►ationt a buds�t oi ����,k73,0� �� r�oora��A b�► t►bs Msyor i� her�by approred and �opt�d by �L� Counoil, is f�he a�o�nt o! �S?1.S80.Q0, i,s�lndia� �iurialra►�e ia t►he a�omst ot �4,009�40, aad a re�srvs i� oi �19�7'98•00; asd be i t ��i �OLV�D, that the Couety �inditor i� h�r�b�► requ�st� to �pra�A �tel� t�z le�ry a� a ��psra�e ttsa� ia �aid City'o taac rat�, �ad to repor� �he �+are as s reparate ite� ia �sob taz osttlNttat to the City o= 8sint Paul. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� � 1? �9_. Yeas Nays ° u Hunt OCT Z? � 18� on Konopatzki Appmverl e Levine � Favor � �i� Meredith Sprafka �y� �,S fka Tedesco � Against � d co Mme. Presiderrt, Butler Mr. Pre� den McCarty �� . . � October 17, 1972 Mr. Lou A�cKenna Ra�sey County Auditor Dear Sir: Attached is a resolution oP the City Council, C.F. 259903, adopted October 17, 1972, approving a tax levy for the Cit,y's Dutch Elm Disease Program. Very truly yours, City Clerk ml