259902 o�c�c��s a� . � ' � ORDINANCE c� , COUNCIL FILE NO '�`����"� PRESENTED B ORDINANCE NO �� AN ORDIItiiA1�CE SETTLII+�G TIIE CLAIM �F MARIO A. TIICCI AGAIL�S� THE �ITY OF SAI�'P PA�, �HE CO�CIL OF THE �ITY OF SAIN'P PAUL DOES ORDAI}fls Section 1. That the proper Cit� officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the �ort Liability Fund 0�35-42U, to Mario A. Tucci, the sum of $718.19, in full settlement of his claim of damages sustained on or about August 26, 1972, as more particularly set out in a communic�tion to the City Council on August 31, 1972. Section 2. That said swn shall be paid to the said claimant upon hi� execution and delieery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be appro�red by the City Attorney, for all d�mages sustained in the manner afor�said. Section 3. That tbis ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its pas�age, approval and publication. k� � ��v� �� N OV 1 1972 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Bu ler Hun� �• ,:�,,, R C lson Konopa� �`-r_ , � Tn Favor vine � Lev'rne ��' eredith Mereditti ` `� Againat rafka � � 8��° NOV 19T2 r. Pr sident (McCa��sco Appro At . P+'eside p ; Ci Clerk ayo �� __ Form approved Corpora,#�ion Counsel By _ � QUBLISHED NOV 1 1 �972 � n.�lO.f�a P�laae � �, ' ORDINANCE ' 259�02 COUNCIL HLE NO. � s � PRESENTC-D BY ORDIN1INCE NO � �1l1' OWiI�CE SE'1"1'LI�i !83 CL�D[ 0�+' lWtIO A. S�C�CI 11�! ?� CITY 0� S1Z!! P� ?B� COt�CZL f3Z' �'HE �CI'1'! Qt � !]!�. DE��S t�1I�: S�etion 1. Tb;at t2� propuc City of�ic�rs ar� 2�sr�by anthoris�l and dir�at�d to psp ont ct th� Tort �.iability !�d 0033-4�p, to lasio �. suoci, t�e+ sne of �718�19, ia fnll �ettl�et o� hi� claia� of damaqe. austaiasd on or about August 26, 197Z, ss awre partieularly sst out in a caomuniaatica to tl� City Counefl on lingt�st 31, 197Z. Ssction 2. That said sn� shzll bs prid to tho uid claisant opoa hia �aQtiean and d�livery of a saloa� ia fnll to the City, 3as a for�a to be approv�d by t�e City �lttoraay, �ar sll d�a'aqes snstai.n�d in t� air�er alot�said. � � Section 3. That thi�e crdiaa�aa� ahall taks •tf�at aad b4 i� for� thirty daYa after itr passaqe. �ppraval and pablication. NOV i 19TP Yeae Councilmen Nays Paeaed by the Coun�3� Butler Hunf /„ C � KonopatzT� '«� T*+ Favor ,� tevine ��� MereditFl �� ro°''�inst � NOV 3197'� Mr. ident (McCar��escd Apprnved: Attest: Mme. P[eSl�,� City Clerk Mayor �� Form a roved Cai �=� � �� rpor�►�aior� couneel sy _ , , .. lst � �r.r'. � i 3rd 5 Ado�ted Yeas Nays HUN'I'::`_' KONOPATZKI LEVINE ��� ��j \ M�REDITH N ��. � �., TEDESCO . Mme PR�SIDENT (BUTLER)