259898 ORIbINAL TO�ITY Cl6RK ( ` CITY OF ST. PAUL. _ FcoENC�� NO. ,�598�8 � . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' UNC L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the City of Saint Pa.ul the attached agreement with the State of Minnesota authorizing the release by the State of Minnesota of a portion of the ponding area as described in said agreement; and, be it, FURTI�R RESOLVED,�That the proper City official.s axe hereby authorized and directed to accept on behalf of the City of Saint Paul the attached Qui.t Claim Deed ePfecti the release of said ponding axea. � ' l��fLf L � � � �v� � �SS C� ' Y '; �, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council�CT 1? �� 19— Yeas �s utl r Konopatzkf �iT 1� ���r 1 on Levine rove 19� Meredith � L ne Sprafka Favor Me edith Tedesco Sp fka Mme. President, Butler � yor A gainst Te co Mr. Presi n , McCarty � �B��SH� OCT 211972 _ . S.P. 6215 (5L=125) 902 Par. 34 - City oP. St. Paul ' i Ponding Area A GRE � bIENT THIS aGRE��iT� made this day o� — � 19 � by and between the 8tate oP �:innesota, acting tYuough ite Conamissioner ; oP Highw�ys, hereir�fter referred to as the "State" and the City oP St. Paul� a municipal corporation� acting througk� its City Couricil, hereinafter rePerred t to as the "City"; WHERFAS, in 1964, t,he "City" granted a ponding area easement to the j � '�3ta.te'� containing 3.75 acres more crr les9 -�Qr -crn�e aoll�r, an�d � � � �9HERE�LS, the "3tate'a'� need for a ponding area was caused by the con- �: € etruction, msintena.nce and drainage oP Trunk Highway No. 51 �ich easement irr � � ; ; c?w3ed right to drain, overPlow or flood witk: we.ter all that part oY the ? ' Yollowan.� deacribed tract lying an3 being in the County o� Ramsey, �dinnesota, ' yo-wit: ( � The north 395 feet of tY�e south 683•E3 �est oY the north � � ' 343.63 feet of the sautheast quarter oY the northeast ; quarter (S�.4 iv�4) oY -section 28, township 29 north, range : '+. 23 west, subject to Snelling �lvenue; ' which lies easterly of a l�e run parallel with and distant 500 feet westerly ; ' of the east line of sai3 section 28 and westerly of the �ollowing described line; � s � From a poi.nt or the ea.st line of said section 28 distant t ' ; s 1430 feet south o� the northeast corner thereof, run ,' ; westerly at ri�t a_ngles to said east sectian line �or ` ' 150 feet to the point of beginriizig oP the line to be deacribed; ` � thence run southerly and parallel with -the east line of said + section 28 for 300 feet; thence run southv�esterly to a point w � r,�ich is 345 feet westerly (neasure3 at right angles) from the ;f � east line of said sect�on 28, disj�,ant 1870 Peet south o� the �k northeast corner thereo�; thence run southerly and ps�rallel ;� with said east section line for 100 feet and there terminating; E � y ;� contain?� 3•75 acres, more or lass. ,� � �; Wi�F2EAS, it was agreed the above d.:scribed easemeLt continue there- �� � !: aPter until such time the "City" provides a atorm sewer drainage system and �; �. connections thereto in the vicinity; and �RE.�S� it has been established over an eight year period that the � • � pondiz►g area has held little or no water due to v.ertical drai.nage ar�d evapor- ation, and . � - � � �. 1 Page 1 0� 3 Pa�es_ _ . . ��±s+r:p.��F.'ARB�J�►"r.•,^...._ .... .-�...,.w-.�.+...,...,........�.....--r,---.,.F,._..,...+.,,.._....,.—�•--"...,.:-..-^'r-�_.�...,......--.. ..,.,-._.......- .. . .. . �...T•tsr�•l.:.Gn�^!'�-f��'l�F�Z711��"��,..,X,°*`.� . � . - . �� . .. � ' 1 � WF�REAS, it has been determined. by engineering stud,y, that the ponding area comprising 3.75 acres is more tha.n an adequate area to retain for such purpcses, and WI�REAS, the "City" for purposes of development, has requested the "State" to release the westerly 255 Peet of the ponding area containing 2.31 acres more or less, and Wf�REAS, the "State" and the "City" are desirous of entering into an agreement to release and convey the westerly 255 feet of the ponding area containing 2.31 acres more or less pursuant to M.S.A. 161.�3. NOW, THEREFORE, for the sum of one dollar ($1.00) and the mutual covenants herewith set Porth, the "State" and the "City" agree to the release of a portion of the pondin� area under the following terms and conditions: I. The "City" agxees to maintain the remainder of the "States" ponding area containing l.l+�+ acres more or less. II. The "City" agrees to provide Class "C" riprap as defined by I+�-ID Spec. 2511 at the outlet of the existing �+2" RCP. III. The "City" agrees to improve the permeability, by cleanin� the fin- ished. pond bottom of a.11 silt deposits af`ter the development has been comnleted. and flirther agrees to maintain the bottam of the pond in a clean condition. . N. • The "City" agrees to remove and replace fencing axound the ponding area at no cost to the "State". v. _ . The "City" agrees to huld the "State" harmless t�om all liability � � resulting f`rom the reduction of the ponding area size so long as the draina.ge axea emptied into said pond is not materially increased �om the present situation as a result of activities or alterations by the State of Minnesota, Department of Highw�.ys. �.� Page 2 of 3 Pages # �:; � � � -;? t ;. , ; � , : � , _ . . . ' ' W YI. �e"State" agrees to release aud quitclaim to the "City" its easement ri�hts ta the westerly 255 feet of the ponding area by executing a quit claim deed iri the Yorm oY h�chibit "B" attachec� hereto and made a part hereoY. YII. This agreement ahall be binding upon the parties hereto and upon their succeasors, representatives and assigne. . IN TESTI�ONY AFiERDOF the parties hereto have set their hands and affixed their resp�ctive seals the day and year Yirst above written, IN THE PRESENCE OF: CITY OF ST. PAUL BY . ITS BY ITS . APPROYED AS TO FORb: AND E}LECUTIONs STATE OF 1ti:INNESOTA DEPARTbi�tT OF HIGh"W�►Y5 Recommended for approva.l on: Special �issistant �ttorney General � 19 Directar� Right oY way Operations Approved on , 19 � IDT TF� PRESENCE OFs Asat. Comm., Desi� & 8i.�t of Way Approved on , 19 Commis$ioner oY Higki�ys $TATT OF biINNESOTA DEPARTb�T OF ADbTINISTRATION Approved on � 19 Commisaioner of Adminiatration - Page 3 oY 3 Pages ' , I � „ . • ; �UX� C�;T"�_ :� � �ha ��ate a�P t�'�.��c:sbta having heretafor� ucquire3 froas CSty o� � S�. �.'�iul, a �:unici�:l co�.parattors, ��o roal e�tat� herei�:ftQr �e�rorfbed �Por . ���unk h1���Y purpo�e�, and tho Gb�lseivner ot Hf.�waye of the Statia br�F� C@Y`t�1ed t'�aer.t �t3 ea� i� ua lan�,�er na�cied end recom�anded thc� reconveyanre , t�tereat ta the �rcaa�n� ��s8 oc�ri�ct t?�� C�,ty at s�. FFZUl, a mzz��l.c3pa1 c�rpprativn. Yart, ��herefoi�v, upan �,d recour:andatS.on cu� pur�e��x►� to t�.5.A. . Sec�3.on 161.�3, f� S ti�te o� �`.ianc�t�, try �a'en�i�3.]. ft. Aaderaax�, ita C�vcarnor, g�n'�rnr, rvr t�he ca�s�d$xation o� Q�e � Ito/l,O�Jthfl YkaZla�c� (�1.0�� }�id � tho ��ate fo� do�git in �he �x�ua�s highe�y S"un�� d�e� herst�p r�2s3ss, guit �3s� � qz�vey tt� the pre$ent �ee o�aer� the Gity a� 5�. Pa.u].� a n.�o�.}�� cvr;�orati.o�� �����, ��.�. �Ms la�ere�t :ln and 'Ls� �h� x�m�. e��a.te �i�u��e � � t'as Coc�n V� o� �:�.,Q�r' S�ate of �:Sr�n��ata, d�scr3bc�i �.s Po11oEy�: dll o� fha tol3.r}r.:,�,; deac.r�bsQ �x�c�: • � . �19 13,.'7i'��a i�� �S'�C v Cf.'� �::.F3 .yDi24:1 {?�Tj���'j f'�8.�i tf1'� �'.1£3 %?.�Y''t�'1 f's�1+`�� i�J� cr� ��� �:�uc 2�� �"va�'y Or �ila e�sst �U:� �'eet �f i�:a ;�rsu��z��t . t�t,�.3..rtc:r oZ �ii� :::or�e�zs� G�3artsr of �LC��.g� 28t i'�r���.� �3 �Orta� �3Q 23 '�';ss�� i�3�y Cot;n�p, "� �le.-�t.�� ecaLaix.i� 2.31 ucres, uo��a or le�� Sub�QOt ��o the So�.2�ogrf�n,g xastrietlouss �io c�,�ver�isir�; c�e�•ic�s i.n � Yar� cr $ize �11 bQ coa�truot�c�, p3.�e�3 or . pexra�.4to1 t,o bo oau��ruo�c3 or pY:ce3 upon thQ la:�a excepts (�) ai���i�, d��— P�Y� �nd c�aviG�� adve��.sin� t�?�e �^.ie ar ].er3�a o� �:nQ pmp�rty an�! �2) c��;as, dic�plays and d�vie�a a3ti•ortising ac�ivi��ea eouduc�e� an Y,hs �rcp�xty� �:he real esiate shall z�ot be u��d ae an autot�obilo jur�k yE:rd or a$ a xapva�.'f�ar� �or ruht�ic�h in ar�r forr,. � D�tod thia Qay �og . .�......�...�...._n.�n... . ..............r ��_.......t .st�a �a o�� � ra�� s�l�� �F �llt�'S��A _ presonce oY: - . gY -- - -- - - - - -- — Go�er,�r � .. . • The Grea� 3�a1 0� the S-�s.te � Appzbved aa ta �nr�.o . • $l3C2"E3Y,L12`31 pi a"�if@ � Sp�ct�1 t�.saist�nt �t�a�moy Ganoz�,l � . . �iIDIT ��8�� ��.�a 2 aY 2 ka�ea _. � , : � , t ' �• . . , � . , � � . , . _.i � h � � STA'1'E 0� �iII�:�sSC��.'A 8£3. C4Ut�'TY 0�' R;Y::S�Y ' � � • On t:�is da� of � 19�,a be�ora r�o a :i�ts�y Pub2ic s�:ithin �.nd �nr ea.id Go�ntY, Pel•�Ori,:..'�.Iy uppe�red t:endell R. i:ncler�on� �o r:.e krm�zn to �e the G�•rernor oY r;�=id Sta�e �nd �'�s person descra�ad in and s•;�ia axecuted the ��raC-;aing in9�x�ient r�.zui ac�cnasvled�ed t2;a� hQ execute3 t!�o ���� �rxi cauaed the GrQati Sea�, o� �Ghe St�ie to bQ aY�1.:sed t�he:e�o� hy F:.u�nority of �:.S.A. SQCtior. �61.43a � aa �he frev a.et� ar�ci deed � o� �:i� Stetc. . • APProve3 �t3 �� ex��utf�rs Specir�]. Asaist�nt i+ttrsrx�e� Gensx�l � . � � - � . �. ; w� - . � ... . � . ,. . . - _... Pege 2 oY 2 Pa.gee� . , f y4 ' `.�� • . • . + ,� ' , • i � • ' �.�Y t�, ' '� , � .,., t " • . . •fi ��v .. � ' . � � � � . � '+ • I� �' '. . ' , 1 • � i . . � '� �ti:� �/%���� �" • S A �. , �� � '�� w� ', y � . . '� f� ��1 r��1� L1 1 1��,�i� •.r�ri1�1'•l� �Yi�.r' .. � J 1� � . . ,! . �. ..� q �., �. `R S� � � �1 � � . �. 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