259881 ORIGI�ALJrO CITY CLERK �Cn[l.(1�
COMM SS�IONE , ArF October 11, 1972
WHEREAS, the Gity Council of the City of Saint Paul is informed by the
pepartment of Parks, Recreation and Public Buildings that the vacant and open
bui Idingts) located at: 115 G�inter
ln the City of Saint Paul are a proximate hazard to the pubtic health,
welfa�e and sa�ety; and
Y�HERFJIS, the last known record owners of said property are: Herman
Hiding - fee owner and Helen Hagens - contract purchaser
and said owners have fatled to secure the same against entry by vnautho�ized
persons in violation of Section 192. 18 of the Saint Paui Legislative Code,
and said vacant and open buildir�gts) have been found and determined by the
Council of the City of Saint Paul to constitute a menace to fihe pubiic health,
welfare and safety and a public nuisance which must be fnm+ediately abated to
prevent ioss of life or property; now, therefore be it
RESOlYEO, t�iafi #he Department of Parks, Recreation and Pubiic 8uildings
is authorized and directed to imnediately secure sa�id buildings by the use of
contract labor under cohtract No. ?� pending proceedings unde� the Fiazardous
Bu i i d I ngs Act; and be i t L-7 5 2 5
FUR�FiER RESOIVED, that the expense of securing such buiidings be paid
from Fund No. II�1�8�, Su�nary Abatement, and that the Corporation Counsel
� be directed to take appropriate action to �eimburse said fund by action
� aga i nst the owner of sa i d property. Estimated cost $34 . 35
� o (New)
► Q
n. .•' l ' � �
Q U `� 7
+% �
_ a � OCT 171972
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci] 19—
Yeas Nays
Butl r CT 1? �7�
ar on H u nt Approve 9�
Konopatzki �1
L � ne Levine / Tn Favor
M edith Meredith
Sp a Sprafka J Mayor
Tedesco A gainst
Te e o Mme. President, Butler
Mr. Presi nt, McCarty
o����T�,��,� �598R1
rt �• - CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO
COMMISSIONE� �ATE_.Q�ti(w��' 1,�,..rl���
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Saint Paui is informed by the
Department of Parks, Recreation and Pubiic Buildings that the vacant and open
bui Iding(s) located at: �lg y,����
in the City of Saint Pauf are a proximate hazard to the public health,
welfare and safety; and
WHEREAS, the last known record owners of said property are: �
ii�LVli� ' ie� ��.= Ai��i ���� ��e� „n ���tii�Q� ri r1i����
and said owners have failed to secure the san�e against entry by unautho�ited
persons in violation of Section 192. 18 of the Saint Paut Legis{ative Code,
and said' vacant and open building(s) have been found and detenni�ed by the
Councii cf the City of Saint Paul to consti#ute a menace to the pubiic heatth,
welfare and safety and a pubiic nuisance whtch must be tmmediately abated to
p�eveat loss of life or property; now, therefore be it
RESOtYED, that the Oepa�tment of Parks, Recreation and Public 6uitdings
ls authorized and directed to imnediateiy s�ure said buildings by the use of
cont�act labor under contraact Pb. � pe�ding p�oceedings under the Hazarda�s
iiu i 1 d i�gs Act; and be i t L--TS35
FtJRTHER RESOLVEO, that the expense of secu�ing such buiidings be paid
from Fund Pb. �E�, Summary Abaten�ent, a�d that the Corporatlon Counsei
be directed to take appropriate action to reimburse sald fund by ac#ion
aga i nst the owner of sa i d property. gs��ptta� op�t� �3�.3"�
� ����� �
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc�� � 1? �9—.
Yeas Nays
nt1 Hunt �CT 1 ? 1972
Konopatzki Approve� 19�
°� Levine
L e Meredith Tr Favor
Me 'th Sprafka
Sp Tedesco �SY�
Mme. President� ��t�� Aoainat
T es °
Mr. Presi ent, cCarty