259879 OR161hAL TO CITY CLBRK • I�l�Q��
CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa � ���
RESOLVED, tha,t the Council hereby ratifies and approves
the action of the Saint Pa.ul Boa,rd of Appeals and Review for
the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes pertaining to
the following listed property and as shown by the official
minutes of said Boaxd of Appeals, da,ted September 27, 1972, a
copy of which, marked "EXHIBIT A" �s at�ached hereto and made
a part hereof by reference:
Case No. Praperty Appellant
66-72-B 11 Hillside Court Robert G. & � `�
Ma.ry Anne Lindsay
by �-
. Robert E. McGarry
68-72-B 641 No. Hazel Mrs. Ruth MeKay
Mary McKay
67-72-P 343 VanBuren Nlarjorie Czajko�wski
71-72-B 1026 Pleasant Edwaxd Morse
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COUNCILMEN `~ Adopted by the Council OC� i � � �9—
Yeas Nays
Bu er Hunt O�'iT � � 1972
C lson Konopatrki pprovec 19—
ine Levine
Meretlith n Favor
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fka �'edescQ � Mayor
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Mr. Pre ident, McCarty F� APPROVED:
Asst. ity Attorney
PUBLt�HED QCT 21 1972
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Wednesday, S�ptember 27, 1972
Room 210, Bureau of Heaith, 555 Ced.ax Street
Members Present: Arthur Tieso
Ja.mes Voigt
Norma Soro¢nerdorf
Raymond Grove
Estyr Peake
Mitchell Kaxnin
Members Absent: Donald Wozniak
Agencies Present: Building Department: �ank �taffenson
Others Present: Robert G. and Mary Anne Lindsay, Robert MeGarry,
Ruth McKa.y, Mary McKay, Pa,ul White, Ma.rjorie
Czajowski, Helen Steinhelber, Edward Morse,
Mrs. Morse, Steve Ikeda
Minutes of the September 13, 1972 meeting were approved as amended.
66-72-B 11 Hillside Court Robert G. & Mary Anne Lindsay
Robert E. McGarry
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay axe appea.l.ing Section 33.0�+, subdivision 3-A of the
St. Paul Legislative Code.
Mr, Robert Lindsay, Mrs. Mary Anne Lindsay, Robert McGarry
As noted on a Certificate of Survey attached to the appellants written
appeal, the corner of the Lindsay porch appears to be approximately on
the side property line. The ad�acent property owners are Victor Roger Vik
and his wife. They, in affidavst form, indicate no objection to the
granting of variance from any porch on property Iine. At this time, there
are no existing structures on lot 3.
, T
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Nx. McGarry stated 'r�e has no idea af wher. �the Vic's ir��end to build.
The poreh under appea.l is now in existence; its corner touches the side
property line.
Motion by Voigt to �rant a waiver of Section 33.0�+, subdivi.sion 3-A of
the St. Paul Le�islative Code to enable said porch at above-described
pro�perty to exist as constructed, touching property line. Seconded hy
, Ayes: Tieso, Voigt, Sommerdorf, Grove, 1'eake, Kamin. Nayes: none.
Abstentions: none. Motion carried six (6) to zero (0).
68-72-B 6�+1 No. Hazel Mrs. Ruth McKay
, Ma,ry McKay
Mrs. McKay is appealing Section �+U.00, subflivision 1-c of the St. Paul
Legislative Code.
Ma.ry McKay, Mrs. Ruth McKay
Mrs. McKa,y owns a lot to the reax of her property at 61+1 No. Hazel. A
garage has existed on this rear lot since approximately 1938. Nls,ry
McKay stated that there was no problem until they built a gaxage on the
f`ront lot. City code sta.tes that there cannot be three buildings on
one lot. The appeZlant would l.ike to keep the old g�xage for storage,
as it is approximately 12' x 18' and in good cond.ition. Ma,ry McKa,y said
they would like to repair overhea.d door, pendin� outcome of this hearing.
Motion 'ay Tieso to grant agpeal to a11ow gaxa�e at reax of property �to
rema.in as constructed. Seconded by Peake.
l�yes: Tieso, Voigt, Sommerdorf, Grove, Peake, Kamin. Ayes: none.
Abstentions: none. Motion carried six (6) to zero (0).
n �
At this point, Helen S�einhelber ir�troduced rers�l� to �he Baard. She
stated that she was very active in code enforcement ar�d housing code
Since heaxings were ahead of schedule, Mr. Staffenson proceeded to reZate
to the Board a situation which ha�. developed regarding a previous appeal
heard on August 23, 1972. Mr. 5taffenson stated that a 60-day extension
wa,s gra.nted by the Board on a�.l repairs of 646-6k8 Sherburne. Because of
the inspection report which was issued to him, Mr. Johnson has ma.de an
application for a reduction of the valuation of this property. Mr. Johnson
requested to set praperty value at zero an the basis of the inspection
report. In essence, what he is doing is saving money by not improving
property. According to Mr. Staffenson, four to five requests for reduction
of valuation with attachment of housing code orders axe coming into the
County Assessor's Office each week.
69-72-B 13q7 Ashland Avenue Paul White
Appealing requirements of Section r+U.00, subdivision 1-c to enable the
construction of second two-car garage which would be �.pproached from
Paul White
The appeal. as Frritten, is unclear. I�x. White would like to construct
another ga-rage facility as renters now have li.mited garage space. Mr. White
was unable to provide dimensions of lot and existing buildings.
None. Mr. White may make his appeal before the Boaxd at such time that he
can provide adequate inforination. It wa.s su�gested that he check with
building department as to al1 requirements before he return for a.ppeal.
67-72-P 3�+3 VanBuren Ma,rjorie Czajkowski
The appellant is appealin� certain items mentioned in a survey of the
above-described property.
Marjorie Czajkowski
. • .
The survey of 3�+3 VanBuren was the result of a complaint. Mrs. Czajkowski
intends to take caxe of all items mentioned in the report. There axe some
items, however, which she feels should be appealed. Mrs. Cza�kowski stated
that the property wa.s in good cor.�ii.tion before she sold it. She sold the
praperty under a contract for deed, which she has since taken back. The
items which Mrs. Czajkowski intends -co appeal are: the kitchen sink crown
vent s trap 14 galvanized wa.ste (Item No. 17); condition of roof (inspectian
report states roof is deteriorated) (Item No. 2�+); requi�ement tha.t south-
west bedroom have 10�o windovr axea (Item �Vo. 38); the item which states stairs
are weak (Item No. 39) and requirement tha.t foundation on southeast corner
be repaired to correct building sag (Item No. 21). Mrs. Cza�kowrski intends
to make all other repairs.
It wa.s the general feeling of Mr. Ikeda and Mr. Ray, a housing code inspector,
tha.t the above-mentioned items were appealable, except perhaps Item No. 21.
Motion by Voigt to grant a wa.iver of the requirem�ents af Items 17, page 2;
2�+, page 3; 38, page �+; and 39, page �+, listed in the above-described survey.
Ayes: Tieso, Voigt, Sommerdorf, Grove, Peake, Kamin. I3ayes: none.
Abstentions: none. Motion carried six (6) to zero (0).
71-72-B 1026 Pleasant Avenue Edward Morse
Requesting a variance of Section �+.0�+, paxagraph �-b to allow construction
of a garage �' from sidewalk li.ne instead of required 8.
Edwa,rd Morse, Mrs. Morse
Mr. Morse described the property as f�ontin� on Pleasant Avenue. The rear
of the lot faces Monroe Court. Mr. �forse would like to construc�t a garage
22' x 22' four feet from sidewalk line, ra.ther than required 8' . He stated
that his neighbors will be asking for a va.riance to move existing gax8ge
away from his house to�ward sidewalk line also. Morse has been given the
impression tha.t a sidewalk will not be constructed an Manroe Court.
1• the proposed garage would face Monroe Court.
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Motion by Tieso to wa.ive requirements of Section �+.0�+, �axagraph �+-b to
enable construction of said ga,•rage four feet f`ram praposed sidewa."lk, as
opposed to 8' requirement. Seconded by Voi�t.
�yes: Tieso, Voigt, Sommerdorf, Grove, Peake, Kamin. Nayes: none.
Abstentions: none. Mot�on carried six (6) to zero (0}.