259877 r ORI6INAL TC�CITY CL6RK ' CITY OF ST. PAUL c�o�Ncu NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� � IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE �� October 11, 19 7 2 WHEREI�S, the City Council of the City of Saint Paut Is informed by the Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Butldfngs that the vacant and open bui Idingts) located afi: 405 Michigan in th+� City of Saint Pau! are a proximate hazard to the pubiic health, weifar+e and satety; and WN�kFAS, the last known �ecord owne�s of said property are: Rober t L. Bernstein �Ind said owners have tailed to secure the same agafnst en#ry by unauthorized persons in violation of Section 192. 18 of the Saint Paui Legislative Code, and said vacant artd open building(s) have been found and determined by ttte Co�ncil of the City of Satnt Paul to constftute, a menace to the pubiic health, welfare and safety and a public nuisance which must be immediately abated to prevent loss ot tife or property; now, thefefole be it . RESOlVfD, that the Deparfiment ot Parks, Recreation and Public Buiidiags is authorized and directed to irr�nediately secure said buiidings by the use of contract labor under cantract No. X3�pending proceedings unOe� the Hazardous �suiidings Act; and be i# L-7525 . �, 0756-260 c Ft1RTHER RESOLVED, that the expense of securing such buildings be paid `� ° from Fund Na. �X'9�6&, Summary Abatement, and that the Corporation Caunsel � Q be directed to take appropriate action to reimbu�se said fund by action a � aga i nst the owner at sa i d praperty. Es timated cos t $3 4. 3 5 a � (New� . �: N /J Q %' � .�1 Y "`' 0 CT 17 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas , Naya utle t-�unt rove OCT 1? 1972 19— darl n Konopatzki p Levine vi e Meredith r dith Sprafka � Favor S� a Tedesco � Mayor Mme. President, Butler Against Te co Mr. Presi' t, McCarty �� PU9LI�H�p OCT 21 1972 �, ___ _ _ _ jUDLIGI'tyTO MtIN7�1t . CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO"_i�� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRB6NTED 61f �AfE ��' �3,/ Z,TZ COMMISSIONE� WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul is jnformed by the Departiaeat of Parks, Recreation and Public Buitdings that fihe vacant and open but Iding(s) located at: *d3 �Qbiqa�l in the Cfty of Saint Paul ar� a proximate hazard to the pubtic heaith, rrelfare and satety; and WHF.itEAS, the fast known record owners of said property are: �� L� �!8/t�R and said a+ners have failed to secure the same agatnst entry by unauthoriZed pe�sons in violation of Section 192. 18 of the Saint Paul legisiative Code, and said vacant and open buildtng(s) have been found and de#e�mined ,Dy #he Counctl of the City of Saint Paul to constitute a me�ace to the public health, welfare and safetq and a publlc nuisance which must be Immediately abated to prevent loss of tife o� property; now, #herefore be it RESOIYE�, that the Depari�nent of Parks, Recreation a�d Public Buildings is authorized and directed to imnediately secu�e said buildings by the use of contract latior under cc�ntract No. �pending prxeedingS under the Hazardous E3ui Idings Act; a�d be it ���Z� FURIHER RE��t�.?3 7�Rat tt� expense of secu�t�g such bu i i d i ngs be pa i d frpm fwnd No. , Summary Abatement, and thafi the Co�poratio� Counset be"directeQ #�����Proprfate action to reimburse said fueM by act3on 4 aga i nst' the a+ner of sa i d praperty. ���� �tt �3�,3!i �bi�►� COUNCII�MEN Adopted by the Counci� ��T 1 'T 197Z 19_ Yeas Nays Butl Hun� 1 n Korio� Apprnve� �CT i'� �72 19� e Le�r�e � ,� Meredith Favor _ sp�fi�a 6 �� S Tedesco ���@� . T deac Mme. PrPSide�ti �"'°""' roA�A1TfA1', Mr. Pres{ ent, cCarty ��