259876 �J OlI�jA�I t0 C�t�CIltk - � ORDiNANCE • 2598'�f COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��� An ordinance amendi.rig Ordinance No._ 3250, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopti.ng rules and regulations therefor, " approved August 20, 1914, as amended. ..,; � ' T�iE �dtJ1V'CII, dF' '�`HE CI`TY OF SAINT PAUL DO�S C3RDA1''T�':, , �.'�:.� ,Q:_� -< ;u:: 4� :�°_ . �� '��:�-� �,.�,,.� �'`5`c�'t� I; `That Ordinanee 1�0.' ��5�0, apProved August'�20,, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 6, where it appears i.n Grade 28 under the headi��;;A.�tendanee and Inspectional Group, the title Poundmaster; and by inserting immediately after the material in Grade 28, the following: GRADE 29 P oundma s te r Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. Approved: �� ' _ Civil Ser ce Commission � � �n � � `��`� �� NOV , 1 1972 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council � H�t d �sc� Konopatzki Levine Tn Favor Meredith � (� � A gainst Tedesco me. President Butle� NQ� - Appro At C� Ci Clerk �- Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By� � PUBLISHED NOV 11 1972 Civil Senrice Commisslon ' " � Director of Personnel Mrs. Ruth D.Schwarzwalder, Chairman $A ' ,� ! UL John S. Haider Mr. Harry H. Gaaton � � � � � Mr.A R.(Dick)Zangs CIVIL SE � � OFFICE Assistant Director � �„� , �, Thomas D. Gleason � � r � r r � ����� ST. PAUL, MINNESO 02 October 12, 1972 ��"'��� Hon. Lawrence D. Cohen Mayor, City of St. Paul Room 347 City Hall Re: Amendment to Ord. #3250 regrading Poundmaster Dear Sir: The attached ordinance has been approved by the Civil 5ervice Commission and the Commission recommends approval by the City Council so as to establish a proper relationship between this supervisor and his subordinates. We respectfully request that you submit this ordinance to the City Council for approval. Very truly yours, � ,� J . aider Director of Personnel Att. MEMBER . pYbIM p�nonnd wuociation CIT� CLERK • .. 259��7F; �. �r�. .�..�� �:�.�. �.. ����, ��: *�r�+��rt.�c�� �aw�s�► .� �►r� +��t� 1�M� ��'1�+R 1�� +�� �'M�s �� �� i�l� �� �� �j�� �►lr+ll#�f�� i�� � f�s #�i��� #� #�Il�i�. ��' +�+���i. +E��` 3'1�� til"�'�!!'' +Cfl�!` +1��'�' l�'/►#��w �1"�i �3�k�� �� �� "��! ���IM�M�11 �►. ���« �►#�i�INM1 � _#� �'��+�� � ���, �� � � ���"�' ��► ,�A� �► �t� M� +�' +��� ��r �� �� i� ��! � �!� ���', �A�! �� �� �ai� !M �t�! A'�i��1►+M'� iw/ �► �� ��M1'+���!� �r�aa�l� M +C��r�# ii, t�► ��r�r�;s ���� �� ��i�s�r�r �N!�MriM i. "�i� +rar� � �r �±R itl� #r� i�►��M►��! � +i�qr +�wt�rwr �r�t �wlg��rr�1 *+Mr+ei�+i t�ir�►� f��r►1�r� +�+1�r� �a�, �l�• � �� +��t�� +�������� ���� NOV 1 1972 ��� L' � ORDI11i' ANCE � 25s��s COUNCiI, FILE NO PRES�ITED BY ORDINANCE NO,,�.���� An ordinan�e amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: "An administrative ordina.nce relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saiat Paul. approviag aad adoptiag rules and regulattions ther�for, " appraved Auguat 20. 1914, as zmended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAt1�TT pAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Tha.t Ordinanca No. 325f1, approved Angnet 20, 1914. as amended, be aad the ssme is hereby further amended by striking oett of Sectioa 6, where �it appears i.n Grad.e 28 usder the heading Attendance aad Inspectioaal Graup, the titla Ponadmsst�r: asd b�r fas�rMng imm�dist�ly s�tar the material ia G=ade 28, the folloaring: GRADE 29 Ponndmaster Sect�n 2. TLis ordieance ahall tskm c.ffect aad be in forca os tlu first d�sT of th� titts# psTsoll perlod follo�ving thirty dsy8 a£ter its psaesge, sppra�al, sad publicstioa. . Apprmred: . � ivil ervice osnmis Yeas Councilmen Nays PRaeed'by the Coun�i� N OV , 1 1972 Koa<a�pstsl�at � Tn Favor vine M� � ��inst Tede�sco ��.� Preaident � B�tler NOV 3 197g Approved: Atteets City Clerk �day►or �� Form approved Corporation �ounsel By � -�x�, __ �, �-Y . . � The Poundmaster,'is in charge of the Dog'Pound and sia.pervzs�s a11 of the Dog Wardens. The at�ached ordina.rice provides for moving the title of Povnc'imaster from Grade 28 to Grac�e 29. 'rhe title of Dog Warden is in Grade �4 and it appears that placiug the�Pound;master in Gra.de 29 would result in a more realietic di.fferential between the Dog Wardens ax�d the supervisor. ��"" " � Presently the differential is $72. 00 a month, and this upgrading would result in a differentiajl of $99. 00 a month. i_�: � �:�a /v/�5� _ 3rd �l� �S_ _ Aclopteu _ /���/ ,__ Yeas �aYS HL'NT:;�� ;. �a�o�A�u�i ��9��� . ���z� � Ni�Rr^�DITi�i S� �• � TEDESC_O . •::� a � r„� � - t T�,me PRESIDENT ;BUTLER}