259873 �ORIf'sINAL TO CITY CLBRK ������� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO ' �" Lzc�rrsL cor�u��Tr� COUN L RESOLUTION—G ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY OCtOb@Y' 1 . 1p 2 COMMISSIONE qTF �� /� �;:�I��.S: TiMOthy 0'Gaxa, Inc. desires to withdraw l�pplicatiQn TYT j847 for the Transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 8132 at 731 Randolph kvenue because the transaction of the sale was n.eve-r completed and requests the return. of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RLSGLVi�D: That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized to r efund to TiMOthy 0'Gara, Inc. the fee of ,�437.50 and to cancel said ar�plication for license, bdITtLDRA'riAL (Refund� � rlailing Address: T�1r. Timothy 0'Gara 1915 Selby Avenue St. Paul, P�Tinnesota 55104 pCT i? 1�TZ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeaa Nays Bu er Hunt 1 y,��� rove �CT 1� 19�� 19— C son Kanopa'fz� "`� e ne �-evine '� MereditR � -�n Favor e editl�prafka � yor S fka Tedesco -� •� J Te sco Mme. Presidett�,� y Againat Mr. President, McCarty FORM APPROV�� � ;���� rney �� PUBLI�HED OCT 21 1972 .o�.,�,n,�.�,� � 2598'73 CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa ND �_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' t � ��5�' ��'�"II�"�� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED iY �A� OOtiOb�Z' l�Jt 19TZ COMMISSIONER WHF�AS: TisctYiy 0'Gara� Iao. d�sires to vithdraw Applioati�n M 3847 ior th� Transfer ot On Sal� Liqaor Lioen�e �To. 8132 at ?31 Randolph Avenue beoanee th� traaesatioa oi th� ssle Was nwer ao�pleted aad roqn�sts the r�turn of the license f�e deposited th�r�on, th�r�for�, b� it B�SOLYEDt Tbat the p�oper City olficers 1» and they are hez�by wthorised to r efand to Tiaot�,q O�aars, Iao. the fee ot' �437•5� � to oancel said application tor lioaW. wz�sWaL (R�) . l�failing Addr�ss= Mr. Ti�t�q O�tiara 1915 S�Zb� Avenu� st, Pan1. Kim�sots 55104 . �CT �� 1�72 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun�il 19� Yeas Nays Butler Hunt :.�::t Y� �.- Konopafrl� Approv 19� Carl � evirte Lev' r"��i�rediffl Tn Favor Mer '},h SPrafka Tedesco �y� SPr Mme. PCesld.eDt,,�� � A��t Ted sco Mr. 'd nt, McCarty ��