'..� < "� , CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� `�cr�. ��
WHEREAS, The Board of County Commissioners of Ra.msey County,
under and pursua.nt to Laws 1971, Chapter 950, has the authority
and power to acquire real and persona.l property for park, open
space or recreational purposes; provided, however, tha.t before
acquiring any interest in real or persona.l property pursua.nt to
the Act, the County sha.11 obtain the approval of the governing
body of the municipality in which such property is located; and
WHEREAS, Ramsey County has proposed the acquisition of real
estate located within the City of Saint Paul for its open space
project, identified as Lilydale-Twin City Brick Open Spa.ce Project,
t�.e legal description of said real estate being more fully set
forth in the attached Exhibit A; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul does
hereby approve the Ramsey County Lilydale-Twin City Brick Open
Space Project, and does hereby approve Ramsey County acquiring
for park and open space tlie lands located within the City of Saint
Paul and legally described on the attached Exhibit A.
Y As i Att r y
OCT 13 1972
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Nays
utl HUnt T 13 1972
1 on Konopatzki � 19_
Le ' e Meredith � Favor
Me ith �
" Tedesco Mayor
Mme. President, Butler' v
T esc A8'��$t
Mr. Presi ent, cCarty
Pt��u�� OCT 21 19�2
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�. , . - EXHIBI'�. � .
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� �`°� TWIN CITY B�RICK CO:�.`�'ANX PROPr'�i'� (�p�
�� _ . - - Legal Description : _ ��+;�7(3 !�. _
Beginning, �t the Southeast corner of I,ot 7, g1o�k l, I,agevietir Addition; -
- . thence Nartheasterly to �the Northeast corner of Lot 12, Block 1 oP said
�d3?tioa; theace i7ortherly to the Southeast cor�ner oP Lot �, Block 2,
- Joy's 2nd Addition; �hence Northea,sterly to the Northeast corner of i,ot
�� ` 8, Block 2 of said Addition; thence West to the .Narth-�est corner of' said
_ I,ot 8; theace Sout�west�rly to the Southwest corner oP Lot 5, Block 2 of �
_ said Addition; the��e West ta the Southeast corner of Lot 5, Block 3 oP -
_ _- said Addition;"thenc� P7orthessterly to th� Northeast corner of I,ot 9
_-� � ,:_ Block 2, Risrerview Addition; thence �lest to the Easterly R�W line o��the
.:�� C. St. F. =� I�f".. & 0. Ry.; the�ce Southwesterlp on ssi.d R�W line to the South �
_��. -_;� line oP: Lot=:7; g1o^k: 2, I,.akev3,ew Additioa; thence E�st tv the Southeast
�- corner of' said Lot; theace Northeasterly to the Nax�theast corner o� Lot l,
b '� ��
� ._�:..Block 2J •o� ,said Addit�on;.-th�ace East to the Northwest corner of Lot I2,
=� = BZock 1 oP sai.d Addition; theace 8outhwesterly to the Sonthwest corner oP '
� �t 7, Blcc3r 1 af said Addit�an; theace Eas't to the point oP beginning;
- A1so, that part oP the Southwest 1�4 of the Southeast 1�� oP Section I2, �
Tc�r:zship 2$,:,8arige 23 described as �o2lvws: beginntag at the South iine �
- o� saici Seetion and the EasterZy RJGI Zine oP the C. St. P. M. & 0. Ry,; �
, thence.2lartheas�er3y oa said .R�W Iine �to poiat of iatersection of East.:�Test
. line produced b�y projeGtiag the Narth Iine of Lo* 6, BZack 2, Rive�-view
. Addition; theace West on said East-�est line to the Sout�easterly lir.e of
- B?ock 2, TntttTe's A3dition; th��ce Southwesteriy elong s�id Southeasteriy `
• 1i�e te the West line o� said 1r� I�4; thencc: Scuth on said Iiae to the
- Easterly RfW" 3.ine.a� tze C.. :�i. & St. P. Ry.; th�r_ce Sauthesly on said �lt�T •
_ '_ - line-to;�he 3aut� l;.nn. o� ssid l:f 4 1��;; thence s.ast on sa��d ,�o��u li..�C Lu
poin� of beginn�ng� A1so, that pa.rt of C�vernmen� Lot 6 bounded by the
. _ . fol3owi�g described Zir.e: Conmencing at intersection ;�f the East lin� of'
� • Gove�-r�neat Lot r,i a.nd ;,he Northeasterly R�W Iine of the C. M. and St. P.
_ Railroad; theace Piorth oa s�id East Iine to th� ao•,�therZy Iine of plattect
W. Water Street; thence Southwester•�y on said Southerly line to the said
"_ R�+T lin�; thence Southeasterly an said R/�W line to point of com�nencement.
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o�.�,�,���,� �59
_ ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNa�
WHEREAS, The B�oard of County Cammissionere of Remsey County,
under and pursuant to Laws 1971, Chapter 950, has the authority
and power to acquire real aud personal property for park, open
space or recreational purposea; provided, however, that before
acquiring any interest in real or personal property pursuant to
the Act, the County shall obtain th�e approvrsl of the governing
body of the m�nicipality in which such property is located; and
WHEREAS, Ramsey County has propo�ed the acqui�ition of real
estate loceted within the City of Saint Paul for ita open space
project, identified aa Lilydale-T�in City Brick Open Space Project,
the legal description of aaid real eatate being more fully s�t
forth in the attached Exhibit A; now� therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does
hereby ap rove tha Remsey County Lilydale-Twin City Brick 0pen
Space Pro�ect, 8ad cloes hereby approve Rem:ey County acquiring
for park and open space the lands located within the City of Saint
Paul and legally described on the attached Exhibit A.
N Adopted by the CouncilOCT 1 3 � 19_
Yeas Nays
ur� H�� A o� OCT 13 1972 19—
n Konopatzki ppro
� � e Meredith �n Favor
Me 'th G�
Sp Tedesco �°r
Mme. President, Butler • t
Te ea
Mr. Presi ent, cCarty
' � � " 259�`11
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.. _ _
. � 10�10�?�''.
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� . . �. - . . . , . : � . . ,� _ . . . . . . - _ f__�
`� .'; . ' TWIN CI'I'Y S..RICK CO,��'t�'iY PROPr''�.2TY
� I�egal D�scription -
Beginning, at .the Southeast cox�rier of I,ot 7, Block I, I,akevi�r Addition;
- tbence Northeasterly to •t�ie Northesst eorner of Lot 12, Block 1 of said
Addition; theace IV'ortherly to the Southeast corner oP Lot 5, Block 2, `
Joys 2nd Addition; thence Northeasterly to the Northeast corner oP Lot
8, Block 2 of said, Addition; thenc� West ta the North�,rest coraer oP said
- ` Lot 8; theace Southweste-rly to the Southwest coraer o� Lot 5, Block 2 of �
• - said Additinn; thence West to the Southesst corner of Lot 5, Block 3 oP
said Addition•,"thence Northeasterly �o the Northeast corner of: Lot 9,
, _ Block 2, Riverview Addition; thence �rlest to the Easterly R�W line oY the
C. St. P. M.: & 0. $y.; thence Southw�sterly on said R�W line to the Sonth
line of Lot 7, Block 2, I�akeview Addition; thence E�st to the Southeast
corner oY said Lot; thence Northe�steriy to the Northeast corner oP Lot i,
-� - � � �. - Slock 2, �oY sg,id. Addition.;. thea�ce E�.st to the Northwest corner o� Lot 12,-
Block 1 of:said'Addition; �heace Southwesterly ta the Southwest corner oP
I�ot 7, Block 1 af said Addition; thence �as't to the point oP beginaing�
Also, that part oP the Sauthwest If� of the Southeast l�� of Section 12, "
. Tcw:zship 28, Rahge 23 described �.s follosrrs: beginning at the South Zine .
- of. said Section an3 the Easterly RjW line o� the C. St. P. M. & 0. Ry.;
thence.I�orth�aster3y oa sa.id R�W line �to point oP iatersection o� F.a.st=�Test
_ line pro3uc�d by projecti�g the North line of Lot 6, BZock 2, Riverview
Ad3ition; thence West .on said Ea.st-�iest lir.e to the Southeasterly line of
_ B3ock 2, Tuttle's A3dition; th��ce South?,resterly along said Southea.steriy
� liae to the West lir.e of said l�k ll�; -Ehenc�� South on said Iine to the
Easterly R�7 line o� t:�e Cs bi. & St. P. R3r.,; �her.ce Southerly on said F.1t�f
- line to the Sou*� 1=n of ssid Tf k 1�4; ther,ce t,a.st on sa��d ^ooutu i.�L11C tu
point ox" 3eginn:.ag,� Alsa, that pa,_rt of G�vernment Lot 6 bounded by the
, � foZlowi�g dpscribed lire: Comiaencing at intersectioa �+f the Esst Iine of
• Goverr.nent Lot ?� a.nd :;he North�asterl,y R�iJ line o� the C. M. and St. P. '
Railroa3; theace Ptorth on sa.i.d East line to the aoutherly Iine of pls.tted
_ -' W. Water Street; thence Southwes�eriy an saici Southerly line to the said
� R�W Iine; thence Southeasterly on s�.id R/`F1 line to point of commencement.