02-748i � � �\' �` j �.J:\ Y �� �`��i`�. Presented Hy Council File # b�'� �� Green Sheet # �02288 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Referred To Committee: Date � i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the z appointment, made by the Mayor, of the following individual to serve on the Workforce a Investment Board. 4 s APPOINTMENT 6 � Howard Orenstein - representing the City of Saint Paul s 9 The term of this individual will eapare 7uly 31, 2003. io ii Adopted by Council: Date p}�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved By: Requested by Department of: sy: Mayor for Submission to Form Approved by City Attorney Mayor's Office 8-14-02 CONiACT PERSI7N 8. PHpNE Rurt Schultz 6-8512 MUST BE ON CWNCILAGENDA BV (DATE) August 21, 2002 "�" , MuYBFRiaR ROUi1NG ORD6t TOTAL S OF SIGNATURE PAGES 0Z-? 4g GREEN SHEET No 2p22gg WtlaYDat� 1npBY0ab oF,.n,�memEC,oR arvmu�u. � arc�nomEr ❑ artuatuc om ❑ qYNLLLSERNCESOR ❑ HYNI9�LfFRV/KCT6 ❑IINYOrt(DR�4ffi�I1Nn � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving the appointment o£ Howard Orenstein to the Woxkforce Investment Board. IUA� IVN.4PPlOVe (A) Of K@�EC[ PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IIIf.T'�a- SOURCE INFORMATON (IXPWt� Has this f�rsoNfiim s+er worked untler a cnntract for this deG�meM? VES NO Has Mis personlfiim ever been a cdy empbyee7 , YES NO Does this persoNfiim possess a slall not namallypossessetl bY anY curteM city emPbYee4 YES NO Is th's pHSONflrm a tarH� �doR , YES NO COST(REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRGLE ONE) YES NO ACiOlITY NUMBER 4 . Place of work Ramsey County Workforce Inveshnent Board (WIB) Membership Applicafron Private Information � ��� lL: � / '/!.'� ���'{' {' �Cc!nG'l ��. CC �� C�=f� �fo�C� Sf. ���.� j, � �; Street City County �� �� z Zip Telephone Number: (Work) I �i � L - �S � (Home) �s i - � �`r y�6 � (FA� � r� � aE�- �S � : �'ic..Jqr[i.UTtC"I�l�lnlj/Cf-57�G�.,�yvi/'.NS • �� E-Mail Address: Job Title: �en�G� � j���� ��� �Jq--- 'f� �? f/,i..��� i" Personal Re 1) Name: Address Phone: 2) Name: Address: Phone: are your � ic s (include area code) a �e {��r �/ rJ C, � ��1�, �I Sf. P.�.(� IiYI L✓ S S/ L bmel (Work) �' ar� �o �ve « �i . R�r�7' S��r ls'o, ;� omel (Workl 6 �sons for wanting to serve on the WIB? In what Ciries or Communities do you provide services? 0 2• �r4g -zcE-,�s` sl-; ` : 1^n, GV �'� I 0 i s - 277a � The ittformation an this application will be used to evaluate and select members nf th¢ WIB. Applicants may refuse to supply the �equesied info�malion. Excepi fos voluniary information, however, the failure to complete the application may result irs it beixg discarded This data may be reviewed and used by Ramsey County and Saint Paul staff. The data on thispage isprivate. Optional: In an attempt to ensure that Board representation reflects the makeup of our community, knowledge of the following informarion is helpful. However, completion of this information is voluntary. f White (Caucasian) Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Black American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo C � Female: Disabled: Yes No If special accommodations aze needed, please specify:_ July 25, 2002 c dz- �4� Ramsey County Workforce fnvestment Board (WIB) Membership Application N /� Home Address: � 7� b ��� �/� � Street W ( hat skills, / tr j a } ining and experience do you � p� -NNicv �1'G/>C�. X/�'rY.N �G / K�. City / J S � J COUnty Zip for WIB membership? (Please attach a 1-2 page � Ali new terms aze for a two-year period ending on July 31. Are you a Veteran?: Yes �No� l./ Ramsey County is recruiting individuals to represent various categories. Applicarions will continue to be accepted for future vacancies as well. Please indicate, under Category Descriptions, the category or categories you can represent on the WIB. ���„ �s y 1 �� Mail or Fag your WIB Membership Application to: Kathy Korf, Interim Membership Coordinator, " Workforce Solufions, 2098 EZeventh Avenue Easi, North Sainf Paul, �nnesota SS109 (Fax: 651-779-5240; Phone: 651-770-4462). The WIB regularly-scheduled meetings are held the first Thursday of every other month from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Members are expected to also serve on at least one standing committee; committee meering schedules vary. Thank you for your interest. The injormation ox this application wfll be used ta evaluate and select members of the WIB. Applicants may refuse to supply the reguested information. Except far voluntary iaformation, hawever, the failure to complete ihe application may result in it being d'ucarded This data may be reviewed and used by Ramsey County and Saint Paul staff. The data on this page and the reverse side is public axd, therefore, avaita6le to the pubtic. For Office Use only Commissioner District Planning Dis[rict Council City Council Wazd July 25, 2002 �z-�d� Ramsey County Workforce Investment Board (WIB) Category Descriptions Please note. If you are applying for Business, Education, or Labor posirions, please attach a nomination letter to your application as described below: �r�U�..� ,�� �i �� ���. Busines�s, defined as for prnf:t (nominated by local business organizations and/or business trade associarions - attach your nomination ietter): Business owner, cluef execurive or operating officer, and other executive or employer with optimum policymaking or hiring authority Represent business with employment opportunities that reflect the local area Represent a chamber of commerce Represent the health care industry Aiso please indicate if you represent: lazge business small business (fewer than 500 employees) Community-Based Organizations, defined ar nonprofit organizations: Representarive of communiries or significant segments of comxnunities providing job training Agency serving youth Agency seroing displaced homemakers Union-related organization Employer-related nonprofit organization (excludes chamber of commerce) Organization serving nonreservation Indian and tribal govemment Agency representing veterans Agency representing individuals with disabilities Economic Development Agency: Private Sector Public Sector Education (nominated by regional or local educational agencies, institutions, or organizations representing such local educational entities - attach your nominafion letter): Local educational entities (including K-12) Local school boazds Entities providing adult education and litency activities Postsecondary educational institutions Labor Nominated by recognized state and/or local labor federations (attach your nomiaaHon letter) One-Stop Workforce Center Partners (defined as the partners that cany out the following activiries/programs): Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Job Corps, Native American and Veterans' Workforce (WIA Title n Wagner-Peyser Act Adult Education and Literacy (VJIA Title In Vocationa] Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Title I) Welfare-to-Work Programs (Social Security Act) Senior Community Service Empioyment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) Postsecondary Educarion (Carl D. Perkins Vocarional and Applied Technology Education Act) Trade Adjushnent Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Title In Local Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) Community Services Block Grant Department of Housing and Urban Development State Unemployment Compensation Laws (in accordance with applicable federal law) July 25, 2002