259862 (rriyinel to City Clerk . � - ORDINANCE �2 2.�9� � / COUNCiI FILE NO. > PRESENTED BY ` ORDINANCE NO � � _ An ordinance amendi.ng Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fi.xing the com- pensation rates of certain city positions and employments, " approved January 23, 1925, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAiNT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section II, where they appear under the heading Group A, the following lines: "Boile rmake r $7. 61" "General Blacksmith ?. 61" ; � and by substituting in lieu thereof the following lines, respectively: "Boilermaker $8. 12" "General Blacksmith 8. 12" . Section 2. Thi,s ordina.nce shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval and publication, in accordance with Council Fil� No. 256707, approved December 10, 1971, which authorizes these wage rate i.ncreases to be retroactive to July 22, 1972; subject to the rules, regulations and provisions of the Federal Economic Stabilization Act, if applicable. Yeas Councilmen N Passed by the Cou �l, �CT 2? 197�8 Butler ��n� arls Konopatzfd � v' e t�' In Favor Me ith Ni�ec�ki- � �r-'�g��$t�y j2 Spr a - ' Ted Te�F. �`�NE OCT 3 i �yi� Mr. Pre den (M� y)���r�i�� p At � C' lerk or �� ` � ,, Form approved Corporation Counsel By Rt1BLISHED N�1/ 41972 �a a r� � - � ORDIN �iNCE - ' 259�f 2 C4UNCIL HLE NO PRESENT� BY ORDINANCE NO ��� An ord3ssace smesding Ordisasc�e I�o. 644�. eatit��d: �'wa sdminiats�ati.e craf�rr:sace fi�daa th. com_ paasstion ra�t,e� of cestsin cit� posi�taas asd emplopnaeata. � spprc��red Ja�asr� �3. 1925, sa ama�o�ded. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOLS C�RDd�II�t: , Se�ti�a 1. That Ordiaance No. 6446, spproved Januarp 23, 19?a. sa a�meaded, be snd the sam: ia hsrebr �arthar sm�ded '1�r s�ls�3�ag o�t af Seetioa Ii, where tbey sppesr ua,der the hea,diag Gro�tp A, the following l�es: "Boilorrntiker �?.bl" ':Ge�e�ra1 Blacksmith 7.61" ; aad by sttbstitatia�, ia liea thereof the following lines, respedi�ely: "Boil�rnaakar �8. 12" "Genersl Blacksmith 8. lt" . S�ct�oa 2« This ardinaacs shsll t�ke �ifret asd � f� force oa t1r first dsY of th� fir�t psyroll period follo�viag thirty dsys sfter it6 passa�e, spproval aad p�bliicatian, in accordance with Couacil Fiis No. 256707. sppsov�d D�:e�r 10, 1971, ahic� s�oriz�� thes� �� rst� iacr�esa�� , to be setssoa�i�a to Js1T 32, 197Z; snbj�+ct to tha r�s, r+taaistiaas sad pror�foots af tti� F'edarsl EcaaQm#�c Stsbdli9sa#ion Act. if sp�alt�csble. O CT 2 7 1918 :- Yeae Councilmen N�urrt :�� Pae� by the Coun�it Butl Konopa#zk7 \ �_ n Favoz th A4eFed�ttl ? 0 Aati►innt ►Q S raflra �O Mr, T� t (McCartya T 1-�.�1 l9� "�.�i�a�i A�p���a: OC�f 31 �972 Atteet: Ci Clerk ffiayor �� Form appmved Corporat3on �ow�el By _ _. ..._ �.�:r, � Civil Service Commission Y ;f 4 Director of Personnel Mrs.Ruth D. Schwarzwalder,Chairman $A ' , UL John S.Halder Mr. Harry H. Gaaton � � � �� Mr.A. R.(Dick)Za�gs CIVIL SE � ��t� oFF�cE 25g���Thomas D. Gi1ea t�or � �� � � � � � r � �E�� ST. PAUL, MI NESO 02 October 12, 1972 Hon. Lawrence D. Cohen Mayor, City of St. Paul Room 347 City Hall Re: Amendment to Ord.#6446 increasing rates for Boileir- maker & General Blacksmith Dear Sir: The attached ordinance makes the necessary amendment as set forth in the attached explanation. We respectfully request that you submit this ordinance to the City Council for approval. Very truly yours, �. . aide r Director of Personnel Att. MEMBER . 'ublic p�nonnd wswciation � � _ Oct. 1.2� 197� Qivil Service Bu.�eau ... 265 City Hall ' �entlemen: � : The City Council gave Fir,s�t Readin� to Council File , �i62 an ordinance arr►endi.ng Ord. No. 64�+6, with ' Na. �59 � rates for :Qoilermaker and Gener�l. rsference to hourly for Third /� Slacksmith. This ordi.nance� wi�.1 come up g�acling on October 20, 1972. Very truly' yours, City C].erk �tg i I - ,� • � �5'���,� O O I l This ordinan�e .will char�ge the respective wage rates sa.that the cityts rates are i.n c�onformance wi.th changes in the o�ttside contraets. ' , � � � i l � , i , i , lst � 2:1d � _ - •3r+� �p z'0 AdopLe� _ _(�oZ-� ��— �%�as NE��js . AuNT::`_' XONOPATZKI ��:�- 25y8f;� � �� � � lE��sco � / PRESIDENT (�L/3✓JNF